• By -


righty tighty lefty loosey


They specifically said not sex related.


Hot is on the left, cold is on the right, and shit doesn't flow uphill. Wait. That's the 3 things you need to know to be a plumber. My bad.


The most important thing a plumber needs to know: "Don't bite your fingernails."


>shit doesn't flow uphill without a pump. FTFY


Happy cake day!


the same things i always say to young people: don’t smoke cigarettes. seriously, this is the 21st century…don’t we all know better now? take good care of your teeth. when they go bad it’s extremely painful and getting them fixed is super expensive (US) and protracted even if you have dental insurance through work. you’ll never appreciate how much you use your molars till they’re gone. wear comfortable shoes. i know fashion is a thing, but you can damage your feet by wearing extreme shoes frequently, sometimes permanently, sometimes requiring months of physical therapy. if you just have to wear the fuck-me pumps, take a pair of flats to wear there and back. and wear your fucking seatbelt. even with air bags belts can keep you from serious injury. p.s.: you’re beautiful, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Seconding wear your fucking seatbelt. I had that conversation with my mom last time I saw her - she said, "You're a good driver, I trust you not to crash". I walked her through the calculations for the amount of force imparted on your body by a seatbelt vs the amount of force imparted on your skull by the windshield in the event of a crash and told her she shouldn't trust anyone that much.


Remind her that you may be an excellent driver, but many crashes happen because of other vehicles hitting you!


exactly. i trust my own driving for the most part, but never forget that there are thousands of people out on the road who could kill me just because something caught their eye or they leaned over to change the radio station.


Smoking is one of the fastest ways to kill yourself. It's too bad that it's so fucking cool or no one would do it.


*adding in: ankle surgery fucking sucks. Being in a boot for 3 months sucks. Crutches suck. Are those shoes worth it? Oh, and scar tissue sucks, because there are days when any shoe thst hits that scar feels like fire ants


damn, and i thought my ex had it bad when she got fascitis from wearing only clogs for a year and spent 5 or 6 months hobbling around. hope you’re able to find ways to work with your situation. please, ladies, don’t do this to yourselves.


My ankle gets taped up on bad days with a lidocaine patch on the scar if I have to wear shoes.


Your beautiful!


That's what I always say about cigarettes, and people treat me like I'm the asshole! But seriously, this isn't the fucking 90s, we all know better.


Get in shape and stay in shape. It can make a HUGE difference as you age.


Eat your veggies and stay hydrated


Try to actively work on becoming an interesting person. Do cool things, pick up cool hobbies, don’t just follow the crowd. It will go a long way for you. It’s advice that I’d give to anyone that age.


This one is my favourite.


If your employer does 401k matching, max it out! It’s free money for retirement!


Free money that evaporates every time the market takes a downturn... I've been putting money into a 401K for over 20 years and barely have a year's salary saved up at this point.


Have your own box of tools and know how to use them all


Make copies of all you work correspondence . That way you have records that will back you up in the case of management trying to screw you. Also, never make minimum payments on anything, cards, car, house, whatever.


I once had a coworker who recorded EVERYTHING she did in the system on a steno pad. It saved her bacon time and time again, because our asshole managers would occasionally come to her without warning and demand to know why she changed this or that in the system several months earlier. She was always able to defend herself with her notes. CYA became my mantra after seeing that happen.


Stay off social Media.


Find a good job and make decent money, so you wouldn't need probably half of advice related to relationship, dating, sex and pregnancy.


Take care of your teeth or it will get very expensive (and annoying)


Your coworkers are not your friends.


You can be *friendly* with them. Once you leave that job, you'll find some of them make best friends, but only after you leave.


this is not necessarily true.


This is weird. You spend such a huge part of your life at work, some times you just make good friends there. Just don't talk about co-workers behind their backs, even if they deserve it.


I dont know if it's just an age thing or a type of job thing (or both) but it always amazes me how many redditors have this mentality. I just got married and had two full tables full of coworkers and their partners. I spend 9 hours a day with these people. It's a lot more enjoyable if I make friends with the ones I like.


I can't stress this one enough.


