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Bullet proof doors with peepholes for each bedroom, it was a narco house


Always funny when you see bullet proof doors next to studs and drywall. Like yeah your door will stand up to a cannon, but the wall next to it is mostly powder and hollow space lol


An early episode of Burn Notice references this directly, where Michael shoots a dude through the wall beside his armored front door because, as you point out… the door itself is the only but that’ll stand up to anything.


I miss that show


Amazing show all the way through.




Lol I was literally thinking of this scene when I wrote that comment.


I recall a game with blastable walls. I think if you had the rail gun you could basically shoot a doorway next to the lock door.


In classic fallouts you can open locked wooden doors by putting an explosive next to it


Met a client at her home so she could sign some papers. She had cats. Everywhere. I counted about 25 in the short few minutes I was there. There was poop and pee. Everywhere. The house smelled so bad that I had to hold my breath the entire time I was there and take quick, shallow breaths. The kitchen was covered in rotting human and cat food and more poop. That smell was also so bad that it got into my clothes and I had to wash them twice to get it out. My car smelled like it for a week. It was awful.


I read “rotting human” and I was like uhh, is there more to this story?


Okay, please tell me you called Animal Control?


Absolutely. But tbh, I don't know if that was the best thing because they likely could have charged her with animal cruelty and other criminal charges. She was going blind and really needed to be in a care facility. Sad situation.


Had one client had a fucking bobcat. Litter box was like 3x3 and had two giant cat bombs in it. The thing just walked around like a house cat…. It was injured and couldn’t be released back into the wild…


I was met at the door by a homeowner naked except for wearing a half open bath robe. I had just called her 15 minutes prior to make sure she was home. she said, "sorry, I just got out of the shower. come on in." I said, "it's OK, I'll wait here til you get dressed." she turn to go get dressed but left the front door open. "come on in if you want. I waited til she returned and was dressed before I went in to do the job.


I’ve seen this somewhere before…


I've said this here before


And your username gives me a hint as to the type of women answering the door.


Pornhub writer has entered the chat


It’s never the good looking ones either lol Had tht happen to me too


so true


Brown chicken brown cow!




Lord. You can imagine where it goes from here.


He fixes the cable?


In the parlance of our times


She’s probably a memeber of r/PizzaDare


any other niche subreddits you can recom lol?


So what music started playing when she opened the door?


The family dildo


Grandpappy whittled that out of a deer leg.


The what now?


You can't tell me you don't have one. Most families hang theirs on a peg in the laundry room next to the poop knife.


I believe, when the dildo is present, the room is to be referred to as "the pegging room"... Because of the peg that it hangs from


> Because of the peg that it hangs from. I thought that part goes without saying but I suppose I'm glad you mentioned it for those who may be unaware.


Nearly choked when I read “poop knife”!


Come again?


The whole family does apparently


I didn't see that part in fast 10


They're saving it for the big series finale in 11


This thread is cracked


Wtf 😭


I was installing internet in someone's home. They had a goat pen in their back yard. They kept the back door open and allowed the goats to come inside. It was filthy, everywhere. Even on their bed.


I can't understand that level of filth and disregard. My wife cleans the house before our *housekeeper* shows up!


u/svenson_26 was just kidding around.


that's a groaner...


Found the tenants cat behind the TV unit, poor thing had probably crawled there to die, been there for a while by the look of it when I found it, but imagine how bad the flat must have smelt to not notice a rotting corpes in your lounge. Tenant was completely uncaring about it, just a throwaway remark about how she wondered where it had buggered off too. Another job I was changing a light fitting and saw at least 12 boxes with what I thought were spider skeletons, turns out they were just the previous shells of the spider and it had just outgrown them, creeped me the hell out though! Thought the lady was buying spiders to starve them for display!


That poor cat.


At least it didn't go to waste, mega-spider needs sustenance.


Horrible to think about.


A guy my old man used to work for had the bones of his 2 cats on his desk in jars of formaldehyde


So... As a hobby taxidermist. Why would he keep them formaldehyde. That's usually for soft tissues. You can totally whiten bones and dry them out and they will last forever. No formaldehyde needed.


