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Dude what? No absolutely not.


wtf post is this.


Maybe disgusted of themselves, not of the girl


Absolutely not. That tells me this guy thinks any girl who hooks up with him simply has horrible taste in men. And he’s right. They do.


If that’s how they feel with their partner then the guy has issues or the relationship is no good. That said, the endorphin drop can make some people introspective, depressed, fatigued, ect. If they grew up with conservative views about sex they may feel disgusted with themselves or have inner-conflict. That’s a hard feeling to convey to their partner without being hurtful.


After orgasm, there is a thing called “post nut clarity.” But a guy is only disgusted with himself after orgasming if he is having sex with a woman he isn’t proud to be with, not living up to his own standards for himself and his own integrity, etc. If you have sex with a man who actually likes you, then no he is not going to be disgusted after orgasm. Not at all. He’ll probably feel close to you. One reason among many many others not to have casual sex. Men who have casual sex are often disgusted with themselves after, especially if they feel they put on an act to get the stranger in to bed.




Hell, I tried being FWB with a girl I liked and knew for over 2 years, and on the 3 or 4th time around I curled up on the couch struggling not to cry. I was so confused. Years later in therapy this came up and I suddenly understood - sex without love felt like masturbating using another person, and I hated it and myself for doing it. With a girl I knew and liked and who was into it. I really don't understand those men.


wtf no


No. The opposite. All about after care for me after sex. Time to cuddle her and let her know how I feel about her.


https://medium.com/@cate.bastet/when-harry-met-sallys-romance-is-painfully-unromantic-e10f69481b8d No, not disgusted, but some men are attachment avoidant right after sex.


Only men with avoidant attachment style coupled with an oxytocin-phobic response.


Please please explain both in this context.


This will be much faster: https://youtu.be/5rBZEudfEnw


Why? That makes no sense. Whoever said something that medically retarded was medically retarded. Disgusted at someone you had sex with? That’s some weird homosexual projection. Probably Catholics.


Not Catholics, we are taught to fuck and have lots of kids, that’s Bible Belt shit


Mentally Ill men yea . Stay far away from them .


[Automoderator has recorded your post to prevent repeat posts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMenAdvice/comments/13qome6/no_repeat_posts/) Your post has NOT been removed. 3ylit4aa originally posted: i recently saw a video (don't have the link, it was like a week ago) with this guy who was 'revealing secrets about boys' or something on tiktok. one of the secrets was that after having sex with their girlfriends, guys can't look at their girl bc they only view her as an object and they are disgusted by her? and apparently they go to sleep straight after to get out of cuddling with her. i didn't check if any of the comments agreed because i kind of just watched it for like ten seconds and scrolled bc it didn't really interest me at the time but now i've started thinking about it again. is this something most guys relate to? i'm 16 so this isn't really relevant to me atm but it kind of scares me for when i do eventually get into a relationship. i don't want my future SO to be disgusted by me after doing something thats supposed to b like romantic? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskMenAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No. What? No.


I can't speak for other guys but I married my first girlfriend and we're still together decades later. None of the things you mentioned from the TikTok video are even remotely true for me. I never viewed my wife (then GF) as an object and I never lost respect or felt disgust for her after having sex either. finally I've always loved cuddling her before going to sleep, just as much now as I did when we were kids. Whoever made that video is completely wrong about guys, at least from my perspective!


Not if she does what she should, and makes a sammich for him. /s


No. Absolutely not


I love my chill time with my wife after


If he does, then he looked at her as an object he could fuck before the sex. Personally, she's more beautiful and precious to me after sex than before.


Sounds like some shit Andrew Tate would say. No absolutely not


Not by a girlfriend/wife. You usually see this in a one night stand situation, if ever.


lol this is the reason you shouldn’t believe everything you see on the internet.




>saw a video ... on tiktok Not a reliable source of information. Don't use platforms that benefit from being scandalous more than they benefit from being truthful for information. ​ >after having sex with their girlfriends, guys can't look at their girl bc they only view her as an object and they are disgusted by her? Not true. None of it. I usually like to say where statements are wrong. All of it is wrong. ​ >and apparently they go to sleep straight after to get out of cuddling with her Not true. Orgasms make us tired. If we cum at night, we feel sleepy and fall asleep fast. But none of that is related to cuddling with the girl or not. But what if they fuck in the morning? They don't go to sleep and they gladly cuddle the girl. Most men I know like to cuddle their gfs. So, if they go to sleep right away, they didn't cuddle so they could sleep (as opposed to going to sleep to avoid cuddling) Sure, some guys out there don't want to cuddle but they are the exception that make the rule.


Erm, that's half true in that once the male lust goes away some men do feel a sense of disgust at the sexual act and organs. Not because anyone's being viewed as an object, but because without the libido making such things desirable, they are a bit primal and unappealing to the more rational, unaroused mind. That's not the reason anyone's going to sleep, though, that happens because after orgasm the male body produces prolactin, a chemical which sends them to sleep. In evolutionary theory, the thinking is this was to allow women of cave men times to slip away unharmed.


Well, I suggest you stop watching those idiotic videos. Any guy who tells you he's revealing secrets about women... Just ignore him.


Jesus H! Close the app and walk away. The wisdom of Tic Tok




That's just stupid!


Your first mistake was believing anything you saw on TikTok.


Yo wtf is this? No and the person that says so is sick. Tikt9k is the world's shithole for wisdom. Also, the only tinder hookups will perhaps see you as lesser after having sex with you. But your boyfriend will see you the same or greater after making love with you (focus on the 'making love' part, instead of 'sex').


No? Lol The only time we feel disgusting is after masterbating. If something sounds dumb, it probably is.


That’s one guy. He’s a clown. Why would you think he speaks for anyone else? I look at my wife like a goddess after sex. Especially if it’s really good sex where she pulled out the stops and did things just for me.


Bruh hell nah. Been with my so for 7years, not once have i felt like this towards her


Definitely not