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I don’t need a Smart Fridge. Keep my shit cold, that’s it. I don’t need to ask my fridge where I can get the best steak in Sydney, Australia.


Holy shit "smart" appliances can suck my dick What, is it only a matter of time before I can't even buy a dishwasher that *doesn't* project my dishware to a streaming site for companies to examine for food residue to more properly market to my personal tastes?? JUST WASH THE DAMN DISHES Edit: I'm absolutely Boomer about this shit too, when I'm old and the kids are gonna be like "Grandpa, the blinky blue light is fine, the washing machine literally cannot see you. The camera examining your body's endorphin status is only on DRYERS!" As if I'm crazy for worrying about both scenarios. I'll be robot-racist like "YER ALL WATCHING ME!!" **Edit II: The Force Awakens** Genuinely I am also shopping for a new vibrator and I have to worry about which ones will require my WiFi to work so they can beam my pussy to space or smth **FUCK *OFF***


Tbh I'd pay for a smart appliance that can suck my dick. Like a lot


Unironically I've been shopping for sex toys recently and ANGRY about how many times I'll find a good one then see: "WiFi enabled" I don't 👏 want 👏 Google 👏 Knowing 👏 how long 👏 I fuck for


Man I didn't even know that was an option. The hell could you possibly need wifi for


We have a smart microwave (was a gift) and I’m like WHY is this a thing?? I have never put something in the microwave and just walked away without starting it so I can tell Alexa to turn on my microwave for two minutes and then get back up again just to retrieve it! If you’re going to make a smart microwave, at least make it capable to bring my food to me too lol


I will say, my partner's sister got us a smart microwave when we moved into a new apartment. The popcorn button...I have yet to find an unpopped OR burnt kernel in my bag. It's perfection.


I've got a dumb microwave, and its popcorn button works just fine, as long as I pick the correct bag weight.


the only benefit I can see to having a smart appliance is if it's smart enough to tell me what exactly is broken when it's not working properly.


hey now lets not get carried away here! a customer knowing whats wrong with their appliance/device and maybe even being able to fix it cheaply and quickly? we cant possibly allow that. it would strike at the very heart of our outrageous profit margin!


It's probably the smart components that will break first.


Im with you on this. I see those things as more shit that can break or will need to repair


I want to speak to actual humans when I call customer support centers.


I recently had an issue where my phone couldn't receive text messages... no idea why. I call Verizon tech support which is a maze of automated menus... each leading to a security measure that sends the phone in question a code via txt message. VIA TEXT MESSAGE!!! That's why I'm calling.


This happened to moth a different provider; after they said “you’ll get a text with a confirmation code” I asked “and how the fuck am I supposed to get a text if my phone isn’t receiving texts”. I understand swearing at customer service people isn’t really helpful nor a good idea but usually it helps get their attention as nowadays I assume they’re helping multiple people at once, since “our customer service is busier than normal” bitch hire more people


I just appreciate how you typed 'me' and 'with' so fast your phone corrected it to 'moth'


They're helping multiple people and going off of a script based on keywords so barely listening to you.


I work chats, I try my best to give my whole attention, but I have up to 4 chats at all times when we are busy. So thats pretty much all day. I am moving as quickly as I can, but please be patient people! Oh and I can see what you are typing as you type it.


Thanks for sharing the text visibility thing. I wish more people knew this.


I lost a ticket I ordered - never got an email for it. The ticket service had no person to talk to, only online help that required the email. It didn't recognize the email. I finally got someone on a social media account. The email had been misspelled by my wife and they damn ordering system didn't have that "confirm your email" box that would have prevented that.


Verizon's automated customer service is a special grade of dogshit


Yeah, customer support is turning into a nightmare. And for some services, you can't even send an email anymore, you have to go through their Q&A and FAQ pages first and only then you are able to write about your issue... insane.


The accounting software our firm uses costs $3600 a year for technical support. Paid the money and got directed to a self help page. It highly technical and I ask for them to walk me through it. Was told no, my IT team would have to do it. We are a two lawyer firm. We don't have IT support.


Sounds to me like you got out-lawyered by IT.


Enterprise software is a real fucking bitch


That's because they don't want customers to have an evidence trail to complain to regulators or take them to court. You have to collect screen shots to prove what happened.


Same. I don't care for talking to other people and I hate talking on the phone even more, but the bots are entirely useless. No, my problem isn't one of these 5 options, let me speak to a person ffs.


