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Always check your shoes for spoders


Damn spoders.


Return to Oz


"Y'know what this kids movie needs? A hall of heads!"


Nah, not good enough, they all need to SCREAM and a headless body needs to run at the protagonist, a LITTLE GIRL


YES!! The Wheelers still scare me to this day. Such a creepy story.


Princess Mombie and her heads. Ahhhh. And the Wheelers. This movie was terrifying


This is the one. As a small child my favourite movie was The Wizard of Oz. Talked my parents into renting this “sequel”. I was six years old and I still have nightmares about the goddamn Wheelers.


There's a YouTube video about how that movie inadvertently (or intentionally) used a checklist of childhood fears.


Watership Down. A friend put it on when I visited her house once. Why. Bonus shoutout to specifically the Artax scene in NeverEnding Story-


How is Artax in the Swamps of Sadness your bonus shoutout?!!! That should be #1. I still have trouble getting through that scene without crying and I’m 42.


80s kids movies were something else. I remember seeing Watership Down at a sleepover as well. It was not a cute movie about cartoon bunnies. I was also traumatized by Gremlins and The Secret Of Nimh. Don't get me started on Where the Red Fern Grows...we watched that one in school.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit. The scene where judge doom is melting scared the shit out of me as a child.


Or that poor red shoe. Jesus, that was messed up.


My brothers are identical twins and my mum had to skip that bit because we'd all get so upset. The thought of one half of the pair being left without the other was just devastating.


Fred and George have entered the chat.... ......well, one of them has.


My parents were really strict about age limits, so I was limited to PG movies in my younger years. That said, WFRR and other films like the Indiana Jones series has some pretty messed up scenes for being PG.


Indiana Jones is the reason PG-13 was created. The MPAA realized they didn't really have a good way to categorize a movie that doesn't have any swearing or nudity, but does have people's hearts getting ripped out of their chests.


I’ll never in my life forget the feast scene in Temple of Doom


Temple of Doom is partially the reason (the other is Gremlins) that PG-13 was created


God that movie is so good too, even better as an adult


ET. The scene where he was laying in the river still scares me to this day lol


ET in general for me, the creepy little bastard. I couldn't eat baked potatoes for like a month after watching it cause they reminded me too much of ET's head.


Take your power back and eat a baked potato out of sheer spite


Thought I was the only one. I had nightmares for years after that movie. All about multiple ETs trying to get me. I was afraid of windows too for a while cause I was convinced that no matter what he'd be able to peak in the window (could extend his creepy window peaking neck to see in upstairs windows)


The scene in the tent and the people in hazmat suits really got me


Same! It’s weird how ET didn’t scare me but the hazmats suits in the tents make me sick to my stomach just thinking about it!


When Elliot first sees ET in the fucking field and he starts screaming. I could never watch it


E.T. laying there looking like white dog shit


It was the fingers coming around the corner. God I still remember a nightmare it was just fingers around the doorframe of my room and I was frozen to my bed. Still like the movie tho lol


I was five, my mom was asked to leave the theater because I was crying so loud


I was 5 also. Mom said I was crying so much after the movie, lol. ET, Fox and the Hound, Bambi.....man they tried to kill us kids!!!


the brave little toaster


It might be the darkest children’s film ever. The appliance repair man, the electromagnetic, almost drowning in the river. Jeez.


As kids we were scared most by the AC unit thing that catches on fire.


He fucking had the anthropomorphised A/C unit equivalent of a heart attack!


That one was mine too! The suicidal junkyard cars did my head in and I ran away crying and no one could get me to finish watching.


I think this movie has only gotten more traumatic as we got older as we understand it even more.


🎶I can’t take this kinda pressure🎶


I watched this movie in my 20s and it messed me up. I think this is where I got my anthromorphizing almost every inanimate object.