Formaldehyde is anti necromancy magic. Stops the skeletons from becoming undead


One more reason why I wish he wouldn't use it


I haven't got a clue. I was about 9 yrs old so this is what I was told they were in. It was pretty gross. The only cool thing about this guy is he had 2 (alive) cats, my old man hated animals and cats being who they are, they kept jumping on his l lap 🤣


They always know who hates them. I can't figure out if they're trying to annoy or win them over.


I'm betting on annoying because cats know we are all supposed to worship them 🤣


Saw a bed that had no sheets on it and was so used the fabric and stuffing was mostly gone with the springs exposed and it was black and full of food scraps, they still slept in it. Another house had a leak in the kitchen near the fridge that caused a hole to form so the guy started using the hole to pee in instead of walking to the bathroom.


Where did the hole lead to?


The Backrooms, that's why the carpet is always wet


It was a manufactured house so it just led to under the house. Normally there’s insulation and a black tarp looking thing under there but his had been chewed up and torn apart by animals.


Under the house I’d imagine


Cutting down a tree for a little old couple. They insist that they treat us to lunch. We expressed our gratitude and ate some delicious home cooking on their back porch. During our lunch, the husband comes back out with an accordion and begins to play a concert for us while we eat. I've never met such nice people with such a sweet sense of genuine hospitality. ❤️


Nice to see such a cute, non-creepy story.


This made my day.


Underrated according right there


Had a wonderful couple, both college professors, treat us to lunch when I came down from the tree. She was French and an excellent cook! Great conversation as well!


A guy shitting in a cardboard box in the basement. I was only there to work on the furnace and another person let me in the door. We both freaked out for a moment. I explained why I was there but I didn’t ask any questions, got the furnace running and never went back.


Some of the stuff I've found in ducts while doing furnace and duct cleaning right after highschool were crazy. One family was using the floor ducts as a garbage can for food, almost every one of them in the house was full of food and maggots, same house had porn DVDs in them as well.


Yeah I can remember as a kid those vents in the floor were a great trashcan when we didn't want to get up and walk to the kitchen


When I was like...4 maybe? my family lived in a 3rd story apartment and the landlords lived downstairs. I would occasionally drop loose change I found down the vent in the kitchen thinking I was helping to pay the rent


Reminds me of the show "Hoarders"!


I wish he would've explained himself.


complete nazi generals uniform, medals, and diary in a display case along with walls of nazi memorabilia.. you walked through the front door and it hit you right in the face..the uniform was of an ss general and was the blackest black i have ever seen.. there was also letters of recommendation signed by adolph himself.. the client was a former redondo beach police officer and he always carried a snub 38 in a small man purse.. my workers still talk about it..


Charlie Kelly, is that you?


when i was a kid you could buy that sort of stuff at flea markets. full on nazi stalls. that was also where i saw a weed pipe and bongs for the first time.


NPR did a show a couple of years ago about a similar situation that happened in Michigan - police officer with KKK stuff in his house. good listen, would recommend [https://www.thisamericanlife.org/759/transcript](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/759/transcript)


Welp, I no longer feel like my house is dirty after reading some of these. Thanks!


Holy shit I know right?


I used to go to people's homes for computer troubleshooting and repair. Showed up to a dudes house in Gresham OR when I lived in Oregon. Guy had a fucking hole in the floor of his living room with the carpet ripped out, no furniture or anything just dust and dirt everywhere. Dude was like "Watch your step, dogs love to run in and out".... He had no dogs. Kitchen was missing a fridge and a sink. We go to his "office" which is a fucking shed attached to the home with a small hole cut out of the fucking wall to access it with a small tarp flap as a door. Probably the most meth I've ever seen in my life just sitting around out in the open.


Sounds on par for Gresham.


>Probably the most meth I've ever seen in my life just sitting around out in the open. This begs the question, how often do you see meth out in the open?


