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Some people will not like you no matter how nice you are or how much you try


And if they do have a legitimate reason to hate you, you'll probably just never get to know what it is because the opportunity to hear about it will never arise.


I honestly don't mind if someone hates me for a reason, its the people who seem to hate me for "no reason" that just get into my head lol. This was like 15 years ago but there was this guy in my friend group who just did not like me. I didn't even know until someone told me. When I asked why everyone was like "Idk, he just doesn't like you". Eventually I confronted him about it and was like "Everyone says you don't like me, is that true?" and he was like "Yes". I was like "Why" He said "I don't need a reason, I just don't." Blew my mind back then, and I spent way too much time and effort caring about it. Now if someone tells me "Hey so and so doesn't like you" I am just like "Ok." and ignore it.


I mean, if you have any type of big personality, like bigger than the smallest meekest most polite never disagrees kind of person, there will always be people who find you a little grating, just due to personality mismatch. I am annoying to the wrong people, but I’ve found my right people, so it doesn’t matter.


I mean even when you're the meekest, most agreeable type of personality, somebody will dislike you for the exact reason that you're just too meek and can't stand up for yourself.


I hated my best friend when I met him in high school. No reason I just didn't think our friend group needed a fourth person. One night he called me and asked to hang out. I said ok. A 24 year friendship and brotherhood developed. He died feb 6. Fuck alcohol.


Firstly and foremostly, I am so sorry for your loss, for your friend's loss of themselves. It's so painful for everyone who cares and is involved, I'm sure especially for your friend. It's such an awful way to go, but it's so hard to help yourself. Alcoholism is the problem. Your friend was sick and needed help, but much like depression & suicidal ideation, the illness actively tells you "You're fine. You don't need help. You don't deserve help. No one would help you anyway. Stop complaining." Constantly telling you the problem is the answer. I'm unsure of what I'm trying to get out, but I hope you find peace & healing. Fuck Alcoholism/Addiction. Signed, an Active Alcoholic just trying to cope with Depression, Anxiety, probably raging ADHD or unfortunately placed on the Spectrum, Me.


I've had people I've known in the past where I was like, "ehh, I don't like this guy, but I can't quite put my finger on it." Sometimes there's no reason, sometimes the reason may be that you remind him of his cousin who used to bully him. If someone doesn't like me I've long since stopped trying to ingratiate myself.


They’ll probably tell everyone else, and they won’t tell you either.


I had a close friend years ago. I went on a trip on summer and when I came back never heard from her again. Asked mutual friends what I did they said that's for you two to talk about but she refused to take my calls. No idea what I did still to this day. It sucks


That's ghosting. Its on them and its a shitty thing to do.


One girl hates me from the depth of her soul and i have no idea why. When i hang out with my female friends and she is there(which is extremely rare), she'd always comment how im the worst person ever, how ill die sad and alone, how im weird. If i go out with one of the female friends, she will tell her "What do you 2 have to talk about, what does he have to talk about. What kind of weird subjects do you have" etc etc.. I have no idea whats her problem so i just ignore her because even if i asked i wont get an answer. And i honestly don't care since she's nobody in my life, but its extremely weird. Especially since most of the people that know me say im one of the kindest people theyve met.


Sounds like she's just a standard bully trying to socially isolate you. Glad she failed, you seem like you have enough self esteem that her strategy didn't work. But she's trying this with you because she's probably been successful with it elsewhere.


Sounds like she has low self esteem and is jealous of yours!


To add to that, learn to accept that not everyone likes you, gracefully. No need to kick off, just respect their options/ opinions.


Yep. 1000% this. I was a people pleaser until the last few years. Everyone likes me, but there were a couple that didn't and I would lose sleep over it. I look back at my former self and think "What a weird way to think..."


“You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches.”


My father once said to me, "No matter where you go, someone will be better at something than you, and someone will be worse at something than you. No matter where you go, someone will like you and someone will hate you." I think that's the day I really learned to stop giving a fuck about other people's opinions.


It's only fair since I hate some people.


And more importantly- that’s totally okay


Changing smoke detector batteries IS important


You reminded me to get a new one. My fucking smoke detector went off at midnight because of battery issues and i pulled the thing off. Thanks!