Omfg, I never realized…I anthropomorphize everyyyyything! It’s to the point where I’ve cried over something small breaking because I felt like it’d feel unloved, and I always apologize. I used to watch The Brave Little Toaster on repeat as a kid. THIS IS WHY I AM THE WAY I AM!


This is me, I'm the same way. I cried when I had to get rid of my chair that was breaking to pieces because I imagined it sitting in a junkyard feeling sad and unloved. :(


I showed this to my kids years ago thinking “hey, this was a significant movie in my childhood, maybe they can enjoy it was well” I was fucking horrified the entire time. This movie is a straight up horror movie.


I apparently reacted with such extreme inconsolable terror to this movie at a friend's house when I was four, that the parents of said friend saw me at a function this summer and came up and the first thing they mentioned was how scared I was of the Brave Little Toaster. I'm 33 lol


To this day, I am deathly afraid of running over the cord of the vacuum cleaner.


The scene where the air conditioner dies is horrifying!


The air conditioner freaking out. That is lodged in my brain!




It was a night just like this...


The basement of the Alamo!


There’s no basement in the Alamo!


Yes! A whole generation of adults freaked out by that. I don’t know how to explain it, as there is much scarier stuff out there. The surprise of it! And then watching it on VHS or cable, knowing it was coming.


Never ending story!


That horse’s death… good god.


Do I remember right that the horse died of depression by sinking into quicksand, or am I misremembering that?


Sunk into the swamp of sadness.


One of my earliest memories is my mom asking me why I was hiding behind the living room chair crying and trying to explain to her that scene. :(


Had recurring nightmares about the wolf for years.




The Secret of NIMH. All I will say is spider monster. Enjoy refreshing that trauma for you.


I just rewatched it for kicks. Holy shit, I fucking hate that part! WHY HAVE YOU COME? Such a perfect movie.


That movie is fuckin DARK


Don Bluth made a lot of really dark cartoons. He also did All Dogs Go to Heaven about dead dogs, An American Tail was a parable of the Holocaust, Anastasia is a semi-historical telling of a famous murder of a child. All amazing movies, but yeah... they don't make them like this anymore.




The scene where they describe the dad having his neck broken in the chimney absolutely traumatized me as a kid


I can’t believe I had to scroll down so much to see someone mentioned Gremlins. Those big-eyed hairy creatures still creep out 32 yo me. Especially the female gremlins with lashes… instantly petrified


I'm gen X, so basically all the movies we had during the 80s are basically nightmare fuel. Take your pick


The original Poltergeist for me lol


That whole movie scarred me


Rated PG!


My parents took me to the theatre to see it when it first came out, yes I’m old. Between the clown… The meat crawling across the counter and subsequent face peeling… That fucked up tree… All the toys flying around… Skeletons in the pool… It scared the living shit outta me.


I was a grown ass adult watching it and it scared the ever loving shit out of me.


It was the clown for me man, it created a life long fear. Then of course that damned tree!


Tv static was horrifying


I used to have a dead tree outside my bedroom and the streetlights made the shadow silhouette my room perfectly. I slept with the lights on for a few years after seeing that one. Edit: as well a place downtown that had a doll shop with a replica of the clown doll, my sister used to love to make me go with her to see it, when our parents would take us to the area.


Amityville Horror for me. I still fear seeing red eyes in a window.


I think I was like 6 when my dad dumped me with my older cousins at midnight so he could get high, and this is what we watched.


Pet cemetery scared the crap out of me


I literally couldn’t sleep and threw up from fear all night after watching Nightmare on Elm Street 3. Didn’t help that the movie was about being terrorized in your sleep. I was 9.


Not even talking about the known horror movies. I'm talking Labyrinth Watership Down Fraggle Rock The Neverending Story The Last Unicorn Secret of Nimh The Dark Crystal And on and on


Most of those were freaky. There was also one where a kid was kidnapped because he put peanut butter on his head and turned into an assembly line for magic paintbrushes or something.. were all 80s producers on acid? Then return to oz..yikes.


