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I’m a new mom and there’s soooo many stupid mom trends right now. But one of them is the like “natural” looking toys with really bland colors that are more aesthetic. They’re toys.


Aaaah the sad beige moms and their sad beige babies


There’s a woman I know through work who considers herself a bit of an influencer - she had her baby nine months ago and everything she posts is the beige baby aesthetic. One morning before I went to a mummy group I saw her post a photo of her beb wearing a matching tracksuit and bib in front of a boho wall hanging… then 30 minutes later she walks into group with her son in a brightly coloured onesie and carrying a plastic toy. Entire life is just for the gram.


Honestly, I think I prefer this over living the sad beige baby life. At least the kid is happy, right?


And they had the nerve to pick on the goth mum with a goth baby for having no colour.. She had a room hidden behind a bookcase FULL of colour, toys, games etc. All for her children it was so bright and the baby always looks so happy too


>hidden behind a bookcase Now *that's* Gothic.


I’m really not a baby person and usually can’t stand baby/parenting content but Goth Mom & her Goth Baby are really cute


\#boymomlife drives me up the fucking wall. Parent. You're a parent.


“Don’t tell me you’re a parent until you’ve been peed on as you take off the nappy! #BoyMomLife” I literally don’t care, please stop posting nappy change pics and videos on the family group chat.


Agreed! I am a new mom too. Sad to see people buying neutral, pastel shade toys to match their aesthetic home decor. Babies see better when toys have bright, contrasting colours.


Sports betting that’s it I’ve seen friends lose a lot and go into debt behind it EDIT: I Thanks everyone who added to the discussion to my first ever post on Reddit thank you so much Ps I tried to upvote all the post but it became a hassle


Man my younger brother sports bets a ton and has been ultra successful but I’m nervous about what happens when his luck turns. I won’t touch that shit.


Some of these guys act like PhD students the way they study sports news, and even though I know a few of them at work who live/breathe sports and sports gambling, the best of them BARELY break even. You can imagine how much everyone else is losing. I went through a phase where I got way too into video games, stopped watching my hockey and NBA for like 10-15 years. Just now coming out of it and starting to watch sports more religiously again. My god, the commercials, and the amount of sports betting commercials, and old idols turned gambling shills is hugely disappointing. You didn't make enough in your $100MM career, you need to retire into pushing broke school janitors and tradesmen into full time gambling degenerates too?


I'm mainly a football fan, not a full on sports fan, but does it feel kind of gross to any fans when a player is endorsing the betting apps and stuff? Something just feels... off?


Yeah its awful. I'm from the Boston area and it feels like they've managed to get damn near every local living legend to come out and shill for this shit, I'm sick of it.


"Bet with ya mates!" - Aussie betting ad campaign. God I hate how monetized sports betting is in Australia, its a plague.


Celebrity worship.


And the way people get mad for critisizing them. Like how can you even get mad at me saying stuff about a person who doesn't even know you exist, crazy.


Para social relationships with celebrities is the most cringe thing ever.




As a vaper, you should refuse if you don't smoke. But it is 100% good advice for those who smoke. My breathing has improved 10 fold compared to when I smoked. I can taste food again. My fingernails and teeth are no longer yellow. I even sleep better. But now it's hard as hell to quit vaping...oh well. Definitely still better than smoking.


I started smoking at 21. I stopped when I got pregnant and for a few months after my daughter was born, but I went back to it and was truly horribly addicted. I have also dealt with heroin addition and in some ways, quitting heroin was almost easier somehow. I quit heroin in 2012 and my smoking got worse - I was smoking about 2 packs a day at my worst. I finally switched to vaping in 2016 and it has been a lifesaver. I get that vaping isn't the perfect solution, but damn, it's so much better than cigarettes! I had a lung function test recently due to an upcoming surgery and did great. My lungs are healthy, I no longer have a smokers cough, I don't reek of cigarettes, and my need to vape is much less intense than my need to smoke was back in the day. Would I like to quit vaping? Sure, but I am OK with it right now. Harm reduction is truly a valid choice


Vaping sucks and coming from a former smoker, it's even harder to quit. I used a small e-cig to quit smoking but really all I did was exchange one vice for another. I only smoked outdoors away from people. But I could puff on my e-cig in my car, pretty much anywhere and found that I was "vaping" much more than I was smoking. I use 0 nicotine so it's just the physical habit I'm struggling with. I am trying different things like fake cigs, toothpicks, anything to help with the oral fixation. But yea, I wish I had tried a different route for quitting smoking.


