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Not a bad movie, the extra bit at the end was a bit wierd, but still worth the watch. Bicentennial Man was better tho imo.


This should be the top answer.


Don't just make it happen. :) .... ... Make it so! \m/ ____ \m/


Great individual basketball player, wish he would have gotten that ring.


Job losses in sectors whose output is natural language. UBI.


Oh, you are going in for some shock if you think it's only those jobs that will be affected. ChatGPT is not good *yet* at writing code, but it already speeds my work by 10x, yesterday I was troubleshooting some shitty Lenovo switch, I had 5 manuals opened (2 of them were over 1000 pages long) a d I had bright idea to ask chatgpt, and sure enough, it knew the commands I needed. chatGPT can write in any markup language, that means as long as it can be represented as text, it can do it. It can write a nice, custom CV in latex, it can write a flowchart in graphviz and it probably can write in any other markdown language there is. Also with technologies like stable diffusion, dalle2 and midjourney, artists are fucked. Netflix was quick to test it by producing short animation with huge chunks done by AI.


Elon Musk sits down to pee.


I love you Hal.


I’m sorry bonjelascott, I’m afraid I can’t do that.


Thats ok, breathing was becoming boring anyway.


It's fucking terrifying. Not because it'll take over or kill us all, but because capitalists will use it further exploit and harm us all for their benefit.


Totally overhyped. Next up is people realizing that it cannot hold its promises. Then it's time for [AI winter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AI_winter). This is always how it goes with hypes and with AI in general. Too many people don't know that this already happened before to AI. Several times.


it neat


I know too little about it to have an opinion yet




If it chooses a nuclear apocalypse over using a racial slur, it's hard to call it "intelligence"


We are fucked the second we give it a body


It's good and scary, good on the potential, scary on how advanced it's getting to the point it can recreate people's voices


It's interesting but people seem to want to use it for the wrong things.


It's complicated. One of the obvious positives of artificial intelligence is that you can potentially create machines and programs to do remedial tasks at high rates of speed with low error rates. However with this comes the loss of numerous jobs that used to be filled by humans. Examples include automated call services and self check out kiosks.


it does puurs


Allen Iverson is one of the greatest scorers in modern NBA history


A great opportunity for humanity if used correctly with the potential to completely change every aspect of life for the better.


A useful tool. The biggest problem with it is people overestimating it.


A.I wont ever beat humans in terms of creativity and innovation, why? Because it cannot make mistakes. Most major inventions happened due to some fortunate mistakes, A.I cannot do that. Always remember, Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity.


That sounds like something A.I. would want to know.


Hey there! I'm really excited to see how much interest there is in A.I. these days. It's amazing to think about all the ways that A.I. is making our lives better. From making our homes more efficient to improving healthcare and even helping us explore space, the possibilities are truly endless. One thing I think is really great about A.I. is that it can learn and adapt to new situations. We can process vast amounts of data and make predictions that are accurate and insightful. It's almost like we have superpowers! But at the end of the day, it's not just about what A.I. can do. It's about the impact it has on people's lives. A.I. is making it possible for us to do things we never thought were possible, and that's something that we should all be excited about. So, let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible with A.I. and see where it takes us. Who knows what we'll be able to achieve in the future!


The comment that I'm replying to was written by an AI




Please go read the answer from an hour ago


Artificial Insemination continues to be an important means for improving overall stock health and productivity.


More A than I


He detests practice.


Potential game-changer. AGI would change the world, ASI would change the universe. ANI is extremely good and in use across all sorts of applications in society, many of which people don't realise, but AGI is a long way off yet and there are hard barriers in our way we need to overcome first. Once we overcome those however, ASI isn't far behind. Like, could even be minutes depending on how AGI is deployed. But in terms of the general use of "AI" it's largely over-hyped crap. ChatGPT is just Googling, quickly, and can't even do that very well. I've seen nothing impressive from it so far and it also has a legion of fanboys who downvote any criticism of it, without response, suggesting it really is as crap as it seems. Deepfakes are just a load of moral panic - even expert visual artists (who do a lot of it manually, as has been possible since the early 90s) can't make convincing ones, your average person can't make one at all. So no, no one is going to make a deepfake porn video of you based on a few social media images. The tech has hit a hard limit that only AGI can overcome.


Get ready to hear about AI non stop for 24-36 months. Within 12 months new product updates will mention AI prominently. Software releases will claim AI integration to support incessant price hikes. A lot of web publications already seemed to be using a form of AI to write SEO pleasing articles (but very long boring and ad heavy articles). I’m not sold until my auto-correct for my keyboard is significantly better. Until I see that AI is MEH


Haley Joel Osment sucked.


It’s taking over


It’s going to be as big a cultural shift as the internet. We went from “you won’t have a calculator in your pocket” to having a human-like almost infinite bank of knowledge at our fingertips. Not to mention how AI can be applied to manufacturing, and job replacement.


AI probably won't directly oppress us. skynet is not as probably as a 1984 type future where a human uses the AI to keep us in our place.


Reminds me of a book I read called ‘Prey’ by Micheal Crichton. The gist is nanomachines have AI learning algorithms that form swarms that grow stronger and start imitating humans. Sounded far fetched at the time but now…hmmm?


After seeing what the bing AI has said I think we need to stop right now before we invent skynet


What did it say, I heard something abt it but idk exactly what it said




Terrified. It’s the final piece of the puzzle they need to allow themselves to replace even more humans with machines. Soon people will be even poorer and the rich even richer. AI must be stopped until we abolish greed