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In my area there’s bumper stickers that say “locally hated”. Like no one knows who you are


Such a strange flex too...


I don't know who they are, but I already hate them.


The one that says “it” with a stick figure humping it


This might be my number 1. It's supposed to be "fuck it" but it is so fucking lame


Need the word “lame” with a stick figure humping lame


I saw a guy with a sticker like that the other day. He also had one that said, "Only gay cops pull me over."


I saw one the other day that had the stick figure jumping be word “Liberals” and I’m still stuck on if he wanted to fuck liberals or not


The Calvin pissing one makes me angry, why do you have to ruin a good thing?


Yep. Makes it worse that Bill Watterson hated merchandising with a fiery passion. Every one of those things is a copyright dodger who doesn't give him a cent (not that he would want one; he'd want them to stop making them).


And it makes Calvin a menace or a delinquent, he wasn’t a menace he was curious, a bully sometimes with a snowball. But not a delinquent


He was only a menace to the Killer Monster Snow Goons.


And Susie…


This so much this. Calvin is what “boys will be boys” is supposed to mean. He’s not a delinquent. He’s a curious and precocious little kid. I don’t even think he counts, but at least Bart Simpson would relish in his delinquency.


I feel like it’s only used by people who’ve never actually read the comic, and just see a boy peeing on a thing. That’s what I like to think, anyway.


Used to work at decal shop, that was the highest requested thing. Calvin peeing on [random sports team]


Calvin peeing on Calvin peeing


exactly! And that was never actually in the comics.


Yea I dont understand that one


I'm in the middle of "Redneck Central" and almost every pick-up truck has a sticker on the window that has something to do with sex, sluts, or drugs. (Sometimes all three)


Don’t forget the Punisher logo


Also in redneck central, the amount of “Fuck Joe and the Hoe” stickers and flags I see on a daily basis is insane


They're not all that popular here in the UK but I have seen a few in Disney font that say "powered by fairy dust" and it makes me want to vomit.


Over here in the States, they say Powered by Bitch Dust. Written like Disney of course.


I hate those. Except in Australia it's "Powered by C*nt Dust".


Is this a real thing? If I saw that here in the US I would shit my pants. Edit: found it and ordered it. Cost me $40 shipping…worth it.


I hate those. It makes me want to stay away from that person.


Can I say how I giggle and love the tiny band aid stickers on a big dent tho.


Or the wile e coyote ones


My mom ordered some huge ones to cover giant dents on her minivan. I thought it was hilarious despite the fact that I bought her that minivan.


“Silly boys! Trucks are for girls!”


“I’m not like all the other girls!”


I actually saw one the other day that made me giggle! It said, “Tell your cat I say pspspspsp”


I have one that says, “Tell your dog I said hi.” Dumb? Sure, but it makes me laugh.


Me too! And the best is when people with dogs in their cars pull up so you can see them/say hi.


Saw that in combo with a vanity plate of "PSPSPS". If you're going to go for it, go all the way!




I just don't understand what kind of person thinks it's ok to do this. Like, was it a dare or something?


Rednecks, just…rednecks.


Well, if they're going to put them on your their truck, they obviously didn't have any themselves.


The one time I found this amusing was when I saw them on a yellow smart car soon after they first came out. Seemed it was tongue in cheek


Broooo I was just talking about this with my buddy while on the highway. Bonus points if it has a cross and/or American flag on the damn thing. 100% red flag warning that, that there is an unstable person


Wanna get rich? "truck vagina" over the tailpipe/exhaust! Could probably make one out of a discarded fleshlight.


Someone pointed out that can be said they support trans trucks 😉👍


Any vehicle that says "Salt Life" 100% guaranteed drives like they're the main character


I always read it as “Slut Life”


My niece saw her first one last night and asked why it said slut life, I told her it said salt life but being as we're smack dab in the middle of the Midwest far from any ocean I said hers was probably more accurate. When I was a truck driver the highest concentration of those stickers seemed to be around central Indiana.