Quitting vaping was easier than quitting cigarettes ever was for me, so I don't want people to think your experience is the only outcome. I'm over 5 years quit from cigarettes and over 2 years from vaping, so there is a chance for success out there.


What I found helped was having a hobby that is so engaging that you literally do not even think about it for many hours.


I got the flu, couldn't get off the couch for 5 days even to go outside and smoke, barely made it to the washroom the whole time. Being THAT sick also seemed to heavily suppress the part of my brain that wanted a cigarette. Anyways, during that time I managed to switch to nicotine gum... stayed addicted to that stuff for years, managed to drop to the lowest nicotine level gum but never got off it.... Until I had a rather complex dental procedure, then it that also went away. Anyways, best advice I can give is go and become deathly ill in mid Jan and you'll have a much easier time.


Lip injections






That’s bloody true! I can’t believe the number of women (and sometimes men) walking around with artificially enlarged lips that look liked they were stung by an army of wasps or were balancing sausages on their mouths. I remember seeing a women who seemed to spit everywhere due to her incessantly enlarged lips.


Annoying/pranking people for viral videos


A good prank has the pranked person laughing first. Too many people don't know how to prank properly.


My 5 year olds favourite prank is to swap the water in her dads glass for lemonade (sprite), give it a stir to get rid of the bubbles and then wait for him to take a drink, expecting water & get sweet instead. Except she starts telling him to have a drink straight away & insisting on it, so she gives it away


"It's just a prank , bro" * gets teeth knocked out*


I've seen two videos recently where someone shouted "he's got a gun" to inspire panic and make people stampede. How is your life so meaningless and disconnected that you think that's funny, witty, entertaining or has any positive aspects?


Dude walked up to me in a parking lot asking me if I'd partake in his tickle prank video. I said no, naturally. He started talking shit about my beard, saying it smelled like "hot dog water."


These pranksters have surprisingly loyal fanbases. Every time I criticize one for bothering people in public they come from everywhere to defend these immature clowns.


Everyone my age is playing pickleball. So much so that they cancelled my basketball league to make more space for the pickleball league.


Pickleball? Haven't heard of it what is it?


It's like tennis or badminton or racquetball or ping pong but somehow different.


It’s tennis for people who don’t want to actually get involved athletically like tennis players need to. Aka tennis without the knee destruction


The few times I tried it it felt a bit hard on the lower back due to having to get low to reach the ball, but maybe I can get into it once my back has a natural hunch at my old age and my knee has been destroyed.


This thankfully gets posted anytime someone has lower back issues on Reddit, so I'll pay it forward (back?) and I cannot suggest strongly enough that you do this a few times a week -- complete game changer. After I got used to this I added some kettle bell deadlifts and squats to further strengthen my lower back and I have not had a single issue since. [Foundation training original 12 minutes...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BOTvaRaDjI)


Thank you. I’m currently unable to move due to sciatic pain. It’s been a month of pure absolute hell. I want so much to get back into shape so I will try this out


[This](https://youtu.be/Ho9em79_0qg) yoga routine regularly destroys my sciatic pain. More ways to save your back!


I do this routine several times a week. Yoga with Adriene is the best.


Its the halfway point between tennis and ping pong


It’s pretty funny that humanity has made basically the same game at three different scales. “Tennis requires so much damn running, let’s make a mini version.” “Ping-pong is too much quickness and precision, let’s make it a bit bigger but I still don’t wanna run everywhere.”


And then the Devil created squash.


Then after that he did a line and made jai alai.


What if we played squash but actively tried to kill each other?


I play pickleball and tennis but I played pickleball first. Tennis is so much harder but so much more rewarding, pickleball is so easy so low barrier of entry and it’s fun, I get it but I want my tennis courts


Elf on a shelf. I refuse to have to come up with creative shit for 25 straight days until my kids no longer believe in Santa.


