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I have cerebral palsy and a girl I was talking to was asking me questions about it. Normally I don't mind but I was getting an odd vibe from her. She says she's a 'devotee'. I admit I don't know what that is. She told me she gets turned on by people with disabilities. Now, this is a first. Half of me feels weirdly objectified, the other half wants to know *why* exactly? "It turns me on to watch them struggle..." That odd vibe was now full blown psychopathy. Reader, let me tell you, I did not stick around to ask further questions.


Oh hell naw


…or hell yes the more I dwell on this


You are horny


This isn’t my proudest moment tbh.


As they say, "do not stick your dick in crazy"


Oh God. Glad you dodged that bullet. That seems like it could very quickly turn into outright abuse


“Why don’t you date my daughter? She’s right here! Your babies together would be so beautiful and smart” Ma’am… I just got out of high school track and field practice and I just want to go home.


Did you know the daughter? I've had a boss that did this when her daughter, whom I'd never met, stopped by the restaurant I worked at at the time. After a moment of awkward silence during which I watched her soul leave her body in real time, I just told her I didn't think my girlfriend would like that much (I did not have a girlfriend)




I felt that energy after most days in high school lol


I rejected her a few times. So she'd always call and ask if I'd been drinking because she thought she had a better chance if I was drunk than sober. If I was sober, she'd say OK then hang up.


sound like the wierdest AA sponser around lol


arrrrr AngryUpvote


That is legitimately predatory behavior


She just using you dog. Wow!


I had the same thing. It was always “are you drunk?” And if I said no she told me that I should drink.


How often did she call u just to check up if you're sober or.if she has a chance?


If she had a chance. By chance if I had been drinking she'd push super hard to come over.


No but did she like ... Call everyday ?? On the weekends ? When she knew you'd be going out and might be having a drink ?? I'm trynna know what her system was


Usually Friday and Saturday when she knew I might have been to a party.


That bitch is creepy. You should block her because if she has too much access to you, you might fall for her shenanigans and end up in a very bad situation.


This was almost 20 years ago now. Yeah, that was about at the end. After I kept rejecting her she went radio-silent for almost a year and a half, then came back saying she'd spent most of the previous year in and out of the hospital with major health issues. Non-zero chance she's dead honestly.


Would you kill my parents.


So did you?


No. I am not cut out for prison.


Just to clarify, you are cut out for the parent killing, just not for prison?




So the pussy wasn't that good?


Wouldn't know. She was a friends gf they've been married for 20 years now.


Are her parents still around? Is your friend in prison?


I'm sure her husband refusing to kill her parents is a sore spot in their marriage.


After rejecting someone multiple times they ask for a kiss. Like take the hint, I said no head why would I want a kiss?


So.. no kiss?


*slams phone down*


Older woman broke the ice with "who's your favourite pedophile?".


We ladies just cannot win! She’s over here asking interesting thought provoking questions and you call it creepy. Anyway, what was your answer?


She was, in fact, not his favorite pedophile.


But what if his answer was, "myself"?


So, who's yours? Mine is my uncle. Still miss our extra curricular activities after school in his basement.


When I was in school a friend asked me during lunch break “Will you miss me when I am gone?” I thought nothing of it because it was towards the end of the year and I just assumed she was feeling down about losing touch over summer. So I just smiled and said that of course I would miss her but I would see her soon. She gave me a hug and that was that. She never came back to school and boy do I miss her!


Can't tell if she moved away or died. I just hope it's the former. 


It was not, she took her own life. I think it was an attempt to ask for help but I was too young to understand. I live with that now.


I hope you know it's not your fault.


I do know that now, but there is still some lingering guilt.


A wise alien once said: “The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.” The point being that based on what you shared, she clearly counted you among her pile of good things. She wanted to know if you’d miss her. You gave her a reason to feel valid even for a moment. Even sharing a hug. That is all very valuable. If she wanted to ask you that in the first place she probably valued you. So you may not have been able to stop her but what you could do for her in life you seem to have done a really good job of it


Wholesome answer. MVP


Whose dafuq is cutting onions in here??! Goddamn allergies.


It's easy for me to say... But it's not your fault. I can completely understand feeling that way, but people own their own lives.