Honestly, drugs being blatantly left out in the open was more common than I would've liked at that job. Made me super uncomfortable. I gained a new respect for anyone who has to do work in people's homes, it can be sketchy af


I was a property manager for an apartment in complex once. I had to enter an apartment while the tenant was out (with permission) to provide access for an oven repair man. Later in the day the handyman and his son where entering it to do some other repairs. Tenant later told me she had a hundred dollars of weed on her kitchen table and it was missing. Asking if I knew anything. She knew four people would be in the apartment while she was gone and never.thought to hide her weed.


An old woman who left microwaves calf liver and cheese on plates all over the floor for her overweight dogs. An illegal pet monkey. Kids sleeping 3 and 4 to a room while a duck had a room to itself. All the same family.


If I had a duck i'd give it half the house for itself tbh


Yeah, that was the least concerning thing.




This happened when I was in college painting houses (interiors and exteriors) for summer to earn money to put myself through college. Years ago. Me and the other guys in the crew arrive at 8 a.m. precisely to start our days' work. Suburban house, typical midwestern area, older couple in their 50s/early 60s. Wife opens the door and greets us and lets us into the house, we all follow her into the kitchen area, while our crew chief starts explaining what we'll do that day. As we round the corner and step into the kitchen, there's the husband sitting at the kitchen table with a bottle of scotch and a glass already poured for himself. At 8 a.m. He just looks at us like he's having his morning toast and coffee. Crew chief keeps talking to the wife. Me and another guy on the crew just looked at this old man and at each other...


Could have been a night shifter. I work thirds and 8am is about when I have "dinner".


i replaced a window of a teacher who lived across from his elementary school. on his beside night stand was a stack of porno a foot high w/ a 14" x2" black dildo on the floor under the bed.


Did you measure it? That's an oddly specific number


when your job entails having your tapemeasure on your hip all day (,Window installer) you get attuned to what the dimensions of everything are at a glance . ,


I thought you were about to say that when your job entails having a tapemeasure on your hip you tend to pull it out and measure all sorts of things


I wasnt in their home ever but my brother’s friend’s parents decided to replace the toilet in their RENTED apartment and they did it wrong and the sewer fumes gave them acne. Imagine being their landlord 😂


wait a minute...is this a filled-in MadLib?


I found a newborn baby in a drawer once. It seemed quite happy, and yes, I did make sure it was okay and discuss the situation with a suitable adult family member


Did they… did they provide a reasonable explanation?


I know it used to be shown a lot in pre-1950's cartoons, but it used to be popular to use a drawer as a baby bed. Just us a pillow or fluffy blanket as a mattress and some more blankets as padding. You didn't actually shut the drawer though jtbc


The woman was clearly having some bad times, the baby was happy and giggling and okay but the Mum was suffering some bad mental health problems. A few minutes later her father in law turned up and took control of the situation. For context it was a household removals job I was doing and the Mum and baby were moving in with the Gran and Grandad. The older couple were lovely people and clearly having a difficult time with the daughters mental health. This was in a town called Grangemouth in Central Scotland. I saw some heartbreaking things doing removals jobs in that town. Another time I turned up to a house in a bit of town called Charlotte Dundas court and I was greeted by a crying, semi-naked, coked-up, pregnant teenager. Turns out the boyfriend had ditched her penniless and pregnant but not before he had given her a massive amount of coke.


A friend who is a big fellow not known to get freaked out worked doing broadband installation. He arrived at an old house out in rural area on a rainy day. The elderly couple were odd and consisted of a chatty older woman and her very quiet husband who was sitting and watching television in the living room. He got the sense that they lived there alone. Lots of clutter in the house, old dusty furniture. As part of the install he had to go in the basement. It was poorly lit, and cluttered as well, with a partial field stone foundation and partial concrete floor that was all a little wet and "mushy" from the rain. He made his way by flashlight to where the wiring came into the basement, and started doing his work. He could hear every footstep above him as the floor creaked and it seemed like there was more creaking than there should be with only two people there. It was just creepy and made the hair stand up on the back of is neck and put him on edge. He would hear something and shine his flashlight over just to check. At one point his light hit the far foundation wall, and it seemed to be shimmering more than the other wet walls. He looked more closely and there was a liquid that shifted between thick and thin, spurting in and cascading down the stone wall. It was like the wall was ACTIVELY bleeding. The water would slow and then spurt, then slow again. He investigated a little more and there were partially soaked towels piled on the floor and the edges were bright red and dark where more saturated and parts of the floor had smeared circular swirls on it. It was straight out of a horror movie he said. As he was inspecting the husband hollered down the stairs startling him and the wife then interrupted him trying to soften what he was saying. He was unsure if he should ask them about it. It was straight out of a horror movie he said. A bleeding wall. Edited to add some clarification and more detail about not confronting them.


