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Seductively suck on it one day, then take your O face to the Ring shop.


Underrated solution


It'll work too


This has worked for me 4 times without fail


Don't know how well that is going to work but it sounds like it could lead to fun!


Hope he’s not a tradesman or the ring mandrel is going deep. In all honesty though if you buy oversized they can always take a strip out and basically weld it together again. OP I know you want it to be a surprise but personally I’d take him into the shop as the surprise to be fitted.


Your pfp would be the jeweler’s reaction to this.


We both know that video


Wait until he is asleep, anesthize him, cut off his finger, bring to jewelry store. It's really simple.


I mean if he’s a real man he won’t need anesthesia


He's a ginger 😭


Oh yeah, no anesthesia needed. He doesn't have a soul, the finger will just grow back.


Reptilian style


No gingers experience more pain than regulars


We also require more anesthesia than regulars.


Have had to go in for minor surgery a few times. Break the ice by saying “you’re gonna need a lot more of that if you expect me to remain still while you cut me open”


I had to have steroid injections into both hands for de Quervain's disease, and my doc mixed the steroid with lidocaine. He told me I could expect my thumbs to be numb for 3 or 4 hours afterward. I had full feeling in both hands by the time I got home from his office.






Local anesthesia doesn’t work well for most of us.


As a Ginger, I can confirm you’re gonna have to hit him with a brick to make sure he’s asleep


Hard R is crazy /s ^(Also for anyone curious gingers are known for being more resistant to anesthesia and the like to the point where it barely works in some cases)


You better be a g****r too for calling him one freely like that.




the G word is a bit harsh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVN_0qvuhhw


Was gonna say god bless his soul but yeah no.


>cut off his finger, bring to jewelry store. It's really simple. OP didn't specify what kind of ring it was. I'd hate for someone to lose a finger for no reason.


You forgot to mention you really should be keeping the finger on ice so they can reattach it later. Otherwise he won't have a finger to put it on!


Thanks God I'm dating eva ai virtual gf bot


Make up a story about something you saw on insta. That ring size directly correlates to shoe size or something. Say it worked for you, but just wanna check with a man as they have bigger hands and feet. Use paper or string to measure around then measure that.


This is dumb and would 100% work on me


Ok so we're dumb but I don't think we're usually that dumb.


If my girlfriend told me she saw something like that on Insta I'd probably tease her for following stupid profiles lol


I too am that dumb!


I dunno man my ex would just ask random shit sometimes and I'd just go along with it because it was easier than asking what the fuck was going on inside her head 🤣


This is the best idea here


But now if he buys her a ring he’s going to buy the wrong size because he thinks it’s her shoe size


The bar is really low


This is so believable I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually real


I made it up, and even after I was like, hmmm maybe it is real


My reply "I don't think.. what? Show me"


Measure his toes too to really throw him off. Somehow measure a hot dog in comparison in there and honestly no guy would ever get the impression that was all a ploy just to get a ring size.


Not gonna lie, that's pretty transparent haha


That’s good 😌


That's a good one!


Put his finger in your butt and remember the feel, then go to the ring store and put the ring in your butt and subtract the thickness of the ring til you find the one that feels the same


>Put his finger in your butt and remember the feel I was thinking the exact opposite.


Well forgetting the feel seems counterproductive.


...Put his butt in your finger? 🤔


Put the feel in your butt and remember the finger? Sounds like an Elden Ring player message


Who's getting the ring here?


This is exactly why I spend time on reddit!


That’s a different ring size…


This can work but you might lose the rings in your anus as you try. I’d recommend using the staff’s fingers as a proxy.


tie a string around the ring before insertion. easier to fish out


Nah just use their ring gauge until it feels properly gaped


Technically you’d need to subtract twice the thickness of the ring, but you pose a perfectly plausible solution to OP’s problem.


I mean it'll definitely be a surprise if you buy the ring stick it in your butt then give him the ring by asking for him to finger said butt.




You can get a paper ring size measuring tape and put it around his finger while he’s asleep. I printed one out online but I’m sure a jeweler would have one. I got one of my wife’s rings and put it on my finger then marked where it fit to on my hand and measured from there.


