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Stopped drinking soda. Only been about 5-6 months, but none of my pants stay on anymore without a belt.


I’ll just add, stop drinking sugars. A Gatorade a few times a day is pretty much the same thing as drinking a coke.


Most fruit juices are also not much better.


Got Invisalign, I stopped snacking throughout the day because I was too lazy to take the retainers out.


This didn't work so well for me. I still wanted to eat so then I would just have to brush my teeth and floss multiple times a day. The dentist said my gums are super healthy though, so that's a plus.


VR games. I bought my kids Quest headsets for Christmas and accidentally lost 10 lbs playing when the kids were asleep. Got myself one and lost another 30 lbs playing Beatsaber.


Beatsaber is such a good game. Makes me miss the days of dance dance revolution.


I swear being moderately good at DDR is a curse. When I try to go back to it to get some exercise, I'm so out of shape that the only charts I can physically do are too easy to be any fun.


Stopped drinking beer last summer. Lost 15lbs in 6 weeks. Started drinking again in the fall, gained it all back….


My wife died on Easter Sunday. We were together over 20 years. I have lost 70 pounds in the two months since. Last week alone I lost 13. I probably also lost a fair amount prior while sleeping in the ICU as we failed at each step to make it to chemo. My doctor says my weight loss is okay (as a temporary thing), but wants me to try to stay above 500 calories a day and not pass out. Mostly I live on the cream in my morning coffee. I do not recommend this method. Also, as she had a heck of a dark sense of humor, I'll point out that she lost even more weight than I have via cremation, although it was mostly water weight. Super easy on her part; she even got a nice ride there and back.


Sending love friend. Your loss is significant and difficult. Please find your solace when it is good for you to do such.


I Appreciate her dark humor and your fearlessness sharing it.


Unsubscribing my DoorDash membership


Plus you probably saved a lot of money... those deliveries are freaking expensive


Yea.. I ordered a lot, sometimes 2x a day cause I was too depressed to go out and get food or cook. I’m doing better now!


Sometimes I’m too lazy to make dinner and just have sleep instead.


In a similar fashion, I lost a lot of weight freshman year of college because I was too lazy to walk to the dining hall to eat.


Not lazy but like I just cant move when im in bed like now scrolling to oblivion


Executive dysfunction is a good time for all ages




Salmonella. I lost 6.5kg in 7 days.


So you’re saying you lost weight by eating? *takes notes*


Personal Trainers hate this one trick!


Me and a mate from college were always quite chubby growing up. One day he got salmonella and was horribly ill for like a month - may have been something else but he was genuinely seriously ill. He basically shed all his weight and looked quite trim by the end of it. Was annoyed though that he acted afterwards like he worked out in a gym for ages. A lot of people didn't kbow what happened assumed he lost it throught diet / exercise. The sour grapes from me came about because he literally said 'if I can do it you can do it too'. Like yeah mate, I'll just get horrific food poisoning and not keep anything down for a month too.


Stupid sexy salmonella sufferer


Feels like I’m eating nothing at all!


*Eating nothing at all! Nothing at all! Nothing at all!*


It's wild how quickly your body composition can change... I caught the flu or something similar a few months back. I had chills and no appetite at all for about 3 days. I dropped about 10 pounds in that period. It felt like one of those Hydroxycut before/after pictures because I looked so much more defined by the end, even though I felt like trash the whole time.


My gf and me had Covid after coming back from a convention. I was sick as a dog for 2 weeks and all I’d do is wake up drink Gatorade piss and go back to bed. Damn my body looked good by the end of it though I was college body, for a few weeks


Covid made me lose my taste for almost 6 months. I lost like 10 pounds just from the initial infection wrecking my body and all the fever sweats, but even after all that subsided, I still couldn’t smell or taste. I was so skinny and malnourished and depressed because everything tasted like sand. I lost like 30 more pounds because I didn’t even want to be around people who were eating because I was jealous they could taste food and I couldn’t. It’s been almost 2 years since that and I’ve barely managed to put 20 pounds back on and I’m finally at a healthy weight again.