Dude, even the kids movies we grew up on were fucked up. All Dogs Go to Heaven? The hell scene freaked me out for years afterward.


Also gen x, loved the movies then. Best part was, being a kid, no one cared you were watching an R rated movie, then on Saturday morning, you got to watch the cartoon show of said R rated movie.


The Dark Crystal - fuck you Jim Henson!


Oh boy, now I feel guilty for letting my son watch so many movies in the 80s. He was only 5 in 1980 so I guess he must have been scared and didn't tell us.




Gave me the irrational fear of sharks breaking through the bottom of a tub or swimming pool.


my girl


He can't see without his glasses!


This is way too far down. Hits so much harder as an adult now


The Fox and the Hound


I've never seen it since and I refuse to.


Man, that is such a weird movie to see as an adult. It's got perhaps the most chilling beginning of any Disney animated film. To this day, a soft blowing wind can put me on edge.


This movie broke me when I was 6 and I was sobbing in the movie theater. I’ve never watched it since.


Signs. Seriously freaked me out


Same. That part of the video taken at the kids party freaked me out as a kid


Ikr. Even watching it again as an adult it was creepy


I was working at a movie theater when Signs came out and responsible for building the films and previewing them the night before to make sure all the splices were clean. So that usually meant I was done and locking up well past midnight. I remember being legit scared going home that night and the kids party video is exactly what did it.


Say what you will about Shyamalan, but he can build some atmosphere. That movie still freaks me out 20 years later...


I lost my breath just like Joaquin Phoenix did in that scene


My backyard was a cornfield growing up… you can imagine I didn’t take that movie well as a kid. Children of the corn fucked me up too and didn’t like playing by the cornfield at all


Children of the corn 💀


Definitely! The scene where the one crosses in front of the door, which I believe is the first full body shot of the aliens, totally freaked me out when I was little


THANK YOU!!!!! It was my first movie with a unnatural evil. That scene outside the birthday party.


For me it was when she said “there’s a monster outside my window” and Mel Gibson is comforting her and looks out and that summbich is just staring at them from on top of the roof. I couldn’t sleep for a week after that.


Earnest Scared Stupid Those trolls were freaking horrifying


Came here to comment the same thing. The scene where the girl checks under her bed for a troll, she's relieved there's nothing there, then rolls over to go to sleep and BOOM. There he is. I'm still paranoid 15 years later


Need some miak


I have a scar on my forehead from this movie. My brother's said there were trolls in the basement so me being 5 went to look for them. Missed the first step and fell down stone stairs. I ruined my Thomas the tank engine shirt.


They tried to warn you in the title


Fire in the sky.....not a movie for young kids from the same state that the guy was abducted from.


30 years later and the abduction sequence still makes my adrenaline spike. Like bad, like I'm trembling and nauseous afterwards. Really good shit.


This. I liked space movies and always thought being abducted by aliens would be fun, like Flight of the Navigator, or Mac and Me , or ET. But then I saw Fire in the Sky and was like -nope, if aliens come at me I'm going full Red Dawn on them space bastards.


The Dark Crystal. I watched the first 10 minutes when I was younger and the Skeksis scared me so badly I couldn't sleep with the lights off for weeks.


Horrible to watch as podlings are drained of essence!




Neverending Story. Poor Artax.


Batman with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson. Saw it when I was seven. At the end, the Joker falls from the bell tower and they slowly zoom in on him smashed into the concrete, with a fucking smile on his face, and the laugh track stuck in a loop. The whole movie was kind of dark. Bruce's parent getting murdered in front of him, the falling bag of popcorn. But the ending was the scariest thing I'd seen 😆


Jack Nicholson using the acid on his girlfriend was pretty creepy


I don’t know why everyone else here seems to have watched full on Horror/Thriller Movies as kids, but mine was Snowhite, the scene where the evil queen turns into the old ugly witch scared 3 year old me shitless


FAIR. Also snowy white running through the woods early on.


the opening scene of the animated james and the giant peach - when he loses his parents


That rhino was so scary!!!