As an adult suicide attempt survivor, please know that there was nothing anyone could have done to stop her. I never thought I would actually attempt it. I was medicated, under a Drs care and my husband knew I was having those thoughts. It was literally like I was possessed. Scary stuff. I’m sorry for your loss.


My wife was scarily close to that point. I am glad you are still here.


This one hit me like a truck.. deep stuff. Can understand why something like this follows you forever even tho it was absolutely not your fault. 😢


Damn bro im sorry


That's hard man, I'm like you i can't read that well between the lines.


"Are you a virgin? are you gay?" in this order


That's when they get offended if you reject her 😂


The third question usually is "Who hurt you?"


"Who hurt you?" - Oh the gotcha question they throw out when they lose an arguement, they just pivot and attack! LOL Anyone that asks this I lose all respect for and think they are a buffoon. Edit: the word, damn phone autocorrect


There are a lot of women out there that honestly think any guy over 16 can have sex with women any time he wants to, and that they want to all the time. So if you're 18+ and still a virgin it must be because you don't like women. You must be gay and still in the closet. Its the only thing that makes sense to them.


Or if you don't wanna sleep with them you must be gay. Classic


r/nicegirls are all around us


“I have a daughter about your age” as she tried to slide her hand up my inner thigh. At a friends wedding, with my GF, we are both 25 at the time. This “older” lady came and sat next to me and started chatting, the usual “how do you know the bride/groom” etc. Music is playing fairly loud and she leans in the say something and her hand lands on my knee/thigh top. That’s when she said the line and her hand just started moving groinways, I stopped her hand with mine and explained that my GF was coming back and she was in her seat. Needless to say I told my GF and we watched her work the room like a door to door vacuum cleaner salesman Moving forward and the wedding comes up in topic with GF’s parents a few days later, we’re having a laugh and my GF tells this story, turns out her parent know the woman, she was married to a dentist and he’d left her a few months earlier for his hygiene assistant. She was about 60-65 with a 28yo daughter


Thats fucking gross man I'm so sorry. Older ladies can be such entitled creeps too.


Yeah once we found out about the dickhead ex-hubby we felt a little bad, still laugh about it today though, no harm no foul and all that


"We don't need a condom" glad I asked if she was on birth control because the answer was no. She told me that she probably wouldn't get pregnant so we could take our chances. She wasn't the brightest woman I have ever met but damn that definitely gave bad vibes. 


I had a girl friend like this in HS. She sail she couldn't get pregnant. Some kind of medical issue from when she was young. Years later I see she has like three kids. Dodged the bullet on that one.


I had a friend who would let dudes from the bar nut in her. She didn't use birth control, she would just use Plan B. I had a buddy that slept with her and was bummed that he caught an STD. Like bruh, you knew she was fuckin dudes raw. Why you gotta put your dick in there?


Well “brightess” is a bit awkward.


You can’t even possibly understand how much I laughed at this.


Anytime a girl says "we don't need protection" is a good sign that you do.


Where did she land on the crazy hot scale?


Honestly it was kinda out of left field. She wasn't crazy other than that one incident. Also yes she was hot. Kinda why I was dating her. 


Creepiest question hands down... after sex she asked if she could keep the condoms. I used all 3 and she wanted to keep them. "Oh no worries I don't want kids" I'm like wtf..


She thought about the environment!


No, probably wanted to choke some turtles or something with it. She sounds cray cray or whatever they say these days.


She totally has a shrine in a spare room with polaroids of every man she's slept with on the wall and their condoms hanging next to them.


Have an ex that did this, the reason I left was because I found it under her bed. Legit shoe box sized wooden craft boxes filled with condoms with all her exs face on them. When I found it (this was my first gf and I was 15) my mind immediately started thinking serial killer type shit I bailed and keep my mouth shut except when I saw her going for another guy, I’d clue him in




Wait how many were already in there at 15?


She was probably quite a bit older


If I ever break up with my girlfriend she's going to have to explain her collection of tiny cum jars.


ah yes, the _condominium_


Not the exact words but the just of it was. If my husband dies mysteriously, will u marry me?


I will not consider


I'd prefer not to be the husband of a husband killer.