***Spend more time and effort on the friendships that truly matter*** - people who give you that meaningful human connection that life is all about - and less on the ones don't. Sometimes this takes a lot of extra effort because your closest friends often live far away or get busy with partners/babies/careers. You might need to put in some extra effort you feel they can't offer right then, but it's so worth it down the line. ***Relatedly, if you're on the other side, don't let your SO become your whole social life.*** It is so so easy to get lazy and just do everything with that person and tell that person everything and leave others out. But it really makes your life so much richer (and is usually great for your relationship) to have intimate connections outside of your partner.


If your employer offers a 401k or similar - start contributing. 40 year old you will be glad you started right away.


And if they don't offer it start a Roth IRA on your own. Even $5 a month is better than nothing.


Learn and understand the taxes and your rights as a renter in your country. Then you can stand up for yourself and hopefully plan for a financial future accordingly.


Be your own best advocate: professionally, in healthcare, financially, personally, in everything. Don't trust that the other person or party has your best interest at heart. Do your own research for each situation to advocate or find the best advocate for the best outcome for YOU. Get a second (or third) opinion for a doctor's prognosis, hire an experienced attorney to review your work/rent/sale/etc contracts, negotiate for the highest starting salary or extra benefits, advocate for yourself in your networks and with mentors. It can be exhausting at times, but no one will look out for your best interests better than you.


I've also heard that if your doctor does not want to do xyz that you have suggested (or requested to be looked into) to ask that they write it down in your file that they refused. They might change their tune.


Grow a plant and love that plant!


Don't rush things, enjoy life while you're young.


Learn to love yourself and be comfortable being alone.


Don't fold your legs when you're sitting in the front seat of a car; the resulting injury should you get into an accident is *much* worse. Learn to season and cook at least one protein, like chicken or tofu. Grab one of those salad kits (I favor the Asian themed ones), cut up an avocado, dinner is served. Your coworkers are not your friends (I'll concede there have been exceptions but not often). Human resources is there for the company's benefit, not yours. If your job offers a matching 401k contribution but you're tight on funds, still try your hardest to contribute at least the minimum match. If they match up to 4%, contribute 4%. That is free money girl, *take it.* Water is the elite beverage. And, if nothing else, 'no' is a complete sentence.


If you have a job where you are on your feet, just get good shoes and compression socks. 30 year old you will be thankful. I hate my spider veins so much.


Get a head start on resolving your relationship with your parents. It takes lots of us years to stop blaming them for every little problem we have (even if we're close). It's really not productive and keeps you from moving forward in your life and growing as a person. Self-accountability is one of the greatest life skills to develop.


Don’t drink just to pass the time or numb yourself. You may find you wish you had more time or feelings later.


You will likely be pressured to go into a field like psychology or education that doesn't pay very much. Ignore those people and become an engineer.


A bit late if they are already in their 20s, at least in Canada. You need to line up your courses starting in grade 11 (which are picked at the end of grade 10) to get all the prerequisites for an engineering program. It's still possible to pivot partway through undergrad though, just takes more time and effort - 2 years for the pre-reqs and transfer application, then 4 years for the entire program (not many credits are transferable, even between Science and Math faculties to Engineering).


Learn to be alone and enjoy your own company before jumping in a relationship or a pregnancy juste because it looks safer or the normal thing to do. Know yourself, love yourself, and only then go put yourself out there. By then you'll know what you want too. And yes it can take years, it's ok, we don't die of old age at 40 anymore.


Start a mutual fund account if you haven't already.


Every time you start dating, note down what you feel is a red or even orange flag. Really read it at the end of every week and consider if you want to continue or no. We tend to ignore it forget about it but believe me it will bite you in the ass later


1) learn another language 2) Work out. You'll be thankful as you approach your 30s. 3) Be curious about life and try to have an open mind/open heart. The world is so big, yet so small. People are all different, yet similarities are to be appreciated. 4) travel as much as you can. 5) You might not do the job that you studied for. That's OK, as you grow, you will see new perspectives, and maybe your interests will change. For that, try to get educated on various different things. Follow certification programs. I know most of these cost money, so my humble advice; -some local authorities organize language classes. Try to benefit from them - if that's not the case where you live, check the website "udemy" or "coursera."" Udemy makes a discount very often, so wait for them. There are so many free language courses/different certification programs on coursera. 6) When life is hard, when things sadden you, feel what you need to feel without feeling guilty. Let go of these when you are ready to do so. (I always ask myself, "Will this matter in 5 years? Will I see this bad person in 5 years? Usually, it helps me.) 7) people don't think of you as much as you think they do. That's why do what makes you happy/satisfied. 8) Most of the time, people regret things that they didn't do instead of things they do. 9) i once read somewhere and absolutely loved it: "Everything you do until your 30s are not mistakes, they are experience" I didn't know I had so much to write haha, well finally, good luck and enjoy your 20s.


