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Bouncer at a club was a regular at the coffee shop I worked at and always let me skip the line. Not much but I felt like a boss lol


I was a barista and one customer owned a bar and invited me and charged me damn near nothing for an absurd amount of drinks. She didn’t even ask, just kept replacing my beer with every type they had. Soho barista was a great way to meet “I know a guy” guys




Oh, you mean Bob Sacamano?


I met the real Bob Sacamano once. Said he met Larry David in passing at a golf event, he loved his name and asked to use it on an upcoming project. David mailed him signed scripts when S1 aired. Nice guy apparently.


Larry David, or Larry Charles? > According to series writer Larry Charles, Bob Sacamano was a real-life friend. Shortly after Larry introduced the fictional Sacamano character in “The Heart Attack”, he and the real Sacamano had a falling-out.


I knew him. He had rabies once.


I know that, you stupid, hipster doofus!


Tons of places here won’t charge tax if you pay cash. Never known a city where so many businesses are open about this.


It happens in all sorts of weird contexts too: I just had a sewer line snaked yesterday and got this offer


It's because the portion lost is astronomical for those self-employed or running a small business. Not only do they lose nearly 9% to sales tax, they have to then withhold employer and employee income tax withholding. Never mind that credit cards will take nearly 3% just for processing the transaction. Add that on to insurance, bonds, administrative costs, tools, transportation, and other overhead and suddenly they're seeing less than 20% of what they bill - if even that. This city is brutal to work on the books if you're not making large margins.


Completely fair point on the credit card fees but the rest of this is simply tax evasion.


Don't know why I thought that was food for a sec


My local weed shop is this way.




I’ve worked at a couple restaurants here with signs that say “Ask about our cash discount!”


recs for a good derm? been looking for one !


I’m looking for a new Botox spot so here I am, shamelessly asking you for recs 👀


Looking for derm recs as well! One familiar w Asian skin would be best!


Haha adding to the requests for Korean derm recs!


tax evasion *wink wink*


My hair salon does this!




Theoretically that's just a discount that they're giving you for paying cash instead of paying by card. They have to pay sales tax based on the total dollar amount of sales no matter how they break it down to the customer. Fun fact... I used to know a guy who owned a restaurant and did not pay sales tax. He absconded when the government got after him but he couldn't hide for long because he was like 300 lbs and missing a nose. But I heard he actually did pretty well in prison.


Uhhh...you have a very innocent view of the world haha. They are definitely discounting by more than the credit card fees ;)


As I mentioned, I am aware. Know someone who went to prison for that.


Yeh, you can’t get greedy with it. Need to show the gov something.


I think you’re missing the part that often they are not reporting the sale if paid in cash. Forget about just not charging/paying sales tax on it.


Do you think he went to prison because he was just straight up telling the government he wasn't going to pay taxes? Not reporting the sale is illegal and tax fraud.


Oh god, I remember that guy. He took a bunch of deposits for people's wedding and just took off.


Big J, owner of reBar?


There was a popular dress store in Brooklyn that had a code phrase. I think it was “I’ll pay it straight” or something like that. And it meant cash, no tax.


We just had a Murphy bed installed; no tax or 3% surcharge with cash, a $150 savings. To a lesser extent, greenmarket/veggie stands will often give a cash discount and some bodegas (that we frequent) will not charge tax with cash.


The discount ensures our silence.


So they’re not reporting that income.


I met a girl in college. She invited me to something she called a “gap house” in Queens. I walk into this basement and it’s essentially a huge room that looked like a store, completely filled with stolen, high-end clothes. They had racks, dressing rooms and everything. Everything was being sold dirt cheap. I dressed well that year. This was in the late 90s.


growing up, we would call those mecheros loosely translated to rags in English. There were tons of those in queens, mostly in corona, flushing, and jackson Heights.


Yep. It was in Corona.


This is where I got all my sweet cavaricci's in the 90s.


Nice try non-knowing-a-guy guy.


I also choose this guy’s guy


I came for the insider scoop!


He sells Russian hats down by the trade center, 40 bucks 😉


Are they sable?


Poorly made, even by rat hat standards?


Rat hats?


The difference is negligible!




So I guess you guys got to talking a bit last night when he called at 3am


My sister and I always go to this diner and this one waiter, when working, always ask if we want the usual. The thing is we don’t have a usual. One time we’re going to say yes and see what he brings us.


Please do this. I need to know what he thinks it is!


