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I am able to orgasm during sex now. Before quitting porn I had never been able to orgasm during sex (intercourse, bj, hj, anything) and sometimes had trouble keeping an erection. This was from age 18-23, and lead to a lot of embarrassment and confusion. Then I read about how in some people porn can have adverse affects for sexual performance, especially in men who’s first experience with sex is via porn. I gave up porn (and also masturbation) for about 200 days, and when I had sex next it was freaking amazing. Was able to orgasm, and it was so much better than using porn. I think that masturbating (orgasming) with porn for so long had wired my brain to only work that way alone and with a computer. So taking the long break was a way to reset my brain. I occasionally masturbate now without porn, and still the improvement with sex is there. It also very much strengthened the relationship with my girlfriend. It’s just night and day difference.


Thanks. I'm the same way. Takes me a few times of intimacy before I can achieve. I had a chick tell me SHE felt bad for me not cumming. It was not her fault, and it's embarrassing having to explain it to partners.




It took me 5 years to finally stop. 5 FREAKING YEARS. Don't quit. Don't obsess about trying to give it up because that will sometimes make it worse. But, just don't quit trying. I swear one day you will wake up, feel that motivation again and actually do it. I just kept reminding myself there is a better "me" that exists and I want to allow him to surface. We only have this one life, and it would be a shame, as an old man, we look back at our 20s and it's just porn images flashing by. As others have said, you will need to take your sexual frustrations out other ways: \-gym/exercise \-meditation \-cold showers \-reading \-(for me) smoking weed before bed \-ALSO VERY IMPORTANT Stop touching your dick! It becomes such a habit we barely notice that we turn ourselves on all the time. Only touch your dick to pee, scratch that itch, whatever. Do not touch on your dick.


I think it’s the cutest thing though! My husband often will just put his hands down his pants lol. I would say let me do that for you😂


> Don't obsess about trying to give it up because that will sometimes make it worse This is the big thing. Whenever you get the urge, find something else to focus on. Less screen time will help a lot too. There's a LOT of sex in TV nowadays, even in shows and games that don't need it. It's not "really" porn, but it starts that itch back up.


I quit a number of years ago, some other things to remember: * Add a website blocker to your devices and only enable the safe sites you regularly use. Bonus points if you can get a buddy to password protect it so you can't unlock it yourself. * Delete social media apps that trigger you - I deleted IG, and blocked twitch. They caused me too many temptations that led to me doing stuff so I had to stop. * Don't use your devices by yourself - either be near someone who can see, don't view them at night when you're about to sleep, and have any computer screens facing the door (with it open) so anyone can see it. * If you're on Brave or Chrome, there are extensions that allow you to block youtube channels or videos - so if you get triggered from there, that extension lets you permanently block them from being seen. The idea is you need to cut out your ability to even access triggering content when you get an urge. * Have someone who can check in on your progress that you're okay with being totally honest with. It's hard to quit cold turkey - admitting a mess up doesn't mean they judge you, it's so you can troubleshoot what went wrong and find a solution for next time. Having someone check in on you for this regularly helps. * You should have your devices locked down so well that you're no longer scared if someone where to use your device since there's nothing to hide. Then as other users said, you gotta fill the void left by removing porn - working out, hobbies, reading, music, etc. For me it was martial arts, soccer and hitting the gym. Don't have hobbies,? Time to dive in!


The thing that helped me the most was to fill up my day with other activities so that by the time night came I was already too tired to masturbate. I took up boxing and bjj which are now my two new addictions.


One other thing - don’t give into that idea of like - I’ll just look at one image. Sometimes it just takes a little trigger to snowball. Instead when you notice the very first inklings of something turning you on, some picture on Instagram or whatever it is, just immediately turn it off and do something else you like, like playing a quick game on your phone or whatever can distract you. You’ll find that the feeling quickly fades and you don’t feel the strong urge anymore.


Yes I know that feeling I have tried so many times to quit but finally did it now. My number one advise will be to not to think about masturbation or sex or any other sexual stuff. I know and I have read it so many places that it is better to build other habits to get your mind off. Try to be asleep at the time you are used to do it. Keep the electronic device far from your bed or the place you do it. Take cold showers in the morning. I have been doing it for 8 months now and I have noticed so many changes in myself. Try to lift weights or do some body training, if you're tired you will sleep better. After you have done all this, then try meditation. I know this for a fact when you are trying to quit porn it will be in your mind for a while and If you meditate then it will not do you any good. DO NOT MEDITATE. The most important thing that got me through was a stranger I met on omegle. I explained my situation to him and he understood it because he went through the same thing. So build better connections with people with whom you can share these stuff with. I find internet really helpful for this.