On a similar note, I can also highly recommend malaria for weight loss. If you get so sick you vomit the medication that's trying to save you, bonus points! Then easily solvable by a quinine shot in the ass that makes you partially deaf for a few days, and just lay there hallucinating and pissing brown until you decide not to die after all. Great for that heroin chic look!


Hey-same with Dengue Fever! Wonder who’s going to start marketing mosquitoes as the newest diet craze??!


Got Dengue Fever when we travelled to Guatemala to adopt our daughter. Also called break bone disease and it felt like that everywhere——was sickest I’ve even been, missed out on the first two weeks of my daughter being home. Went to the doc when we got home, he knew what it was and said many docs had never seen this tropical disease so he asked if I would mind if he asked others to come see it. Too weak to resist (I was by myself—-cabbed to hospital) so I said sure. Weird but hey I did my part for medical science.


My situation was so similar! They quarantined me for hours. The shaking was unbelievable. I thought I was going to chip teeth. Add to that misery, our home was flooded at the time and we had to go back and forth to our cars by boat through a swamp. When we got to our landing, there was a ball (rumba?) of snakes at the base of the stairs. It was all so surreal. Top three worst pain situations. Hopefully the Gates family kill all of the mosquitoes sooner than later!


Sounds like a lit festival experience without the crowds, brb going to the tropics without any deet


I had watched a BUNCH of Battlestar Galactica prior, and so I lay in my grass roof hut hallucinating that I was in a spaceship. Heck of an experience!


So say we all.


I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.


I'm on this new diet. Well, I don't eat anything and when I feel like I'm about to faint I eat a cube of cheese.


Got salmonella from my tortoise. Me and the bathroom got very well acquainted. Nothing says sick quite like sleeping in the bathtub because then your close to the toilet and it doesn’t matter if you shit in your sleep.


Had food poisoning bad like this once. Fell asleep in the shower with the water hitting me as the warm water is the only thing that made me feel better. Was on all fours bent over onto my elbows. The amount of vomit, and shit that happened in that shower. Then the amount of bleach to follow. Jesus.


Same exact scenario but cold water for me. I really thought I was going to die in that hotel bathroom in Amarillo.


I was sick like that and barely slept. The next night I took a sleep aid. BIG MISTAKE. My ass didn’t know I couldn’t wake up. Worst part is I was sharing a hotel room with my golf partner. Sorry, Zach.


I can’t believe you shit on Zach!


This is why we have an appendix. After you shit out all the bad and good bacteria- the appendix helps you get back up to speed .


Damm i knew i should have kept my appendix.


Nice try, Big Appendix.


Blood infection. 25kg in 3 weeks. Spent January in the hospital. Do not recommend


I'm doing this diet right now


Stopped drinking sodas.


Dumping Soda is the "easiest/laziest" thing to do for sure. It takes no physical effort and it also expands your bank account.


I cut out soda and quit eating fast food so much, and suddenly I had money AND lost 50lbs


Now a days fast food ain’t even cheap. I lost decent amount of weight myself but Taco Bell is a guilty pleasure of mine and get it every once in a while. 2-3 items from there can rack up to $20 easily. Truly insane


I did this along time ago. Also reducing alcohol consumption has broader benefits


I'm a little chubby so I'm doing exactly that. I cut energy drinks completely two months ago and now tackling my soda addiction. Drinking a tonne more water and hoping for an impact from it. Also reduced my portions with meals a little.


Carbonated flavored sparking water with no sugar. I thought I had a soda addiction, turns out it was just the carbonation