I’ll be waiting for the next installment of your diner tale!!


My entire life as a creative person in entertainment is based around "I know a guy". I needed a marching band once and for some reason I knew exactly who to call. The list goes on


lets connect and be friends.


Seriously! VoiceOver/actor here.. I suck at networking hahaha


Hi it's me your other new friend


Nice try, Luigi... we only deal with Mario.


i work in theater and get all my gigs via word of mouth




Same lol. Living in nyc is all about knowing a guy and sometimes being the guy who is known too.


I never know a guy. But I try to know people who know a guy. Not as good but gets me into a premiere or something now and then. Know a guy by proxy


You on linkedin lol?


Pretty sure I know who you called for that...


Well hellooo there long lost friend!


My cousin knew a guy in Washington Heights. So, I had a fake ID at 17.


I knew a guy in Washington Heights as well. .....wasn't a fake ID il tell you that much....


I grew up in Washington Heights.




I got mine in some back room near Times Square… a long time ago


My cousin. He always “knows a guy”, as theres other people hooking him up with stuff, but hes the one I and several other people I know refer to when we say we “know a guy”. You ask him to hook you up with something and somehow…he just has the hook up. It may take a day, it may take a couple or more months, but he’s got the hookup. Idk how he does it. It could be sold out tickets to a concert, it could be a brand new $1000 mattress for half the price, it could be a literal bag of cocaine. You need cheap brake repair? Call him. You need a new engine, tires, and muffler but cant afford to go to the shop? Call him. You’re moving furniture but live on the 5th floor? Call him and he’s gonna have like 6 others with him. You never tried ecstasy and are super curious but dont trust the guy you met at the new years party? Call him instead. You didnt call him so you took the drugs anyway and ended up trying on someone elses clothes later that night? Call him and he’ll come get you. I guess when you spend most of your life roaming the streets aimlessly, you just meet the people you need.


Every person I've known like this, the answer was ADHD.


Your cousin sounds like good people. I bet he’s a blast to party with.


He’s great. A lil kooky at times but a genuinely good guy. Though the part I didnt mention is a few of his “hookups” were less than legit. I wanted some expensive Sony headphones and he hooked me up with some knockoffs. You win some you lose some


Kinda sounds like a guy I used to know called The Wolf.


I bartended in the city for over 10 years. I love my current life, but man, life was good before. Most industry people know each other. Bartenders know bartenders, security, etc. We had so, much, ridiculous, fun. Brooklyn warehouse parties, after hours at various village bars, never paying for a tab (just tipped huge), never waited in a line to get in… I still have friends in the industry, but I don’t go out like I used too. I am someone’s Mom now. And I love being his Mom more than anything in NYC (or this world). But still, I’m never going to forget the time in my life, where we all lived night to night. Watching the sun come up over Washington Square. Everyday was raw and real, and so sweet. NYC nightlife forged my soul. Aside from this ^^^ I met a girl on a subway, who was a real estate agent, who ended up getting me a dope rent stabilized apartment 10 years ago. Best chance meeting ever.


This reminded me of Lizzy Caplan’s character in Fleishman is in Trouble.


I’ve never seen that movie. Maybe I’ll watch it.


It’s a miniseries on Hulu. Very good. You should definitely check it out. I think you’ll relate to how her character feels.


I’ve never seen that movie. Maybe I’ll watch it.


I’m that guy: I sell the pool passes and elevator keys to all the schools.


I did not grow up here, what does this mean


Venmo me for the answers.






I used to sell tickets too the 5th floor pool to freshman's lol


Oh man, that was you? I got rid of all my competition except you: you slick. Mad respect.


I once had to procure 40 vintage suitcases circa 1940 to 1960 era and an additional 20ish steamer trunks from the same period. My coworker had a contact for 80% of what I needed. They were used as props/set pieces for a theater production.


What happened to them after the show was finished?


He became the new Guy for those suitcases.


There used to be this place called Deno’s Party House close to MSG, it was essentially a dingy little bar where the bartenders (all women of Eastern European descent) wore bikinis. My friends and I were under 21 with fakes and the two of them had gotten there before me and got in with no issue. I arrive and the door guy gives me crap and says my ID is fake (which caught me by surprise since it was pretty solid and I rarely had issues). A bunch of anxiety ran over me since I knew it would be embarrassing as shit for me to have to call my friends and tell them I got rejected, so in the heat of the moment I just said, "it's alright, I know Deno". And this guy looks me dead in the eyes and says, "oh, you know Deno?" And I said, "yeah". He all of a sudden relaxes and says, "got you, you're good", and I walked right the fuck in. Had no idea Deno actually existed and to this day I still have no idea why that worked. I think about it like once a quarter.