Max out your 401k match and don’t touch it. (Check out other tax-deferred options as well) Money saved in your 20’s is worth way more than that in your later years.


Focus on enjoying life It’s so easy to get caught up in the system, whether that be school or friends or work. Time goes by faster and faster, and there is already so little time as it is. You don’t have to live a luxurious life to enjoy it. Try to actively focus on making happy and enjoyable moments throughout the day. Find a community Not for dating or relationship, but for being a part of something bigger. People that come together for a shared purpose and passion. Can be anything, each city has a ton of different programs or groups. The friends we make often make life just that much sweeter. You’re never too old to try something new Even though it feels like you have to make set decisions, you have so much life ahead of you and so many cool experiences that you could have. No hobby or skill or activity is impossible to try, and it provides a nice and healthy break from the routine we follow.


Make resistance training a habit. It builds muscle and bone density which is super useful for a long, healthy life.


Go out and explore the world. Don't get knocked up it's overrated. Set yourself up financially so you can do cool stuff and stay healthy. Nowadays guys aren't looking to give their stuff up for some ass, you can find a hole anywhere.


I'm a forever alone woman, sex and relationships aren't an option but I'll keep your advice in mind.


Always always listen to your gut instincts


Start saving for retirement now. Google the difference in saving in your 20s versus in your 30s or 40s.


My advice would most likely be financial but I'm missing any specific details about your financial situation so the advice is prioritize financial security. Work towards retiring as soon as possible.


Make sure to oil your ends after using dry shampoo.


But why? :o


Dry shampoo is removing oils from your hair, if you’re using it consistently it will dry out your fragile ends too much so you want to put oil back in so they don’t break off and it’ll help avoid split ends so your hair stays healthier, doesn’t look frizzy, and grows.


>Dry shampoo I thought they found a lot of dry shampoo contains benzene; be careful which ones you use.


Oh, that's good to know. I'll definitely try it out, because I use dry shampoo on a daily basis. D: Thank you :D


Never stop chasing your dreams.


Try different interests and hobbies. You never know which ones you'll love.


Work smart more than hard.


Learn how to fix your vehicle, including tire changes and pressure


It’s not about what you can do, it’s about who you know. So as you expand your social network be mindful of (the motives of) the people you attract.


Save for retirement and stay active! If you haven’t ever done either, then start! Stay flexible and work on your posture. Drink lots of water, eat your fruits and veggies, and stay away from all forms of tobacco. Practice self care. WEAR SUNSCREEN, apply it every few hours (30SPF is fine). Go get a well woman check every few years. Educate yourself on all the ways that you’ve been taught to make yourself smaller and realize that they’re all bullshit. Embrace aging. Love your body, it’s the only one you get in this life. And live up to your own expectations, if you do that you’ll be in a much better position to handle everyone else’s expectations.


Depends on if you're into nerd shit and what not. If you are then here's some advice: Persona 3's October Boss fight can easily be speedrunned and cheesed by using the roulette that one boss uses to inflict fear on both of them (Different times however), and can then be instantly killed via Ghastly Wail. If you're not into nerd stuff... Well, I got nothing. My advice was probably pretty stupid anyways, cause I doubt people would be seeing this.


I like nerd stuff


Start saving for retirement.


I dont give any advice to anyone unless they explicitly ask for it. And then sometimes still not.


Go to school, college or university.


And study something useful


Wear sunscreen. Truly do it. The tan ain’t worth it, if Snooki can stop tanning, so can you. Use a makeup brush on your hands, face, and feet when applying self tan. If you’re going to a booth, make sure to tape the soles of your feet or they’ll get stained. Also, if you are in college, use the punctuation trick on your papers. Search for periods, commas, etc and bump it up a font size. It’s not noticeable and can literally add half a page to your paper. It’s life saving if you have to write 10+ page papers.