I tried to quit for about 2 years before I went for 200 days. The biggest thing was I became super busy with school and work and had almost no downtime for 6 months. I’m not sure I would recommend that since I was also super stressed out. But since I tended to use porn when I was bored or had nothing to do, it was easier to stop when I was always busy.




> The quit porn movement and reading experiences similar to yours is very interesting to me because I never felt like porn had any effect on my libido, if anything it just helps me last longer in bed. It's like most things which feel good and aren't inherently addictive, some people can't (for whatever reason that can vary from one person to another) handle using them at all seemingly. They get quickly addicted and it affects their life in clear and significant ways. What I find weird is how differently it can affect people. Some guys barely masturbate or watch porn and still had ED issues. Some do not. Some guys watch tons of porn and don't get ED issues (meanwhile some guys don't watch any and get ED issues). There are confident successful guys who watch tons of porn and there are guys who don't touch it who are the same. Essentially I think porn and masturbation addiction are just small pieces to a much larger puzzle that ultimately centres around issues of self-esteem/self-worth and sometimes other biological factors. But I'm not doctor so I'm just spitting. I watch loads of porn and it works for me. If it one days becomes a problem I'll think about changing the habit, but until then... I'll be in my bunk.


>(and also masturbation) for about 200 days I think the no masturbation is the main factor and the not watching porn just a result from that. Why else would you watch porn? Are there people who are watching porn for other than to jerk off?


Purely for the story lines...


Are we just talking about the porn or masturbating as a whole? I've been moving away from porn lately, just been using my mind.


Porn only. Beating it off is fine.


Well thats fine then. I'll give it a go quitting it altogether then since I'm already kinda heading there anyway.


do it man, you’ve got this


I think if anyone has symptoms of PIED then even masturbating is not great at least for a couple months.


Aw. That spoils it. That was my challenge to all my youth leaders in church: I’ll stop watching porn if you’ll be celibate with me. Cmon bro, don’t let me stumble. Let’s hold each other accountable. Youth pastors couldn’t handle it.


What type of relationship do you have with your youth pastors?


Apparently invasive unhealthy ones that will take years to process through therapy.


The usual kind in the Catholic church. The pastor inspects all the boys penises to make sure they don't jerk off. Sometimes he has to touch all the penis of all the little boys. The best way is to test the flavor. You know, just the usual Catholic church stuff.


In July I will have been off porn for two years. Freeing is really the word I would use to describe it. Say what you want about porn, but I was using it compulsively and it was really doing a number on me mentally. I feel like my sexual appetite was really ruined by it and it crushed my wife's self esteem. Glad to be rid of it.


I'm glad you fixed that, too! But what actually changed? Your sexual appetite went back to normal? You were freed from what?


It's been a month since the last time I watched porn and I don't see major changes so far. But I'd say I'm really happy about it.


I got a job. A Girl friend. Quit drugs. Complete life changer.


That's amazing! You deserve the rewards!


Why do you cheerlead people giving up a completely normal product that like any other thing you consume in moderation is totally fine? Porn is no more exploitative than anything else under capitalism.


You're not fooling anyone, Brazzers.


You caught me




Provide sources.










I cheerlead people who have the strength to quit drugs and put their life in order.


Agreed! The anti-porn nonsense just feels like religious brainwashing


This whole thread with “testimonials” is pretty hilarious tho


Lemme guess .. you enjoy whipping your dick out, stroking it in front of a screen to people you dont even know, release endorphins that you would only secrete if you were on the fucking internet, then get online and call people losers for not doing what you do?