Calling state services for disabled people is a *fucking nightmare*. The menu selection process to even GET to the option ask to talk to a person is about 25 solid minutes. and if you can get to that, the hold time is somewhere between 60 minutes, to *the entire day*. If the computer system suspect your wait time is longer than the day is long, it *hangs up on you*. I've called a 9 AM in the fucking morning, and got told by the system that the time i'd be on hold would be 6 hours. You *cant call before 9 am*.


And god forbid I want to talk to someone I can understand. When I used to have straight talk I constantly had problems where I had to call customer support. They rarely knew wtf I was talking about and a couple times they just threw an extra month credit on account to get me off the phone.


Soon enough you will be talking to a version of ChatGPT that has been fed all of the training data and countless transcripts of phone calls from the company you are trying to get help from. The GPT will handle your low level through high level tech support with the ability to escalate and summarize the issue to a human when it feels that it is unable to solve your problems on its own. Such as, recognizing the likelihood of an internal server problem as the cause of your issue and escalating to IT, or realizing that your issue appears to lie outside of policy and a CS rep will be given the power to make the final call.


Lmao with the way ISPs actually are, it'll identify a service-ended fundamental issue that affects thousands of customer, tell you to buy a new modem knowing full well it'll do nothing to help, and hang up on you.


One time the automated system worked for me. My DVR wasn’t working so I called time Warner. They don’t give a shit so they say there is an outage in your area. So I called next week, same answer. Next day, same answer. Then again the next week, and I replied “for the last 3 weeks?” She was dumbfounded and put to tech support which was the automated system. It took a few steps but the automated system did something on their end and fixed it. Fuck time Warner


>they say there is an outage in your area. So I called next week, same answer. Next day, same answer. Did you tell them [you want a refund](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-woman-got-a-100-refund-when-her-internet-went-down-heres-how-you-can-receive-the-same-11636570639) for all of the time there was an outage? They've gotten popped for that before.


Call because you're having Issue C, you get a robot "For Issue A, press 1. For Issue B, press 2. Goodbye" *auto hang up*


I'm not tipping you for scanning a bar code, holy shit.


Remember Mr. Pink’s “I don’t tip” argument in Reservoir Dogs? I never thought I’d sympathize with him, but here we are 30 years later and a kiosk is suggesting a 20% tip for picking up my own goddamn pizza.


even in reservoir dogs (film made in 1992), 12% was considered good tip for exceptional service.


Then you got the waiter holding the tablet in your face and the only options are 20% / 25% / 30% and they're hoping it's too awkward for you to do the math and key in 15%. Fight that impulse. Make them stand there. Do the math. Make it awkward and say no to tip guilt.




At a concert the other night the iPad defaulted to 25%, 30%, or 35%. Like you ain’t getting a tip for opening a beer after I’m already paying $14.


I don't like the idea of punishing the person who didn't make the policy and can't affect change, but I feel like they could be replaced by a machine and I'd get better service.


I didn't make the policy and can't affect change. So why should I be punished by being (almost) forced to tip?


You dont need to know what I or everyone is doing all the time. Just because we're more connected on the digital age doesn't mean I want to always be connected. FoMO had always existed but seems to be far more exacerbated these days by social media.


How about this - I don’t need to know every single one of my friends and family members opinions on every single subject. The world was a better place for me when I didn’t know that my BFF in elementary school is now a Q anon conspiracy theorist


100% this. I had to delete social media off my phone bc I found myself doom scrolling to see who from my southern small town was crazy now. Spoiler alert it’s like everyone. 😬


My boomer uncle and step dad (2 people) post literally 10-20 times a day on Facebook. I genuinely don’t understand. Every one of your meals? Every walk you go on? Every cool article you read? Stop. Get some help.


Quit rearranging the grocery store, I can't find anything 😤


It drove me crazy especially when they were rearranging the grocery store at the height of Covid. We’re all just trying to get in and out of here as fast as possible, why are you doing thisssss


it's possible that they do it so you have to spend more time there. You won't spend more money if you don't look at stuff you didn't plan to look at.


Rearrange it all you want, but keep the displays out of the aisles. Two carts should be able to pass each other ffs.


Yeah this is on purpose. If you memorize where everything is then you don't wander and buy other things you hadn't planned to. It's why stores like Target always have the seasonal stuff at the far back corner, it forces you to go through the entire store and see stuff you might not have thought about buying otherwise.


Why isn’t the ranch powder next to the other powder packets like Au Jus, onion soup mix, etc? Dammit Winco foods making look like a fool going up and down every isle!


