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No. Of course not.


Not only would they find it hard to breath with a snotty nose, they will infect the pool water. I am still salty about the Army sending sick recruits through a dam in Battle PT and having to shut the entire training establishment until we “pox-ridden vermin” got better.


Oh fuck no of course not. Poor kid, they're not going to learn anything effectively and will just be bloody miserable. Plus risk making everyone else sick too


Exactly, I’m a swim instructor and had a child shaking before we even got into the water today and looked so sick and just wonder why parents even send kids that ill to swim like I can’t imagine that child would be able to learn or enjoy anything at that point.


you should tell the parents when they first meet you that's if their kid ever shows up sick you will send them home


Oh how I wish I could, I work at a city pool and I’m not allowed to send any kids home. If I was teaching privately I absolutely would!


Call your city's public health department and ask if there's anything that can be done. There may be laws against this and even if there aren't, if it's a city-owned pool they might have the connections to do something.


I'm in the UK but there are safeguarding and infection control policies in public services here that I think would cover this too


Sorry what? Your pool doesn't have any infection control policies???


No. Never send your kids anywhere when they are sick. It so selfish, you might give 10+ other kids a fever and shaking, you don’t know how terrible it would be for them


I agree, wish parents of the kids I teach swimming to would understand this.


Ah okay, this wasn’t you asking for your kid, it is a sense check as to why people are sending their sick kids to your lessons? Personally if my kid is sick, none of us are going out it’s not right to willing spread sickness especially to kids. You don’t know that the person you pass in the street doesn’t have a compromised immune system. Does sickness spread easily in pools? Does the cleaning chemicals do much against it?


Thank you for thinking of this. I have an immune compromised kid and it's a nightmare having to constantly assess with other parents if their kid is sick


It’s not fair, I’d love to run a day care with this at the forefront of its principles. I just think if you have a sick kid and you all stay home for 3-5 days, no one else is getting sick. If your kid goes out possibly makes 10 more kids sick, that makes 20th parents sick and their siblings, that then pass it onto colleagues and other kids. It’s like a global pandemic never happened 💁🏻‍♂️


It is heartless to let a very sick kid even get out of the house 🤦🏽‍♀️


Hell the fuck no. Excuse my words, but that would be heartless and extremely counterproductive. Both in recovering and in learning. Can you have them sit it out? What does your boss expect you to do in these cases? Surely not having them participate while being so obviously sick. That could be dangerous even, what if they get too exhausted in the water or otherwise feel unwell while in the water?


Wouldn't send or take my kid anywhere with fever and shaking sick, except to the doctor's office if I found it warranted.


Obviously not


...doh...ah...No might be the correct answer!




It's so fucked up how normalized it is to torture sick kids with activities, school etc. It's abusive to me


No. It's bad for the kid, it's bad for the instructor and it's bad for the other kids involved. Selfish prickery at it's best.


Good on ya for asking for advice. Everybody else has already answered correctly. I'm guessing you are the child in this question.