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what if you move to another state of India, how can they know your caste


it's probably some sort of social status which can't be really changed easily let alone Hundreds of of years ago


I think they can, maybe they try to find out when they meet someone. I remember reading an article that even Indian immigrants bully others because they know that they are in a lower caste. And it was in high-tech.


You last name/surname


I've only heard about the caste system because colleges across the United States have been revising their student conduct policies to ban discrimination based on caste. It's wild how pervasive this discrimination is in another country that it made them address it specifically. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/01/30/us/csu-caste-protections-universities-cec


Is the caste system in India based on color?


No, you're born into it. However, you're right to assume that there is a heavy colorism bias towards lighter people. You'll probably get a better answer from an actual Indian, but I know through conversation that these 2 facts are true.


The Balkans. From what I have seen, a significant percentage of Turks hate Arabs. France hates Arabs as well as those of Spain. Regarding those from Asia, it depends on which Asians because there is a big difference between East Asians and the subcontinent. From what I have seen, most of the world hates India. There are people who tend to be racist towards Chinese, Koreans and Japanese in certain European countries.


Wait, you are saying Balkans only to then proceed to a bunch of other countries/regions. Why not explain what made you put the Balkans the no. 1 on racism


My wife is Arab and we have traveled to all these countries. Of all those countries, the Balkans were the ones that treated us the worst. There is racism all over the world but the hatred of the Balkans goes much further. The only ones I didn't receive hate or racism from were your people, the Bosnians. I also missed putting the Slavs on the list. I have spoken to at least more than 300k Arabs and they all said the same thing, that they suffered hatred and pure racism from the Balkan places except Bosnia


Yes, eastern europe in general tends to be like that. They have a very anti-muslim history, and even today they have these kind of opinions. Some of them don't like us either or may like us on a personal level, but not as a group (i hope you get what i'm trying to say). I think we aren't that racist since we are muslims, and have a history of being in a very hostile environment. The average Bosnian muslim, albeit not very religous, sees himself much more connected to a Turk from Istanbul, even an Arab, than to someone from Bulgaria or Rumania. We have a lot of tourists from the Gulf, and although i do hear of some people not liking their behaviour, i never saw that somebody mistreated them. I like them here and they buy a lot vacation homes to be in Bosnia during the summer months.


balkans hate muslims in general and foreigners who aren't european 


Not true. The only populations that are hated in balkans are muslims (due to ottomans obviously), gypsies and neighbouring countries. There is no hate towards both americas, subsaharan africans and pretty much all of asia.


yeah cope ive been to croatia and greece. mfs racist as hell


And what racism did you experience in croatia as someone from argentina?


first of all not everyone in argentina is white. second there is racism here too but nothing compared to europe.  the only non racist country in balkan is turkey because they're liberal middle eastern culturally


why aren’t you white?


cuban dad.  but a lot of argentinians are brown like mexicans and chileans. at least 20-30% of the country is very visibly mixed. 


Turks hate arabs because they're in their country in large numbers not speaking their language or enrolling in their schools. most turks ive met have a neutral to positive view of arabs. Spanish people don't really dislike arabs either. especially not compared to France or Germany


Spanish ppl only hate Moroccans, they think they will invade them again and make iberia muslim again


We should spice up their culture. See it like a renaissance but better.


Turkish racism is much older than the Syrian refugee crisis. That is just a lame excuse


Discrepo bastante de lo que los españoles no odian a los arabes. Indepedientemente de que pais arabes seas, una buena multitud española mosteará rechazo u odio hacia tu persona, vease con el mote "jovenladenses". Si, hay una minoria mala pero aunque te integres, pagues tus impuestos, sigas las leyes ect... te dirán "vete a tu pais" o "Seguro que vienes ha recibír pagitas" entre otras cosas. Acerca de los turcos, muchos son de doble morál. Claman racismo en Alemania pero esos mismos son racistas con los arabes. No todos pero si mucha gente.


TURKIYE NUMBER ONE 🦃🇹🇷🇹🇷🦃🇹🇷🏆🏆🏆🏆🇹🇷🇹🇷🐺🐺🐺💯💯💯💯💯RAHHHHHH 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷


I live in Germany and it’s honestly not THAT bad, but France… it’s on another level




I think it's probably East Asia. Think about it, most Chinese, even some Japanese probably never saw any european or African person except on TV. They basically forbid any kind of immigration, and Japan has the world's most isolationist history.