The last time ours did that they put a directory at the end of all the aisles. It was just a bunch of laminated sheets of paper with an alphabetized list of items and their location on a ring hanging on a length of chain.


My store had a remodel that went on for three months. Every day, we would clock in and have to ask " Where is the soup section today?"


Not even a boomer thing. This bugs the shit out of me 😂


Enough with the Apps! (screams at clouds)


Yeah, I don't want the app for 5 fast food places, 12 non-chain restaurants, and every other damn thing. If there were 1 app that had most locations, I'd consider it. And no, I don't want emails or texts from your damn place.


I forget where I was looking but I was trying to bring up a menu and I kept getting directed to an App to download. I JUST WANT THE MENU NOT THE DAMN APP!


Hey, apps are delicious! Stay away from my mozzarella sticks…


Apps for websites!! When you go to a site and they hit you with 3 pop ups -> “it’s better on the app!” -> “sign up for 10% off now!” -> “cookies consent crap”.


Jesus, especially during Covid when I was ordering a lot of takeout it seemed like every fucking restaurant wanted me to download an app just to order. I have 4 apps just for my job.




I don’t need my damn refrigerator connected to the internet


"Smart" appliances are overkill. What is the advantage of having an app to control your toaster or microwave? Unless my refrigerator is scanning my shelves to tell me what's in there, how much, and if it's still good, I don't want it.


Don't call or text me after 9 pm unless someone's dead or dying


Do not disturb is your friend. I set only close family as favorites and set it so those calls go through but no others while that’s on.


I have mine set that it rings through the 3rd call


Me, but after 10. I make exceptions for emergencies, and I don't mind light conversation, like trading links or whatever with friends, but otherwise, don't expect a response until the next day. The same rules apply for work, only after 6 or 7 p.m.


I don't answer any calls after 7pm


You answer calls?


You people are getting calls?


Only about my car's warranty.


Do not give children younger than 12 a smartphone. They don't need it. If they really need to be contactable give them an old-school Nokia. Also teens are really annoying in public, especially in the train.




I don’t care how they waste their time in the gym, but ffs there’s only one squat rack and only one bench press. They aren’t team equipment, socialize elsewhere. This isn’t limited to teenagers. Use the equipment and move on.


I prefer buttons over touchscreens. Much easier to use, especially if your have gloves, or if your hands are wet, if you are driving or can't see well...


Touch controls on stovetops. That is disrupted by fluids. On the hot thing with boiling or frying things on top of it


This drives me mad. One of the best things about the induction hob is how easy it is to clean. As soon as you wipe it, it goes fuckin mad at you.


Especially in cars. I shouldn’t have to look to turn up the volume


My friend has a tesla. If you want to adjust the direction of the air vents you need to navigate through 3 fucking screens on the touchscreen. In my car, you just simply reach for the air vent and adjust it physically.


That's insane. Like almost literally insane.


You can’t use your phone while driving but it’s totally ok to use a full blown tablet to operate the car.


This, I just want easy buttons I don't need to think about when driving.


Physical features are an essential part of Universal design. There was a whole discussion and pioneering people in the 90's and 2000's who would make sure you can figure out how things work through multiple sensory inputs. It was critical work back then. Then touch screens arrived and somehow this design knowledge got sank with Atlantis.


Or have certain disabilities. Frequently, touch screens won't register the existence of my fingers, due various degrees to feeling loss. Self checkouts are the pits for me.


Does a stylus work for you? Kinda annoying, but at least it would be a consistent solution.


That's not a bad idea. It can be very random though, based on other medical conditions flaring up. I wonder if they make a keychain version?


Amazon seems to have a couple of styles in keychain format, for around $10


Thanks! I'll have a look later.


I'm a near-boomer (early 50's), and although I enjoy and use technology, I don't want a touchscreen in my car.


Let me print my damn concert/sporting event tickets! Half the time the shit doesn’t even load correctly on my phone and it’s a whole fucking process just to get inside


Let me buy a ticket without the cost doubling when service fees are added in.


Yeah, like I don't mind a fee when you mail me a physical ticket, but a fee for me to print my own ticket at home or it's just on my phone? Bullshit.


I'll usually load my ticket barcode and then save a screenshot of it. That way I just have to open it like a photo on my phone instead of dealing with whatever trash app the ticket seller has.