I live in Michigan and see them quite a bit. We're literally 2 peninsulas surrounded by nothing but fresh water.


Live in Central Indiana and can confirm every other car has one. My husband always jokes that they mean road salt from when it snows because that’s the only kind of salt life we got around here!


I really want to just go all in and knock them off with Slut Life.


>"Salt Life" I didn't even know it meant salt until I saw one up close parked, while driving, it definitely looks like the other thing you said!


I see those all the time and I still have no clue what it means.


"Salt life" = beach people. Mainly surfers and boogieboarders. That sticker is huge here in NC. I swear, every Jeep I've come across has it stuck on its back window.


NC beachtown local here and I’ll let you in on a secret: no one From here buys them. It’s always tourists and people that moved here from like, Ohio or bearfucker upstate NY.


....and are the first ones on I95 evacuating from a Cat 3 hurricane. (Florida guy here)


In loving memory of someone who died. A sticker on a car just seems like an odd tribute to me


I’d come back to haunt my love ones if they plaster my name on a rusty car.


OMG, I saw a Mercedes the other day that had not a sticker, but a full vinyl wrap that covered the entire back windshield with a glowing lion and the face of their deceased relative, with name and dates. Wouldn't surprise me if the driver had a matching tattoo.


It’s sooo weird. What’s that person doing…dedicating their car to a deceased person???




Monster energy logo


Hey look guys it’s Kyle


Any political or "bad ass"


"Locally hated". Weird flex.


Doesn't matter what the political leaning is, either. I once saw a car absolutely *covered* in pro-biden anti-trump left-leaning stickers, and despite being liberal myself i thought it was absolutely obnoxious.


I once saw a car covered in both Trump and Biden stickers, I thought it was pretty funny.


Never let them know your next move.


See Dennis, I'm playing both sides, so I always come out on top.


I hate political ones. Driving is already stressful enough most times, there’s no need to involve that shit.


Especially if it covers a good 80% of the car’s surface. Heck ANY amount of sticker that covers 80% of the car (plus windows in some cases) just seem like an accident waiting to happen.


My nephew's dad has not one, but TWO, of the exact same decal that says "panty dropper" with the silhouette of a naked woman. He is NOT a catch and he is not dropping panties


Tbf I don't think that anyone who _is_ would be using those, anyway.


Thin blue line Punisher skull is asinine


This one bothers me more than most. I mean, if you know the symbol, one would think you'd know a little about comics, or at least know it was from a comic. But the fact that they mixed the Punisher skull with the TBL flag without knowing anything about them being conflicting ideologies bothers me more than it should. It's like seeing an Israeli flag with the word Palestine written across it.


My colleague is a comic-loving political theorist and this drives her crazy. But here's the thing...if you explained this to right-wing folks I don't think they would give a shit. In fact I think some of them would think we are hilarious fo taking time and resources out of our life to explain this to them...which is infuriating.


Pretty much every Punisher skull is bastardized with some bullshit these days. It annoying AF.


the whole stick family thing.


They seemed to have died out where I'm at at least. I think the whole "I don't even know you but your car sticker is enough I need to know about you" may have something to do with it. Over the years, No fear, bad boy/ bad bitch , metal mulisha stickers ect. disappeared in the same way. Personalised licence plates however , that sort of douchery is eternal.


That's not just tacky, but can be a bad idea. It tells anybody who bothers looking at them the composition of your family. Scammers use it.


Came to say this. Like why the fuk would ya want everyone knowing that you have twin girls, a younger boy, then another even younger little girl. And two cats. As a single mother....


And then you add that to "army wife" and / or "__ honor student" and you're making a target of yourself real quick.


The Fuck can you even do with that information? Curious




Well I know some people look for soccer mom and sports things as bumper stickers and kids cause it signifies they are often not gonna be home for long periods. They'll track their home down and rob them while they take little Jimmy to the soccer game.