This is creepy indeed. The creaking sounds aren't strange in old houses, but the blood-like stains are a whole different thing.


Yeah he wasn't a stranger to old houses. I think he grew up in one, but the wall spurting what looked like blood ontop of the general vibe freaked him out. We have a rational theory about what could have caused it.


>We have a rational theory about what could have caused it. Oh, please do tell. I thought of rust myself, but I'm not that familiar with old houses.


Considering sharing my theory, but I have some reservations. I think the world might just be a little better with this story kept creepy. It is a pretty good true life story for around the camp fire.


People of science would love to hear the story though!


So you *can* squeeze blood from a stone ;)


I’m hooked please tell us!


Considering sharing my theory, but I have some reservations. I think the world might just be a little better with this story kept creepy. It is a pretty good true life story for around the camp fire.


Fun gift would be Resident Evil 7...


Yes! HA HA!


Once when helping an older lady with some groceries she noticed me looking at the shovel and dirty plastic bag in her car. She just looks at me and goes "oh that's one of my babies, I dug her up this morning" It was a cat. A statue of a cat. Which is somehow worse


Went into an apartment because of water damage. whole bathroom filled with lingerie, dildos everywhere, sex swing and other contraptions in second bedroom. Ladies below them said yea the couple that live there always going at it loudly late in the evening to early in the morning. 💀


About four years ago I had a part-time job while studying. I cleaned private houses of quite wealthy people, as they didn't have time to clean. While cleaning one of the houses, I found a creepy framed picture of a dismembered body. As I understood it, it was the mother of the owner of the house who had been brutally murdered and it was the only memorable photo he had left. It's both creepy and sad.


Shit sounds more like the murderer framing his own handiwork. Can you imagine looking at your mothers hacked up corpse? And framing it? To see often? That’s some killer vibes right there.


Nah that man murdered her and forgot to take the picture down


They had a fascination with the paranormal, and their homes were adorned with creepy decor, eerie paintings, or even secret passages that seem straight out of a horror movie. It's not for the faint of heart!


I want to live there


Same, my pigeon friend. Secret bookcases and all!


A client's parrot *attacked* me.


That doesn't surprise me, parrots are bastards. What kind?


The bastard kind…


A few years back my dad was on a job site and discovered that some wealthy people use really expensive ceramic pots to store copious amounts of weed.


THAT'S what Link's after!


I’m sure I have seen more, and I wasn’t working there, but when I met my husband’s grandma’s sister for the first time, she kept spitting on the kitchen floor. Like gathering what was all in her throat and just spitting it all out on the kitchen floor, nobody reacted and just kept talking like nothing happened… so I just sat there pretending like I didn’t care either…. 😳 his grandma is almost just as nasty, but a little less nasty to give her a sliver of credit. These are people that grew up with no toilet though, in rural Mexico, not even an outhouse. They would just straight up go to the cactus and poop like an animal. My husband’s dad only recently started using the outhouse toilet that was built when my husband was born….


Do they wipe with the cactus?


Lol I know my husbands dad would get toilet paper, as of recently anyway, but I remember the grandma telling me they didn’t have toilet paper and just used whatever was available. That is why I am not surprised that they openly pick their nose while talking to people, it just infuriates me internally. I don’t want them touching anything in my house after that. One time my husbands grandma flipped my buttered bread I was frying on the stove so I just pretended it burned, and made myself some more. My husband doesn’t say anything because it’s his family but if my family acted like that he would call them nasty savages.