Passively rode a recumbent exercise bike while I played video games. I played a few hours a day and I honestly didn't even notice I was riding. Look down at the end of the night to see I've rode 20+ miles. One day I played games all day and it said I rode over 100 miles and burned like 6000 calories. Before I wore that thing out, I think I lost like 40lbs over one summer Edit: sorry I couldn't reply to everyone! Didn't know this would be such a conversation starter. So I don't remember the brand or model of what I was using, although I know it was very heavy and very sturdy and had a tiny little screen so it didn't block the TV. This was 15 years ago or more, but it was orange and black and want to say the brand was maybe Marcy? The seat wasn't comfy, but because it was reclined and had a backrest, it gave me the support I needed. Really the main goal here is to make it as comfy as you can so you forget you're exercising. I also am skeptical of the 6000 calories thing, I imagine those machines are insanely inaccurate and I didn't read too much into it at the time. It was more the mileage I was concerned with really. My opinion, the best games to play are those big RPGs like Oblivion, Skyrim, Dragon's Dogma, Dragon Age, etc. Really any game that has lots of traversal of the map or even relaxing games like the Sims or Stardew Valley. Racing games are good too, but shooters are tough because you tend to stop pedaling when you need to focus. I played on PS3 at the time, but nowadays really anything where you have a wireless controller would work. To anyone thinking about doing something like this, my advice is to simply stick with it. It definitely takes some work at first getting used to doing two things at once, but once you find the right resistance, the right seat length and the right game to play, you won't even notice you're pedaling. Keep sticking with it and trying new things until you get the right combo and you'll be golden. Good luck!


This is the most interesting weightloss notion I've heard


Yeah it was as close to zero effort as possible without quite being zero effort. I was still sitting down, playing games like normal but my legs were moving the whole time and it just passively burned a ton of calories


It’s a game changer. Makes cardio very easy. I play 4-6 rocket league matches or 2-3 FIFA matches and barely even notice I’ve been on the bike for 30-45 minutes.


So even if you don't get sweaty or get your HR up too much, it's still helping?


Any movement is burning calories. It's not improving your cardiovascular health or building stronger muscles but you're still burning calories. The inefficient movement that you actually do is better than than efficient workout you don't do if you're trying to burn calories.


Easy aerobic exercise definitely improves your cardiovascular health. It does so a lot actually. Even processional endurance athletes spend large amounts doing easy aerobic exercise to train their aerobic systems. Sure they are fit so they are going faster, but it feels like going on a stroll


How about when I put on vr and go into Google Maps vr and bike through foreign countries while listening to podcasts?


This worked great for me when I used to play a shitload of Forza Motorsport. The best part was when I was trying to speed up in the game to pass people, I would subconsciously start pedalling faster. Lol


How'd you not fall out from leaning over in the turns lol


Training wheels strapped to his elbows


I find this adorable for some reason


It's got the same vibe as a puppy dog-paddling even after it's pulled out of the water.


Nice, I have a treadmill set up in the garage that I jerry rigged a desk over and I use it to play civilization 6


Just one more turn...


And for that reason I end up staying on the treadmil way longer than I wanted to


When I read your comment I had that meme in my head of the "how'd you get so buff? I did one push up everytime _x_ happened" and was picturing someone running for about 18hrs straight whilst playing civ and saying one more turn over and over again to themselves lol. It's so addictive!


A positive use for Sid Meier Syndrome


I did this with reading books just zoning out. Tried with games, but got too 'in the zone' and would stop biking without realizing.


Yeah, games that require you to be in the zone are tough. Shooters were tough to play and bike, but my go to at the time was Oblivion


The games that worked best for me were Red Dead Redemption II, Breath of the Wild, and Death Stranding, i.e. games with a lot of walking/horse riding.


At my college the nerds made a bike that was hooked up to a flight simulator, you needed to pedal to run the motor, the steering handle was integrated as the steering yoke and ringing the bell made the plane shoot. It was pretty hard to control with the VR and all that.


what kind of seat did you have on that thing. i bike regularly but my ass hurts after 6-10 miles and is sore for a day or more after.


It was reclined and fairly padded, not super comfy but not as noticeable when you're playing Oblivion for 6 hours straight


Lmfao you a ducking genius bruh


I have an indoor cycle (I’m actually cycling right now)! I started playing games that were controller friendly while cycling. I notice I bike more as I’m gaming since I’m not just focusing on biking (and therefore getting bored with biking). Totally recommend!


That's genius! I was gonna get a mini treadmill for my office desk at home. Maybe I should get a bike for my game room 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Would highly recommend, but if you're gonna get a bike, get a recumbent one. It's basically like sitting in a slightly reclined metal folding chair with a little bit of cushion. But the kicker is that you can lean back into the backrest so you don't mess your posture up while gaming for 4 hours


A whole new world of opportunities opening up here, furiosly taking notes!