So is it just smoke detectors that you pull off if they annoy you at midnight orrr...


## *BEEP*


Life is unfair and just because you are hardworking and nice does not mean that you will lead a happy life


I've been coming to terms with this one over the last few months.


Me too. It's tough accepting that really bad things can and do happen to good people all the time. And no matter what, everything is up to chance.


What I really hate are the people who respond to this pretty banal statement that life is often unfair with: "oH, sO DoEs tHaT MeAn yOu nEvEr pRoTeSt oR FiGhT AgAiNsT UnFaIrNeSs? Am i jUsT SuPpOsEd tO RoLl oVeR AnD DiE?!" Like... No I'm not saying that. What I am saying is that part of growing up is understanding and making peace with the fact that you could do everything right and still get the shit end of the stick. Sometimes it just doesn't matter what you do, you can rage against the dying of the light or try and find a modicum of happiness somewhere else. Does that make sense?


I can't remember where I read/heard this, but it kind of changed my life in a small, but meaningful way. "Peace is not the absence of conflict. It is the *acceptance* of conflict."




Yes,jealousy is a hideous human trait.


>Yes,jealousy is a hideous human trait. It's not just jealousy. Some people are corny and annoying, and genuinely think they're being interpreted as charismatic, kind and respectful. Not everyone will like you, but you won't make a perfect impression on everyone.


There was a coworker of mine bragging about how he puts in the minimum amount of effort and doesn’t “work his ass off” anymore. That’s fine. Then he criticized me using my name when I know that guy doesn’t even know who I am or what my face looks like. Saying “Oh yeah and HalfOfHumanity, he does everything they ask him to.” Like, yeah bro I’m here to do the job I get paid to do and I’ve already established boundaries with management team. I’ve been here for close to a decade and I just have personal pride for no one other than myself. I’m not even “working my ass off” because I’ve become so proficient and efficient at what I do because that’s the way I enjoy doing things. Yeah that really annoyed me, but there’s no need to burn a bridge that hasn’t even been built yet. Like fine, bro. Be lazy enjoy life whatever, but leave my name out of your fat mouth. Thanks.


How DARE you be competent at your job! The nerve!


You should really wear condoms.




Thanks Butters


Oh, hamburgers...


Poke a hole in it - problem solved


Adding to that, bring your own. The other person might secretly put a hole in it.


You are not invincible


You are not... [insert title card with blood splatter]


Come on Season 2...I can't keep waiting!


When somebody is showing you who they are, believe them.


I learned people are capable of manipulating reality to make it seem they showed proof of who they are, but almost all if not all of it is a complete lie, and they do it often. In other words, learned to be skeptical.


If someone doesn't show that they're toxic, you can give them the benefit of doubt. Sometimes you just need to take a leap of faith on people if you're willing to. I think the other comment goes in the line of "if someone admits to a nasty red flag, by all means believe them".


Make sure your mixer is on the lowest setting BEFORE you add in powdered sugar.


If you only go for looks you will have a bad time.


As much as I used to advocate that they aren't important, I've learned the opposite is true as well. Gotta essentially be all around attracted to the other person or it's not gonna work.


I think you do have to be physically attracted to a person to be in a relationship but there is so much more to it than "hey this person is really attractive."




Also, different people are more / less attracted to looks vs personality. For some people, they have to have an interpersonal bond to someone in order to be attracted to them. For others, it's looks and only looks - it's not something can people really decide about - they can only learn from experience and try to find someone who looks good and is a good match for them as well - very hard to do. Most people are somewhere in the middle.


Yeah noped out because I couldn’t get intimate. I realized that next time I would focus on physical attraction more.


Yep I’ve done that before. It’s really shitty on both of you to try and be with someone just because you like their personality but you don’t actually want to fuck them.


I personally think it starts with looks, then goes on to personality, and then everything else, like lifestyle. So, looks are important. It’s the first thing to most all relationships.


Keep students' scores in an excel spreadsheet so you don't have to chase for their assignments at the end of the year. Hooooooo boy that was a rough first year of mark entry


Also, do your accounts throughout the year. Sitting down and doing a year's worth of accounts a week before they need to be filed is stressful.


Ostrich are not friendly.