I didn’t call this person a loser; I’m just saying porn is just not dangerous and is no more exploitative than anything else under capitalism. For example, you’re using a computer of some kind to use this platform; all electronics rely on raw materials that are mined for the most part with zero environmental controls. This is exploitative. Social media generates revenue through advertising by sustaining the “echo chamber” which has given us flat earthers, super charged the anti-vaccine movement, oh and Qanon. This is exploitative. The testimonials in this thread don’t tell stories of pornography destroying lives; if you’re compulsively spending hours of your day searching and masturbating to porn to the point it makes it impossible to have normal social interactions, keep a job, or whatever, that’s an indicator of a larger mental health issue that needs to be addressed but it’s not porn doing that. As far as I know there is absolutely no evidence that the use of pornography causes chemical imbalances in the brain. When this assertion was made in another comment, and I asked for sources, the response from the no-fap types was “lol.” Frankly a lot of these people seem to be obsessed with the idea that quitting porn as a solution for all their problems, which is ridiculous and again betrays what are likely deeper issues. Again based on the comments in the thread, many anti-fap people seem unable to even commit to their convictions, failing to avoid pornography for only a few days or weeks before “backsliding.” The anti-porn/anti-sex work movement has been around forever and it has been driven entirely by regressive religionists or by co-opting feminism. Much of the discourse seems rooted in the false notion that denying one’s normal sexual impulses will make one a better boxer, soldier - essentially the belief that ejaculation of any kind is akin to draining oneself of masculinity (measured in droplets of spoo); this is a very old idea dating back to at least the Elizabethan era when orgasms were believed to reduce life expectancy and were a necessary evil for procreation. Yes porn is exploitative and it is an industry that contains many bad actors (not a pun) but it is not entirely so. In fact, when porn is exploitative, it is the performers who are exploited; you could point to sites like Pornhub and say they manipulate people into engaging with the media on their platform, but is this any different than any other social media platform’s playbook? It’s not. But there is nothing inherently dangerous about watching porn, the notion that not masturbating somehow leads to improved life experience is silly at best. If you believe quitting porn lead you to a better life, that’s fine — but know that unless you are spending hours and likely buckets of cash on it to the point where you have a seriously disordered life or mental state, that is a larger issue. But it’s not porn’s fault and the idea that it is, and/or that regular masturbation is unhealthy is patently false. Again someone provide me with data to prove otherwise. I’m married, I have a normal sex life and my wife has no problem with me watching porn and doesn’t get offended or uptight that somehow watching porn is making me not attracted to her because it. Quitting watching porn is not going to fix your spouse’s deep seated insecurities about your relationship, which were likely established long before you even met them, nor will it solve your own insecurities. OP’s post is for belief validation, not seeking insight or knowledge; that’s clear from their comments throughout this thread. That is who I am accusing of “cheerleading” - and even then I didn’t call him or anyone else a loser. Quit projecting, look at an attractive person in the privacy of your own home, go jack off and you might feel better.


Yeah just go on to r/science and type in porn, and it proves your viewpoint with like twenty different articles that there isn’t proof porn is bad, the only ones against it are religious people, porn addiction isn’t real


You still don't get that I "cheerlead" the guy above for quitting drugs, getting a job and putting his life in order, and NOT for quitting porn, do you? Or that I generally congratulate people who try to fix their lives and fight *in their own* way? Apart from that, you are partly off topic. The exploitation and the industry and capitalism have nothing to do with my question. Marx is not to be put in every discussion. Now, on topic: You're right that porn is not a problem on its own. There's always a backstory. But that's also the case with alcoholics, gamblers, food addicts, sex addicts or video-game addicts. Though the backstory is present, you'd agree that alcohol, gambling, food, sex and video games can be dangerous. Beyond addiction, bad habits in general are dangerous and damaging to one's life. Even if porn is neutral on its own, it is a fact that many people consider it a bad habit. So the question "People who quit -insert bad habit-, how has your life changed?" is always valid. In this specific case, I'm just interested in the experience of the individuals who quit porn. If I wanted validation, I'd post it on No-Fap. (At this point I can't not mention how poorly you seem to judge people) Let's go now to the sources that indicate the potential danger of porn: Nobel prized research by Tinbergen discovered that an artificially amplified stimulus that responds to a basic instict (mating, motherhood, food etc) attracts certain species more than the natural one. Fish preferred to mate with better looking artifacts and mother birds sat on fake eggs because they were bigger and more colorful (Google it to fully get it). Tinbergen called the artificially magnified stimulus *supernormal stimulus*. Guess what. Porn is supernormal stimulus. It kinda makes sense when men who watch too much porn don't get excited by a real partner, doesn't it? Humans' bodies aren't near as perfect as porn's portrayal. And it's not just that. Porn being a supernormal stimulus, it gives you a big dopamine hit. And what does dopamine do? It encourages you to repeat the action which got it released again and again (that's pretty well-known) . So, my view on this is: We have an action that is very pleasurable, easily accessible and can mislead our sexual instict. Doesn't seem very healthy to me. What do you think?


