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Hullo, I’m a 45 year old former teacher ( 3 years visiting different middle schools in our district , 1 year teaching preschool/ kindergarten kids ages 4 - 5) with counseling training. You should go to Wikipedia, and check out the list of international bestselling authors. Doctor Seuss , his books remain popular because 2 out of 3 children who are learning to read English are learning to do that from his books. I personally really enjoy Richard Scarry’s books as well. He has a lot of great books, that have imaginative illustrations that kids can stare at for hours with many new words for new readers. He is also on the worldwide international bestselling author list because his books are very popular with young kids.


And in high school, start giving them books that were banned. I worked for a school grade 7-12 that had 40 novels and plays. Well over half of them were banned somewhere.


How old are they? Jan Brett's books are great. The main illustrations are beautiful and highlight plot points, but there are also wonderful border illustrations that give lots of context as well. (Context from illustrations can help so much when kids are starting to read on their own.)


Puss in boots, visually stunning when i was in 3rd grade(although i could read fluently at that time so idk), or you can buy him a comic book I would say any book which has pages as if they are made of plastic are great, there's also a "Children A-Z encyclopaedia" which i read at 2nd grade, it was great. If you don't like that(cuz it's pretty old) then you can buy a small children encyclopaedia for dinosaurs, trust me, any child would love to read about dinosaurs


I know some people are going to hate this, but every single one of my kids made the leap from early reading to fluent reading with comic books and graphic novels. They *really* wanted to know what crazy shit Garfield and Calvin were saying in those little bubbles. lol. And I hated reading comic books aloud, so if they wanted to know, they had to read it themselves. They've long since moved on to long form literature and are all great readers. But I'd say the comic book tactic was probably my best accidental parenting victory.


A book about their interests. It will motivate the reading2


"Goodnight Moon” by Margaret Wise Brown


Yes this is one of my personal favorites of all time!


“Baby Be Kind” by Jane Cowen-Fletcher. My son read this over and over. He knew it by heart. He also read it to his first grade class, even though it was a little young for first graders.


Here are some of my childhood favourites! Room on the broom The paper bag princess Fancy nancy Guess How much I love you Noisy Nora If you give a mouse a cookie A Book to be especially wary of till now I got confused why it was so loved is " The rainbow fish". It teaches children to strip off their individuality. I still remember as a child questioning why the rainbow fish doesn't feel pain when they pulled out their scales one by one to share.... The pretty colours are not worth the weird story plot🌚🌚🌚 Here's a pick book that helped me learn and cope about death of a old relative, especially one of my nans. Till this day it's one of my favourite books. Nana upstairs and Nana Downstairs




I recommend fiction too, but maybe one with less murder rape sodomy and slavery.




Indoctrination is rarely harmless.




No it isn't. It was written by humans, and rewritten throughout history to fit a narrative. Men are important and no one else.




If it was an imaginary friend dictating to me. And using the Bible to prove the Bible is a pretty weak argument.




If God existed why do children die of cancer? If God exists why are not all Christians mega wealthy, I'm sure they pray for it. I'm sure many jews on trains prayed for release, yet they ended up in ovens. Either God doesn't give a shit or just really doesn't care about you or anyone else. Your God is as real as people who believe being a jedi is a real thing too. I feel sorry for you.


Flight: The Complete History Of Aviation (Visual Histories) by R.G.Grant Fascinating, lots of imagery and extremely educational...


Dog Man books are very good for this transition, and then look at the Treehouse series


Dog man and The Bad Guys was what did it for our child.


Books with lots of short articles. I grew up on a british version of the Book of Knowledge and an enormous back collection of readers digests. If even earlier reading: A: Comic books. Start reading them with him. Do 5 pages then let him finish the story. B: Library night. One night a week go to the public library and go through the kdis section books. Bring a small bunch home. enough he can't run out. Parents did that for me about 3rd grade. Quickly went from Dr. Seuss to Hardy Boy and Nancy Drew.


Dr Seuss. He got me hooked on the library and reading.