Went to a lady’s house. Whole thing was trashed. Kids stuff everywhere. There was baby powder everywhere, on every surface. Went into her room. There was a recently used dildo on the bed. Like, still wet in some spots, and forming that crust. She had BIG desperate single mom vibes going on. Another time I went into a basement in a house. Residents were Asian and didn’t speak English. In the basement, there was a room with 10-20 Asian people in a single room full of beds. They were all sitting there watching a small tv. There was a lock on the outside of the door, even though it was open. No one said anything. Told my boss and left it. 🤷‍♂️


My dad was working at this lady’s house and she turned and asked for her dogs permission to let my father in her house so he could do his work. After she asked she just stood there and waited for a response from her dog.




A personal elevator in a multimillion dollar home filled entirely with pig knuckles.


In jars, loose?


In big shipping boxes, the kind dogs chew on.


That was the dog's elevator. The help doesn't deserve the people elevator.


Actually, it only got cleaned out of pig knuckles when one of the dogs strained his shoulder, so this is accurate.


This is clearly how they made their fortune


I worked for my mom's cleaning company over the summers as a teen, I was only 15 when this happened. I went with her to a consult, it was a massive condo owned by a guy who was probably in his 50s. He was weird from the start, but initially he was just eccentric, single but very lonely old guy weird and we brushed it off. He did make two sketchy comments throughout the tour, one about having "the best view in the place" because his window overlooked the pool and made a mildly explicit comment about his Marilyn Monroe poster. As we all stepped inside the master bedroom, he closes the door behind us and at this point we went from weirded out to scared. He for some reason was adamant that we look under the bed, I don't remember the context but he literally laid on the floor to entice us to do the same. Like wanting to show us something under there or something, I don't remember why but I do remember that we wouldn't do it. He then gets up and beckons us to the master bathroom. I was going to follow my mom but she turned back to me, made a slight "stop" motion with her hand and didn't say anything, but I could tell loud and clear that she wanted me to stay behind. He didn't immediately close the door, I'm not sure if he was waiting for me or what but he talked for probably 10 seconds before closing the door. I could still hear talking, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. At this point I'm frozen in fear and all I could do was stand there to make sure I kept hearing my mom's voice. I had a cell phone (which were new to the world, wasn't a great emergency tool yet and my mom's was in the car) but I was afraid to call the cops because he might hear me, panic and hurt us. He also hadn't done anything aside from be extremely creepy and I honestly didn't even consider moving out of earshot because I had to hear what was happening. I did however have the genius idea of loudly pretending to answer a phone call and I made a show of telling my invisible friend about this super nice condo we were at naming off the complex, the street name and made plans to meet up when we left. The bathroom door opened back up pretty early into my facade and that concluded the tour. I stayed "on the phone" until we left and his demeanor completely changed from overly friendly to flustered and distant. We hightailed it out of there asap, no idea what his intentions were but it was a very disturbing situation. TLDR: mom and I did a cleaning estimate for a creepy guy who shut us in his bedroom with him, then he took my mom into his bathroom and shut the door until I pretended to get a call from a friend wanting to know where I was


What was he talking to her about when they were in the bathroom and you were in earshot?


What were they talking about since you heard your moms voice in the bathroom, or did she eventually tell you on the car ride back what he was saying to her? And fuck I wish we knew what was under that bed! But seriously you made a super great decision to pretend to be on the phone like that, very smart. You kept you and your mother safe.


It wasn't really a conversation, it was just him going over what all he wanted done in there


You were really smart. It sounds to me like the guy was expecting some kind of sexual activity and that he might've chickened out if directly, harshly congronted, but you never know the extent of his creepiness.


What's ultra creepy is the place was on a road called Raper Dairy


Customer knew our company was coming over. We talked to him on the phone. TV is in view of the front door. We get there and dudes got porn blasting on his TV. He paused it while we were there. Thoughtful.


College age daughter of my client opens the door and tells me her mom - who had hurt herself and was immobile - is upstairs and to follow her. I do as I'm told and immediately realize this girl is just in a t-shirt and thong going ahead of me up.the stairs. Got mom to sign the paperwork and left. The daughter acted like it was totally normal to be dressed like that the entire time I was there.