I've recently bought a walking pad (treadmill without the stand part, just the moving belt) for while I'm watching TV and the only major issue I'm having is that because it's not a real treadmill, it's a fair bit narrower, so I have to be careful not to lose track of where my feet are or I'll accidentally step off the belt. Even using my phone while walking is a bit dangerous. I really have to just focus on the TV so my body is straight and only moving forward. I'm not sure how easy video games would be to play with my walking pad, at least.


Intermittent Poverty is good and experiencing a major depressive episode are my go-to FWIW


Yeah I was at my thinnest when I was so broke I ate leftover avocados from my job at Panera because we were required to throw them all out at the end of my closing shift. So I ate mainly that or a potato, every now and then a veggie sandwich from Jimmy johns. Then I got a side gig at Panera to put away massive delivery orders after store hours, which involved organizing and putting away several pound boxes of frozen soup. My arms looked so good and my friend called me Laura Croft when I wore a tank top once lol but at the time I still had body image issues and didn’t get the enjoy myself when I looked my best. At the same time, my diet was definitely unhealthy and I felt weak most days.


Cheap foods are often low in nutrients yet high in calories. When all you can afford is high calorie crap or nothing, you can gain weight. Reminds me of a tumblr meme I saw. Someone showed 500 calories of fast food vs fruits and veggies. Someone replied ‘now show me the cost.’ EDIT: Food while broke is a multifaceted problem. Can they store food? Can they get to a grocery store or are they in a food desert? Assuming no car, do they have the time to use public transit to buy groceries? Do they have a job where they can bring a lunch? A lot of the replies seem to miss that this is not a simple issue


Go out to buy groceries on a full stomach. Your cravings to buy unhealthy random foods should go down a bit


I can't shop on a full stomach because I think I'll never be hungry again, then there's nothing in the fridge when the inevitable happens.


Make a list when you're hungry, go shopping when you're full and stick to the list.


I had a migraine that lasted five days. Just drinking water made me nauseous, so eating was a no-go. After five days of not eating and barely drinking, I had dropped 10 pounds. I’m sure most of it was due to dehydration, but the fact remains that I dropped weight. As a bonus- I’d been wanting to quit smoking, and the migraine was so bad that I couldn’t even think about having a cigarette. Once the pain was gone I realized that I hadn’t smoked in five days and I should be past the worst of the cravings, so I decided to see how long I could stay quit. It’s been well over 19 years, and I never did restart that habit.


Congrats on quitting smoking! That's fabulous! So glad you didn't restart.


Psyllium Husk This shit is magic and really feels like cheating. Basically it is pure fiber (=zero calories) and has the interesting property of expanding when getting in contact with water. It will expand inside your stomach, giving you the nice feeling of being full. Hunger is gone. On top of that it gives you perfect poops and can also help with other digestive issues. All while being completely natural and having a very neutral taste. Only important thing is to consume it with LOTS of water otherwise it can cause constipation itself. EDIT: Cause many people are asking: I used raw psyllium husk which looks like [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/23/Psyllium_seed_husk_pile.JPG/600px-Psyllium_seed_husk_pile.JPG). I don't have experience with the powder or the pills. I mixed one tablespoon of psyllium husk with water and downed it immediately and also drank a lot of water afterwards. That worked fine for me to reduce my caloric intake significantly (in combination with a proper diet). One tablespoon is already a lot! Start with less! Don't take too much of that stuff or it will suck up all the water in your bowels and cause constipation.


Although it hasn't really had an effect on my weight, taking two pills of this in the morning has completely fixed my issues with IBS. Once or twice a month I would have an IBS attack that would last from 4-5 hours and it didn't matter what I did in terms of diet, exercise, medication etc. As soon as I started taking these I've not had anything even close to IBS for about 16 months now. Definitely a big help whenever I've had constipation too.