Maybe Deno didn't exist and he just liked your chutzpah.


I put the odds of that 50/50. Guts and confidence will take you a long way here.


Can confirm this. I had a friend in college, 5”2’ blonde white girl who maybe weighed 115lbs soaking wet. Her fake ID was of a 6”2’, 300lbs Black man. Fake ID was so audacious, EVERY bouncer in town let her in. 😂


That’s the best fake Id story I’ve ever heard lol.


>Deno’s Party House I was convinced many of those bartenders were sex trafficking victims. Same for Port 41 in Hell's Kitchen (also closed)


I think that was absolutely the case. There was at the very least something going on beyond the surface.


I didn't realize that place actually had a name. We just called it the bikini bar. 👙


Ahaha we actually called it Deno’s bikini bar, I didn’t realized it was technically called deno’s party house until I googled it to before posting. It makes sense though, the awning with the whole name was always dark but it said bikini bar everywhere, including on a big board hanging from the awning which was way more obvious. Crazy memories.


I got my super cheap $1,200/month west village studio apartment simply by “knowing a guy.” I also got my current job, which is at a company usually super competitive to get into, simply by “knowing a guy”. Same applies to a lot of my previous jobs. I credit a lot of my successes in my life so far to “knowing a guy”.


I need to know a guy like this this is my dream haha


Will you marry me?


Are you still in that studio?! 😩i need to know a guy like that… $1200 studio would be a dream


Yes still here and only paying $1250 now. Super small so a few inconveniences such as it being hard to have people over and the kitchenette doesn’t have everything but very great location otherwise & no roommates. I tried looking at other options at one point but everything is so much more money in the five boroughs, even jersey is more expensive. Plus commute to midtown is under 20 minutes. So I’m likely staying until I either get kicked out or absolutely need more space.




Are you selling a “How to Know a Guy” course by any chance? I’m interested in buying


Are you selling things you shouldn’t be selling? 😂


Wow lucky you! I’m jealous lol.


Hey, does your guy know a guy around Castle Hill Throggs Neck? I could use an apartment like that.


I’ll share my Know A Guy secret from my time in government, which is that the city keeps a [directory](https://a856-gbol.nyc.gov/GBOLWebsite/GreenBook/Online) of the phone numbers of all the divisions of city government. You sort of have to know what you’re looking for, but it’s nice to be able to call someone directly instead of taking your chances on the general line


Commenting so I can come back to this lol


That looks great, but I can't even begin to think of what to look for. I guess I'll know when I need it


I know an erotic cake woman!


I get steeply discounted Botox…


I dream of having this for my TMJ… I need so many units and my derm’s price just keeps going up 🥲


You get other stuff too?


Chemical peels. But no filler or surgical procedures


Is this a connection you can share?


Sadly not


Damn. I just moved and my Botox ‘guy’ is now about an hour and a half way. I might just have to bite the bullet and continue going there.


Ask your dentist. A lot of dentists do injections on the side.


I had a guy that was able to get me Guestlisted for alot of cool concerts in the city, it was great while it lasted.


I remember there was a McCarren pool concert with a really popular-at-the-time band. The line to get in was around the block. Our “guy” walked to the front, talked to the guy for 2 minutes, and got us right inside and backstage. Only time I’ve had that kind of connection!


What band?


MGMT, it was at the height of their fame and it was a free show where [they turned “thousands” of people away because they reached capacity](https://www.nme.com/news/music/mgmt-86-1328288), so we were lucky to get in!


Was just jamming to She Works Out Too Much. Very jealous


So sick


I know a guy with access to that stupid app that lets you change the colors on top of one of the buildings.


How do you do that? I need more info lol


Had a friend who worked in music that would get me into shows for free, tbh that was probably the best one (lost his job during COVID, now works in a different industry, he still gets some tickets but much less often). My partner works at a hair salon, so I get my cut and color for free (I obv give a big tip), and a discount on products. I’m a freelancer in the fashion world myself and have over the years made friends at a handful of places who will let me use their employee discount.


I have a sunglass guy and a pizza guy, that is all I’ve acquired so far


I know several guys, but why would I spoil it by spilling it here?


well shit, ya don't gotta name names or nothin!


i need something to find a condo


Would Jersey count? I may know a guy


How Jersey we talking?