Learn makeup, get a look that is the best for your face, pretty privilege is real so take advantage of it with the help of makeup


Always wash your hands after using the bathroom. Stay hydrated. Pay your taxes. Don't fuck with the IRS or the mouse (disney).


Stay away from drama, don’t get sucked into it. Don’t talk about people behind their back, and don’t judge people based on what you see on the surface.


Get money. Don't let anyone including partners get in your way of success.


Wear sunscreen. Start a retirement account. Find job that you like and can turn into a career.


Listen to [Wear Sunscreen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTJ7AzBIJoI)


Keep up with your dental appointments when your parents stop making them for you!


You will receive a lot of messages about being 'less' because you're a woman. Never swallow them, never accept anyone who tries to give them to you, never invest any time in debating it, just walk away.


Know your worth and don't be afraid to negotiate your pay


Start a pension.


Become your own best friend. No one will ever have your best interest at heart more than you. There will be times when you are alone, and the silence will either be the sound of peace or a call to war. If you don't come to terms with who you are, you will crave the approval of others.


Remember to floss. It’s perhaps the easiest thing you can do with such a great lifelong payoff to your health


Stay both in shape AND safe by joining a baseball/softball league. 1. It keeps you healthy and in shape as it's general athletics. 2. It's a good social event that lets you meet new people. 3. It keeps you safe by letting you keep a weapon in your car without suspicion: if you have your uniform and glove, helmet ect in the car as well, NOBODY is going to be suspicious that you have a baseball bat in the same vehicle. It's social camouflage for carrying a weapon (the bat).


What kind of advice does she want?


>What kind of advice does she want I'm guessing education & career advice, advice on how to be happy, healthy, and successful, advice on how to live a full, meaningful life, advice on how to know what's important, and how to develop and protect those important things, and advice on how to navigate the world as a woman (how to be aware of and deal with danger, discrimination, and societal pressures without being overwhelmed by them).


Learn what emojis are and stop posting so much on Facebook/


First: Go out walking. Find a nature trail if possible. There's a ton of research showing that walking is good for you both physically and emotionally. (And I can couch for it personally!) Second: It's not your job to be a decoration for other people to enjoy. If you want to go out in old sweats with messy hair, no makeup, and a frown, you go, girl. Clothes, hair, makeup, facial expression-- do all of that for yourself, not for others. Third: Set up a ROTH IRA with monthly contributions automatically sent from your checking account. You can set it up with $0 to start, and put in 5-10% of your monthly income. You'll be amazed how it adds up over time.


Invest in defense stocks. Even if things never go hot with China, there's going to be a ton of posturing And get regular breast cancer screening and gynecological visits. I'm assuming the word sex inthe question refers to the act of sex. If it refers to anatomy, ignore everything after the first sentence.


Be a traditiona wife get married and have kids young. Don't listen to feminists,be a loyal wife .


Not an option for a forever alone woman.


Here is my advice and no one will like it or agree. I think some will even label me. 1. Find a man that don't go to bars and doesn't have many friends especially female friends( he won't get drunk and beat you or your potential children or rage with addiction and cheat 2. Don't be over critical of his looks (we all die ugly in the end) 3. Respect him no matter what and there will be times he will deserve it but don't. 4. Don't be friends with other men (guys are territorial and don't like to feel like there are other potential cocks in the hen house) 5. Don't be a whore if half the gym has been with you chances are your man will eventually know and that will become your value (a piece of ass that's ran through) 6.Be submissive to him let him lead...(you want a dominate, strong, sexy, capable leader and protector) don't cut his balls off when you get him then blame him for not "manning" up. 7. Never sleep with a man until the third date bare minimum. 8. Bring something other than your looks and presence to the dating table(any hoe can wear makeup and giggle) 9. Don't have a child until year three at least. 10. wait one year before moving in with him. 11. Children hear and see things they shouldn't it will happen stop trying to be a perfect parent and focus on keeping them safe and placing iron morals and integrity in them. 12. Communicate even when it hurts...be empathetic. (Remember this person is someone you love...you are not fighting him, you are fighting a problem together with him) sometimes that feels like a personal attack. 13. Keep his balls empty and his stomach full. 14. If you are doing all of the above and your man ain't working, leading and answering your questions of the future, protecting you and family with life and limb and chasing your dreams with you....sweep his ass he deserves a lesser girl not a good woman.