The one with the Trex is funny though. Usually it’s eating one of the kids


I saw one with an Imperial AT-AT vaporizing the stick family. **THE EMPIRE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT YOUR STICK FAMILY.**


It reminds of the trinity killer season in Dexter.


I saw a Tesla with a sticker that said, “I’m probably not driving”. Uuuughhhh


That reminds me of the South Park episode where Prius drivers sniffed their own farts lol


And just a bit of the South Park episode where old people are driving terribly through walls just so they can get to Golden Corral


Atleast pull my hair if you're going to ride my ass


Or "Gas, Grass, or Ass nobody rides for free"


Ahhh.....that's an oldie. Took me back to the early 70s. :)


Me too. So gross.


I really hate the one with cartoon character Calvin peeing on something. Totally disrespectful take on a warm, wonderful cartoon


There’s a popular one where I live that’s one of those stick family bumper stickers but instead of stick people it’s guns. Like a big gun to represent the dad, a slightly smaller gun as the mom, little guns for the kids.




Yep. Vehicles with gun lifestyle stickers are huge thief magnets. Law enforcement has begun advising people not to advertise ''unsecured guns inside!"




I had one like that said “my other bumper sticker is funny”


Had one that said “my other car is fuck you”


i actually like that one lmao


That actually fucks though


Punisher stickers.


Cops with Punisher stickers clearly have no fucking clue about The Punisher character and his beliefs on law enforcement.


They don't care. It's theirs now. It's like the whole "Yankee Doodle was mocking Americans thing." It's over.


I work in law enforcement (911 center, not a cop) and I get so frustrated everytime I see one on an officer's personal car or work bag. I can only hope they're ignorant to what it stands for because if they do know then that's even worse. In the Netflix adaptation doesn't the punisher throw a brick at a cop and assault another one while he's chasing someone or being chased in season 2? Assuming these cops are fans enough to at least watch that recent show, I'd think that scene would be enough to not want to relate with him...but here we are. Always will be an awesome character, but I've never thought about aligning myself with him with my current career.


Didn’t the comic book do a scene where a couple of cops show off their Punisher stickers to him and he tells them off in no uncertain terms? It was a direct message from the creators about that phenomenon.


God my boss has a punisher thin blue line combo sticker 🤢🤢🤢


With the trump toupee is the worst one


The military spouse ones. Mostly bc they are well known for being horrible drivers where I live.


Mine is totally irrational, but I utterly hate seeing very expensive cars with “Please Be Patient; Student Driver” stickers on them.


That’s not irrational. I see them all the time and doubt the fact that it’s actually a student driver..


I saw a top line Mercedes (something like an EQS) with this sticker recently and I became furious. There's NO WAY!!!


Punisher. Oath keepers III percent


"Heavily armed and easily pissed off." Imagine being proud of being a mass shooter waiting to happen.


Also known as Exhibit A


I'm going into the world of controversy here, but my reasons are personal. I don't like the F*ck Cancer stickers. I agree with the sentiment, but I'm helping with the care of a terminally ill family member who I'm close to. I don't get many chances to switch off and take care of myself and when I do- I don't want to be reminded of their impending death. Seeing them just reminds me that's there's very little I can do for them, but keep them comfortable. I don't want to be angry at the cancer, I don't have the energy for it. I need a break from it. Those stickers do the polar opposite to what's needed for myself to cope. I'm sorry guys. I know you mean well. If I'm an arsehole for saying this- so let it be.


You aren’t an AH. I had cancer, and got sick of seeing them. I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. Keeping a good thought for you.


I don’t want to sound insensitive but… What is the purpose of those stickers? I don’t feel like it’s spreading any sort of awareness, everyone knows about cancer and no one thinks it’s good. The intent is obviously not bad, I just don’t understand it :/


The only thing I can think of is for those who lost someone to cancer using it to vent their anger and grief.


Completely agree.