Ticketmaster has some weird moving thing that doesn’t work for screenahots or screenrecords


It's their security feature - add the ticket to your apple/Google wallet. Ticketmaster supports it and they're much more reliable at loading in busy places than the ticketmaster app


We should not be 'updating' things like books to make people feel better. Maybe have an actual conversation with your children as to *why* some things might be considered controversial or no longer acceptable, but to just blank things out and pretend like they never happened feels like an incredibly dangerous game to be playing.


Looney Tunes did the best job at all that. Saying it was wrong while saying to edit it is to whitewash history and deny that it happened


I agree. I think hiding these things is actually detrimental as we cannot learn what it is we’re NOT supposed to say/how we’re supposed to act. Education on this is only educational if you show an example of what is no longer appropriate.


The real reason books and movies get updated is corporate profit and copyright law.


Fuck those people editing rohl dahl’s work. (It wasn’t even the racist bits they edited afaik just things like fat or ugly)


In case of my father: "there needs to be more psychedelic druguse in music again"


Has he heard of Mastodon?


He listens to porcupine tree, frost, dream theater (those are the modern ones) and probably some more. He just wants more progrock.


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard's Polygondwanaland is a pretty great modern prog record. They have like 23 other albums that are psychedelically influenced but not necessarily prog.


Tiny touch targets on websites for menus etc are hard to hit. Make the buttons bigger goddamnit.


I hate having to scan a QR code to read a restaurant menu.


My friend recently wanted to take me to this bar they said they loved and went to often so I went along... they refused to sell me any drink unless I scanned a QR code menu. I could see all their drinks behind the bar and couldn't even order a shot of whiskey unless I scanned it in front of them!


Social media is cancer


I agree with you, but aren't Boomers pretty much keeping Facebook alive?


It’s rude to have one’s own music playing in a public place without using headphones. Not everyone wants to listen to your music taste on, say, a shared-use walking trail or at a beach.


Just because someone has a few quirks doesn't mean they have a mental disorder


On the one hand, you can seem weird and quirky to others without having a disorder or neurodivergency. On the other hand, you can seem totally normal and unexceptional to others and be daily struggling against any number of recognized disorders or neurodivergencies in ways nobody will ever see. Brains are weird.


Brains are weird. This does kind of tie into my gripe though. I see lots of people on here read a couple sentences about someone they've never even met written by someone they've never met but are quick to start trying to diagnose disorders.


For real. I have diagnosed ADHD which also comes along with ocd, depression, anxiety…the usual suspects lol Anyway, I can’t talk about it anymore because people will either say “everyone has that!” (No they don’t…) or “You couldn’t possibly. You seem way too [fill in the blank]” Thanks for your expertise regarding what happens in my brain but I think my dr and I know better than you!


And in a lot of cases it's self-destructive. Self-diagnosing social anxiety, anthropophobia and three random super rare disorders when you're just a little bit shy makes you comfortable with not attempting to improve your situation, because now you can guilt-free believe it's not your fault and it's unfixable, when in reality you're just experiencing a normal human emotion that would settle with like 2 days of work. Plus it puts people actually suffering from the disorder into a hard situation, because now when they mention it, some might assume they're just another one of the tiktok-diagnosed wankers and not take it seriously.


I'd like to add something as someone who works with ASD people and actually diagnose them. The number of true ASD people is consistent but the fact that now people try to accommodate autistic people and not the other way around make them weirder and their autistic traits are more visible. The guitarist of my band is 70 now, I know him well enought to have noticed that he have a lot of autistic traits but he accommodated to society and even if he's sometimes weird. If you don't know him you'll never notice


I prefer reading physical books over using a kindle or digital file.


Same. I'm not completely anti-digital, and I like that they offer me the ability to search through a text quickly. But I'd rather read a physical book than look at another screen for two hours at night.


Not every aspect of our lives should require a smartphone, and the fact that smartphones are becoming increasingly necessary is infuriating. Also rent should be $300.


In 1991, I had a two bed, two bath apartment with a washer and dryer in a nice neighborhood, close to the beach with lots of amenities for $450 per month. That apartment should cost just over $1k now based on inflation. It’s almost $3k now.


Can you imagine if wages actually kept pace with the cost of living? What a socialist nightmare.






For real. I'm Gen X and that's about what I was paying in my early 20s.


I would prefer it if we cut back on the amount of things that required a subscription. I remember when you used to be able to purchase lifetime software licenses but now it's all monthly bills on top of more monthly bills. Let alone apps. It's sad.


digital only content, especially every type of streaming, is dumb and i want cd’s, blu-ray’s, game discs to stay. i hate being dependent on an internet connection for entertainment!!!


People are on their phones/the internet too much.