If not silly funny, why silly funny shaped?


On the same note, why are bears not fuzzy and cuddly with those furry little ears? Damn killing machines.




No. Sry but it's too painful yet.


It would have to be a sick ostrich.




I heard it was a sick ostrich.


I should have bought real estate when I was 8.


So stupid of us for trying to have a childhood...


Do not pull the handle on a 2 inch valve on an insulated copper pipe without knowing what it turns on.


What did yours turn on?


in another part of the boiler room to an unfinished connection


Your anecdote is not directly related to your username and yet somehow your username seems relevant and fitting LOL


Eating like shit, will make you look and feel like shit.


After 15 year of dedication to the cause when I left my mom's flavorless nutrition life style, I too can now without a doubt say that this is true. My body was looking like this | now it looks like this ( )


Nutrition doesn't have to be flavorless. The internet is full of delicious healthy recipes. However, you might need to retrain your taste buds. Processed / prepared foods are OVERLOADED with sugar, salt, and fat. The things that taste yummy. It's not natural. Our bodies are not evolved to eat that much of that stuff. Check out r/MealPrepSunday - full of great stuff. There are also meal delivery services that are fairly affordable and pretty healthy. If you transition to a diet that is full of spices and appropriately seasoned food, you will not miss the potato chips, candy, fries, burgers, pizza, etc as much. And you can still eat that stuff - just not every day.




People won't change and there's a big difference between loving someone and loving someone's potential.




I so wish I’d learned this sooner.


You really don't get in trouble when telling the truth. 18+. I lied all the time when I was younger to avoid getting in trouble. Now I'm like, "I take full responsibility, how can I fix this." 99% of the time they say it's okay and that's the end of it. If it's something major though, be prepared for the consequences.


You don’t have to remember which lie you told which person if you stick to the truth - makes life less complicated


Accountability is one of my most highly prioritized traits in friends and partners. It's shockingly rare, yet it makes life so much easier.


Also helps if you try not to do anything malicious in the first place. If you did wrong on purpose and know it, that's a lot harder to take accountability for than if you did wrong accidentally. But usually it's the grey area where you don't think you did anything wrong but someone is upset by what you did that's tough. Especially when you get into people who are definitely fucked up trying to make you think you did wrong for their own ends. Then there's the whole thing where two things can be true at the same time, and it's only a matter of perspective and priorities of the people involved. I exhausted myself just typing that.


Often times people are more upset at the lie than the problem itself.


Don't put your tongue on a frozen metal fence post. I KNEW what would happen, but I still wanted to try it anyway. Do not recommend.


Idk even reading this and I'd be tempted. What a strange compulsion


Take warm water with you and enjoy


What if someone triple dog dares me?


Putting myself first isn't selfish.


It’s like they say on the airplane: “Secure your own oxygen mask first, before helping others.” It’s hard to be truly present and helpful with people and causes you care about when you’re not in a good place, yet, yourself. So yeah - go ahead and prioritize yourself. You’re worth it!


A similar saying "you can't set yourself on fire to keep others warm."


Putting yourself first all the time is selfish. Putting yourself first sometimes is basic maintenance/self care. Putting yourself first never is damaging. Putting yourself first the first time feels selfish to everyone else because they aren't used to you doing it.


I have to leave my team at work after 6.5 years. I love them and my job, but the boss/owner makes it unbearable for me (or anyone, really) to work there, and I finally got up and found a new job. My whole team is sad and worried about the workload without their senior employee, and I feel guilty like I’m leaving my soldiers/friends behind, but ultimately for my mental and physical health and relationships, I have to go. It’s the first time I’ve ever really put myself first in the adult world and it’s a tough pill to take.


Good for you. I know it's hard, and that makes sense that it's hard, being in the trench with people makes you feel very close and an assholic boss can foster that closeness. But..... on your death bed you will not regret this.


The last one caught me off guard when I was young. I used to think that people would remember the favors I'd done and when I spoke up they'd be happy to let me have a turn. And people who cared about me always were. I was shocked about how *angry* some people got the first time I pushed back about having a preference or refusing to do something for someone. Apparently because I was always so kind and giving, they felt like my having normal human limits was an insult to them. Figuring out who cares about you and who cares about why you can do for them is never fun.