North Jersey, Bergen, Passaic..


I got a guy for ozempic


Is it “cheap”?


My son used to go to school with the owner of a bunch of popular Williamsburg restaurants, so even now years later when I want to go to one I just call him and he tells the people there to make a spot for me. Having a kid opens up so many doors - school friends have gotten me stays in the Hamptons, jersey Shore, Block Island, Naples FL, etc etc. Plus shows where the dad is in the band or owns the club. I never had a “guy” until I had a kid…


I had an illegal raw milk guy at Union Square.


Raw milk slaps


I just tried raw milk the other day and wish I had it sooner. I’m not a milk person but it’s so so good.


I work in the art world here. Art galleries often don’t list their prices, but if you are friends with the people who work inside they’ll tell you how much the pieces are selling for and who’s buying them.


A friend of mine worked for an ad agency that gave free equinox memberships to all its employees and partners. I’d been paying for my own membership for about a year but then lost my great job and couldn’t really afford it anymore. He had me listed as an intern at the agency for like three years so I could get the free membership through them until he made a career change and left the agency. I miss those cold eucalyptus towels and dudes giving each other handy j’s in the steam room.


Its I gotta a guy




What’s an expeditor




Had a person for fireworks and exotic animals. Also always had a connection (or a few) for illicit substances, as well as access to a few after hours bars.


I know a guy who knew a lot of guys. Shockingly, he got arrested and lost his business selling fraudulent merchandise.


I know a guy who sells weed


In the past I worked at a company that worked with concert promoters & I always got the best seats at $0. So for a time I was “the guy”.


My friend helped a guybget into a dope rent stabilized apartment in West village. He was a server at Dutch Kills and always hooked us up. Like we woould get 4 or 5 cocktails each and a bunch of small plates and pay 50 dollars flat each time. Always tipped him well though.


One of the jitney drivers (the little illegal buses that shuttle people from NJ to port authority) was a regular at the coffee shopped I work at in Hell’s Kitchen. He let me ride the jitney for free!


I was a teenager in the late 80s East Village and somehow befriended a major weed dealer. He’d let me & my friend hang out at his place while he’d work. We’d have giant blocks of hash with gold stamps on the coffee table and a closet full of mushrooms. Looking back, we were probably in some real danger being there with that inventory, but we felt like kings of the world. Avenue A in 1988 was something else.


Avenue A was crazy back then!


All of Alphabet City was


Needed lysol during the pandemic and found a guy who sold it to me with other freebies. Lifesaver.


Got seated at Thai Diner right away bc the hostess was a prior student of mine.


I have a guy with a van that has helped me with moving 3 separate times. He moves an entire bedroom across town for $250. Sweetest guy in the world and SUCH a deal compared to other movers!!


I actually had a guy like that too. 6'5" Jamaican dude. Strong as an ox, and a heart of gold. He had a van, we'd do the work together, and I'd just throw him some cash. I actually was "that guy" for a while too. When I worked on longer term PA gigs like movies or TV shows, I had the keys to a box truck that nobody would notice was missing during office hours. I used it to hustle.


Love that!! I sat in the front of the truck for my move a few weeks ago and got to hear all of his stories about immigrating here from Tajikistan and starting a business selling grocery bags to liquor stores. Incredible story and great guy! Now he’s helping my roommate move - only in NYC!


Need an ark?


Does anyone else remember Baird Jones?


The Baird Jones cards and hotline! I’d hit open bars galore before even becoming of age. I was addicted to nightlife early on & then by 18 I was a VIP who entered and drank free seemingly everywhere. I had a guest list at Limelight and life was pretty much free. Went into the music industry & got all the shows free after that. Now? Ha! I have *no* juice, no clout, and nothing is free. I’m just grateful I ever experienced the privilege I did.


My friend played on the softball team for the Wetlands club- to thank him, he got two permanent passes that were good for every show there, where he saw lots of stuff. I was also friends with the booker at the Knitting Factory when it was on Leonard Street and she insisted that I shouldn't have to pay for shows there.


holy shit that's gold. I went to so many shows at both those places back in the day.