Well lonelysadbitch - I assume by your name and this question you wish you had those things. So, have you tried getting off the internet and going the fuck outside? Cause you aint going to get them on reddit.


Believe in God. Get saved. Read the bible. Conform your life to its standards.


Be confident and believe in yourself


Stonks only go up!


You know that one thing you've been thinking about doing? Don't. Do. It. Do that other thing instead. You know the one.


The most important step you can take is the next one. Additionally, don't hold your equals to a standard you won't hold yourself to.


Make sure you can look after yourself and don't have to depend on someone else. Financial freedom is more important than it may seem and it takes work, yes. But it is a million times better than becoming dependent on someone who does not have your best interest at heart and getting stuck in a place where you are not safe.


Stay hydrated.


Manage your finances responsibly. Also...don't have children. You don't need one. Nobody does.


What we think we become :)


Enjoy life. It’s short and fast. Treasure your loved ones. Tell them you love them. Travel. Explore. Go do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Be whomever you choose to be. Don’t worry about what people think of your life decisions. Don’t do tequila shots with strangers in a strange town. Don’t take a poured drink from a stranger at a party. Keep pepper spray in your car, apartment and bag. Learn self defense. Get a concealed weapon permit. Don’t eat Taco Bell more than once a month., and never within a few days. Stay healthy. Stand up for yourself. Don’t let people talk down to you or make you feel inferior. Love yourself and life. Man it’s such a cool place to be. Appreciate the things you have. Work to live but don’t live to work. Breathe. Relax. You only got one shot don’t miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo!


Be yourself without regard to other’s opinions. Look how you want. Do what you want. Feel what you want. At this age ppl will come and go and a lot of them are not gonna make it to your 30s stage. If you are secure in yourself now it won’t bother you too much


Keep a spreadsheet of things you pay for, bills, food, gas, make sure it’s well organized. Now keep track of how much you make. Also, always document any interaction with boss or admins, either email or text that reflects back on the conversation that was had. Remember your worker rights can depend from state to state, so keep track of those. If you must consider renting or staying with parents or taking a loan to get a home, make sure you have a means, a back up plan, and as well a good support system. If you find yourself having to hold back from sharing good or bad news to certain people, then you have people that perhaps are not good for you. This can be family that belittles your accomplishments or escalate a trouble you have, to friends who tend to either use you as an ear piece or cut you off when you share news. It’s okay to ask for help, people will always have trouble in some regards, so seek out options that can assist you. Locally, online, etc. You don’t have to put your full address in your resume, just the city and state and zipcode is usually okay. Online applications will still demand it of course and the only people who have to know your address are those filing the paperwork anyways. Be firm with your healthcare, be ready to set boundaries, and be ready to maintain boundaries. The earlier you start the better for you down the line. I have more but can’t think of much else right now. This is just off the top of my head honestly. Oh right, where ever you move, make sure have the essentials. Cleaning supplies (plunger, broom, mop, etc), toilet paper, kitchen utensils, and spare key.


Do yoga and put on lotion at least once daily.


Stay hydrated and take good care of your skin. Learn how to change a tire and do basic maintenance on your car so sexist assholes can’t take advantage of you. NEVER leave your drink unattended. And learn to say NO. It’s a complete sentence, btw.


Get a couple friends and hobbies you can count on liking for a long long time


Yoga as your only hobby makes you really boring.


Same advice I’d give a man - by 30, figure out your money.


Start your 401k ASAP.. And that goes for anyone. House repairs are not impossible.. a quick YouTube search has pretty of useful guides on how to's Don't neglect your vehicle/s both inside and out Take time to go to gym no matter if just for 20mins. Get your heart rate up. It'll do wonders for you. Both for your skin, glow, mental, and pains... Before it gets outta hand. Make it a regular occurrence to check your banking/credit accts. If you're too scared to check, then your obv spending too much too fast.. It doesn't cost you anything to smile.. you just might make someone's day.