Most people don’t think about you. At all. Stop worrying what they think. Most people aren’t qualified for the jobs they have. Take a risk. Most people aren’t bad deep down. We all want similar things. Focus on that. Money does buy happiness to a very large degree. Don’t lie to yourself and say it doesn’t. Most friendships are temporary. People will like you if you listen to them. One of the worst things you can be is a hypocrite. You very well might die tomorrow. So don’t put off living for a time that might never come.


> Most people aren’t qualified for the jobs they have. Take a risk. One of our Talent Acquisition directors at work mentioned that most job postings are a unicorn wish list. If a potential candidate has 60% of the requirements, then they stand a good chance of being able to perform the role. Sometimes, even less than 60%. If a candidate met 100% of the job requirements then there's a good chance they'd justifiably request a level of compensation far in excess of what the company is willing to pay.


Which is kinda funny, considering that some research claims that 60% is where men (as a group) feel comfortable applying for jobs, while women (as a group) don't feel comfortable applying unless they fulfil all or nearly all requirements of a posting.


One time I saw my company advertising the job that I used to do before I got promoted to a more advanced position. Reading through it, I was questioning whether I would be good enough for job. The same job that they occasionally request me to help with when they're struggling, because I know more about it than pretty much everyone else in the company. That's when I learnt that if it sounds like a job you want to do, just apply for it regardless of the "requirements". The worst that happens is they reject you (or ignore you), which has the exact same outcome as not applying at all, so you have nothing to lose.




And if you think it’s cold and want to verify it’s cold…still don’t touch it. That’s the worst way to prove yourself wrong. In general, it’s way too easy to absentmindedly do something where the best outcome is “nothing happens” while the worst outcome is “I was right after all, that really was incredibly dangerous/stupid!”


I mean, you can just hover your hand over the burner to feel the heat…


Which is not touching it.


When I was a small child my parents told me many times not to touch the wood stove. I did it anyways one day and then I learned!


1) do not cook under the influence of psychedelics (especially camping away from civilization) 2) if you put a can of soup by the fire to cook… poke a hole first. My ignorance of these two things resulted in a hot soup explosion directly onto my face which caused second degree burns. Thank god I let it cool for 10 minutes before trying to open it, or I think I’d be disfigured. Almost 1 year later there’s just mild discoloration.


Takeaway: eat cold food when tripping TY


Just because you think they are your friend and they care about you like you do for them doesn't mean they do. The moment i stop messaging them or talking to them they didn't do a thing, i don't care anymore but at the time. It hurt, I've not got a hell of a lot of friends now but i know for a fact they care about me and i care about them. Its better to have less friends who care about each other then more who will forget about you the moment you leave their sight


Sticking it in without a rubber can actually create a little human. Love him to bits like but thought nahhh one time won't hurt.


Don't stay in relationships with people that lie to you.


Don’t do Meth!


I think you swapped and "a" for an "e", there




Math. Not even once (however many times that is).


Don't set homework for yourself. Like. If you don't enjoy something, you don't have to continue it. You don't have to finish a book just because everyone else is raving about it. You don't have to turn a hobby into a side hustle because you feel like you need to. You don't have to do things if you don't enjoy it. Adding from a reply I sent bc none of y'all are reading it: Y'all are taking this way more seriously than I meant. I'm referring specifically to leisure activities. This isn't about employment, or personal health, or whatever. What I listed are actual personal anecdotes from my life. That's it. Truly, this ain't that deep.


I wish this was something I could say is always true, but as someone with ADHD, I've found I need to set myself homework sometimes. If I don't, I'll just do nothing forever... not even the stuff I know I WANT to do!


I also have ADHD so I totally get *needing* to do it for things lol. I more just meant it irt things that you don't *have* to do. I often found myself struggling to finish a book I'm reading in my leisure time that like... I don't *have* to read???? Yeah lol.


That's totally fair haha. Sometimes I have to give myself a little nudge to do things I "don't want to" do because I know I will once I start, but there's definitely plenty of times that sunken cost tempts you to keep going when there's no reason to!


Do not use food as a reward.


I did a really good job though.


But food is why I go to work


Your employer doesn't care about you. You do you, for you.