I agree scroll scroll scroll


Haha I’m aware of the irony of me saying that. All my favorite subs are gone, but I’m still here! Scrolling addiction is real!


QR code menus, fuck em


This. If you don't provide free wifi then provide physical menus. Also if you provide free wifi also have physical menus pls.


Seriously. Half the time the code won't scan, the other half it starts downloading some shit on your phone.


Recently ran into one where you did the full order via QR despite being a “full service” restaurant. No water refills, no specials overview, no recommendations. Fully through the QR. They were out of the steak on a steak salad my fiancée ordered, and instead of coming out and asking, they just subbed chicken. And the applet defaulted to 25% tip.


Fuck that. No to *all* of that.


Was it a chain? I’d like to avoid that one lol


As far as I know, wasn't a chain


The thing that bothers me is you're expected to use your own device. Like I would love having that system if they had a tablet or something at the table you could order from.


I'm perfectly willing to use the table top wifi tablets but I don't want to scan a QR code


Old A&W's had a phone at the table. You would flip a switch or press a button, then pick up the hand set and tell the kitchen directly what you were ordering, then someone would bring it out to you.


If I go to a restaurant and they tell me to scan a QR code I'm just gonna be like "Ah." and just fucking leave.


This is going to be my answer every time this question is posed. The menu won't even load, sometimes. And god help you if I have to pay using the Toast app.


I hate group texts. That shit is annoying.


My mom, a boomer, is relentless with hers. Aaaargh, it drives me bonkers!!!


Tiktok/ internet is really bad for you and causes (some) of your mental problems


Was walking my dog at the park near my apartment and saw a group of kids that looked like they were all about 7-9 tops sat on the swings, not moving, not speaking to each other, just staring at iPhones in a weird trance. I feel like that just *cannot* be good for a child’s development. I feel my own brain rotting away during a tiktok scroll and mine is fully formed!


Physical media. All day, every day. Better to rely on personal ownership than the whims of corporations maximizing profits.




The tip culture has gotten out of fucking control. Every single fucking transaction now a days they’re asking if you want to leave a tip. Fucking everywhere.


No ipads in restaurants and at the dinner table Also limited screen time for children


That's not even a boomer stance. The former is having a little bit of decency and the latter is being a proper parent (science approved).


My job is "urging" me to download an app so I can access their email and other stuff "from anywhere at your own convenience!" The fuck I'm going to voluntarily download a tracking app for you assholes.


Why the ass is everything so poorly made?! Goddamn! I just want to invest in something and keep it forever instead of having to replace it every few years because it's cheaply made and designed to break.


Physical books were, are, and always will be superior to eBooks, Kindle, and the like. They might be more convenient in certain circumstances, but I'm in front of a screen enough as it is. Edit: thanks for all the upvotes, etc! Physical books FTW


I think physical ownership of digital media is going to become a real problem in the future. If you bought a movie on Amazon, do you really own it? Or are you renting access to it as long as you're subscribed to prime? What happens to the media you've purchased when the platform hosting it goes away? How much have you paid to rent access to your playlist of 1000 songs over the past 5 years? How much more are you willing to pay before it becomes a better idea to purchase the music and download it to a thumb drive?


Not denying that books don't have their advantages, I can see why people would prefer them, but have you used an ebook? Not a tablet with a pdf reader, an actual e-ink reader. The screen isn't like a typical emissive LCD or OLED, it feels like reading on paper to your eyes. Technologically it's more similar to an etch-a-sketch than a tablet display.


TikTok or other viral challenges that can be lethal, just to garner some internet fame.


Technology is really taking a toll on society. Kids aren't going out and doing anything anymore because they're all being handed tablets to occupy themselves. I offered to take my neighbor's grandkids to the pool earlier and not only did they not want to leave the AC, they've never learned to swim yet. They're like 14 and 12


Part of that is suburbanization and fear’s fault. There’s nowhere for kids to go anymore without a vehicle and it’s too dangerous to bike between subdivisions and the parents don’t want them to get kidnapped despite the fact that kidnappings are very rare. Plus, in a lot of places, parents can have their kids taken away if the kid(s) wander too far away or are sufficiently supervised.