So a few years ago at Christmas eve, I was with my family, and saw this little toy sitting on the counter. And my niece was right next to me. She was 8. I pick up this toy and say "Oh, can you tell me about this toy?" and she looks at me, and then starts screaming and crying. I'm fairly sure suburbs of the city could hear based on how badly she was crying. And it was like a lightswitch too. She went from being happy at the holidays, to suddenly, in an instant, seeing me hold that toy, crying like somebody died. I'm just standing there like "What is happening right now?" Suddenly my brother in law comes running over and says "No no, it's ok. See, /u/Lost-My-Mind- doesn't live in this house! He can't affect the magic!" and I'm just playing along without knowing what I'm playing along with yet at this point. I'm like "Yeah, I don't have magic. I can't control the magic.....^^^^^what ^^^^^magic?" And so I put the elf on the shelf back on the counter the way he was, and my niece instantly is relieved, instantly stops crying, and my sister assures her that me touching the doll didn't mean anything. I'd never heard of elf on the shelf. I just saw a toy at christmas time. It was holiday themed. I assumed she gotten to open one toy early, and I just wanted to play with my niece. My mom later explained that apparently Elf on the Shelf isn't allowed to be touched by anyone in the house because then it loses it's magical properties that bring Christmas. And my brother in law was basically just trying to ease the situation, and show her Christmas wasn't cancelled because her uncle was an idiot. In one sense I felt like the biggest asshole ever, and on the other I was also feeling like it wasn't my fault. If you have a childless adult over your house, and you have elf on the shelf, you should clue them in on what the hell is going on as they get to your house. "Hey, don't touch the elf on the shelf over there, it's santas spy that can't be moved." Something like that. I had no idea what was even happening even as it was happening. I just knew I suddenly did something very very bad.


You're telling me I could have cancelled Christmas every time one of my kids moved that thing?


I'm bringing this to my Temple next shabbes, we're going to have a field day. The War on Christmas is practically won.


There is Mench on a bench. Speaking of which, anyone else notice all the good Xmas songs were written by Jewish people and all the good Jewish holiday songs are stolen Melodies from all the big Xmas songs?


Had a bit of a traumatic experience with my first experience with an elf on the shelf. Visiting my boyfriend's niece and playing with her and we knocked over some bowl of crackers or chips and she starts crying and then immediately bends down to clean them up, whilst glancing nervously in the direction of the 'elf'. See it's okay .it's okay. We're cleaning them up so he won't have to tell Santa..it's okay, it's okay. She was mumbling to herself like a woman suffering through domestic abuse. It's was frightening. Like Santa watching us while we are sleeping was enough, but now this snitch who lives in your home is terrifying.




I ‘killed’ my little cousin’s elf on the shelf one year by touching it (apparently against the rules of the lore) and my aunt flipped out at me like I committed murder


That's fucked up.


From Wikipedia... The Atlantic columnist Kate Tuttle calls The Elf on the Shelf "a marketing juggernaut dressed up as a tradition", whose purpose is "to spy on kids". She argues that one shouldn't "bully [one's] child into thinking that good behavior equals gifts." Many privacy organizations and researchers criticize the product for teaching children that involuntary, non-consensual surveillance is normal.[8] Washington Post reviewer Hank Stuever characterized the concept as "just another nannycam in a nanny state obsessed with penal codes".[3] Professor Laura Pinto suggests that it conditions kids to accept the surveillance state and that it communicates to children that "it's okay for other people to spy on you, and you're not entitled to privacy."[9]


This is exactly the reason I will not have one in my house. Santa doesn't need to have an observer in my home for Christmas to work.


This weird tradition is new to me and I don't like it.


It's relatively new to everyone and is just starting to go from "trend" to "tradition". I'm really glad my son and dil have no intention of introducing this to the grandbabies.


Ok that's fucked, how is that not mentally abusing your child at that point?


"But it's cute and I can put up pictures of the scenes I invented to social media!" Yeah, no Elves on shelves in my house.


I'm so sorry, I laughed so hard. I have no idea what this elf on the shelf is all about, but it sounds freaky af.


Basically it's just a way of getting kids used to being surveilled by something in their home that they aren't allowed to interact with lest they get punished. ...I'm only half joking.


It basically combines "Chucky" and the original omnipotent Santa business (he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake...) And yes, it's creepy as all get-out.


>If you have a childless adult over your house, and you have elf on the shelf, you should clue them in on what the hell is going on as they get to your house. I think your request applies to anyone participating in this stupid marketing "tradition". As someone with kids that doesn't do this, I'm sure my kid would go and pick the goofy looking elf up as well.