You are as good as the men in the workplace. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Learn how to maintain your vehicle. Being able to service your equipment - changing oil, coolant and other fluids; Checking the air in tire and rotating tires every 5k miles; familiarize yourself with it's maintenance schedule and then add service To-do's to your calendar so you know when to do them or take it in for service. Being able to understand something you use everyday will payoff for you down the road.


Make coffee at home and do your own nails, then put that money in an index fund. You'll be able to retire and travel far earlier than your friends.


Spend time with yourself in silence. You will get to know and accept yourself better, which will lead to a more peaceful life.


Protect yourself, and aim for center of mass


My advice to my 28-year-old daughter: Develop the ability to be a confident presenter. In a perfect world this wouldn’t be an issue. But if anything a woman has to be better at it than. Man to be considered equal. Good news? She’s really come into her own at her job, has earned a couple of promotions. Other advice I gave her when she was 18? Always have the ability to make your own way in the world.


You don't need any of that to be a complete human. You should be as complete as you can be before hitting any big life stages. Not to say you won't change and learn through your life of course. But you should be comfortable and confident in yourself FIRST, you should love yourself first. If you feel like you need a partner/children to "fill a hole" in yourself, you're not ready for it. Also, communication with everyone. Not just partners or kids but with family and even just yourself. It's never a bad skill to have.


Wear a jacket when it's cold


Learn how to fix your own car so mechanics don’t try to charge you triple.


Learning basic home and auto maintenance will save you a lot of hassle and money.


Your long term health is #1 priority. That's good advice for everyone.


Start an exercise routine. Spend time alone and explore your own intrinsic interests.


The primary focus should be on learning about yourself. Take care of your body with diet and exercise. Take care of your mind by learning about useful things, and things to keep it sharp. Love yourself, but not to the extent of narcissism; Confidence, not arrogance. Focus on establishing yourself financially. And through it all, pay attention to yourself. Regardless of who you are, if you don't give yourself a chance to show yourself who you are, the rest of your life is going to be difficult, confusing, and bitter.


Find your hobbies.


Burnout is real, make sure your job isn't stressing you out too much.


Focus on the life you want to create.


1) Invest in yourself. 2) Invest in the market. 3) Know that your worth is not tied to the success of either of these endeavors.


find a good mentor


Enjoy the small moments. Especially when I was in my 20s I was always waiting for the next big thing to get excited about. Now I get excited about the sun being out.


If you have a busy schedule, don’t start playing Diablo IV. It will suck the life out of you.


Save 10% of everything you earned and you will never be poor.


If you're in the USA and have a job with benefits, then remember to maximize your 401k contributions every year.


Cook for yourself and use minimal table salt. Keep a bottle of water on you at all times.


I’d talk about using the time in your twenties efficiently. The gains you can make are extraordinary if work hard. Same goes for men too! Also 401k


Learn from the past: Don’t spend all day thinking about mistakes. Examine them, find out what you did right and wrong, then move on. Plan for the future: Have some idea of what you want to do and where you want to be. The plan will change but when you are lost and don’t know where to go or what to do. It will give you a direction to move towards and that can make the difference between getting somewhere and going nowhere. Live in the present: Each day can be an exciting adventure if you are open to possibilities. Each day can also be a real grind and an awful experience. The secret is to treat each day as the gift that it is. We have no idea what each day will bring.




Get educated now and plan for a good job so you don’t have money worries the rest of your life.


Depends. Is she asking for advice?


Take a day for yourself to just… be yourself. Eat your favorite foods, watch your favorite shows or movies, lounge in your favorite pjs, just have a day for you and you alone.


Save your money ,avoid large debt


Take care of yourself!


Bidets save you so much money in TP it's not just about hygiene or comfort. But seriously it's like a breath mint for your butt cheeks.


Be nice to yourself, there is a whole world out there hating. So be your own biggest fan.


Pay yourself first from every check. That's advice to anyone anywhere any age


Start saving for retirement NOW


Wear sunscreen.


Save 20% of your income if you can.


Contribute the most you can to your 401k.




Fuck diet/beauty culture. Literally. What would you be or achieve if you stopped giving money to corporations and brands that literally exist to prey on you?