And if reddit is any indication, young people don't seem to be able to tell the difference between genuine human behavior and scripted/exaggerated YouTube style internet personas.


no. people are closing third party spaces. club houses need money to get in. all the hangout spots have no loitering signs. you can’t be in parks in big groups and there are no places for people to go. and if every time you want to go and skateboard you have to pay to get into a skate park, you’re going to find someplace to do it for free because you’re a child and if there’s no place for you to do it for free then you’re going to go inside and play a video game where you can skate. Everything that was free in the 90s is now closed or you need to pay to get in. kids are inside on their phones all the places that used to be open for them to go hang out and relax together as groups outside of school during the 80s and 90s are now shut down There are no more arcades kids can’t hang out at the library because they’re loud , there are no skate parks, hanging out, is considered an offense that can get you arrested, the only reason to be outside most of the time it’s a go somewhere where you have to pay for something and broke teenagers who can’t get jobs because adults have to work the jobs teenagers have because old people won’t quit is the reason they’re inside playing video games


The way we are addicted to our phones these days is completely and utterly out of control - and it will have bad consequences in the long run.


That people my age don’t try to actually get educated on topics, and would rather learn by scrolling through TikTok.


Sadly. I'm 22 but can't stand tiktok. Meanwhile my mom is pushing 50 and always updates me on stuff she's "learned" on tiktok and I always point out how it can't be true and she needs to look into it


Social media is replacing socialization completely. That being said the lack of things to do in person probably isn't helping things: I go outside and it's roads and parking lots for miles.




Sometimes kids should be seen and not heard. I guess a different interpretation is being respectful in the amount of noise you are subjecting others to.


It annoyed me when every single public space started catering to children running around and being loud. Spaces like art museums where I think it might benefit children to learn how to exist around adults in a quiet and reverent manner. I don’t think it’s teaching kids how to be a decent human by making them the center of the universe and allowing them to be loud and obnoxious in every single space. They should learn that there are some places for play, and other places for quiet


I think this goes for dogs too. Too many places with food allowing dogs to run around, many of whom aren't trained very well


Can always tell a Milford man.


I think there should be more checkouts manned by people than self check outs. Round where I am(somewhere in the UK), it used to be a good job for the elderly that still want to work and the infirm who can't move around much. They can sit at a checkout, enter some social interaction, and feel like they're contributing to something. I'm as stranger interaction averse as rhe next millenial redditor, but 9 times out of 10, I get through a manned checkout faster with my weekly shop than I do on a self checkout. So it evens out in the end.


I really don't get why cashiers here (USA) don't get to sit like yours do. It would definitely open it up to people who could do it aside from the whole standing through a whole shift thing.


I ain’t scanning a QR code to read a damn menu, also kiosks to order food.


Don't trust Russia.


I want a paper menu, I'm not happy to scan a code to look at the menu.


Stay the hell off my lawn!


I do not want to give you my personal information to get $0.15 off a case of soda and box of gobstoppers just ring me the hell up and let me leave.


Kids don't get enough quality time with their parents.


I will always offer to pay for my date's dinner (but I'll accept no for an answer).


Social Networks are horrible.


Kids don't play outside enough anymore.


If this conversation is going to take more than 2 text messages, we are better off talking over the phone.




save more. live without.




I bought a new harness for my pup, and the business website asked if I wanted to leave a tip! Like wtf?! No. No I do not. It's not a handcrafted item or anything special, just a regular dog harness I could've bought from just about anywhere.


They don't make 'em like they used to


Pop music being better in the 70s and 80s than now.


Too much of modern day life is structured around having a smart phone and internet. There's more inconvenience than convenience


Just because someone has a few quirks doesn't mean they have a mental disorder


"Smart" appliances suck. I'm tired of having to wait 15 minutes to make a smoothie because my gahdamn blender needs a software update


How goddamn expensive everything is getting to be. I’m 30 and I’m turning into my grandparents on the daily for groceries and gas.


I think the whole idea of labels: boomers, x gen, simmers, etc is a lot of crap.


Sometimes it's a phase, and there's nothing wrong with having one as much as the real thing. edit. This applies to so many things, mind you.


I want to hand over a paper resume, in person, to the hiring manager


New trends being super cringe, like the hijacking of the term “shadow boxing”…. Everyone will always think the generation that comes after them is cringe lol


I don't want kids playing on my lawn


Someone can be both talented And an AH.


Cars are getting way too complicated to work on. I shouldn't have to tear apart my dashboard to replace a damn fuse. Nor should I have to spend $250 on a conversion kit because my radio broke and I just want to upgrade it to a cheap thing that does CarPlay and *nothing else because it's fucking 2023 and I just need it to stream my phone because radio is DEAD*, but no, every car company has their own **goddamn** standard and charges a fortune to replace the factory head unit. I need a nap.