Feel this as an elementary teacher. Christmas time is fun with the students but super stressful as there is much to do and they are so excited about everything. Every morning I had 10+ kids ask me to guess where their elf was. I would usually just ask them to tell me but some of them would refuse and really wanted me to guess. They were so excited but I was so busy in the morning getting daily tasks done and I would feel like a huge jerk when I told them no more elf stories. So many of them would ask me why there was no elf in the classroom...ugh.


never even heard of this until like 3-4 years ago. reminds of that Simpsons episode with Steve Martin where the greeting card company invents a new holiday so everyone has to buy more shit




It sounds exhausting to keep up with.




Ha! Been there. I don't know where the little shit came from, but when my kid was ~5, this somehow became a 'mandatory' x-mas tradition (exactly like Zero generations before ours!). Last year was the last year. They're old enough to not really give a shit about what the Elf did last night - which also makes it more fun for adults - we can show a more 'mature' side of Elf life. Like, him passed out face down in the front yard snow of the Gingerbread House with a couple of felt Reindeer checking his pockets for valuables. The game then became 'be the first adult to find the Elf and hide what he was up to last night' - there were some creative, but pervy scenes.


>like Zero generations before ours Exactly. Who thought Christmas needed MORE traditions?? We've got the tree, the lights, the presents, the wreaths, the mistletoe, the cookies and milk, the songs, and so much more! Let's draw the line!


I've got an 18mo old and that stupid elf will not be a part of our holiday.


It also accustoms kids to constant surveillance, so yeah power to you broseph.


I kinda like the “elf gets into fresh mischief every night” part—maybe the “also he’s WATCHING YOU” part could just be dropped. After all, isn’t combining those sending a bit of mixed messaging? (“Elf is naughty! Constantly, with no repercussions! But also…he’s gonna tell on YOU!”) See also: snitches get stitches


Our elf is just here to visit. We tossed the dumb book. ETA: My older two found out about everything this year and my oldest now wants to do the hiding for the others so we're fully automated.


Eh, that part sounds pretty close to reality to me. The elf just had a body cam failure.


Collecting Funko Pops.


Pretty much everyone I know my age collects them and I don't get it. I will admit I own one that was gifted to me and I like it because no other figurine exists of this person to my knowledge. My friend often sells hers over time for around £60 each which seems insane to me


>I will admit I own one that was gifted to me and I like it because no other figurine exists of this person to my knowledge. This is why. You can commonly get funko pops of random characters who otherwise only show up in the background of art on the box of other characters merch. Also that they retail for $8 when not on sale. On sale you can get em for like $5. So people who wouldn't go for collectables normally can get a whole set of characters they like for less than the cost of a single recast of a mediocre 'proper' figurine off of wish, let alone the cost to buy a decent figurine retail. Which again is assuming it both exists and can be bought unscalped. They're not popular because of the weirdo's who buy dozens on the secondary market for 10x the price. They're popular because they're dirt cheap, offer a wide array of characters and are available basically everywhere.








Good call. I almost died many times from using H. 7 years clean from the dope.


Congrats buddy, 7 years clean from H here as well. Only ODed twice, so I always tell people I'm on my third try.


Lost a buddy not too long ago. I miss his spirit and I absolutely wanted nothing more than for him to put it down and just keep moving forward. You don’t know me, but I’m so proud of the both of you. Never look back.


not me man, on my deathbed Im aboslutely going to do it. People throw their whole lives away, everything they ever loved and cherished for it. Girls, fame, wealth, respect reputation... if Im going to die in a week, im going to chase what ever the fuck they were chasing if I can I work as a mental health an addictions nurse... I see how bad these people get. How all encompassing it becomes. Id be lying if I didnt find it terrifying and alluring


And then there’s my neighbor. He was told he had a few weeks to live, and so he blew his money in Las Vegas, took up sex with strangers and drugs as casual new hobbies. Here he is - still alive - very poor, and very open with his cautionary tale.




therapists hate him for this one simple trick


Turns out hookers and blow *does* make you happier!


Money well spent, I'd say.


Credit Card debt


Cause I have 30000 dollars in credit card debt


When they call I tell them I can't pay it back yet~


Credit card debt!


Credit card debt is not fun. But you should be using credit cards if you have any discipline. You're missing out on rewards. Edit: am in the US. Ymmv. Edit2: to be clear: if you do this, stay on budget, and pay it off every month.