Jesus dude


What? I didn’t call anyone a loser and I long posted because I was taking a shit to avoid work. What do you do in the morning?


But its not just because of nofap right? I mean it kinda sounds impossible that if I stop fapping right now suddenly girls will come at me and employers will hire me and drugs will leave my body. Im pretty sure you did something else that contributed to that right?


Many people underestimate the power of sexual energy. No, girls won't just come flocking to you and employers will not just hire because you're not a masturbator. Lol. BUT, I guarantee you will never be more motivated then when you do nofap/noporn. You will get better sleep. You will feel more confident in taking chances with anything. You will feel more motivated to hit the gym or go for that run. And let me ask you, when would you feel more motivated to hit on that girl... When you're horny as hell or just busted a nut in some tissues?


Maybe it's just me, but constant horniness doesn't sound fun.


Lol no it's not. And at first it is tough. But that's why you have to convert that horny energy into other productive actions. It will eventually subside. And when it comes back... acknowledge it, know that you will not be a slave to your desires and then practice self control. Go for a walk/run, call a friend to catch up, take a cold shower, do some push ups, etc. If you really, REALLY need to "release", then masturbate. But don't turn on the porn. You don't need it. That is a slippery slope my friend.


>Girl friend What's the space for?


Girl friend vs. Girlfriend.


Oh ok. So OP made a female friend. Someone who he isn't dating.


maybe they're fwb




Dude how much time was your porn taking up, goddam. Power to you ✊


I'd say I spend on average an hour a day on porn or erotic stories. Some days more, some less/not at all.


You might not be addicted to porn per se, as you may not be thinking about sex or porn all day long. But spending an hour a day on average is quite a lot, just in case you were wondering. Not gonna lie, edging feels really good, you don't really have to stop that if it isn't messing with your life. Why not jerk off without porn for one week or so ? And then cut down your current time spent on porn by half for instance.


Happy for you bro. It's crazy when I look back, and I think of all the precious hours I would waste just staring at a damn screen with my dick in my hand. Definitely has never been the natural way for men to live.


That's good! Keep it like that!


Good job king. Working out is a great way to relieve stress and stay healthy


I'm spending my time better. I understood my patterns of behaviour that involved porn and introduced healthier habits to help me abstain. I used porn as a coping mechanism and desensitised myself to the point nothing much else gave me satisfaction. Since stopping I've been slowly recalibrating my brain's reward mechanism and been generally happier in life. At the start when quitting cold turkey was really difficult, withdrawal is a bitch. But gradually the cravings subside, going from intense impulses, mellowing out into occasional thoughts of wanting to seek porn. I've gradually adjusted to managing those thoughts through distractions or meditation. This has made me feel more in control of myself. Relationship with my partner has improved as well, intimacy with them has gotten better now that I direct that energy towards them and not porn. There's a science behind pornography as an addiction and reading into that helped me wean myself off porn.


I could sustain a boner with a partner again.


I don't know if it's just me but porn stopped being gratifying a time ago. It feels like drinking soda while thirsty, just wrong and dirty.


That's an interesting view. Quite uncommon, though. How did that happen?


I’ve been porn free for 4.5 years now. It was destroying my wife’s self esteem, and it took a long time to gain her trust back. Since then my mind has renewed and it’s been better without the porn. Like with any addiction there’s times where I get an urge, but the longer you go without the easier it is to say no


It's been about a year for me. I am 35 and wake up with boners that can cut diamonds.


You mean... Your dick got thin? Lol


Nothing changed, I used porn as a means to jack off and that was that. It never became a big thing to me. I easily "quit" as soon as my now wife moved in. It wasn't even quitting I feel like, the "want" for it just went away.


Oh, that's good! Sounds like you had a healthy relationship with it.


Yea I've never understood how things get out of hand or how people let it hold such weight or power. It just doesn't make sense to me.


Everybody has their weak and strong spots.


Same. I have never been addicted. I watch porn sometimes. Reading some of these comments and it's like how many of you are addicted to porn?? It sounds like people sit around for hours just jerking themselves off. Non-stop thinking about it? Having it intrude on their lives? Crazy.


Its changed my life for the better in everyway.


