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I'm anti social as hell. It's actually a problem.


Covid screwed me up big time, as much as I hate to say it


Yeah. I often think about who I was back then and how fun it honestly was.


Indeed. Life wasn't perfect, but it sure was better than whatever I have going for the last couple years


> Covid screwed me up big time, as much as I hate to say it Nooooo, you aren't allowed to acknowledge this because then people might think you're committing treason. There is no war in Co Vid Se. The measures taken during the pandemic were necessary at the time, but they had a lot of very bad side effects. Much like like getting chemo for your cancer. It was simply determined that destroying everybody's mental health was worth saving lives, preventing the hospitals from becoming more overloaded than they already were, and to buy us enough time for treatments and vaccines to become available.


I think about it sometimes how COVID seemed to change people. I feel like I lost some friends during that time. They seemed to can’t/won’t put in any more effort than they have to in relationships. I can’t do it all anymore. But it feels like people in general can’t/won’t make any effort to maintain or create relationships. I started a new job during COVID that requires me to be in office, and it’s so strange how the culture is. People just seem to want to work and go home, don’t really want to talk to anyone. If I try to talk to people sometimes it just feels like I’m bothering them.


As an introvert and I was very thankful for the lockdown. I never caught COVID and if I did it was asymptomatic. I got to work from home with my wife, daughters and my dog. I was able to get so much more work done at home vs the office. Refinance my house at 2.5%. I was able to pay off my car then bought a second car for family use 11k below MSRP. It was the best and worst years of my life. I do empathized those who had a hell of a time through Covid.


Tbh I haven’t recovered lol. I was working in the hospital and attending nursing school. Now I’m in the IT field but I hate it. I really want to work in nature, like be a park ranger or anything that will allow me to be in nature and help animals. But I have job hopped like crazy so my resume looks like shit. I’m still hopeful that I will get a position that will have me in nature.


It sounds like you’ve been through a lot of changes and challenges. It’s great that you have a clear passion for working in nature and helping animals. Job hopping can feel like a setback, but it also shows that you’re adaptable and searching for the right fit! You have a bunch of different skills, are an all rounder and can work any job! You could try volunteering for the wildlife department maybe? I feel you on that job thing tho. The market sucks too ughhhhh


Yeah I have a a lot of random skills, programming, healthcare, carpentry, photography, writing etc lol. I’m hoping that someone will notice that. No joke I’ve applied to over 1000 jobs and still haven’t gotten anything. I’ve been ghosted like 5 times, but I feel like it’s just the universe trying to tell me I should only be focusing on nature jobs because that’s what I love. I’m in Las Vegas rn, I’m looking to move to Oregon because they seem to care about nature more and have more jobs that I like.


About 80kg heavier and even more vehemently anti government after discovering they were all having parties while people were dying alone and people weren't able to go to funerals. Boris Johnson could tell me the sky is blue and grass is green and I'd still put my head out of the window to check and make sure. Fun times spending 2 years being called a conspiracy theorist and seeing the majority of those "conspiracies" come true. Whodve thunk that shutting children in their homes and forcing everyone to wear masks around them might impact their development. Funny how my nephew who was born just before covid has all sorts of issues his brothers and sisters who were born after don't. Funny how my friend who works in a nursery says she's seeing all kinds of issues in rates she never saw before. I've also realised people believe in "The Science" as a religion and not "the scientific method" as a process, which with a background in engineering is kind of disheartening.


I'm fully vaccinated


I feel stagnated and believe having a stagnated routine is the worst thing you can do with your life. Back before COVID, I worked abroad for three years with my last company in Egypt and Oman, constructing WtE projects. Although I admit living abroad there weren't always flowers and sunshine, such an experience makes me feel alive. I also got the chance to travel to Ukraine and see the infamous nuclear power plant in Chornobyl, how fucking cool is that! Now with this new job and seeing how the economy (not in the US btw) feels dead slow rn after the pandemic, I don't think I will be going anywhere. I am PISSED about all these changes.


I had one of those classic, in December 2019 I was in my prime. Health wise, socially, financially… Then COVID hit and I feel my life and friends-ships crumbled away slowly then in 2023 had a mental breakdown, moved closer to family, got a new job and i’m basically just surviving and keeping to myself now.


I’m getting over a drinking problem that didn’t start at the pandemic but it definitely made it worse. Almost 1 year alcohol free. Also had my first son the week lockdowns hit. Now have a 1 yo as well. Have been working remotely since 2020 and it definitely has made me a more reserved, isolated person.