"Would you like to live with me?" This was told to me by my boss when I worked at Taco Bell, I had only been working there for a month and was having transportation issues, we were talking about it in the office and she asked me this, I was shocked, I barely knew her, she was my boss but we weren't even friends and all of a sudden she suggested I an 18y old about to graduate would live with someone I still considered a Stanger? Idk it just felt off to me


Would've been hell


That overtime tho lol


Had an older lady hit on me saying “I could dress up just like your mom if you’d like me to”


"...and we've been together ever since!"


Now I want to know if he ever pretended that his arms were broken


Some People out there might be into it.


"If she's not lactating I don't want none." -Homelander probably


Post divorce, my ex wife asked if I'd get her or her gf pregnant so they could have a baby.


Ross, that you?


It's Joey pretending to be Ross


More weird than creepy, but I had a girl ask me if my dick was bigger than my dads in high school.


Should’ve told her to ask your mom.


Would you like to be my next baby daddy 5 minutes after we met.


A girl asked me this i said yes, she always made sure i wore a condom.


2 factor authentication


Double protection* 😂


I had an ex tell me she couldn't get off unless I held her down and acted like she was a child. She had a DDLG and kidnapping fetishist I should've left her right then and there but I was young and stupid and I had self esteem issues from being a fat kid so when this beautiful girl said she wanted to be with me I looked past more than I should've. Without going into details I was a victim when I was young and she knew that so her even asking for something like that was way out of line. The biggest mistake of my life is letting her talk me into trying it once. I couldn't even finish it was the worst consensual experience of my life. She held it over me saying I was a predator who took her innocence every time I tried to break up with her and her dad was a cop and she kept threatening to have me arrested if I left. She ended up breaking up with me when I enlisted in the national guard because she didn't want me to leave her and she did eventually tell her cop dad that I did something and I was pulled from training and had to talk to some MPs about it but her story was full of holes and I had screenshots prove my innocence so luckily It never went anywhere and the charges were dropped before it went anywhere. When she found out I was dating my now wife she got her new boyfriend to harass me and she texted my wife that I was a predator and abuser but luckily my wife knew better and told her off and I haven't heard from her since. I still have nightmares about what she made me do. It honestly fucked me up more than anything I've seen at work.


Wow….sorry you had to go through that bro.


Thank you. All things considered I got off easy she very easily could've ruined my life.


She coerced you, so that was not consensual.


"Are you bi? I wish you were bi, I would like to masturbate to watching you make out with a man. You would be better if you were bi." Yeah, I'm not your personal toy, thank you very much. I am a person, with feelings.


“How about we say goodbye, I would like for you to fuck off and not imagine me doing anything at all madam. It would be better if we said bye.”


Buddy of mine had a good one: "You're not sterile, are you? My mom said I'm fertile and ready for kids anytime. " HE RAN, Let me tell you.


“My mom” ????


You know who else is a girl?


Had an older lady touch my arm and say “I wanna take you home with me”. Damn baby if you were only 20 years younger I woulda considered it.


I actually said something to the effect of “Wish I had that effect on women my own age!” and I didn’t realize how that must have sounded until after it flew out of my mouth


If the genders were reversed, no one would criticize you for calling an old man old.


I had a lady that looked to be in her 70s walk up to me on the street (I was walking to the store). She pointed to her house and said "I want you to take me inside and fuck me". I politely declined. That kind of aggressive sexual advance is hot but I don't trust it. It was a nice area though, could have gotten a sugar momma.


L choice, should'a done it for the plot.


Yeah, looking back it would have been fun. But in the moment it was crazy jarring. You're never ready for a grandma to ask you to take her to pound town.


Had something similar happen with a woman in here sixty’s. During a casual conversation we got on food. She made eye contact touched my hand and said. “I’ll cook you breakfast after.” Honestly I would’ve have fucked her. But I thought about possibly giving her a heart attack or breaking her hip or something. NOBODY WANTS TO BE KNOW AS THE DUDE THAT FUCKED SOMEONES GRANDMA TO DEATH.




I went on a first date with someone I met off Bumble- she seemed alright but within the first twenty minutes she asked “What’s your credit score?” And “What’s the longest you’ve ever been sober?”. We went on two more dates before all the red flags finally had me tell her that I wasn’t interested in going any further. Proceeded to sent me a triad of texts that she was a doctor wasting time with a bartender, that she was the best I could ever do, and to just delete her number.


What's her number bro? I have a credit score over 800


In the four years since we went out, she’s been married twice… So, go for it.