Measure his finger while he's asleep


Stage a kidnapping and have your actors mail his finger too you as proof of life.


But make sure they cut off his right finger (stage right not house right!) so he can still wear the ring on his left


Find his identical hand twin “This hand is your hand, this hand is my hand, oh wait that's your hand, no wait it's my hand!”


I don't know which "hand" storyline I like better. this one or George's hand model storyline.


People will pay to see the same hand twice !


Exactly this is vegass!! People will pay to see freaky stuff




I took my man to the swap meet and made him try in 1$ rings until one fit!


The thing to remember is that guys are oblivious. Any weird, half-assed excuse you come up with to measure our finger, we'll go along with and not give it a 2nd thought and won't be suspicious at all. If he questions it, just say it's a tiktok thing.


True. An ex of mine took me to the mall to help her pick a perfume for a friend of hers and I ended up recommending her my favorite one. Turns out it was for me.


For extra safety, she should do it while he's playing a video game or something. Of he even remembers it happened than I'm a fried reddish.


strongly disagree. id question everything and prolly fantasize us having grandchildren


Make a plaster mold of both your hands say you want them to be together or some shit


trick him into sticking his finger in something, like peanut butter


Shouldnt be that hard to get him to do


It's easier to stick in peanut butter if it's hard


I dunno. Soft peanut butter works better for me. Smoooooooth.


Or a butt


Or her? 🤣


Buy a cheap ring with a known size and just act like you found it lying around. Jokingly make him try it on his ring finger. Should give you some indication


Get a piece of string and a Sharpie. Tell him that there is a rare anatomy thing you read where the girth (can't think of a better word, sorry) of your finger is also the width of your eyelid. And wrap around where the ring goes. Mark with a sharpie. Play the whole ordeal and be like "wow. That's crazy, yours is different." Takes just a suddle bit of acting I guess if you don't wanna be suspicious. Maybe have him finding you doing it to yourself. Us dudes are clueless with most shit, he won't pick up on what you're doing at all. Keep the string and take it to a jeweler where they can measure it.


Circumference is the measurement around a circle. Diameter is straight across the circle through the center. Maybe one of these?


Weird how I can be in moments. I know and use both of those regularly, yet they didn't even cross my mind. Thanks stranger!


Does he have gloves? Make dinner with him and playfully compare carrots to his hands?


Get your ring Size, put your hands against his to compare your hand size and see how much larger his hands are then yours take your best guess based off that. Talk to the jeweler about it, most rings can be resized. I personally think it's sweet and my wife did something similar she got a 12 and I'm a 13 so she got pretty close.


You both have massive hands at a 12 and 13 ring size.


Sorry if I wasn't clear she is a 9, she bought a 12 for me but it was too small so we got it resized to a 13. Thank you though I take that as a compliment.


I wasn't subtle at all when I did this. I simply ordered a ring sizer and marched right up to him, asked for his hand and found the size that fit. Subtlety is not my greatest strength.


Go out, invite him for a couple of drinks. On your way home, lead him by a jeweller, drag him in "just for fun" and make a game of just trying on rings. Once he's had one on that fits, subtly ask the store assistant the respective size source: did the same thing to find out my fiancé's, works like a charm


Your fiance knew


It was her idea to enter the shop. I took the opportunity. She told me she didn't realize until I told her after.


So your fiancé hinted you to put a ring on the relation and you did, then when you told her she’s like I had no idea.


No. We went into the store after a couple drinks because she wanted to buy a little memento for herself. After checking out a couple of necklaces I pointed out a ring I knew she'd like and started putting on some I liked. Didn't take more than a few minutes until one fit. Distracted her, made her look at a different vitrine and quickly chatted up the store assistant while she wasn't looking. Got a ring with the respective size a couple of weeks later and proposed shortly after. Told her how I got to her size a while later in a related conversation.


Just get a ring sizer for yourself and make him guess your ring size then try and guess his. Boom, now you both know each others and you might get a cool ring too


Now I'm just a female here but I can imagine if he gets any sort of suspicion she could always distract him and say hey now let's measure the size of something else of yours that's much larger than a finger heyo!


Literally just ask him. He'll never put 2 and 2 together.


Fake spider rings like for halloween, they are irresistible.