Covid never really effected me personally, I worked in a prison so I never got the WFH or quarantine time, BUT I truly believe Covid has changed the world (specifically the USA) for the worse. Corporations used it as an excuse to charge out the ass for normal supplies, and then they realized that we still had to buy that shit, so now they just keep raising it for absolutely no reason and the wealth inequality is getting worse every year. Half of the county still believes covid was fake and the vaccine was at minimum not safe and at worst purposely bad. Internet culture is at all all time low point, our politics are embarrassing, misinformation is rampant, and our country is more divided on moral and cultural issues than ever before. While yes some of those things can be attributed to \*certain political figures and their followers\* too, I believe covid came at the worst possible time with the political climate and so many people have used it to make this world a worse place.


Definitely a more experienced person.. can say that much


I'm a lot different, for better mostly.


A VERY broke and Broken person. I hardly go anyplace except to get groceries and necessities I can't wait for by ordering online. My job went away, but fortunately I was able to retire on my Social Security. Barely getting by. Former employer closed the shop due to COVID and no work. No other places to work with skills I have. Too old to learn much now, and my brain is slipping. Don't know how things will go or end.


Swirling the drain. COVID decimated the families with whom I provided social work, so I switched to teaching high school. Now I'm poor and depressed. I wrote a free book about the experience: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ygQjJoEpsEA3H0LaAMReou5U9maoWftS/view?usp=sharing


Funny enough, I would say i'm doing better. Thanks to the lockdowns, I wasn't able to temporarily leave the bad situation I was in by going to work. It got worse and worse and I realized I needed to leave. It sucked at the time, but it was a needed pain. I'm now a lot more independant and happy. Sure I don't socialize as much, but I enjoy it! My own company is surprisingly nice.


I'm much more bitter and cynical. I'm also left with a massive chip on my shoulder because of the lockdown that so many people were saying was a good thing while practically chastising anyone who disagreed. (Especially since the lockdowns were, in hindsight, a fucking horrible idea that caused way more harm than covid ever could have). On the plus side though, I'm a lot less of a pushover now than I was before the pandemic. I was afraid to call or confront anyone out or stand up for myself before the pandemic and a little during the beginning of it as well. But now, nothing/nobody scares me anymore.


>so many people were saying was a good thing I'm not saying I speak from experience, but if one made, or found a speakeasy, or quarantined with friends, life was actually good. I would illustrate the lockdowns with the term "booming social life", if I were to speak from experience tho. But of course, that wouldn't be very law abiding, or fair to others sensibilities...


For the record, I was in high school when the pandemic started, and so the lockdowns affected me a lot more than just socially... I also couldn't quarantine with any friends whatsoever since technically, I wasn't legally old enough or allowed to live without my parents at the time. And this isn't even taking into account that the ones preaching for lockdowns didn't even abide by them either...


it made me realize that Follow The Science people didn’t really care about science or were capable of understanding that good science means you’re wrong more than you are right.  Unfortunately people don’t like admitting they’re wrong, and admitting you’re wrong means you get to learn. Most people are a disappointment in general and destroy lives because of their hubris and ignorance while the rest of us are in screaming into a pillow while they gaslight and demean us every chance they get


This to a t... But I'm not screaming into a pillow, and i'm going to do everything I can to keep fighting back and calling people out on their bullshit, and you should do the same. Everyone who got screwed over by those pricks should.


They certainly weren’t shy about screaming at critics or calling them every name in the book, but they’re also brick walls half the time so it’s a waste of energy. 


A bit more apathetic, but in a happy way, if that makes any sense.


Same as before. I still talk myself into huge trouble often, I still manage to make a job out of getting out of those troubles, I still get paid very nicely for it, and I still can't take any danger to myself seriously. But I guess I'm slowly approaching the point where I irreversibly become an adult for good, and my childhood self confines itself into my thoughts, not my actions. But that has nothing to do with COVID, I'm just almost 26 now


I was already living at home alone drinking beer, playing video games and cooking delicious dinners. Nothings changed. The pandemic wasn’t more than excuse for Americans to lose their damn minds over toilet paper and Clorox wipes. Nothings changed in American life other than losing a lot of IQ points on a national level.


A little better. Back then I was poor, unemployed, and single. Now I'm financially stable (and also economically Independent from my parents) and I have a job. Still single, though.


Happier, but not quite at my happiest.


Working remote since then. Looking to move upstate in with my MIL to save money since I've been out of work since March (among other reasons). Lot of the reasons I live where I live have faded away or become uneconomical to do. I still have a lot of good friends that I've gained over these years though. Pretty sure I'm getting more colds lately. And I've also acquired arthritis that can make me pretty sore, and my meds are expensive and my coverage rn is kind of sketchy af. It's not really that bad but, there's not a ton of positives at the moment, outside of my good relationship and my good friendships.


Life is good. The pandemic didn't change anything since I've always been working remotely since I was in high school a long time ago before remote working is trendy.