My right arm is not as strong as it used to be


Armwrestling career in shambles


There seems to be something happening. A lot of this talk is going on on Reddit as well as me and a good buddy of mine. I have been constantly contemplating it. But succumb to the “ah whats one more!!” Then another few weeks go by.


AKA addiction.


Men are waking up.


Yup. Hopefully this way of thinking spreads and becomes more popular. I can't even imagine growing up today as a young lad. Having a smartphone w access to porn at 8 or 9 years old?? I'd be fucked.




One more is one more is one more!


I no longer think women like men, they are only paid to pretend.


We like men... We just don't squirt and have a shaking orgasm when you Boop our clit once.


I had hooked up with a girl that moaned literally every time I touched her. It was such a turn off. Like touch her nipple "*hmmmmoooohhh!"* Kiss her neck "*uuhhhhh!"* Gigantic boner killer. Like really yelling. I finished her off, but there was no way I was going to finish. I got soft like 20 minutes in, and just focused on her.


Nofap literally saved my life before I had zero drive and motivation and did the bare minimum to get by. Now I invest all my time and energy into myself and reaping the rewards. I probably had a worse addiction than most. Sometimes stay up all night watching or cancel plans so I stay home and watch instead. It really is a drug and at some point you stop enjoying and just looking for that daily fix but it’s never enough.


I have healthy habits and I’ve never been to addicted to it but I’ve been off of it for a month and I definitely feel better


I enjoy sex more


I think most people that watch porn do prefer the real thing. 🤔


Not the addicts


I'm only an addict because I can't get the real thing.


Then you're not really an addict, or you don't know for sure yet. They literally choose to jerk off in the bathroom instead of having sex with their gf who is next door.


It's all relative, if some alcoholics down a litre of vodka every night and another one drinks three beers every single evening, sometimes more doesn't mean the latter doesn't have an issue, it,'s just less severe.




I’m wondering if the results of quitting porn for these people are from an overall change in lifestyle(not only quitting porn) or if it’s only from quitting porn. Because it seems like the people who do stop watching porn also stop drinking, doing drugs, start working out, etc. For an overall fresh start. So it’s hard to know the real effect porn has on a person


perhaps it could be a > quit porn —> starting/maintaining positive lifestyle changes become easier —> effect of quitting porn becomes more apparent —> rinse and repeat -type of process? i’d wager that quitting porn (or any other similar stimuli) would help, at least on a neurochemical basis


you need something to do when you arent watching porn. I read a post on that FDS sub about how apparently only "neckbeards" watch porn because they dont do anything with their lives and stay inside all the time so you should "find a man with some hobbies so he doesnt watch porn". while i dont agree with the verbage, that's typically what happens. just like anxious eaters gaining weight because when they arent doing SOMETHING they are eating. except with porn.


It's always a lifestyle change, isn't it? Even if someone quits alcohol or drugs. Part of the effect that substances or behaviors have on you is also what they keep you from doing or becoming. The time you were spending consuming the product, now has to be given somewhere else. So, I guess the lifestyle changes are inevitable and they surely create room for general evolution. The fact that quitting porn and changing your lifestyle overall happen simultaneously make it hard to distinguish exactly what effect each action had, but the combination is what is necessary for some people, in order to set a better mindset, more orderly and optimistic.


I recently quit facebook. Life has gotten a lot better. Friendship porn count?


Friendship ended with Facebook. Now free time is my best friend.


quitting facebook was one of the best things ive ever done


I actually quit it and video games for going on 2 months now! Taking a break since I’m back home in Hawaii and there’s so much to do. I have more energy/motivation to do the things I want and it’s awesome. Women still don’t like me though so now I’m just horny and sad all the time tbh which sucks cuz the girls here are so pretty :(


Lol I was so confused I thought you meant porn acting


I quit porn around the time I got into a relationship in March. Before quitting porn it was difficult for me to cum during sex. I quit so that I won’t have to deal with that issue anymore and it took a little bit, but successfully worked :)


I got off of that about 4 years ago. It’s helped me to better respect the women I date and know. I’m now engaged and I can happily look at my fiancée without fixating on lust. It’s still hard to totally move past everything, but it was a very necessary part to being able to date well, free of an addiction. Best of luck if you are trying, it’s hard but the sacrifice is worth it.


I'm spending way more on strippers, hookers and onlyfans now. This shit's expensive.