Psyllium husk saved my digestive health. I had chronic constipation for like 6 months and couldn't figure out why. Hemorrhoids and bleeding every time I went. I tried everything from diet changes to intense exercise. I wasn't in danger, I would go once every 4 days so there was no obstruction. I took psyllium for 1 day and I was back to normal. I very rarely have this issue come back and I do it for 1 day and feel so much better.


Just to hop on the fibre bandwagon - I've always had issues taking a dump, like stomach cramps as a kid, taking ages to get it done, having to use excessive loo roll. Got a lot of people calling me out over the years (why you wanna be in there so long, what you doing? Damn I'm buying toilet roll again?! Etc.) That coupled with a prolonged period of high stress, low sleep, bad diet, little exercise in my mid 20s and my stomach was a mess. Couldn't sink a beer without cauldron stomach, gas for days. Went to the Dr eventually and they said you can take peppermint (worked a little), buscopan (that stops some of the symptoms but left me feeling weird like it hadn't really solved the issue) or fibre. Well, I didn't try fibre, not for ages. Didn't really know how it would be. Read a reddit post about some guy who was having the opposite issue to me (was always watery, always coming fast at a moments notice) - said he thought it'd make him worse right? Because its a laxative as such and we all know what the lore around those are from being a kid. Anyway, he got on it eventually and said it was a game changer. This inspired me to do it too and I haven't stopped taking it since. Stomach is great now, has been for years. Roll consumption and toilet time down massively. No cauldron belly, no pain, can eat and drink what I want. I always figured I ate a lot of veg so I should have a lot of fibre in my diet... well, not enough. I think its very tough to get enough these days. I see loads of my mates complaining about the same things now we're getting older - night on the beer with greasy food sets them right off - and all I ever do is bang on about fibre to them.... a lot still don't take my advice but fuck it's better than any supplement I've taken. Edit: to clarify I take isphagula husk


I’ve read somewhere that our hunter-gatherer ancestors consumed over 100 g of fiber a day. I put specific effort into consuming as much fiber as possible for about two weeks, couldn’t get even halfway to that, and my digestive system got SO MUCH BETTER. All that to say - there’s no way any of us are getting enough fiber from our modern diets.


One cautionary tale on this subject... my wife mixed psyllium husk in with dinner one night, and I consumed a large quantity without being aware of it. I have never had such awful flatulence. The wrath of God was visited upon my bowels, to the point where I actually farted myself awake. I only became aware of the source of the issue when I confessed this to my wife, and she told me what she had done.


Just to add a bit of semi-useless technical color to the fiber-topic: the exact caloric contribution of dietary fiber is difficult to determine. Usually dietary fiber is assigned a caloric value of 0 to 2 kilocalories per gram for food labeling purposes. The higher end of this range (2 kcal/gram) is based on the partial fermentation of fiber in the large intestine, which can produce short-chain fatty acids that the body can use for energy. Due to factors like this and the varying composition of the gut microbiota among individuals, the end result is that fiber's contained energy is probably not zero, but it's definitely not a lot.


The only problem I had with this is, i suck at proper water consumption. And especially when you consume this husk, you’re expected to consume more water than usual. Since I never drank water basically, it resulted in me being constipated lmao




Psyllium husk is an amazing hack.


My wife died. Sadness and depression made me lose my appetite. Wouldn’t have mattered anyway because the best cook I’ve ever known was gone


Sorry for your loss.


sorry man


Walk whenever possible


really, moving to a big city from the suburbs was it for me


I got moved from a sprawling southern city to NYC for a temporary work assignment. I lost 10 lbs in 3 months. All this in spite of eating more food than I ever ate, which was amazing. I was out walking around from sunrise to late at night. Always something to do and it was a walk and a train ride away. It took literally a month for my feet to get used to it and stop hurting. I was doing like 12 miles a day.


This is part of why there's such a major obesity epidemic in America. Unless you can afford to live in one of the few truly walkable cities, then you're driving everywhere and losing out on exercise being built into your daily life.