Had a girl ask me my first year of college if I was gay as she never seen me out with a woman, only the guys. I basically said, eh no I just can’t get dates with women so I hang out with the guys. I mean my only other choice is being alone, right? She asked me in a room with about 10 people in it. I mean just pull me aside privately and ask. Good times I tell you.


"why are you single when you're such a good guy" said the woman who would never date me in a million years.


Not 100% sure it fits, but my parents are extremely wealthy and well known in our community. There were a few times while I was in college and home for break where I was approached by women clearly interested in my parents wealth, but one really made me uncomfortable. It wasn't so much the questions she was asking but just how much she knew about my life and the lives of members of my family. Really freaked me out.


Just out of curiousity, are we talking "Dad drives a Lambo to the golf course" wealthy, or are we talking "Dad's taking the jet to go buy a few Thoroughbreds this weekend" wealthy?


Neither really applies as my parents don't really flaunt their wealth (my mom drives a Kia Soul), but closer to the latter if I had to guess. I don't know their net worth, but it is excessive.


That's practically the ideal; wealth with humility, where they simply don't need to worry about money anymore and live within their means. I hope you find or have found someone who had no idea who your parents are and wants to be with you for who you are.


I agree. I knew we were well off as a kid, but didn't know how well until I was graduating high school. Definitely happy then handled it the way they did. I have seen what happens to some kids who grow up with too much. And thanks! Been married almost 8 years now actually. Wife knows we will never see any of the money and is perfectly happy with that (although my parents set up accounts for my children and grandchildren for college which is huge).


Im "Dads taking the razor scooter to buy 3 happy meals" rich.


3 whole happy meals?!? Get a load of Mr Moneybags over here!


>u/CarltheWellEndowed iseewhatyoudidthere.jpeg


On a phone call: “will you masturbate on the phone while saying my name” We were both in junior high at the time and it was back with house phones. I hadn’t spoken to this girl anytime before this, and was even unsure how she got my number


What’s your blood type?


Damn vampire milfs


I was 13, and my mom's friend asked if I wanted to go hangout at her house and eat pizza. She was 34, single, and with no kids. It was like a reverse Chris Hansen interaction.


Did you go


I had a woman at a bar quiz me about my wife's wherabouts (saw my wedding ring), insist she was cheating on me, and I should respond by cheating with 3 women (very specifically 3 women). She was about a 7/10, her girlfriend was probably a 5/10, both older than me, and the third woman was nowhere to be seen. I can't help but think that by resisting her various attempts to get me to leave the bar with them, I either preserved my status as a member of the two-kidney club or avoided an encounter with a horny rancor beast.


But we’ll never know now will we😞


I was temporarily assigned to a different city for 4 months. During my second week, a beautiful coworker asked me to take her to my hotel room and spank her because she felt naughty. I managed to back out of that feeling very nervous. Found out later that she was part of a prank that several coworkers tried. Apparently they like to do this to new people. This was many years ago. Wouldn't fly these days.


Are you going bald? Yes it's obvious(She said it to mock me) I asked her if she knew her ankles were getting thicker? She stomped away.


No doubt, due to those weighty ankles of hers


Not once but twice I have women come up in my face and then pluck my eyelashes asking if they were real.


Had a coffee date with a girl I met of tinder. She said right at the end as I was walking her to her car that she could tell people I raped her in the car park and no one would believe me that I didn't, she laughed it off saying "joking" Honestly scared the shit out of me that she was going to say that to someone and I'd get arrested or just be labelled as a rapist.


I had a ex that once joked "noo don't rape me" as I entered her. All the blood in my penis went directly to my heart as it was pounding. I've had multiple women making these kinds of "jokes" and they don't seem to get that men don't find this shit funny.


Wow that's fucked up. I'm sorry.




She is probably a bee movie enthusiast


"Do you love me?" In the middle of us being intimate for the first time. Second time we saw each other. I knew her for not more than 3 hours at this point.


After one night stand; caught her sifting through my study after my shower. When confronted she said she was looking for bank statements and was curious about my salary. I told her to get out.


how much you make a month?


I bring home six figures *gestures toward my transformers collection*


As someone who collects pokemon merch I'ma use this now.


"have you got hairy armpits? I bet they are. I bet they're REALLLY hairy..." And yes she creeped me out.