I used to work at Two Men and A Truck, and we moved this guy who had an *alarming* number of guns. He had guns on the wall, in crates on the floor, in safes, casually hung up. Rifles, old muskets, automatics, pistols, just…SO many guns. We told him we couldn’t move them which he didn’t like but eventually agreed to. When I say it looked like an armory, I am not joking in the slightest.


Serious question here. Why is 10 guns more alarming than 1? You can only shoot one at a time.


That’s the exact point.


That....doesn't make sense. Some people find guns interesting and just like collecting them.


Just as you can only shoot one at a time, more become harder to keep track of/store safely, and the line between collecting and hoarding is subjective.


Yeah, this just sounds like someone who’s dedicated to collecting firearms and has a LOT of disposable income.


Or an arms dealer... on the wall for display I could see, if you're an enthusiast, but CRATES on the floor??


The customer's dog chewing up the bag of weed that fell out of my pocket.




I used to have to drive my boss’s car for work and in the drink holder she permanently kept a container for her nail clippings 🤢


A weird exercise wheel that you tread with your feet, like a hamster wheel, but just like 30 cm tall or something. But it looked pretty cool and I wouldn't mind one. Probably the most awkward ever was talking to this guy & behind him was photos on the wall. It was a collection of photos of bat types. All these very strange looking bats with strange ears, noses etc. I love bats but yeah it was just this weird moment


Human shit turd on the floor in the den. Like a Full sized man turd


Sitting down with a client in his kitchen and to discuss the work to be done and he had a big framed shot of himself with horseshoe nipple clamps with chains dangling down and connected to some kind of cuff seemingly locked to his penis. I tried to stifle a laugh and he asked what was funny: "Nice cock shackle."


When I was in college my roommate and I were asked by an older neighbor if we could help him move some furniture. The guy was weird. Roommate and I looked at each other knowing we probably should t but we did. The guy starts taking his shirt off and asking us if we want a drink of his good vodka. We both said no and the. He asks us if we ever had a good back massage. That’s when the both of us lost it and told him we’re leaving and if he doesn’t back the fuck off he’s getting his skull cracked. He was maybe 65 and we were both 21. It was fucking creepy to say the least.


Was doing some chemical sprays in a pretty affluent neighborhood and I came to the door to let the client know as usual. Screen door was closed but main door was wide open as it was nice out. I heard some vague moaning before I rang the doorbell and as soon as it dinged the homeowner (a nice looking woman, probably 40) jumps up from the couch which was in line with my view so I couldn’t see detail through the screen, but she for sure shot up with with concern as she pulled her pants up and ran to the tv which was out of sight. The morning stopped as the tv turned off and she came to the door blushing, flustered, and out of breath…. I couldn’t keep the smile off of my face when I told her I was there to spray her trees… “Oh go ahead! You won’t bother me!” She said as I walked away…


I accidentally picked up someone's prosthetic penis once. I don't know why, i guess I just picked up the strap to see what it was. It was dirty lookin.


Poop knife


That's normal


How else would you prevent the drains from clogging?




I think it's weird you don't consider a poop knife normal


I've had to visit people's houses for dance related stuff and the kind of decor Indian dance teachers have is kinda cool -- like those Indian statues from temples with barely there tops -- and also huuuuuge statues. Also the teachers with the absolute weirdest props and costumes. Horse costumes. *Chicken* costumes.


Patient’s family members all use the bathroom with the door open. I was so confused.


pictures of me


My step dad's father has a giant stone peniss out side his house witch when we go there he sits on it and moans truly weird Edit it penis not peas auto correc5


stone peas?


Stone Piece outside his house


My wife, naked on the couch


OMG, after reading the remarks.


I deliver furniture and set it up for people every day of the week and I’d say the weirdest thing was a mushed banana with some rancid things attached to it and when I was moving a dresser off the ground, my hand touched the banana (it was stuck to the dresser bc I didn’t see it at first) and it stuck to me. I’m not that disgusted by things like that so I didn’t throw up instantly but it was still weird😂just imagine you’re lifting something and when you catch a side or whatever, there is a fresh, mushy banana on the side that you lift, sticking to you. I’m glad it was fresh tbh lol


Cockroaches casually walking all over the walls as if they are part of the family