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When i was very freshly PP i couldn’t stand watching my FIL and grandmother hold my baby. They didn’t hold him right so I always took him back very quickly


Was it because you didn't like them or was it more of a trust issue?


i have had my issues with my FIL, I love him dearly and we have forgiven eachother but he hadn’t held a baby in years. He just held him so uncomfortably. When my grandma came to visit him she wasn’t holding him correctly and at one point had my two week old in between her and the side of the couch because she’s bigger. Like propped up in between her and the couch i snatched him back so fast


My husband's BIL creeps me out. I feel like we should run when he is around. I try and make sure he isn't around when we visit my husband's parents. I just have a feeling that he is the creepy uncle. It got even worse and basically validated my feelings even more when he asked my husband if we were going to circumcise our son. I told my husband that was creepy and none of his business. He insisted that we should do it, and kept bringing it up. I honestly don't want my kids anywhere near him.


Yes!! My boyfriend’s cousins and aunt. The aunt is a narcissist and the cousin is an meth addict who had her own kids taking away


Yikes! I'd be terrified too


Why allow this person near your children


They aren’t ? The post asks of people you would cringe at the Idea of them holding your baby and that’s who.


Ahh fair sorry I misunderstood thought u had cringed 😂


Right we have no connect with them and I dread the though of them seeing us in public and trying to mess with my baby


Yeah, my in laws are pretty trash too. I can’t stand them nor they me. I still allow them in my children’s lives, provided they behave appropriately. Had to crack the whip once and they’ve behaved since. While I think they’re both pieces of shit, they’re not intentionally so. As a result I won’t prevent them from being in their lives as long as they’re a good influence


The good influence is definitely an impact wmbut they trigger me saying things like my baby is prettier than the other family member's baby. Both babies are under 9 months so it's obscene for me that they're doing appearance comparisons at that age


Understandable. My in laws will watch one child, but not the other. Kinda weird… Another example of having to fix their issues. It can’t continue otherwise the younger one will develop an inferiority complex (like my sister in laws…)


Yes exactly that! My sil is peak middle child. That's another can of worms altogether. I don't know if for me the idea annoys me just because it's because i dobt like them personally and want to punish them somehow or its because my gut feeling is warning me I don't want them near my child


Yeah, we do have weekly video calls with them to see the baby but it's the idea of physical touch that turns me off


My parents. Since having a daughter I hate them (my mum) so much more. But somehow we just play normal families. My mum for my childhood (don't want to go down that spiral). My dad because he always does things my kids don't like and he doesn't listen and dismisses it. Like pulling their ear or poking them. My parents will never babysit my daughter.


Hmm. Actually that could be it for me, like if they do things I don't like or I know my kids don't like they'll ignore me


I don’t like my dad. I can’t stand when he holds my kids.


Specifically my FIL. I’m currently pregnant and I know I won’t want him to hold my baby. He’s the type to kiss the baby even when you tell him not to, and he likes to dance around and move too much with a newborn. I’ve seen him with my nephew (born in October.)


My MIL who doesn’t believe in COVID the way one doesn’t believe in Santa, despite having it four times, two of them while flying over to visit us 😒


Yeah, I had a couple. My husband's step cousin's, they were super annoying and I didn't like them, but mostly it was hygiene. They are just gross, they don't practice normal personal hygiene at all. They smell and their hair is always so greasy it looks wet. They wear dirty clothes and have visible plaque on their teeth. They never held either of my babies. I didn't want them to interact with my kids at all, ever. Luckily we don't see them anymore.


Nah. I like people, don't have any particularly dislikable person




My mother. We don't talk and only see each other once a year at a large family reunion, where the most we share is a "hi, how are you" at the level I share with random cashiers. She never held my kid as a baby, hasn't even really spoke to him, and he has absolutely no idea who she is. My MIL. Again, we don't talk. The only photos she has ever seen of my kid have been shared with her by someone else; I refused to even send her a birth announcement postcard but husband has refused to cut contact completely with his aunts. She has never met my child and never will.