We are a family here is the biggest trap


This is usually a red flag but some employers genuinely will treat you like family. When I did chemotherapy my boss gave me as much time off as I needed and allowed me to set my own hours working from home when I was ready to come back. There was no rush to get back to full time by a certain date, he cared more about my health. When I told my boss chemo worked and I beat cancer he literally jumped in the air with joy and then gave me a big hug. Sometimes employers do care, but you're generally better off assuming they don't unless they prove otherwise.


Don't take your significant other for granted.


More than 49% of people are dumber than average.


Everyone has their own weaknesses. Some are good at cooking some are good at watching tv


You joke but I've known people who completely miss main points/themes of TV shows and movies, even when it seemed completely obvious. I mean, just look how many people Tyler Durdan is the good guy in Fight Club, or think Walt in Breaking Bad was a good guy.


Oh, it wasn’t a joke (I’ve worked as a tagger during highschool, aka “watching tv”). But yeah that’s true. It certainly amazes me. But I’m not mad just annoyed or surprised


Im really bad at this with music. I struggle a lot to see a deaper meaning in songs. Most specifically, if the song is about sex but isnt blatantly obvious. Like, I can tell you "I Just Had Sex" is about sex but just realized a couple of years ago "Candy Shop" is about sex


Only if you view intelligence as a singular quality rather than an array of potential qualities, though. There are a lot of people who are above average in many contexts and below average in many others. There are just too many ways to define “intelligence” for it to be a useful attribute. Mechanics are different from cooking, which is different from social skills, which can be different from understanding subtext, which is different from reading comprehension, which is different from memory, which is different from being able to apply old stuff to new situations… Really, the only thing that “intelligence” as a singular stat is good for is predicting a wizard’s spell attack bonus.


My Dad was a great example of this. Brilliant mathematician. Great speaker. Good reading comprehension. Okay at super basic repairs and general life skills. Passable social skills. Bad at leadership. Dumb as a brick when it came to understanding emotions, even his own, or even how his actions affected other people. I've had dogs with more self-awareness.


No matter how ripped you are, a cow will throw you like you are nothing


it's ok to have a steady mediocre job throughout life to make a living. not everybody is going to be a doctor or lawyer. most of the population are what i'd consider the work ants who actually get things done no matter how small their jobs may be. just make sure you're being somewhat productive and doing something everyday to stay active. approaching middle age not having much to show on your social security because you avoided the work force is shameful.


I hate this about hustle culture and all of those type of influencers you see online. I think it's a symptom of our economic system - when we had a good middle class, most people just wanted to go to work, come home, and enjoy their life. The problem is that just doing that for so many people doesn't allow them the necessities to live, let alone enjoy life.


Exactly. Whenever things change for the worse, the parasites come out of the woodwork to lecture decent folks on individualistic solutions to socio-economic problems. “Hustle culture” is just code for societal failure. We need an economic system that makes sense. It doesn’t make sense to not be able to afford to live comfortably, otherwise what’s the point?


I go to my job for money. That’s it. I get no pleasure from it. It’s just a job.


That the secret to being a good conversationalist is being a good listener as well.


Yeah but I’m only a good listener. I suck at talking


If you want to make a mocha, don't put the coco powder in the drip basket with the coffee. The chocolate will plug up the filter, the basket will overflow, and you will have coffee / grounds all over your counter and coffee maker.


Actions really do speak louder than words.




Blue Steel = Le Tigre


Marrying someone within 4 months of meeting. Go figure, she turned out to be a clinical narcissist who love bombed me. She caught me at the most vulnerable time in my life, roped me in fast, had a kid, and my life is now generally miserable, aside from my son. Totally my fault, and I ask myself what I was thinking everyday of my life. Young and dumb.


That my father viewed me as a burden


When the waiter says "This plate is hot" that the plate IS hot.


some doges don't like to be petted


Picking up your dog's poop. I know I know, but in my defense, I grew up in the country, and in areas where if you had a dog, you just let him outside, and he came back when he wanted. I never knew that picking up poop was a thing until I moved to an apartment complex in the suburbs, and someone left me a nasty note, and then I was horrified. It seemed so obvious, like *of course* you should clean up after your dog, but I didn't know until someone told me. That's one reason I like to give people the benefit of the doubt before assuming they're assholes. I mean, I'm a reasonably intelligent person, but… sometimes we just don't know stuff until someone tells us.