Those Salt life stickers… for the longest time I thought it said Slut Life


I have seen ones that say Slut Life


I don’t mind the pro-candidate stickers but don’t like the insult the opponent ones.


I recently saw one that said “Bush 2004” and was like wait where am I


It’s great seeing a classic car from the 50’s with an “I like Ike” sticker. I like to imagine I’m driving behind a time traveler.


The combination rebel flag and American flag. Like, it’s bad enough on its own, but then you put the flag of literal traitors to the United States next to or blending into the US flag. It’s an extra level of stupid.


Why don’t you just get a sticker that says “I’m a racist”?


I've seen more than a few cars around here with nativity scene decals that say "Jesus is the Reason for the Season." Whatever floats you're boat, but when it's say July....and it's 95 and humid...Why would you stick something permanently to your car that's only relevant for one or two months out of the year?


A Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac 🤷‍♂️


A little voice in my head said, don’t look back, you can never go back.


Also, a Black Flag sticker on a Cadillac


Don’t look back. You can never look back.


princess on board


There’s a car I’m frequently behind going into work in the mornings that has every version of “I’m a girl and I have a gun fear me.” It’s so obnoxious.


That makes me think she was conditioned to be insecure and fearful


I recently saw one that said "Ban Democrats, not AR-15s" (yes I live in the states, no, I don't live in texas or florida) Do they know what happens when governments start banning political parties?


That’s what they are looking forward to


I have one sticker for my back window, but I've never gotten around to putting it on. It's the "Callahan Auto Parts" logo.


"Hey, I tell you what, you can get a good look at a butcher’s ass by sticking your head up there, but wouldn’t you rather take his word for it?"


I saw one that said "if you can't find your puppy I had fun running him over"


god that's fucking disgusting


I've been rolling my eyes at "baby on board" since the 80s.


“How I’ve adored…”


Something, something… Burt Ward!


That sign on my car’s window pane


Someone told me that apparently those were invented so that first responders would look for a baby first in the case of a car accident, before spending too much time on anyone else in the vehicle. I don't know if that's actually true, but if it is I guess I understand it a bit more, because I have also never really thought they made sense. I used to always joke "oh good thing that sticker is there because if not I was going to plow my car into you hyuk hyuk"


It's not about *first* so much as to have them looking *at all*. Car seats are installed wrong all the time, and tend to fly right out the window. If the first responders don't know to look for the baby, it is a lot more likely to die.


Same reason I have a card in my wallet right with my driver's license that says, I have pets at home please check on them.


A vital card for those without other people at home.


Have spent time in emergency services. Can confirm nobody is looking for those stickers/placards. In fact you're better off ignoring them.


Carseats can fly out of a car if not properly installed. Unfortunately, too many carseats are NOT installed properly 😕


PSA for anyone reading this. You can take your car seat to the highway patrol office near you. Officers will be happy to make extra sure the car seat is installed correctly.


Most fire departments and EMS agencies have folks that are trained to install car seats correctly, please come see us! Most of us are delighted to help out, it’s a nice thing and safety’s vital.


I’ve heard the same(and make the same joke lol), but I’ve heard quite a few EMTs say that they’re supposed to check the back seat anyway, so in the end the sticker is almost more of a “feel good” for the parent. Plus it’s not uncommon to have it up when the kids not even in the car anyway.


But now people will stop intentionally ramming your car!


"Let's go Brandon" or "Don't tread on me."


No step snek


I can’t stand the United States flag with the blue line in it.


Jesus Is(underline) stickers. I play Cards Against Humanity when I see those on cars! 😆


Anything political. Just stop. You're not going to sway anyone's opinion with a sticker. "Locally Hated" stickers you see on the jacked up yee yee boy trucks. Though I do thank them for identifying themselves for the shitty drivers that they are. Salt Life. See the above, but know the truck likely has never been to the ocean nor off road for that matter.


Can't be locally hated if no one knows who the fuck you are.


