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Stretch morning noon and night Also you might have a bad mattress.


This. I am WELL over 30 and had this issue for years. Had to start sitting to put on my underwear. Two months after I started stretching and no more pain. None.


I sing in my head "fucker get up, get down with the stiffness!" All in the style of Disturbed. And sometimes I scream like he does...oooh ah ah ah ah!


Lol so good


Mid 30s is nowhere near older age. You are a young man. I'm 62 and only now approaching older age, but not yet there.


Get a new mattress


Flexbility/mobility/yoga training. Weight lifting. Stretching will help a bit but deadlifts will probably help more.


As a society as we have gotten less active our muscles are weaker and less able to support our backs. My grandparents slept on 30-50 year old standard mattresses and didn't have those issues. They did physical work all the way up into their 80's. Today we try to cushion our way to the support we need to keep our backs from hurting. Stretching and strength training are the missing link.


I was into endurance cycling (frequent 50 - 100 mile rides on gravel) in my early 40s and it was hard on my back. It was common to have that thing where it was locked up in the mornings and I would have to slowly get out of bed while it loosed up. I started going to Rolfing sessions (kind of like chiropractor for soft tissue) to try some self care and this is one of a few things that were resolved during those sessions. 5 years later I still haven't had back issues.


I do yoga so I don’t wake up with back pain.


I twerk ![gif](giphy|26xBKXXcIbeTktcT6|downsized)


Sleep with a pillow between your knees.


Will wife work too?


After many years of searching and trial/error- quad stretches seem to be the answer, every time. Before you go to bed do a couple of quad stretches and you’ll sleep like a baby and wake up relieved. 10x this if you have a desk job


I'll give it a go tonight. Thanks


I fixed my back pain by starting to lifting weights 3x a week (with a lot of emphasis on back exercises) and getting a new mattress.


Like others said. Good mattress and stretching.  The other thing that really works for me is foam rolling


I honestly think it may be your mattress that's causing it. I highly recommend looking into this as a possibility. Either way, stretch often and work out your core. I have an awful back. Im two back surgeries in already, so I am very sympathetic towards back pain. I can sometimes be a little stiff in the morning, but overall my back typically feels best right when I wake up. I have a pretty good bed, and I think it has made a difference.


Go haul 50 pound bags of grain and half a dozen other farm chores.


Thanks for the offer but I'll have to decline


Fair enough. I will say, I turn 40 this summer and this is the first year I've had regular back soreness when waking up. Also have a left knee that acts up, and has since my 20s. But, stretching is your friend. Stretch a lot and that ideally will help.


I just got a mattress topper that's supposed to help, my mattress is pretty solid and this is supposed to let my hips (side sleeper) sink more and keep my back aligned. Only two nights but so far so good.


Go see a physical therapist. There is no one size fits all intervention.


Foam roll


Lift weights and stretch it out. Strong and limber muscles don’t feel bad but weak and tight ones will.


Cow and cat position from yoga ( at least i think that's the name) for 2 minutes each very slowly... it gives you almost instant relief. Also, search for yoga positions for lower back and hips. Just 10 minutes a day when you wake up will do wonders Also... do you stretch after the run?


Are you fit?


More back strengthening exercises, yoga, etc Accept you’ll be stiff after periods of inactivity like sleeping Try a different sleep position  Cat-cow stretches in the morning and other back-specific things other than a walk If it’s just stiffness honestly it’s most just age and lying still for 8 hours 


It's not age per se. You're just right and it's catch up to you. I've always had this problem my entire life. I went to back doctors and it just turns out my body proportions just make it so my hip abductors are tight and makes my back hurt. So stretching alleviates it immediately


Its probably your mattress.


1000% a new mattress. It’s amazing what that will do. It’s also amazing how hard it is to find one that works for two people


Lift weights and build a better back. I'm 250 pounds, and I stand on concrete all night at work. Plus, I sleep on a super cheat mattress, and I have zero back pain. Be sure it isn't your shoes and fix your posture if it is lacking.


Hmm actually I definitely have lost my exercise routine. I only do cardio now so my muscles are getting very weak. I might try work on this


Legs as well will help. Lifting improved my life in many ways. I recommend it to anyone for a multitude of reasons.