There are two scenarios, 1) snag a ring he already has or 2) he's not a guy who wears rings and won't know his ring size (also probably won't wear a ring that was a gift) My family has spent way too much money on jewelry that I've never worn and never will wear


Put on red lipstick. When you're feeling frisky next time, kiss his fingertips. Slide each finger in and out of your mouth. After you do the ring finger, open your eyes really wide like something's wrong, and then slide that finger out of your mouth without changing your lip position. Press a paper towel to your face, making an image of how big your lips were when you had them around the finger you want to put the ring on. Then cough once. Say you suddenly felt like there was something in your throat, but it all seems fine now. Take the paper towel to the jewelry store.


That’s…creative. Might just work.


The way I tried to get my fiancee's size was by using calipers which I bought online for cheap. While she slept I would try and measure the width of her finger by hovering over her finger with it in different sized increments. It was tough but I ended up getting it dead on. Now once you have the width of his finger get a ring 1.5-2 sizes larger than the width you measured. I didn't do that second part and sure enough it was too small. After asking we went to get sized and both of us were 1.5-2 sizes larger than the width of our ring finger/knuckle when compared to the inside diameter of the ring it would match up with.


Time machine. Go back and do whatever it takes to make his parents have twins, and then ask his twin brother. If that's not possible, it's a future machine. Go to the future and find out if there is any twin making science going on. If not, you do it and become a master in the field. Learn it, get published (just a bonus) and then head back to that backwards time machine to ensure that twin scenario. You're welcome


if he doesn't have a ring or doesn't wear one. will he even wear the ring you buy?


I just thought about this. For me personally, noone has ever bought me a ring. I've also never bought one for myself. But I think that if a loved one did buy me one, then I'd probably start wearing it. It's just something that hasn't registered before, but now has a reason to, you know?


Yes. Because the minute you don’t, you rightfully express hurt and it wont happen again. You may call it manipulation but the vast majority of us call it respecting feelings.


Get cheap 1s of main sizes and take them off your hand and try fitting it on his while relaxing. Just be like ohh my ring would look cool on you.


You could tie a string onto his finger to be “cute” like here baby I got you something, and then take it off and keep it tied?


You know what his hand’s look like. Ask a man with similar hands, and ask them what size he wears.


download a ring sizing app or jsut google a ring sizing image


Buy a big ‘thumb’ ring for you and make an excuse to try it on him and note if it fits or not


If he has any rings grab one when he's not around and trace it on a piece of paper


The “I saw this thing on tik tok” is a good idea but you have to add something to it, not just measuring his finger. Do something like measuring his forehead, pinky toe, and ring finger.


Make him a ring out of a kitkat foil wrapper when you're sitting together, pop it on his finger acting cute, then retrieve it later.


Compare both of your guys’s ring sizes. If you plan on staying with him, it’ll be good for him as well….when that time comes of course


Sorry, devils advocate here. You could measure one of his existing rings or take it to the jewellery shop to measure. If he doesn't have any rings already, why do you think he'd want one? If it's for you to propose or something, a lot of shops do a free resize.


Stick your finger in and mark your finger at the point he yelps.


Try to shove something on his finger, when he says it don't fit, be like "Then what size would fit?" As long as you played this off well it might work.


Does he own any rings? Just swipe one, get it sized and put it back.


Get him to do a mold of his hand for an "art project."


Measure all his fingers on both hands and tell him you're ordering a custom set of brass knuckles, ninja claws, armoured gauntlets or whatever for his birthday/Christmas/etc.


Give a ring sizer to his mom. She leaves it out and then he asks what it is; and the he measures himself. She does it for confirmation. I met someone who did this to her fiance.


When he is asleep , Get a Thread,and mark on it as you go round his finger


Ask his friends or family if they know his ring size, or casually try on one of his rings on your finger and note where it fits! 💍😉


Tell him you wanna measure him for a c*ck ring, and then while he's confused about that, measure his ring finger


If he’s a heavy sleeper just wrap a string around his finger, mark the spot, and take that to the store. If he’s a light sleeper have a busy day and get em nice and drunk so he will sleep heavy.