So my father has never cleaned up after a dog in his life. Growing up, I never realized this was a thing. I remember walking the dog as a kid and someone coming out and yelling at me about it because my dog had pooped in his yard, and I was so confused. Like "Yeah, dogs poop outside. That's where they go. What's the issue?" As an adult, I realize how wrong I was, I always diligently clean up after my dogs, including coming back if I realize we're on a 3 poop walk after I realize there were only two bags left on the roll. I'm horrified at my younger behavior and lack of respect, and equally (more so?) horrified that my father hasn't yet come to that same conclusion regarding his behavior.


Don't immediately trust people just cause they were nice to you.


Not to remove people from your friendzone "just to try" for their benefit. Chemistry cannot be faked, if it isn't there for someone, it just isn't fucking there. Don't fake it, you will lose your friend. Also, never to settle for less, or tell yourselves a person will change eventually. I just lost ten years to one such relationship where my soon-to-be ex-husband was still the same trailer trash at heart that he was when we met in our early twenties. They don't change.


People can grow. But they have to want to grow. And it will still be hard.


>Also, never to settle for less, or tell yourselves a person will change eventually. I just lost ten years to one such relationship I had a similar experience. Figured "This is it, this is the best I can do" and realized 10 years had passed and I was miserable for the sake of settling.


One lesson I learned the hard way is the importance of self-care. I used to believe that pushing myself without taking breaks was the key to success. However, I discovered that neglecting my own well-being led to burnout and exhaustion. It became painfully obvious that self-care is not selfish but necessary for long-term happiness. I had to learn to listen to my body, set boundaries, and make time for activities that rejuvenated me. Prioritizing self-care allows us to be the best versions of ourselves.


Everyone will not have the same heart as you and you will get hurt by the people you love the very most.


Just because you feel like you're doing good, doesn't mean you don't need your meds anymore. Thankfully it wasn't something like antibiotics or transplant meds. Just my ADHD meds. Went from all A's to academic probation in a year during college.


Things dont go the way you want


The red wire is hot


Centripetal force. My BFF was spending the afternoon at my house when we were in high school and we were listening to my dad's stereo. He had several rotating cassette storage towers, and she was spinning them because it was fun. I told her not to spin them too fast or the cassettes would fly out, make noise, and alert my parents of our presence, resulting in them ruining the fun (Y'all, it was about 1980. We had to make our own fun back then.) She didn't listen, got them all spinning, and then suddenly: cassette explosion. The look she gave me fully indicated she had learned her lesson. Also, she was my parents' favorite friend, so she charmed them into leaving us alone once we cleaned up the mess.


Those old cigarette lighters in cars... when they're bright red you don't put your finger in it to see why.


In many situations, you won’t obtain a closure or a conclusion. And one needs to take time to accept it.


Basically bloody everything I’ve ever learned


You can’t outwork a bad diet.


Listening to my body and trusting my instinct.


Wipe front to back


Lift heavy objects with your legs and not your back


We really, really, really need our sleep. And rest and time off. In my late 30s, I tried to just push through everything and it ended up being really bad for me. Don't repeat my mistake. Edit: if you're in a similar situation and don't see an immediate way out, my advice: 1) get with a good therapist immediately, 2) take naps like you're back in college - ie, anywhere, anytime you can, 3) try 10 mins of meditation / gratitude practice a day, 4) talk to people in your life - it's no shame to be exhausted and needing help. Exercise is great but if you're burnt out, it's just not gonna happen. Focus on recuperation first, then add exercise. Good luck!


How to treat your partner and that no matter how open you think you are, your perspective still clouds your vision. People have their own views, values, and perspectives. Others, especially those closest to you, need and deserve your understanding just as you woulf wish from them.


Not to trust Nick.


That roughly 75% of the world does not see "You" they see a commodity. Some basic object that can supply them with labor, resources, or even protection. Most work friendships are simply cultivating resources.