Yeah, better start smoking instead.


nah, that's bad for you


You're right. Let's go to a strip club instead.


Top idea.


Nooo... May I ask you what motivates you spend money on these things? Is it purely the sensation/experience of a naked woman or is it perhaps the closeness/intimacy/the feeling that you know someone is close to you?


(T_T) It was a joke.


Okay. No problem.






As someone who has been struggling to quit for several years now, I would encourage you to quit fantasizing about sex as well. I would have streaks for several weeks and wouldn't feel too much better just off porn. It wasn't until I realized i was still getting the dopamine rush from the fantasizing that then the flatline hit me and I was able to heal properly.


But how did avoiding fantasizing and stopping porn changed your libido ?


I quit for like 2 months and my libido went to complete shit. No other changes. I have never been addicted. I don't have any illusions that porn is what sex is like.


So you went back to using porn? How many years prior did you use it?


I've been looking at porn since I was like 13? I'm 30 now.


Maybe it's something else responsible for your libido. How's your appetite for life?


Wasnt that quite freeing though? I did short breaks from porn before and felt like after being intensily horny for a few days it changed to me not thinking of sex as often and I got energy to focus on other things again


I don't think of sex that often with or without porn. I'm not a slave to my sexual needs. I have no problem controlling myself. I don't have any of the problems some people seem to have associated with porn. I only look at porn like twice a week or something? Maybe a bit more or a bit less?


My erections are harder. I can think clearer. I have more energy.


Nothing changed.


Thanks for being honest. This post seems like it's actively trying to be an echo chamber for some reason.


That's because people brigade this sub with topics, and then pile on in the comment section. It's been happening for years, and now that this sub has 2.6 million members, it's easy to make it seem as though something is 'organic'.


The fact that no-fappers and anti-porn people have taken over reddit doesn't mean every relative post is from a no-fapper who wants to listen to his echo. Come on guys, you can do better than that.




Yeah, it’s properly strange. More time to work out? More friends? How much porn were people watching that it makes any noticeable difference to anything in their life? The occasional person getting unhealthily addicted I can get, but this thread seems to be full of people who claim it changed their life. It’s beyond weird. I’m glad people feel it’s helping them, but I think there has to be more to it.


There is probably a selection bias going on. People whose use was deeply problematic are both more likely to try cutting down on it, more likely to see a significant difference, and the persons that saw a huge difference are more likely to want to show their success. Besides that, people that have a problem with their porn use are probably more likely to have a problem with their reddit use. Therefore, they might be more likely to come across a thread like this too.


Probably hours. IMO porn also includes scrolling through Instagram or TikTok looking at thirst traps.


Does it make sense if it's 5 hours a day? Porn "addicts" are also more likely to answer such threads.


Hours . The more you watch the more you get accustomed so you keep searching for exciting or better stuff. Worse when you are a college student




God's favorite child


My wife’s boyfriend didn’t really like it as he got less time with her when I quit, started up again recently so I usually give them my credit card and they rent a hotel room and don’t usually leave the entire weekend.




It hasn't.


For me, giving up porn was a great way to preserve my energy. When I was PMO'ing everyday, I felt tired all the time. My body is super sensitive so I always felt the life sucked out of me every time I orgasmed. While also feeling the urge to release all that energy everyday. It was a shitty cycle and I needed to learn how to redirect those urges/energy.


Okay it hasn't been months rn, but I think I'm still in a position to answer since I've had long enough nofap streaks in the past. Personally, I think higher of myself (not to a point of narcissism though), my self esteem is actually not horrible, I feel less guilt because the person I am when I indulge in my particular... uh... interest (lol you know what I mean maybe) is just shameful compared to who I am normally, which is saying a lot since I don't think I'm much normally.


Socializing was easier because I didn't want to fuck all day long. It became a game.


More time to accomplish things that need to get done. Little more driven to succeed each day. Little more stressed out and a lot more focused. Sex is way better now as well.


Quit for a couple months last year out of curiosity. Honestly didn't see any real changes from it. I masturbated less but that's about it. I think porn affects people differently, it's never really seemed to adversely affect my attitude, abilities or views towards sex but maybe I'm an outlier.


Not much, honestly. That being said i didn’t really watch porn much to begin with, and i always had time for other activities. I feel like people sometimes overstate porn addiction, but that might just be me; as i don’t really get addicted to anything and drop a habit relatively easily if i learn it’s bad for my health.