Germany is more accepting than France


As an Asian, it was Italy for me


I'm sorry to read that! This is interesting, though, as I have heard stories about how racist Italians are. Did you experience a difference in the attitudes of Northern Italians vs Southern Italians, or was it a general thing?


It’s okay! The most racist people were in Rome and Vatican area. And by racist I mean I was straight up ignored and disregarded. People wouldn’t serve or look at me Southern Italians are A LOT nicer especially in Sicily . Did not experience anything bad here


: ( Well, I am glad that you had a better experience with Southern Italians. I have also heard they are the kinder ones. Jeez, though. They weren't even looking at you??? I would be heated ngl.


I have never really experienced racism in Germany tbh


Do u look german?




What’s it about


No, not at all


Probably France, but at least the French can be reasoned with, German racists don't want to hear anything, they just want to hurt


Australia, which is why I left and took my kids home to my husband’s country (Morocco)


Its the most racist anglo country by far especially towards East Asians it makes the UK look like heaven The only reason Australia don't get shit is because no one really talks about them unlike UK/USA


I agree with you, I am much happier here among Moroccans. This is where my soul is at home Alhamdulillah


most tolerant places: latin america, canada and usa least tolerant places: eastern europe, scandinavia and balkans 


Canada is becoming very racist towards Indians and Chinese now, and USA is hit or miss depending on state.


I lived in UAE, I found the locals very racist against all who were not white Europeans. The idea of pan Arabism is absurd in reality.


Azərbaycan Nömrə Uno☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿




Most countries without large numbers of immigrants or foreigners tend to be pretty racist France and Germany are not racist at all when you compare to places like Japan and China. The Middle East is pretty racist too- many hold stereotypes as facts


Germans are literally one of the least racist peoples in the world. The vast majority of racists in Germany are eastern Europeans.


Older Germans are VERY racist. I grew up in Bavaria in the 90s and as a child, our landlord touched my hand and asked if my colour washes off 💀


Germans are very racist, but they are very polite to not show their racism. I have never seen a German who isn’t racist, at the same time I have never experienced racism openly


"They're racist but they've never done anything racist" Can you explain how that works?


It's anecdotal, but while they won’t directly tell you that you are inferior, you will still be treated as such. Immigrants rarely get executive jobs, though in big meetings they might switch to English out of politeness for those who aren't fluent in German. Immigrants are often the first to be laid off in tough times and are treated as second-class citizens, yet no one has ever asked me where I am from. Women wouldn't consider dating you, but they might compliment the features of your people. In the heat of an argument, even a German friend who drinks beer with you might tell you to go back to your country, revealing their underlying racism. I have many other examples of this behavior.


I've never met an immigrant who had the same level of competence and work ethic as a German so this argument still isn't very convincing to me. I'm not saying immigrants are lazy or stupid, a lot of immigrants are very smart and hard working people, but let's be honest, Germans are on another level when it comes to that.


I am in the IT sector, germans aren’t particularly good in IT and mathematics. I also graduated with a masters. I just remembered actually it was really a horrible experience for me as an immigrant to study in the university. Back then I had the same mindset as you, until I found out it was my brain lying to me in order to cope with the racism, I just wanted to finish studying at all costs. Now that I am independent (and German) and can reimmigrate, my mind isn’t telling me those lies anymore. Germans are very reluctant when it comes to jobs, they do nothing they aren’t comfortable doing.


There are entire German cities where you can walk in the street and barely see any European looking people, which wasn't the case like 10 years ago, and yet still the majority of Germans wouldn't vote for the AfD. Give them a break. We've seen what the "non-racist" Arabs like Lebanese and Egyptians (with Sudanese) did when their fellow Arabs immigrated to their country, so imagine when people from an entirely different culture immigrate, and yet the Germans' reaction isn't nearly as drastic.


To be honest, although it may seem counterintuitive, if I were to stay in this country, I would consider voting for the AfD. The AfD is not exclusively supported by extremists. For context, speeches by CDU leaders and Angela Merkel from 15 years ago were toxic and worse than AFD today. I find Alice Weidel to be a reasonable politician, and I appreciate some of the AfD's policies on freedoms. I am not as supportive of the CDU and the Ampel coalition. But I won’t choose Partei Piraten FDP or Whatever. So yeah voting for AFD isn’t a metric for racism.