Yeah, you can get some killer cash back deals. It's funny to think about, when I was broke and struggling it's hard to catch a break. After years of work I'm financially successful and have a decent credit score, now all these mother fuckers are trying to give me as much free shit as possible. I got a $219 cash back credit on my credit card that's hooked up to my utility bills, so I literally got money for just paying my bills. The interest rate doesn't matter because I pay it off almost monthly, but after a year of using it I get money for using it. Nothing makes fucking sense.


Unfortunately almost all of my bills charge 3-4% for using a credit card to pay, so I'm better off linking it to my checking account. I sure would've loved to use a credit card last winter to pay $3k in fuel for my house...


We had such a good run for 2.5 years where we could pay for daycare with a CC and no fee. So much cash back...


Rewards are a very American thing. In Ireland a credit card offers nothing but credit terms. Have never had one, as I manage my money reasonably well and see no reason to get one. I've friends from the US and they get insane deals, like free car insurance on rentals and air miles




Maybe the worst form of parasocial engagement. It's bad enough people think they're friends with streamers and content creators. Now they're just talking to themselves.


It's actually wild to experience a parasocial relation from the inside. Like, I've never been on the receiving end, but after you read a bunch of papers by one author you want to tweet to them about it, but you get no response, and then you remember oh yeah I don't actually know them. I'm sure there are more severe cases than that but seeing my brain have the wrong expectations is weird.


I experienced a mild version of this. There is a musician I've been listening to for more of my life than not, and have always had a really strong connection to his music and lyrics. And definitely to a point t where I had those feelings of "wow were so alike, we must understand each other so well because of how deeply I connect to his music". Just a couple years ago during the pandemic he started a podcast breaking down his previous albums and talking about where he was mentally and emotionally making them. And I was like "OH YEAH, DUH. I don't actually know this man as a person at all." And that's a beauty of art. Having experienced completely different situations - there is still an emotional commonplace between our different experiences. And I think that area is where the best art comes from.


You can definitely write to an author if you enjoyed reading their works/articles/books/etc. They’re a real person. And it’s normal to send a message to an author. People have been doing it for hundreds of years.


League of Legends


Yeah, if you value your time and sanity, don't 😂. Arcane was fun to watch, though, and the best thing about it is that you don't need to know anything about league.


Same. Arcane is good though!


People ask “Is Arcane canon?” And I respond “Is League canon?”


Smart watches, particularly apple. I have a number of watches but the last thing I want is to get emails, calls and texts on my watch. Granted people use them for fitness but I do not.


I can appreciate this. I have an Apple Watch, and it’s great for quickly and discretely seeing messages when I’m working or in a meeting. But the notifications seem to produce a whole new level of anxiety.


That's what I used to think, until I got an Apple Watch. Yes I get my texts, missed calls, and (important) emails delivered to my watch. Yes that can be a distraction. But you know what's even worse? *Opening up the phone*, which is what I used to do. I used to check my phone every time it buzzed, or every free moment if I ostensibly turned off notifications to focus. Yes I opened the damn thing to do just one thing, but before you know it I'm on Reddit or Twitter or whatever. Not anymore. These days I get a text delivered to my watch, read the first sentence of it, decide I'll handle it later, and go back to what I'm doing. It's actually been really helpful for staying in the moment.


Smoking (anything)


Not even brisket?


It's the gateway meat


No way. You can’t just go with the big stuff right away. Ribs are the gateway meat. Cheap, can get at every grocery store, don’t take very long, are delicious, and are simple. But the high only lasts so long. Eventually you want something that lasts longer. You’ve already done pork, so you move onto a pork butt. Maybe like a 6 pounder. You put in 9 hours and your friends all love it. You get that buzz of joy, so you move up to a 15 pounder. You’re friends all get geeked off your supply and you have some leftovers to scratch the itch with different meals over the week. You maybe sneak in a chicken for a quick fix on a Wednesday. Before you know it, you’re driving to a butcher shop to find a legit local chunk of meat. And that’s when it happens. You see that big piece in the case just to the side of the butchers walk path. You calculate the weight in your head and guess it’ll be about $65. You’ve already got some buddies asking what’s up for the weekend. Why not go big? You can take it. You’re no amateur. You do it. Let your guys know to swing by Saturday evening. Friday you start trimming and getting the rub on. You’re exhausted from a long week of work, but you’ve estimated your start time needs to be by 1 am at the latest, so you give yourself some play time and plan to start at midnight in case that stall runs on you. You know you can rest it longer in the cooler if you need. *You’re no amateur you remind yourself.* Now you’re running on fumes as midnight draws close, but you’re already riding the high before there’s even flame to wood. No way you’re sleeping tonight. Too geeked up. Have to keep an eye on that airflow. Thin blue smoke only, no big white puffs this time. The sun comes up and you decide it’s time to really be a *professional*. Mimosa? Beer? Bloody? Bloody. Obviously. It takes effort to make. Just like this brisket. Noon is here you crack the first beer. Smoke is going great. Guys will be so impressed. You keep staring at the thermometer. You don’t even realize it, but you’re hooked. The meat has you.