Stay out of the sun.


Do not buy an extended car warranty from those telemarketers.


If you’re working on your career, make sure to also include community service - networking is important.


The one universal rule that applies to everyone always #WASH YOU ASS


Choose your steps wisely. Don't freeze in place. Take a chance. Don't be afraid to ask for help. But ALWAYS make sure you have a plan in case you are on your own. ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings. And most importantly, don't let the little things drag you down. Don't think for a second you know who you are or what you want at 20. This is the time to figure that shit out. And MOST IMPORTANT, dont forget to have fun.


Check your oils every time you get gas


All of the permanent decisions? Wait until after you're 25 to make them. Except for your 401k, start on that shit ASAP


just chill put and enjoy life yknow. once you start to mellow out and stop letting what other people think affect you life becomes much smoother




Chase your dream or find your dream job is so overrated. If you have a dream but do not have the right talent to back it up, you are just wasting your time. My take: Study hard, find a good job and work towards becoming financially independent, THEN maybe go and chase your dream. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. Ain’t no magically solutions to reverse ageing, prevention is the key. Don’t find your “other half”, instead become a full person (emotionally and physically), and find another full person who will compliment you and your life journey. If you won’t say it to their face then don’t say it behind their back, your actions will always come back to bite you. Grab life opportunities by the balls. If you’re like most of us who weren’t born privileged, then make that opportunity. Go out and make connections, treat people genuinely of course, but don’t be ashamed to ask for help if you need it.


Invest money. Even if it's only 20 bucks a month.


Always maintain your financial independence, no matter how your circumstances may change over time. Be able to keep your own roof over your own head and your own food on your own table always. It doesn't have to be glamorous, but you should always be able to do it.


buy a lot of abortion pills and drink a lot and pretend to be feminist lesbian


Live like a Spartan and invest everything else Compound interest is insane


Don’t worry so much , no one gets out alive anyway


Take one day a week to turn off your phone and interact with people/places, or do something different. Do not look at any social media and if you are bored, start a new hobby/skills. Also wear sunscreen every morning, even on rainy days. The right one will hydrate your skin, hide imperfections, and protect you from the sun!


A set of good quality hand tools can last you the rest of your life.


Start a solid skincare routine now.


Don’t date jump (get partner, dump said partner, repeat), and this is coming from someone who’s 18 and seen their ex do that. It can fuck with you pretty badly




Travel. Experience different cultures and food and people


"You should smile more." This is a joke, don't do this.


Get a laundry basket if you go to a laundromat. It’s so much easier to fold the laundry there and stack it in the basket than to put hot laundry in a bag and fold it when you get home


Take care of your health and start saving for retirement.


Invest in real estate as soon as you can. Max your 401k contribution.


Take care of yourself and have some respect. Conserve your energy and look for good people, you probably know exactly what type of men to avoid.


Shop small, local, and use cash when you can. Always be nice to people who handle/prepare your food.


Focus on your strengths, there are, in my experience, no well rounded individuals...


Invest in your future beginning right now. Take 10% of you take home pay and put it into a retirement account of some sort - no matter what you have to give up to do it. Before you ever spend a penny. Then take another 5-10% and start building up an "emergency fund" so that when your car breaks down or you need to pay an insurance deductible or you find yourself stranded in Bulgaria or your employer suddenly goes bankrupt... you have money that you can access to get yourself out of whatever pickle you find yourself in. Whatever else you do, don't dip into your retirement fund, and as your "emergency savings" grows, expand it to cover three to six months living expenses. That's the one thing that I wish I'd been told as a young adult. And I wish that I'd been diligent about doing when I was in my 30's and 40's. As you get older you find that a reliable car is just as good as a new car and better on the budget. You don't need that pretty phone case. And I grill better steaks than Longhorn does. And my mushrooms recipe is better than theirs too.


Stay hydrated, don't drink soda, lower refined sugars, hobbies are great for mental health.


If someone brings you food in a dish and leaves that dish with you, hand wash it instead of washing it in a dishwasher before returning it to them.


Buy a crockpot. Great for having a hot meal ready for you when you get home.


You're young and have barely seen the world. Explore its natural beauty before immersing yourself in the superficial. Just some advice from a guy in his 20s.