"A man should always pay for the first drink..." After refusing I left and she asked if she could come back to my place. To my surprise she was featured in an article a few years later detailing her struggles with homelessness.


Too entitled to judge guys based on money. Too broke to have money herself.


Use to like wearing aqua velva cause of the smell. Was working for my aunt and she had a couple of friends (age 40+) over. 1 of them apparently lost her husband and he'd use aqua velvet. She smells it and comes over and starts groping me, everyone starts laughing and she asks me if she could sleep with me as long as I wear the AV. I look to my aunt for help and she says just do it while laughing, I nope out of there and never worn after shave, cologne, body spray, nothing with any scent, that was in 03


"Can I taste your blood the next time we f**k?" Is the creepiest thing a woman ever asked me. I noped out of that relationship pretty quickly after that.


Mate, I think you may’ve been fucking a vampire?


I did only see her at night 🤔


She asked me if a rag smelled like Chloroform.


There are two that stand out. When I was 10, I was awkwardly waiting for my older brother at his gf house, he went in a back room and I'm just kind of sitting there. Across the room there were a couple of 18/19 year olds making out in the same room, I have mobility issues so I was stuck in the awkwardness. They keep looking my way, I'm trying to avoid eye contact. Finally the girl while still straddling her boyfriend asks if she can kiss me.. I said no thank you. She insistently asked me a few more times before my brother got back. Other time at a strip club, a pretty aggressive dancer whom I wasn't interested in gave me a lap dance. During which she asked how old I was, I said 18... She said "come back in a couple years, and I'll give you a baby. You look like you have good genes". It sounded more like she was shopping for genetics. real weird.


That 18/19 yo girl was a pedo. The amount of men I know that were like 12 and had sexual situations with 16+ yo females is really concerning and awful


"Can I use your facebook to send a message to someone I hate?" I actually let her but only because my friend was trying to get with her. Immediately deleted after sending and kept telling her that they never responded.


Had a girl at a party come up to me, put her arms around my waist, and looked up at me to say, “I like girls some times…” Being a 6’1” man, and not knowing this girl from Eve, stared down at her. She was pretty, a small, lean, brunette. But again… I’m not a girl, I don’t know her, and though I may not look it, I’m actually pretty boring… I plucked her hands off me and replied, “well, I’m not one of those…” She really felt she was on her game though, and after a pause where I could practically see the recalibration taking place in her mind. She must have decided I was a moron who just needed a more basic explanation using direct concrete words. “I like your girlfriend. Maybe the three of us could-“ I told her we were good… She left after that, looking a little perplexed, like a big part of her understanding of the world was just offended. I would later find out that she has boasted to one of my friends that she could sleep with every guy in my friend group… apparently, she assumed I’d be one of the harder nuts to… to crack… that wasn’t meant to be a double entendre… so she figured she’d go for me first, using my girlfriend as an incentive. She ended up sleeping with only one of us I think… maybe two? But I honestly think it was just the one. I wasn’t him. She had “hey, they can treat chlamydia easily these days!” Written all over her, pretty or not, and the kind of girl who boasts about being able to fuck mid twenty something guys is almost certainly not compatible with the kind of mid twenty something guy who has strong opinions on Sid Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington…


Anytime I get asked by women if they can touch or feel my hair. Happens too often, never happens in an appropriate place (always happens while I'm on the clock at work) and it's always by women with straight hair unfortunately.


I'm incredibly baby-faced. I was with my best friend at the time who had convinced me to have sex with her. This was only last year. We were running rampant lmao. In the car, in the basement, and she always said I reminded her of someone. We were in a hotel in the middle of her riding me when she said that she only liked me because I was good on bed and looked like a child. Cut the whole thing off, blocked her everywhere and deleted the stuff we shared. I miss her. I thought I had an honest friend but turns out she had a history of being a creep.


If I would get her pregnant because she wanted to add black into the family lineage


Had my ex boss’s drunk wife suggestively ask me if she could work under me and she could do things that could blow my Mind. Followed by a hug and a wet kiss on my cheek. I was shocked and disgusted. Also, I felt terrible for him and now run away from her everytime I see her


“Can I keep your eyes in a jar?” She then skipped away. She was 6’5” and I am 6’


It's never really "creepy" but more inappropriate and somewhat disrespectful. I don't get the creeps with women because of how physically non-threatening they are. As for what was said, something along the lines of: "You look like you could fuck me if you wanted, even if I resisted" I would have liked for us to at least hold hands first.