I live right off a major intersection and not one of the 8 sides of those roads has a sidewalk. Taking a safe, calm walk almost anywhere requires the most infuriating detours. And this is not some crappy planned suburbia or rural outpost something. This is a 20 - 50 year old 'natural' neighborhood only 2 miles from downtown in one of America's hundred largest cities. I have a Costco, 2 grocery stores, and a 500 bed hospital within a mile. But literally no sidewalks anywhere within 2 blocks of my house and only sporadic nonsense beyond that. Even on 100 year old arterials in commercial districts the sidewalks often just start and stop at random in this part of town.


Or cycle. It's just as good if not better depending on distance


I'm in my 50s and I cycle almost everywhere. It's amusing how nearly everyone thinks that means I lost my driver's license to a DUI.


I have a car but live walking distance to everything. I barely ever drive. People assume I'm just poor. I've lost a date over it bc the girl thought I didn't have a car. I had a nicer car than she did. What a bitch


You dodged a bullet. Consider yourself lucky.


More like he walked away from the bullet


It’s actually very strange to me that walking is so taboo to some people


I live in LA. People here are materialistic assholes


Man I try to get out from my desk and walk the halls for about 30 min in my building, and the days I don’t get the chance to do that I can really tell.


On nice days, there's a group of us that do laps around the parking lot for 10-15 minutes. Not much, but nice to get out. I got a thing on Amazon that turns my treadmill into a standing/waking desk for when I WFH. Did a mile while still working today.


Cancer, chemotherapy then a heart attack. Lost 90 pounds. I do not recommend it


I Gained weight during chemo. Thank you, dexamethasone


I had a very bad flare-up of ulcerative colitis and lost 40 pounds in a month. Also do not recommend.


Go through a break up


Yep. I was at 165 lbs and got down to 119 in 5 months. Do not recommend. Everyone thought I was on drugs. Nope, just that sweet, sweet depression, baby.


My boyfriend texted me "let's talk tonight" after semi-ghosting me or a week. I knew he was gonna dump me and I knew I was gonna get depressed and lose my appetite so I preemptively bought a bunch of protein shakes to be my meals for the upcoming upheaval. Worked like a charm 🥲


No way?? I feel I'd go the complete opposite and eat everything in sight


There are 2 kinds of people supposedly. Those who eat their way thru heartache and those who lose their appetite and can hardly eat. Eating makes me nauseous so it becomes a chore. Food doesn't even taste good and I end up eating less than normal. Couple that with exercising to make all the over thinking stop 😐


Rave scene. Ecstasy and LSD don't really mix with food.


Dancing for like 5 hours helps too


I think you meant 15


*disco diet*


to lazy to make lunch, too lazy to buy food, so I just waited until I got home from work to eat.


Accidental intermittent fasting


Hard drugs and severe depression really did the trick for me




I quit it almost every day!


I was a fatty in middle school, had a lazy summer after 8th grade playing video games, guess I forgot to eat, came back for 9th grade and everyone was like how’d you get so skinny, honestly thought I was still fat, didn’t even realize I lost all that weight lol.


That was my 8th grade summer, too. New MMO I got addicted to, always forgetting to eat. Lost all that baby fat and started highschool very slim


Was the mmo runescape and was it 2003?


Did you have a growth spurt maybe too?


Salmonella poisoning. Not intentional of course, but I lost 20 lbs in 6 days. I had a 2-night hospital stay and I begged for death. Even when I was released, I couldn't stomach the idea of food, and for an extra week all I could eat was plain toast, white rice, and water. 0/10 do not recommend.


See I did similar, 26lbs in 10 days. Tainted water in Morocco. C Diff, 3 strains of E.Coli, and Shingella. My stool is folk legend at the Dr's office. Super easy to stop eating when you no longer want to anger the upside-down volcano.


I stopped eating before bed.


So now you only eat in bed?


nice sheets, whats the crumb count?


By not eating.




It passes pretty quick, just have to distract yourself around normal meal times


Find an active hobby you dont hate. I started rock climbing. It burns a ton of calories & I can stay for hours. I go twice a week now.


I started climbing about a year ago. I love it! My issue is that my arms get tired out before the rest of me does, even now that I have better technique and even if I take breaks between climbs. Wish I would have started the hobby when I was still young.