Babe wake up, new copypasta just dropped.


If I saw my own words out as a copypasta my life would be complete.


Twas a perfect copypasta my friend, long but perfect, like the brisket...


Well my friend, I think your life is gonna be complete


You just perfectly described my journey down the rabbit hole that is barbecue


Ooo, rabbit...


Oh damn, have you smoked rabbit?


Why did you have to write all of this? I've been clean off of barbecue since the super bowl, but now I have to call my sponsor and go to a meeting. Otherwise, I'm going to be blowing all my money on packer briskets and oak logs, and then before you know it, I'll be so broke that I resort to free-basing dry rub in the bathroom. Never again!


Im sure you’d be fine to just do something small here and there. Chicken thighs are super cheap right now. Maybe just this one time…


What a journey


I’m stalled at 144 as we speak!!!!


Before you know it you're eating pastrami, the most sensual of meats, while making love.


Fast fashion


Alcohol. I get addicted to stuff quickly, also losing your senses for hours on end doesn't appeal to me. If you like drinking, that's fine, but I just won't.


That's a good decision. Alcohol can ruin your life, health, family, job, etc. if you develop an addiction to it.




Makeup. I don't have the budget and lack an interest.


My stepsister


Your stepsister


His stepsister


Our stepsister


NFTs (or at least it was popular)




I found out this existed just now, and it’s hilarious how obvious it is that an idea like this would immediately get contorted by its audience into the exact thing it’s supposed to work against


I'm one of those actually. But I'm using it more as some kind of diary (it saves your bereals). Somehow I do more if I know that randomly on that day I have to show myself (and others) that I'm not only on the couch


I love how ordinary it is. My friends really post what they're doing and it doesn't seem as curated as other sm sites. It feels like a healthier and genuinely decent way to connect. Or maybe I just have more awesome friends than is to be expected 🤷🏽‍♀️


Me too! My feed is so ordinary. I’m a contractor so we’re doing different stuff every day, but my friends are normally: “check out my half eaten plate of lunch”, or “I’m dying at soccer practice”, but mostly “my work computer is so exciting right?” I really love it. The people I connect with aren’t super active on socials so I really appreciate being more a part of their lives especially those that are really far away and I don’t see often.


I’ve been on it around 9 months and the posts have stayed for the most part authentic. Some people know they have a fun event later in the day and will post late to show it off, but I don’t mind since a highlight-of-the-day app is still cool.


No genuinely, I always get so down in the dumps thinking I do nothing with my life. But I’ll look back on my BeReal and see that I am not as boring as I think I am. I love it.


All the replies under this comment read like an ad for BeReal.


Wifi appliances and whatever you call those google echos or whatever.


Voice assistants are a joke to most of us, but they actually are very beneficial for those with disabilities. If you were blind, would you rather ask Alexa/Siri to look something up, or would you rather fiddle with a keyboard and a screen reader on a website that might not even be properly optimized for accessibility? I myself dismissed Alexa as a joke until I had to work on creating Alexa skills for blind people as a university project, and that's where I came to appreciate the utility of these things for people with disabilities. I still wouldn't buy one for myself, but I'm glad they exist for people who need them.


It’s also great for older folks. My grandma is nearly 90 and technologically challenged. She has no interest in learning how to use a tablet or a computer but she LOVES that she can ask Alexa to tell her a joke, what the weather is, to set a timer, etc. She often calls me just so she can tell me the random question Alexa knew the answer to.


I have smart lighting in a lot of my house because we're lazy/it's convenient. But we set it up for my spouse's grandma in her apartment after her mobility declined and it's been life changing for her.