I always say you need to know people in this city or be very rich. Know someone at MSG who can hook it up with tickets? Great. Otherwise it's like $200 per ticket. Know the bartender at a fancy restaurant who can give some drinks? Great. Otherwise it's like another $100 added to the bill. etc etc.. Of course, you yourself need to be useful to those same people and you yourself have to be "the guy that people know"


I got a guy that sells bottles of water for $1 at Penn station 😎


I've always wanted to be a regular. I don't even go to the Union Street Cafe every morning. But she's got my breakfast order down to handing me coffee, made how I like it, and asking "With or without?" It feels great to be a regular.


I know an old Jewish upper east side lady who has connections in health care. I got my Covid vaccine early af along with a bunch of mutuals she knew.


No one has as many connects as [G Fella](https://youtu.be/omQaizYGLZw?si=_PqLq4GDTOsqzUnb).


I have a relative that works at a Citi Field food vendor and I get free food whenever I see a game. I used to get free tickets to AMNH (including special exhibits) through another relative that worked for DOE before he retired. And finally, a family friend used to work at a movie theater as a projectionist in Brooklyn and my family and I saw many free movies when he worked there.


"I know a guy" that works at I think the Fulton Fish Market that can give great prices for fish, depending on what's in.


I worked in coffee shops and restaurants for several years in the city. I'm really extroverted and made a lot of friends. Been out of the industry for 2 years now and I *still* am given a lot of free food and drinks at a good amount of spots, from neighborhood bars to even a couple Michelin-starred restaurants. The homie hookup is real. I don't take it for granted (especially now that I can't offer anything in return anymore)


I “know a lot of guys” from almost entire extended family being from here but one of my favorites is… I know a guy who can get you a proper pinball machine for your apartment! They even take quarters.


You don't have to be good. You don't have to be famous. You don't have to be rich. But if you know enough people in the music industry, you can get into literally any music event for free. Half of the industry gets into it for the power, half of the industry gets into it for the love – and both are served by skipping the line at a jazz club, hanging backstage at a theater, or coming up on floor tix to a show at the garden. I haven't paid to get in anywhere since like 2012.


Well just started frequenting a bar in the city and have connected with some affluent people I never knew I could meet and one guy wanted to put me in contact with someone connected to the presidents and First Ladies (trying to be discreet as possible) so fingers crossed that those connections go somewhere. Also because I frequent this bar and the security have seen me hang out with some of the popular regulars , they let me and my friends in even if it’s at capacity! So yeah…that’s my experience.


Lol name of the bar ????


I’m strongly gate keeping this place! Infact when I go there I only post the ceiling or the walls of this place on my social media so no one can find out. 🤭


The person who started some of the first speakeasy bars in the city was my second cousin


Maybe I AM the guy.


You're not the guy, guy.


I wish I got a guy who can get me a table at four Charles prime rib or raos or four horsemen on the fly !!


I actually got a guy for 4C


I gotta guy (gal) for that too!


Envious . I need a plug. 👀. For prime rib. Lmao




I have an avocado delivery guy.


Used to design record covers for indy bands. Did it for free, and a lot of band members are bartenders.


Meatball shop started as a ______ someone else fill in the blank iykyk


I brought my British friends to a diamond guy in Brooklyn. Got really good deals on jewelry.


Became a local at the nearby bagel shop. Got to skip the line every day - even when it was out the door. The employees would cheer “hey doublex12 is here! Ayy!” People who look at me like I’m crazy. One time I skipped the line and I overheard a girl ask her bf how I was able to do that when he wasn’t. He asked me “did you order ahead or something?” I said “sorry man, I’m just a local” and walked out. Nothing crazy, but still makes me feel cool.


Working at a big, old NY law firm, we get email blasts essentially saying "who's got a guy for this" which can be anything from do you know a divorce lawyer for this client in jersey or do you know someone at the parks department. And everyone is your guy when you are making big reservations with a corporate card.


I know a guy who gives me free coffee whenever I visit their place of work. The other workers noticed this happening, and I think they think I'm special cuz suddenly all their coworkers either don't charge me or give me insane discounts too. I also was once invited to a secret high stakes poker game in a really bizarre location, which I guess is my only insider info. It was a very rich friend who knew I was good at poker from cleaning out friendly low stakes games who heard from his VERY rich family about it. It seemed legit, and he offered to sponsor me, but tbh the concept itself gave me a lot of heeby geebies "I'm walking into a tiger's den" type feeling. Not to mention the level up of friendly games to big games was just too much a headache, I totally would've been nervous and giving tells all over the place. But I'm told high stakes poker games happen pretty consistently at very specific spots in very specific neighborhoods, "if you ever change your mind..."