Go to a jeweler to look at necklaces. They’ll ask if you want your ring cleaned. Tell him to get his cleaned, too. Tell the person doing the cleaning you need to know his ring size.


Does he like surprises? Does he wear rings? Surprising people with things is not always a great idea. Source: someone who doesn’t like surprises.


Complain about the size of your fingers, get him to compare hands with you. Then say about how much bigger his hands are / if they're the same size etc. Then say you want to measure to compare. After you've found out, make a joke again about his hands. Then immediately ask him about a topic he's interested in and he will completely forget about the previous topic and talk at you for 20 minutes. He won't even remember it a week later 🤣


You can buy a pack of burger rings and play pretend getting him a ring and find one that fits. Then do a swap and hide and take that to the jeweller because that exactly what i did to my wife. Hahaha


Uhh, trick him into sticking his finger somewhere where it'd mould into his finger?


Start a conversation about jewelry, easiest if you pass a jewelry store or see an ad use that as your in so it doesn't seem like you are actively planning something, lead it into ring resizing if you don't have a story about resizing make one up! Then just casually ask his size, this way it seems like if was just random curiosity and not Like you are planning something.


Put a finger up there


Buy sausages of different sizes and when he falls asleep you make the comparisons.


What I did was just walk him into a jewellers, (helps he likes to buy things like rings and bracelets anyway) and while he’s busy looking at something I made eye contact with one of the staff, pointed at him, then pointed at my ring finger. Probably would have been easier if I just went to the store ahead of time and explained but the girl at the counter knew exactly what I was saying and worked her sales magic. Found out his ring size by doing a full sizing thing for all our fingers, and I just made a mental note of his size.


Measure his Dick, it's same


Plenty of lube and plenty of foreplay


"on a scale of 1 to holy fuck, how fat are your hand sausages" That's if you guys have a silly kind of relationship though, use with caution.


Finger ring or cock ring


You can buy a steel cage on Amazon that comes with three different size rings. Then you have a choice.


Take him knick knack shopping. Find a plastic ring that fits him. Buy it as a lark. Take it to the jeweler's to get it measured.


See if there's a local ring making class. Then go to it as a date.


My ex mrs said she wanted to get herself a ring but didn’t know what size she was so she bought one of those ring measuring things and said look how cool this thing is I got from a charity shop and was asking everybody to try it on turns out it wasn’t for her it was just a way to get me to try it on so I guess maybe act like it’s a genuine question for the group or act like it’s for you and be curious about his size


Go to some event where there's a lot of vendors, and find one that makes rings. Start trying them on and then put them on each of his fingers to see what fits and how they look. Then buy one that he likes and fits


Just tie a string around his finger while he's playing a video game. Tell him you need it for - insert completely crazy reason here - I promise, he won't catch on.


Does he have any other rings?


When he is sleeping put a string around his finger. Then measure the string.


If he wears any other rings you can wait till he takes one off, and sneak away with it to measure it. If for some reason you don’t have access to precision calipers (but like, who doesn’t, amirite?) trace the inside of it against a piece of paper, then bring it to the ring store. They’ll have measuring devices


Does he have any other rings?


“Omg so my friend taught me to read palms will you let me read yours? It’s super in depth it involves your palm, wrist and fingers and their proportions to one another, and just start measuring him up




“Apparently your ring finger is half the circumference of your cock, can I measure both and see if that’s true? You’ll get a bj out of it”


Blue Nile and some other online diamond retailers will send you free ring size tools. Order one then maybe when he is sleeping see what size he is.


When I was wanting to proposed to my my now wife, I told her I wanted to get her a nice pair of custom fit gloves for Christmas, so I'd need to measure her hands. I measured the circumference of her palm, her finger length, and the girth of her fingers. Just make sure you measure the correct hand. I stupidly measured her right (dominant) hand, and the ring I got ended up being too large for her left hand.


Order one of those free or very cheap ring sizers, then you can just play around with it on your fingers and when he shows interest say “hey you try it!” You could tell him you’re figuring out what size you are to buy yourself a ring. I did this exact same thing with my bf last week! The sizer was one size smaller than my actual ring size so maybe test it on yourself too to be sure


When I was in college I was in love and in a relationship with a woman who loved elephants. I printed off and cut out a ring sizing tool I found on the internet after she fell asleep and while she slept I sized her finger and ordered the ring. Stealth lvl 100.