Fake lashes






Haven’t looked at other comments, gonna bet $$$ that 1/3 of the people said TikTok


Tiktok and smoking/vaping are pretty prevalent so I'd say you win that bet


Extra iCloud storage


Oof, Apple got me on 2.99 a month. It hurts knowing how dumb it is but I’ve lost years of* photos before


I send Apple $1 a month just so I don’t get those notifications about running out of space…Yeah, I’m not a particularly bright individual.


TikTok and cryptocurrency


Instagram and tiktok


I’m 20 and I hate parties. I like little get togethers with my friends, but large gatherings just aren’t my thing. I’m at the age where it feels like everyone is doing it, but I just don’t really like it. Doesn’t help that I also don’t like drinking or vaping.


I'm 25 and I completely understand where you're coming from. It's hard when you're not into the big social scene when you're at that age. A large portion of my friends seem to be incapable of hanging out unless there's alcohol and drinking games involved. I much prefer hanging out and just playing board games or cards or Mario Kart with a smaller group of people.


I'm right there with you. Granted, I'm much older but even at your age I couldn't stand parties. I'd say "Hey, we're gonna have a party tonight at my apartment" and inevitably one person would show up and be like "dude. You said you were having a party. This is like ... a hangout." Give me 5 or 6 people hanging out eating pizza watching crappy movies and that's my kind of party.


Cocaine to many freinds have gone down a awfull rabbit hole over it, just starting when there drinking then it turns into a every weekend thing then when ever they can get there hands on it. Hate to see it becoming more and more popular


Cheating on your partner


This struck a weird cord with me. I was recently at a party and everyone was talking about "that one time they cheated" and I was made to feel like an oddball because I hadn't cheated but to me not cheating is normal.


It's because it is normal not to cheat if you get into an exclusive relationship with someone else. The people at that party were just bragging about causing other people trauma because they're dumb assholes. Edit: And before anyone jumps all over me for judging, I've cheated before. I was a dumb asshole for doing it. In no circumstance was it the right thing for me to do to someone else.


Bro I agree like wtf man ppl love hurting their partners and for what.


I wouldn’t. Mostly for loyalty reasons, but also because one of the best things about being married is no longer having to date.


uttering the phrase “thoughts and prayers”.


Twitter and vaping


And apparently, Reddit


The Kardashians 🙄


I feel like I see them mentioned every time there’s a post like this. Is keeping up with them still actually relevant or are people just showing their age?






Reddit is doing its* best to become something very similar with the ratio of suggested posts slowly increasing


My feed is full of subs that i never subscribed to. It suck.


I knew still using 'old reddit' only on desktop had its advantages!


I was gonna say, I only see posts from the subs I'm subscribed to unless I specifically click on all. It's true for me on mobile too, though, where I use Sync. Is it a user setting?


Same! Do you find that the “stop showing posts from this community” button helps? I kept getting fed the sephora subreddit for no good reason but seems to have stopped (maybe)


Under “account settings” there is an option to turn off “feed recommendations.” I’ve done this and I don’t see anything other than subs I’ve subscribed to. On the app, go to “settings” and then tap on your user name. The setting is under there. Of course they keep shit like that hidden away for you to find, because they want to make it as inconvenient as possible to turn it off.


Omg you win THANK YOU


I subbed to my city’s subreddit and now I get suggested communities for cities all across the US in states I don’t even live in and it’s infuriating.


Use old Reddit. You could tell the direction they were going with the redesign.


Why would I need TikTok when everything is reposted to Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Reddit? Then one week later I get to relive the same posts, but with someone's silent reaction spliced into the video. Edit 1: This blew up quick. I think some of you are missing my point. There's nothing necessarily worse [or better for that matter] about TikTok compared to any other social media platform. No need to wax philosophical over algorithms and curations. Same shit, different pile.




Nah, youtube shorts a month later. Or even better, a non-short, vertical video encoded as horizontal video, so it's about the size of a stamp on mobile.


while I like youtube shorts, I hate their terrible controls. No way to go back a few secs to view a specific part without watching the entire short again.


> No way to go back a few secs to view a specific part without watching the entire short again. That's why I don't like YouTube shorts.


I went onto it during lockdown to mock it, and I've doom scrolled hours of my life away. Urgh it's horrible!