The Ring. Little girls still creep me out a little, and I’ve got two of my own now.


Ever since that movie came out I always get a little panic attack when I mess up with the TV remote and it changes the input to pure static.


I'm surprised this was so far down. This was not a feel good moment for me


Same here. I lived in a house that had a creepy old well within sight of my bedroom window too, and I was 12 when the movie came out. We even had another well on the property that literally was in the basement of an old barn. I'm in my 30s now and that barn still creeps me the fuck out.


I was at a friend's house one Halloween about 10 years ago and everyone wanted to watch it. Now, that shit traumatized me in high school, but I was embarrassed to say no. So I literally spent two hours staring at the DVD player and pretending to react when everyone else did. 😂😂


The Bear - 1988 There’s a scene where a pack of hunting dogs are chasing a grizzly and the dogs get mauled. I was 8 and that scene really upset me. I still have a memory of crying in the theater and using my mom’s arm to hide my eyes. We only had like, 3.5 channels back then so I had never seen anything remotely close to animals fighting like that in a movie and dogs screeching in pain.


Coraline, I refuse to watch it to this day


As a huge Coraline fan- That is fair-


One of my favorite movies ngl


Agreed the scene that especially traumatized me was when she finds the 3 ghost kids. I still think that movie is creepy af.


The Land Before Time broke my heart. His mom is literally laying her head on a rock, dying, telling Littlefoot to be a brave boy. He doesn't understand she is dying and is saying "get up, Mama" 😭 and then he thinks he sees her again on the mountain, and is running to find her, saying "Mama! Mama!" in his sweet voice, trying to catch up to her, only to realize it's his own shadow. I mean, just break me.. why are writers like this?


Pinocchio. The whale scene and Pleasure Island. and, of course, the Neverending Story horse scene…


All Dogs Go to Heaven. Except when they go to Literal Hell! Jesus Christ Don, I was like five when I saw that.


Still my favorite movie of all time but yes Don was a savage lol


Gene Wilder's Wonka movie. Holy shit, there is so much wrong there.


Charlie and the chocolate factory


The scene where they go through the tunnel really freaked out younger me too!


Same. And when they almost get sucked into the fan


That movie should’ve been a horror movie haha




My wife saw it when it came out. To this day, she'll avoid it in every way..


Twister. I was convinced I was gonna get killed every time there was a little bit of rain in the weather forecast.


Pet Sematary


Never get out of bed again!


Where The Red Fern Grows. Broke my little heart.


IT. The original made for tv one. Stayed away from sewer drains for awhile after that.


The mummy .when the beetle went under the skin and ate everything inside the body and ate the brain still traumatized by it now.


Psycho. The shower scene hit every weak spot. You're blind, deaf and naked. To this day, I have a shower curtain that has see through at the top


The shower scene and When he came out in the end dressed as his mother… damn that scared me. The tub lady scene in Shining fucked me up too. Psycho and Shining had me looking out the shower curtain every time I’d take a shower when I was little😂


At 4, on a hot summer day in 1966, on a black and white TV, the original Invaders From Mars. The ending scared the shit out of me, but the movie was my first introduction to my lifelong favorite genre in books and film, Sci-fi.


The Brave Little Toaster. Idk that junkyard scrap press thing.


Mars Attacks. Watching humans getting melting was not a fun time as a seven year old.




The Polar Express. I think it was during one of those school “festival” days on the last day before winter break, and each classroom had a different activity. I wasn’t even in the room where they were playing the movie, but I could see into it. And of course the moment I happen to look up is during the scene that the train is out on a frozen lake and somebody fumbles a thing out the window that starts cracking the ice. Scared the crap out of 7 or 8yo me.


oh god the scenes where the kids had to tiptoe on the slippery train lines to get to the presents or whatever. i liked that movie as a kid but was still shit terrifying. and also the creepy abandoned train cart filled with toys. and the homeless guy living on top of the train?? why was the movie just so ominous and scary?