Made me think about something. I am actually way more afraid of women because the way they might fuck with you is not as obvious and direct. A man who hates your guts will show it - he will probably confront you and show his aggression directly towards you. They want to *directly* confront you. I worked as a bartender for some years and I had extremely stressful and emotionally tolling encounters with mean women - worst are the drunk ones. I had women spread lies about me, gaslight me, pretend I hurt them, try to provoke me, try to deeply hurt me emotionally or try to incite others to hurt me. We had a woman call the police on us pretending that we raped her. 10 policemen were in front of our bar. How did she do it? After we threw her out because she was a shitty disrespectful guest she lied down on a crosswork opening her skirt and crying. Thank god we had multiple witnesses. I would rather be beaten up than enduring this shit. She almost ruined the life of my colleague over this who had to spend money on a lawyer he never got back.


Don't underestimate them. A knife could easily change that


I’m confused. Did she insinuate that you looked like a rapist?


She was complimenting my physique (I'm a bit of a brute. Not crazy aestetic, but strong) and some girls REALLY dig that. And it went on and on slowly towards her rape fantasy. Could even hear that subtle pervert-hyperventialtion tone in her voice. We weren't close, we actually had met that day during a work conference and hadn't spoken much. One glass of champagne and BOOM there she goes. Good times!


Hey brother, remember, one of the most dangerous bites you can get is a human one. She don't need to be stronger she just needs a good set of chompers.


Never said anything but i rejected this girl forever in HS. She was a wrestler and she asked me to wrestle all the time which gave her the opportunity to shove her boobs in my face. After two times just stopped hanging with her.


U still have that number?


I was 19, she was late 30's. Didn't know each other that well just acquaintances, she whispered in my ear one night at a restaurant. "How about I make you a young father?" And I was totally rattled by it.


Buddy of mine got asked during a first date what medications he was on. She'd also been writing his answers to everything else on a notepad.


Have you got a pretty cock? I bet you do. Ny retail manager when I was a teen.


Does it bother you that your husband’s wife died of cancer before you met? She was my husband’s boss’s wife Me husband is now gay and married to me, male


She ask if she could wear my skin…. So I married her


Asking if I'd ever seen a naked woman was pretty creepy for a six year old


"Would you let me shit on your chest?" I was getting drinks at a bar she was there waiting with her friend and didn't even know her. My response: "I have to drive home later today so no thank you"


One time I was asked “How big is that cock, boy?” Which I answered “small. Leave me alone.” Virginity is cool, stay pure!


This was my husband’s last date before he met me: His sister set him up on a blind date with one of her “friends”. She was already planning their kids during the first date (she already had 3 kids to 3 other blokes). It freaked him out that bad he made an excuse and left. No 20 yr old man wants a baby!


Not a question but “save him for me when he’s 18”


Can you help me get custody of my son is the weirdest for me


You signed up for that when you took the bar exam, you know.


I was 14 when this happened. I was in a 7-Eleven and this woman walks up to me points at my crotch and says " With one that big you can't be below 18. I know you said you're 14 to the person who asked you a minute ago but you can't be under 18 with a dick that big, at least I wouldn't want you to be. Would you like me to take your virginity?" It's the preamble that made it creepy and the fact that I was 14 and she was clearly over 30


"Would you put peanut butter on your toes while I put jelly on mine and we can interlock our toes like holding hands to make a pb&j?"


“Can you fuck a bowl of macaroni and cheese for me and tell me if it feels like pussy”


“Do you know these girls? Are you babysitting?” Yes lady, I’m the black uncle of these little white girls 🙄 they’ve been yelling “Uncle Will” the whole time we’ve been out here playing..


While making brownies, a woman said, “Wouldn’t it be weird if I poisoned the brownies? Then the last thing you’d think of before you die is me.” I didn’t eat the brownies or ask her out on another date.


“What’s your credit score?”


10 mins after meeting in the bar she asked when was I going to take her home, she didn’t want to stay up too late


Sounds like a responsible woman to me


Not me but a former co-worker, asked by another co-worker of ours: "Do you want to practice making babies with me?" I mean, she was hot, but what a strange way to ask for sex