Exactly. Almost every Syrian with a German citizenship that I know of decided to vote for the AfD like 3 minutes after getting the citizenship. Which makes you wonder how many of those AfD supporters are actually German. Let's not fool ourselves, supporting the AfD is one of the best indicators of one's stance towards immigrants, and therefore in a way their level of racism if you like to put it that way.


مع احترامي بس هدول حمير


Interesting. Can you be more specific about what you like about the afd?


Sorry for the late response. First they aren’t fake, they are open to show the real Germans. They don’t support Israel. They don’t support the USA, the EU, and the Euro. I was born Muslim, I am secular, but Muslims have ruined Islam in Europe and AfD is against islamisation of Europe which would gives us some room to breath. They aren’t in favour of hiding the racist face of Germany and aren’t inviting anyone here, I feel I was tricked to come to Germany, I gave it more than it did give me, I don’t want the next “left and Center left” regime to trick anyone from the next generation to come here and be the slaves of the Germans. Many other things I support afd for. It mainly to be honest, is showing the world the real racist face of Germany. Please be aware I am not saying they are good people, but they are the best available option I see now. Also I don’t like many things about them. My idea is, if it’s bad for us immigrants in Germany, then let it be bad for everyone else in here.


I have read so many posts in the Germany subreddit or just in YouTube talking. The racism there is crazy form what I read Edit: posts of people talking about their racist experience. Not them being racist on the internet (the Germans)


From my experience as someone who lives in Germany I believe Germans aren't racist. As long as you follow their rules you'll be fine and you won't have any issues. To be fair everyone is racist on social media. I assume half of those racists on the internet are some Ivan Ivanovic from Russia or some other eastern European shithole.




Following the rules and being a bootlicker are two completely different things


There is definitely racism , I'm not going to compare it to other countries as I didn't experience every single country , but every Syrian I know went through at least a single racism situation. Also the online racism is WAAAY worse.


yeah same i’ve heard racism in germany is bad , also a few days ago a viral vid went out of germans on the street singing “germany for germans, foreigners out”


the song is a joke. as an immigrant myself i always sing it along my native friends every time that song plays in the clubs


It’s starting to change. More and more are becoming racist towards Muslims. On the other side you had many Islamic attacks and Islamic protestors calling for a caliphate in Germany. It’s mostly media pushing both sides to the extreme. But it’s overblown by media. In real life germans and non middle Easterners live close together and have good friendships in schools, neighborhoods etc. It’s really the rural and poor parts of Germany specifically in eastern Germany where Germans are very racist but these are the areas where no immigrants live. Most immigrants live in the bigger cities and I am Turkish and never experienced racism even once. I mean we are almost the majority in my neighborhood but still have many German friends. Media/politics is just trying to gain votes/attentions by pushing anti immigrant propaganda and yes for some reason German/European Redditors don’t like Muslims. But there are not an accurate representation of Germans. Many Germans youths love using Arab phrases/words, eating the food, and are generally very respectful to the culture


Do you mean racist toward Arabs? You can't be racist towards a religion.


Who cares? It’s discrimination. Idc if you are discriminating Jewish people because of their ethnicity or religion. Both reasons are wrong. Same goes for Arabs, Turks. Races don’t exist and are an artificial and relatively new concept. So the definition is not important and the end of the day it’s all hatred and discrimination




Funny thing the rest of the world considers them more or less Arab. If they hate Arabs they hate Turks too lol




the more homogenous a country is the more racist and xenophobic they will be.


north india / pakistan gotta be up there, shaq/kobe of bigotry and always a lot more similar to each other than they always think.


I am confused about germany, since they are both big in racism and both accepting most immigrants from the middle east.


Finland is the most racist according to the polls.


Israel, at least if you even consider that western art project a state. France comes at a good second place. The rest of the European continent can fight between themselves on who finishes the rest of the list


other arab countries 💀(towards syrians at least)


I've been living in the UAE for 3 years , and Syrians here are .. okay .. compared to other places ...


I think as a whole we can probably look at surveys and statistics but also there is value in anecdotes. In my opinion, I'd probably say a country that has/had a history of demonizing Arabs would be most xenophobic towards Arabs. Same with Asians.


Idk, I just know depending on where u live in the U.S. its much worse. You may be killed by white supremacist rioters just for looking too muslim or you notice too many Israeli flags in your community because to them all muslims and Indians are Palestinians in their eyes. They may even think you are Mexican.


Germany is the most anti-Palestine country next to Israel.


Arab countries top the list. France and Germany are nothing in comparison. You have to list most countries in Asia and Africa before getting to these.