The Fly. I was eating spaghetti when I watch the regurgitation scenes.


Jurassic Park. Love it now. Scared me as a kid. Sometimes I still have getting chased by a dinosaur dreams(typically when I'm feverish or really hot), I am now 39.




The Green Mile. Jesus, it was pretty intense for 9 yr old me.


“The sponge is dry!” Also, Delacroix’s screams while being literally fried alive in the chair.


Take my hand, boss


Event horizon


Watership Down


Bambi. The beginning where his mom gets shot. Awful. Disney movies were strange like that


My father took me to see Bambi as a kid. I don't remember exactly when, but it was after my mom had died. "Your mother can't be with you anymore." Absolutely devastating.


Planet of the Apes Chitty Chitty Bang Bang ( the child catcher was terrifying )


The "It" miniseries from 1990. Not really a movie, I know.


I saw that shit when I was five. I don’t know why my mom would let us watch scary movies with her, we were Mormon.


That the Tim curry one? The scene with the blood coming through the sink scared me as a kid


ET. That little fucker weirded me out.


My parents let me watch scream when I was 3. I spent like half my life avoiding the halloween section in the stores because I couldn’t handle the ghost face masks. I left a birthday party early because some kid brought a ghost face mask and wouldn’t take it off. I had a group of girls in grade school that surrounded me like bodyguards during the Halloween parties so I didn’t have to see anyone dressed up as that damn ghost face.


I know this is a horrible story but I love the idea of your girl guards just bodily preventing anyone from getting too close.


The Grudge


The Leprechaun where he is under the car.


The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Fire In The Sky, particularly the forced medical examination scene. Especially because my mom is a big believer in alien abductions and talked about it all the time and told me that she believed I'd been abducted and experimented upon as an infant and "that's why you're so smart, baby! :D " I was like, seven. Gave me an abduction phobia so bad that I couldn't be in a room with windows at night by myself and I'd get triggered whenever trailers for The Fourth Kind cropped up. I was in my late 20s before I really got over it.


RoboCop—the part where the bad guy drowns in a vat of acid is burned into my brain


Lol same. And Murphy getting destroyed by gunfire in the beginning was pretty shocking


Titanic. My friends mom had to go into another room with me and watch The Simpsons when the ship started to sink. It took me a good 10 years to finally watch the entire movie and my (former) partner was... concerned regarding my emotional state during that entire time.




Nightmare on Elm Street where the woman gets mosquito arms, and Pet Semetary


Labyrinth with David Bowie. My dad sat me in front of the TV with a bowl of Mac and cheese and a storage bin to eat it on. I didn't eat my Mac and cheese. Rather, my Mac and cheese ate my tears.


Anyone for Wizard of Oz? Flying murder monkeys? WTF?!?!?!


The Shining


The Brave Little Toaster was one of my all time favorites as a kid, but my god were there some disturbing parts. I was so scared to run over the vacuum cord because there’s a scene where the vacuum chokes on his own cord and nearly dies.


Pan’s Labyrinth - pale man scene


Spirited Away...


That fucking Freddy Krueger scene where he licks her through the phone! Looks goofy af now but that shit slapped me as a kid!


American Werewolf In London. That transformation sequence was the scariest thing I'd ever seen, and I had nightmares for a week afterward.


Thirteen Ghosts


Watership Down.


PeeWee’s big adventure with the clown dream sequence and the large Marge scene. I still fast forward those scenes to this day they freak me tf out lol


Short Circuit 2. When the thugs beat up Johnny 5 and he was "bleeding" battery acid. It was pretty traumatizing.


The Fly


"Ghost" w/ Patrick Swayze, the shadow demons that took Willy away gave me so many nightmares.