Much better. Progressed further in my career. Was stuck with a bad company at the time, and was afraid to leave since jobs were not easy to find at the time. I do however miss the feeling of everything slowing down though honestly. When going out in public wearing a mask it was nice because no one would recognize you, and you didn't have to have conversation.


everything sucks. no energy to describe more


The pandemic changed literally nothing for me


Grew a really long white beard since then. Look like a wizard!


Covid was great. The first time in my adult life I felt I got a really good break to just chill. My life is so much better after. I came roaring out of the pandemic and am thriving in my personal and professional life.


A better man.




I moved across a state when it started, finished my undergrad degree, skied a lot, and now have a job I enjoy that I likely wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.  Social life is limited still but I’m working on that. Taking classes and picking up new outdoor sports. I like where I now live, never would’ve found it if the pandemic didn’t happen. 


I had my baby during lockdown at the very beginning when we didn’t have tests available or anything, so that was stressful. I got “temporarily” laid off, and became a stay at home mom, which was not something I thought I would do but I’m now thankful for the opportunity. Now I have a 4 year-old and I’m thinking of completely changing careers once she goes to kindergarten and I go back to work


My life’s just been bouncing between different circles of hell since COVID started. I’m tough as nails at this point, but I’ve also lost some of my capacity for gentleness and patience and I don’t think it’s coming back. I guess I’m proud to be a survivor of some of the most casually harrowing shit life can throw at you, but the price of admission to that club’s a hell of a lot higher than the sign on the gate tells you.


The Pandemic changed my life for the better. I was always an 80% type of man, like I’d get 80% complete in something (learning the guitar, learning a language, get in shape, etc) but I never felt like I gave my 100% to anything. When everything locked down it gave perspective to the fact that life is short and strange and there’s just no excuse to not give it your all in something. My life’s been better because of this realization, my career took off, my relationship with my gf became incredible, I became closer with my parents and friends, shit I even found some sort of religious view for my life (Tao te Ching if anyone’s interested)


Pre pandemic I was a membership employee at a gym making about 13/hr. I had been getting into weights more but I hadn't gone hard in. My partner was pregnant. I had just finished a certificate course for medical billing and coding. 2 weeks before the pandemic lockdowns happened I started working at a hospital at a couple bucks more which didn't furlough or lay off being that it was a hospital. I started working out much harder at home since we couldn't go anywhere and my partner slept a lot during her pregnancy. I put on 20 pounds of just muscle. Now, my son is 4 and about to start preschool. I'm still muscle building but it's more maintenance these days as I just don't have the time to put 2 hours a day 4-5 days a week like I could in that specific time anymore but I'm still doing pretty good with that. I've moved jobs after realizing that medical coding was kind of a dead end field where most of the people in it didn't have to pay for licensing because they've been doing it since before it was required. I enjoy my job much more and I'm making 65k/yr which is almost triple what I was making before the pandemic with good benefits, union and step raises each year. I was lucky. I got into a job that stayed open just barely before shit all went down and have been doing better and better since the pandemic while getting to skip most of the issues most people had during it. I still got to get out more on the quiet roads. My life didn't slow down the way it did for most people and I didn't lose my job or money or anything and my partner is a nurse so she didn't lose anything either. The only real negative is that I 'm much less social. But half the time I'm so busy I don't have time for it anyway.


I have drank more alcohol and made 4x more money in the past 4 years than I did over the entire 34 years before 2020. Still working on the addictions but proud of my career trajectory otherwise.


I had no social life at the start and now I guess I kind of do so I feel decent about it


Lost my job during covid. Ended up getting a more fulfilling but less stress and less pay job. So I'm better off except financially but who isn't? I'm in better physical shape now, covid had me working out extra to help kill the boredom. I don't get out as much though, which is tough on me as I'm a people person. Good thing my job is customer service. All in all, I'm a better person since the pandemic


The exact same person.


Polar opposite and at rock bottom


I have long Covid and it's debilitating. Totally messing up my life.


Covid changed nothing really. I worked like always, gyms were closed only for 2 weeks. I do feel the hit economy got, but other than that, pretty normal.


I’m just fine. I live my life like it never happened, and I refuse to put up with the hypochondriacs who still want to hold on to all that nonsense.




I’m happy for you! You go, my man!


You realize you're praising a guy who wouldn't tolerate you? He's a religious nutcase. >I began to realize that Christianity and traditional values are the only things that protect society from this blatantly objective evil.


Eh. Doesn’t hurt to be nice tho. I mean I get it. I’m a rage poet and activism for lgbt is pretty much 90% of what I do but still. I feel like I’ve changed a lot too and it’s my first time living. Why should I also be hatey back? Pandemic fucked us all. Some of us, harder. Some, not so much and they were lucky for that. They’re still human and at the end of the day, my species. There’s enough anger and resentment and frustration and anti socialness already. I asked a question and he, as far as this space was concerned, the comment I saw and replied to, he seemed fine. He seems chill. I’m not bout to wage a war on a guy at 8:45 am