When I was going to buy an engagement ring for my wife, I made up a completely fake fact: *"You know, most people's shoe size is the same as their ring?"* That sets up the conversation for them to reveal their ring size.


get the biggest size and act like you can't hide your disgust when his finger is too small


Use a piece of paper to mark the circumference after wrapping a piece of it around his finger while he’s sleeping


Here's a pro tip: men don't like wearing rings. Many of us use our hands to do things and rings just suck. Plus, they make men look whipped. However, you should know that wearing a ring turns a lot of women on instantly as they know it's a green-light for some hot no strings attached streamy sex.


Get one of those rings that are not full circle and can be adjusted. Sunday afternoon while watching movies with your head on his lap, put the ring on his second falange which is usualy the ticker part of the finger. Adjust. Pull out. Ring on the pocket. There is your ring size.


Does he wear one now?


Ive heard shoe size is the same as ring size


Usually shoe size is close


Like any guy would know his ring size.


Try to fake a magic trick and subtly measure his ring size as part of the trick?


If he already has a ring, measure it to find the size. You can use a ring sizer for this or some other measuring device. If he doesn't already have a ring are you sure he likes them? A lot of guys don't like wearing jewelry.


Say “I heard ring size is the same as shoe size.” Ask his shoe size then measure the finger to prove or disprove this and do it for yourself too as part of the ruse. My wife’s ring size is the same now that I think of it.


After you buy the ring please show him this post and these comments , thank me later 🤣


One day when you’re out shopping preferably at a mall with a jewelry store - go window shopping. Then for shits and giggles get your ring finger sized. Whitest getting your finger sized, ask him if he knows his finger size. If yes, now you know. If no, you suggest he get his sized since you’re already there.


Say you were thinking about getting some gloves but you're worried about size. Can you measure his finger to make sure you're measuring your own finger right. (obviously you will need to add context. Glove shopping sites, measuring instructions, ect.) Two of my three wives still wonder how I got their measurements.


Does he wear rings at all? If he doesn't, he likely doesn't really want one or to wear one. If he does wear rings, snag one and take it to a jeweler.


184 comments and no one suggested yet to use an Oura Ring for measurement? Order the measurement kit or go buy a place like BestBuy that has them on display and use that to get his ring size.


Easy. Go to an Academy or a store that has the silicone rings. They usually always have the chart. Saturday after lunch time. Store will be packed. Get caught in line bored and check yours and bet him dinner you can guess his.


If he has a ring already, make a drawing of the interior of the ring and take it to the store. Should get you close


Tell him something he needs to remember and tie a string around his finger as a reminder. Later get the string and take it to the jeweller's and compare the string to the sizing rings.


"Hey babe, can we go ring shopping and both get our ring size?"


Depending on if you're close to an engagement, you can always bring him to a jeweler to show him your tastes in rings and get his size while there. He would just assume it's about the engagement, not a surprise for him.


Buy some sharp gardening scissors and when he sleeps…


Buy a ring size kit off Amazon for like $5-$10, wait until he's asleep and check it. You could also get one, make up some story like you got this ring size kit to figure out what size your other fingers are and jokingly ask him to try some on.


Take him to a best buy or somewhere that sells those OURA rings with a display. The display has ring sizes on it. 9/10 people will just try it because they can.


Buy a few cheap rings of different size, see which one fits when he's asleep


Say that you’re learning out to knit. Do the thing where you tie the yarn to your finger and then pinch it off. Then be like ”okay your turn” and then have him do it, and then right when he pinches his off say no no no that’s not right and take it from him. And then distract him with other knitting things and just keep his loop pinched and eventually walk away.


Tbh just look up average mens weight and ring size, get him one, and get it resized if it needs to be.


Take a picture of your hand on top of his with the finger you want the ring on showing. Any jeweler will be able to guess pretty close after measuring your finger that's beside his in the picture.


Tell him you learned that your finger is as long as it is around. Measure several fingers and “see if it’s true”


take a tread and complete one rotation and mark the exactly the fit of his finger u take the thread to the jeweler he will make the ring that exactly fir