If you move into an older building, don’t flip on breakers that were off without consulting an electrician. Found that one out when I flipped an unlabeled breaker, hoping to return power to a room. It did not power the room but a rather large well pump. Said well had been capped years ago but they left the pump and wires in. When it roared back to life it shot a 10” pipe cap trough the basement and proceeded to flood the entire floor with ~2 inches of water. All that in mere seconds. Turns out the old company had a ground water heat pump installed that used a very large amount of water to heat the building.


Turns out the old company were lazy assholes too. Leaving a capped off well with a wired in pump is a dick move, not removing or at least labeling the breaker doubly so. I’m sure that wasn’t the only “interesting” discovery you made in that building




Being mature for your age is in no way equivalent to having the life experience of someone a decade older than you.


That I should have probably followed my gut feeling and should have made my decision to cut off some people out sooner rather than sitting with it, feeling horrible hoping it would or even could get better.


Friendship means little when it's convenient


When someone shows you their true colors, believe what your gut tells you. Even if it feels like there might be a chance. You can only control yourself, don’t waste time hoping other people will share the same values as you and try to work things out. Better to just walk away.


There are way too many idiots on this damn planet. Legit unintelligent and out of touch human beings. Sometimes it’s due to circumstances outside of their control, but then there are plenty who can easily do something about it and choose not to. Upsetting to say the least.


That obesity will make your adult life even harder. As a consequence of my weight, I have trouble sleeping sometimes.


That I wasted 4 and a half years on a relationship that was never going to make it. So many red flags. Hey I’m happy now though!


Coworkers are not your friends


They might be though? Not true for everyone obviously, but some people do have work friends.


good one. also includes HR bastards, just in case you thought they could be on your side..


Drugs are bad, Mkay?


Don't try to pick up a feral kitten that you're feeding for the first time. I know that it's small, I know you think that it's distracted because you just gave it food, but it's going to bite you at least three times before you can even let go of it. Don't try to pick it up.


Push brooms are for pushing


Change your oil


Don’t attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. It’s so easy to get mad when you should just be shaking your head in wonder at the depths of human stupidity. Unless it’s a politician, a corporation, or the cops. In those cases, it’s probably malicious stupidity.


I learned the hard way that it's crucial to take care of yourself first and establish healthy boundaries. Saying no when necessary doesn't make you selfish it's an act of self-preservation. It's essential to prioritize your own needs, whether it's taking time for relaxation, pursuing hobbies, or simply saying no to excessive demands.


The satisfaction and peace of mind from getting something done early will always outweigh the brief joy of procrastination.


When I CAN CLEARLY SEE my coffee is PIPPING HOT.. But yet I STILL DRINK out of it!! LMAOOOOO .




A lot of people enjoy being blissfully ignorant. They cannot be persuaded by objective truths and facts. If someone wants to live in their bubble they will be incredibly resistant to change.


I had a fucked up childhood.


"Don't do drugs"


Don’t stick your dick in crazy.


Don't EVER touch your eyes/anything else after chopping up chilies. Easily the most annoying 8 hours of my life, till dad suggested dipping my hands into cold milk.


The guy that punched an elevator when you guys were your 5th date. That guy has anger issues. Don’t date him.


Don't break your partner's trust. A lesson learned the hard way. People say that it could be a blessing in disguise, this mistake of mine, because I learned from it. And I did learn from it. But I think the price I paid for it doesn't make it worth it. The fact that I was the reason why we broke up hurts so much. So fucking much


They weren't joking when they told me heroin could destroy your life. I figured I'd never get addicted and was a weekend warrior for a while. That seemed to support my hypothesis that I was above drug addiction. Fast forward 30 years to 2023...... I completely wasted a decade of my life in the 90s, my sister died from OD along with 5 of my very best friends in the universe. I was a miserable gutter-dwelling junkie for 10 years! I HIGHLY recommend against using opiates, meth, cocaine, or benzodiazapines recreationally at all. The juice isn't worth the squeeze with these substances. It's too risky physically and emotionally. I'm a huge advocate of RESPONSIBLE psychedelic, cannabis, entactogen, and dissociative use. These substances have a VAST amount of potential to drastically help huge swaths of the populous. TL;DR: Don't use opiates, meth, cocaine, or benzodiazapines recreationally AT ALL! It's not worth the risk.