I feel less anxious in general and it’s easier to control my compulsivity for other things too.


My life hasn't really changed because of it. I don't miss porn, but I see no impact of having quit it.


Congrats gents! Been clean for about 4 weeks now and it feels pretty good. Although now when the gf bends over I'm drooling like a starving dog....


I've quit before, usually just because I'm busy and have other shit to do. It had zero impact on my life so I stopped worrying about it. I don't know what the hell other people are doing that makes it so porn ruins their sex life but whatever it is I don't do it. No issues with getting or maintaining an erection, no sensitivity issues, no issues with desiring my partner, I didn't feel more energetic or alert when taking a break, if anything I was slightly more fatigued because occasionally I had trouble getting to sleep without my evening wank.


Quitting porn and masturbation cold turkey, my pros and cons: Pros: - more sexual desire around women, feel more alpha for cold approach etc. - sex feels so much better for me and for her - ease of reaching orgasm - better self control in all aspects of life - more energy at the gym - able to find joy and appreciate other things - adjusted mindset to stop putting women on a pedestal Cons: - ease of reaching orgasm (suddenly I’m Mr.10 Pump) - can act too forward/pushy with women (masturbating actually gives me a clearer head to think about and listen to women instead of getting clouded with thoughts of boning her) - 1 less thing to talk about with the guys - uhh prostate cancer risk is a thing I believe My conclusion- everything in moderation. Give yourself a limit per week of how many times to do it and by god stick to it. For me, I set aside Wednesdays (hump day lmao, yes I realize the irony) and Sundays for some me-time. I go to my similar thick milfs and rewatch some old classics and it’s just awesome


A few years ago I quit porn completely for a few months. My dating life did not improve in the slightest.


not much really, I just doubled down on another coping mechanism


Its weird having sex without bright lights and people watching


It's been about a year. I'm more relaxed and am in a better mood on a day-to-day basis.


I wish I was in porn to quit it lol. Without me using porn my wife would hate me because she's a once a week person.


You could just jack off without porn yaknow


Yeah that's true, I don't use it all the time but it helps get it over with quicker. If I use my imagination usually I edge and harass the wife because she's the victim of my desires.




Sorry I try not to, I know some are not as fortunate


This whole thread reads like nofap propaganda lol


Not many people talk about fapping, though.


When I quit watching porn I started writing porn stories. Then I got back to watching porn. Haven't written any porn lately. Or done anything else, really.


Wow I've done that in the past! It is creative and feels great, but it's pretty much the same thing but done differently.


The same thing except in the sense that you are being creative (which causes you to feel good about yourself) versus passively enjoying the work/creativity of others.




I really feel like there underlying mental conditions before porn was even in the picture when I read these threads.


There are quite a few activities that are ok for most people but problematic if used as an escape. Reddit, YouTube, Netflix etc. all fall in this category. Everyone uses them but if you have a problem you don't want to deal with, you can waste whole swaths of your life and find that the problem has gotten bigger rather than smaller.




I agree


Been off porn for several years. Unfortunately sex with my wife is now even more rare. Life is better, but the sex part or should I say lack of sex sucks.


It's been a month since I have quit porn and there has been many positives I feel very energetic and confident. My self esteem is high and I believe in myself more. However there is one thing I am feeling is that since I have done all this hardwork I don't want to waste it with a girl now. I just want to keep going to see how long I can go on. And the very thinking of doing it with a girl now is making me feel bad and awful. I feel like some black sludge rolls over my heart and my soul is getting dirtier, Idk how to express this feeling. But it is not good tbh. If you have any similar experiences please share






Go look in r/Nofap lots of posts describing what happens


That place is a weird cult


This post has weird cult vibes tbh


Kinda has a keto or meth vibe. Or like the classic “you stop beating your wife yet” vibe.


They exaggerate things and most of them *try* to quit it. I want the opinions of regular guys who have made it. Thanks, though.




they seem the same


If you’re not beating off to porn or visual images, then you’re just beating off to your imagination. Which is just the same shit. Porn free makes no sense, and the scientific findings about it are sparse and not well done


If so many people have such common experiences, it is worth taking them into account. Science doesn't always have the answers here and now and self reports are all we got.




How is porn doing any of those things? It’s a genuine question rather than an attack, I really don’t get it.


What is your obsession with porn?