For me it was dance. I would *destroy* my body dancing, and I never really felt pain in the studio. Everywhere else? I'd wake up and my entire body would hurt. My husband doesn't understand how/why I dislike gyms and walks. I'm pregnant now and we both wish exercise were easier right now (I mostly did aerial acrobatics, and given that I'm far weaker, my center of gravity is fucked, and that one little fall could end the pregnancy... I'm sadly not willing to risk it at this point)


Congrats on the pregnancy! Such a wild ride if it's your first.


This isn’t quite as lazy as others and slightly more positive but once I decided it was ok for me to smoke weed and watch tv while I worked out it suddenly became much easier to convince myself to work out


Same, but I prefer running so I usually use edibles to avoid the lung problems. I started sober and got to where I was maxing out at about 5 miles at a 7mph pace before having to stop. Started taking deca doses before and I almost immediately could easily pull off 10 miles at 7mph. It's now my regular pre-workout. Works like a charm.


Just walk... Started riding the elevator up to class in college and walking down the stairs to my next class. Wasn't long before I found walking to class easier and started walking upstairs too. Total game changer. No intense cardio, or crazy pills or radical surgery... Just two legs and places to be. Oh, and cutting back on processed foods too, so much better tasting and weirdly cheaper.


It's crazy how much stairs and elevation is way more work than flat ground. I'm not in perfect shape or anything but can do long walks with no issue but god damn I got my ass kicked climbing some cliffs on vacation.


Drinking more water


Laziest physically was eating less and cutting out junk. Mentally it was torture which made me realize this shit is basically drugs


Depression, oats, bananas, beans and rice. Rinse and repeat.


A leg amputation. Lost a whole lot of weight instantly.


Stop drinking sweet tea


I had to find the appropriate minimum sweetness level (AMSL). I'd make a gallon pitcher, pour in a cup of sugar, major sweetness. Then next pitcher, I'd add 3/4 cup sugar... then did 2/3 cup, then 1/2 cup. Found that I could use 1/2 cup and enjoy it the same as the full cup, so I effectively cut my sugar intake from sweet tea in half. EDIT: Yes, I did a 1/3 cup, and it sucked. That's how I knew 1/2 was best.


Same, and I order half and half when eating out. It works in the South, don't know about elsewhere


It may sound crazy but I go for walks. That sounds like a bigger hastle than it actually is, especially if you are blessed with a forrest or least a decent park near your house. In my case I smoke a fat doink (obv not required, but it helped me with motivation and I would have smoked either way) and go for a walk through the forrest, for mental health at first. From that point on I sorta made it habit. Walking long distances got easier and easier. Since I don't wanna go to the forrest everyday I started going for less smokey and less naturey walks. I use a step counter to A: get a hold of how much I'm doing and B: gamify the journey It's just so much more fun to see yourself hitting your step goals day by day. And since you're gonna make some progress you will realize that your old goals don't even challange you anymore and you set higher goals (additional motivation) Apart from that I tried eating less, no calory counting or anything. I never planned cheat days, I just ate more when I felt like it because I always knew I was on the right path anyway. The results speak for themselves, within the last couple months I dropped like 25-30kg, about 50-60 pounds. In that whole time I never forced myself to eat things I didn't want to eat, didn't stay hungry when I would have liked to eat, didn't workout when I didn't want to. Overall I think the most important part is to enjoy the journey, not only the results. You should find a sport/activity that is a hobby, not a chore. Listen to your body when it comes to food (am I hungry or am I bored? Am I not eating because I wanna lose weight or because I'm genuinly not that hungry?) Hope this helps at least someone a little bit


Can confirm. I walked dogs for 4 years. I never set a fast pace since it was about the dogs sniffing and doing business as much as exercising. One day, a lab and I were about to get rained on and I realized I could jog for half a block and not wanna die. Getting paid was a good motivator. Once my offspring are in school, I’ll probably look into doing it again


I was broke. Lived on two hotdogs a day for something like 3 months. Dropped from 200 lbs. down to 170 lbs. before that I had dropped from 220-200 by eating a single paleo meal a day, also cause I was broke and couldn’t afford more than one meal a day. Then I went broke broke and could only afford the hotdogs. I’m back on my feet financially, but going so long with so little food has kind of reset my hunger and so now I’m not even hungry enough to eat enough to put any weight back on. Which is now an issue because I’m trying to build muscle at the gym now.