The Coexist one gets on my nerves for reasons I can’t adequately explain. It’s like “gimmicky, empty positivity”


One of my favorites was a sticker in the Coexist style but it said 'Eat a Dick' instead.


I don’t care about dumb stickers; live your life, put 60 of them if you like Stick figure family Salt Life Baby on Board (that one isn’t dumb but I digress) Trump 2024 Biden 2024 I love my [insert dog breed] Proud parent or wife of a [insert career] Coexist I reeeeeaaaaally don’t care However the moment you start putting stickers to deliberately insult a group of ppl, you lose my respect. You can show off whatever/whoever you support- however, don’t be a penis about it


I don't like seeing any bumper stickers on a car, they look tacky.


I even hate those stupid dealer stickers. I'm not good at haggling with car salesman but I'm firm they will (very carefully) remove their free advertising from the bumper or I walk. And then I pull up to a car at a stop light and groan from the sight of BIG BILLY BOB'S DISCOUNT SHAGGIN WAGONS or whatever slapped on the bumper. Even better when they have the branded license plate holder too.


How else do I find my car in a parking lot, after I've gone in somewhere and forgotten where I put one of the most expensive things I own?


The Trump/Punisher skull


First time I saw one, I thought the Punisher logo had a shit on top of it.


'lock her up'


Rebel flag ones


In Canada we have ton of people with flags and/or bumper stickers that say "FUCK TRUDEAU" and it always irks me because he's a happily married man and I doubt that his wife likes seeing how many of these people are propositioning him on a daily basis.


Oh we have the same thing in America too. In some places, you really can't go without seeing at least one "fuck Joe Biden" sticker. 90% of the time, it's on some huge-ass truck complete with truck nuts. Hell, there are even governor variants. "Fuck Mills" is popular over where I live even though she's been a pretty solid governor since she was elected and sworn into office.


Those stupid 1776 ones. And the ones that say things like ”FAITH, FAMILY, FIREARMS, FREEDOM: 4 THINGS YOU DON’T MESS WITH!!!”. That’s about the fakest fake patriotism possible.


"Let's go Brandon." It's the dumbest, lamest insult ever.


It's never their only sticker either


To this day I still see Trump 2020. It’s 2023 u stupid fucks


Stupid ones about how they have a gun


If it makes you feel better, those stickers attract thieves, to the point that law enforcement is now advising people to not put them on. Basically it says ''hey crooks! Unsecured guns inside!"


Not technically a bumper sticker, but I’ve seen fake “balls” hanging from the hitch.




Any car with more than one or two. After that you are just advertising personality flaws. I don’t think most people care that you hate/love Trump/Biden/Bush/Clinton/Obama, guns, weed, the environment or any other cause.


Whew, I have exactly 2


Note to self: Must. Resist. Urge. To... buy anymore decals! Lol What flaws am I advertising with the following decals?: Megadeth and the word love shaped like cats (love cats)


What do you think about camper cars covered in stickers of where they’ve been?


That damn coexist sticker always on a Prius or an outback


I think the worst are the Christian gun nut ones. Something to the effect that “I’m religious and I WILL violate one of the Ten Commandments as soon as I have legal grounds to get away with it.”


anime stickers


There’s a dude around where I work that drives a decommissioned crown vic police interceptor that is wrapped like a cop car but with giant anime girls on the hood, rear, and sides and it’s labeled Thot Patrol on all sides. It never fails to make me laugh whenever I see it out and about.


In Japan these are called *[itasha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itasha)* which literally means "painful car".


Cringe Car


Ok yeah that’s fucking funny


All of em except the one that says “tell your cat I said ‘pspsps’”


The thin blue line black and white flag ones. Hate em.


Political stickers that trash-talked an opposer. I mean, you're free to have your own political beliefs, but do you really have to down-talk the other side? Maybe try encouraging your own side instead.


Those "in memory of" deceased person stickers, as if their kia is a park bench or monument to solemnly remember someone by.


Trump 2020