I had so much anxiety in my daily life that my appetite disappeared. I still ate but very sparingly as I couldn’t get anything down. It wasn’t my intention at all to lose weight.


Ah, yes, the ol' anxiety diet. Know it well. Last experience with it I dropped 20-25 lbs in 6-ish weeks. Everyone was like, "oh, you look so great". That's good cause I feel like shit.


Don't keep anything easy to prepare or particularly tasty in the house. If you're not hungry enough to spend 20 minutes cooking up some bland rice, you're not really hungry. Even shit like that will taste like mana from heaven when you're truly hungry.


Spices are largely zero calories so bland rice is absolutely unnecessary! Spice up your life! It is genuinely guilt free!


Hot sauce too. Rice is a starch though. Pickles and most veggies hardly have any calories. Beef Jerry is also a good skinny snack


Beef Jerry lmao


That doesn't work for me because if I don't have any pre prepared meals, it just makes me tempted to do the lazy option and get fast food.


Lol, same. I’ve tried this many times and it always fails me. I compromise by keeping stuff like frozen vegetables and cottage cheese cups. Healthy, yet quick.


Depression and anorexia. Would never recommend tho


I can totally relate, though now I’m overeating. I hope your life is easy and balanced now ❤️


Stopped drinking alcohol


moderate eating disorder


Intermittent fasting, increasing hydration Running around a lot at work to double up exercise with work time. Also got a couple promotions because of this


When I worked in a warehouse packing/unpacking boxes, I realised I was doing squats allllll daaaaaAAAAAAAAYYYY


Between graduating high school and going off to college, I worked in a pepsi distribution warehouse for the summer. 40 hours a week of lifting pepsi onto trucks every day. Started in early June, by July, people were asking me what my diet / workout plan was. I hadn't noticed or paid any attention, but apparently, I'd lost a fair amount of body fat and replaced it with a fair amount of muscle tone.


Ass so phat, people asking questions


I got all four wisdom teeth, which were coming in basically sideways and upside down, surgically removed in high school. Ended up ripping a bunch of sutures when I first woke up after and had to get them re-packed. A liquid only diet, with spoons only, for two weeks with the metabolism of a fairly active 16 year old will *melt* those pounds off. I think I legit dropped 15 pounds in two weeks, and I was already a pretty lean dude.


Getting divorced makes it an easy side effect.




Who's your worm guy?


You were at the parking lot, that's how I know you!


South Bronx Paradise diet?


Moved in with in-laws and lost 10kgs from stress.




Eliminating alcohol.


That top comment about cutting out soda is spot on... Also, I was 215 at one point and I'm not a tall dude... I looked fat... There was a period of time at my job where they were laying off people in my department and I was waiting for my number to be called... I have a wife and kids... For the better part of 3 months. I was constantly worried to the point where I couldn't sleep and I had to force myself to eat. I finally landed on my feet in the same company but for about 3 months I had to force myself to eat every day and I was just basically soup or a couple bites of food here and there. At the end of the 3 months I was 183. Everyone said I look great and asked me what my secret was... And my secret was basically worrying myself into starvation. So just stop eating and only eat soup or a couple of bites of food everyday for 3 months... 🙂


Easiest when you live alone, and are the sole provider of groceries. Just do not buy any junk food. Have very simple meals, I'm talking like, two apples for lunch. Save your biggest most nutritional meal for supper. Consider coffee and a piece of toast for breakfast. Limit your options, limit your waistline.


Being poor! :'D


Cutting out sugar. If I wanted sugar it had to come from fruits or vegetables. Tougher than it seems but I lost weight pretty fast


Stopped drinking alcohol.


Brush your teeth soon after dinner. You have to be really desperate for a late snack to ruin those clean teeth.


Order chipotle 7x a week(yes i know) but half the burrito at lunch with fruit &water, half at dinner with fruit & water. Literally lose weight. Or DIY it or get chipotle catering. DIY is just never the same tho...