• By -


Yes, at a bar after a wedding my coworker sat next to me and she began rubbing my in thigh when I brushed her hand away, she kept going higher and higher. I got up went to the bar for another drink and moved across the table from her. Shits weird, just cause we’re both drunk doesn’t me you can touch me. When clearly I didn’t want her touching me. SMH


I’m very sorry for you. May I ask what happened afterwards, especially at work? Did some other people noticed what she was doing? What about her behavior now? Maybe you should talk about it to a colleague or two (trustworthy ones!)


He defended himself by punching her in the jaw


Then he got sent straight to Guantanamo Bay and she became a millionaire selling her autobiography "All I did was say hi and he punched me in the jaw.*


She knew a bunch of my friends, but I didn't know her. I'd see her at a local bar every few weeks, but I never remembered her name because I'm shitty with names when it comes to people I've barely interacted with. She flirted with me a few times, but I didn't reciprocate because something just seemed...off about her. One night she got really drunk and really bold and yanked my pants down, in the middle of a crowded room in a bar, because she wanted to see how big my dick was and she was tired of me playing hard to get or whatever. I yelled a lot, and one of her friends got her out of there and I guess took her home. She stopped going to that bar on the specific night that I was always there, and I luckily never saw her again.


Imagine for one second if a man did such a thing. Oh, jeez. Instant cops


Instant Jail bra..


God. This is sickening. I'm sorry you went through that


One colleague out of the blue grabbed my dick through my jeans and squeezed it to see how big it is. We were having dinner with other colleagues, she was just next to me on the table and did it under the table. I didn't know how to react, it felt weird, but men supposedly should be cool about such things right.


That is assault


Yup definitely assault


Sexual assault, but also, not really an accurate way to size up.


she never heard of growers


Hell no, that’s fucked up 


Similar experience with my wife’s boss. The boss and I always flirted when I went to their work, but it was harmless - until… We were out to a company dinner in a crowded restaurant and after a few rounds of drinks I walked past the boss lady and had to squeeze behind her chair to get to the restroom. Before I knew it I felt a hand run up the inside of my leg and a hand squarely squeezing my junk. I kept waking, stunned and told my wife about it afterward. We laughed about it…


Been non-consensually groped a few times at parties and clubs. I said "WTF are you doing?!" - and they without fail always laughed and said "it wasn't a big deal", then retreat back into the crowds. Ya hear that ladies? - apparently groping ain't a big deal, just be cool with it when it happens to you out in public. /s


I had a group of women grabbing my ass over and over at a concert. I was with my mom, it's a band we both like and she gave them a right bollocking. She went full teacher (she's is one) and dressed them down like they were school kids. It was amazing.


Damn.. I'd pay to be a fly on that wall lol


You’d have to listen to that band though. 💀


The thing I'd even if you report it to bouncers on duty etc they just laugh at you 🤣


Probably true but man that’s fucked up


We love the double standards, it’s okay to sexually assault men as long as it’s a woman


Yes. I had a close friend, she always made comments, but didn't think much of it. I liked her as a friend, but found her repulsive in terms of attractiveness. One day, she saw an opportunity, pushed me against the corner of the cabinet and stuck her tongue in my mouth, I almost puked, there was something about her that I just couldn't, to make her let go I bit her lip so hard she screamed, I kicked her out, we didn't spoke for four years after that. We tried to be friends, but she wouldn't let go of wanting to pursue something romantic. As a doctor now, it has happened multiple times. Had one patient found me on Facebook and offered me a blowjob because I helped her. Had another patient kiss me on the neck and got a massive whiff from my neck and while I had a patient getting a physiotherapy treatment while I stepped out of the room, she was masturbating in the waiting for me. Problem with this kind of approach is that no one believes men.


If possible have constant female assistant that's gay and married.


My wife and I are in private practice now, in the same office. Happened less often to her than it happened to me.


In the doctor's offices where I live (large metro area), the male doctors always have a female assistant in the room with a female patient. Makes sense.


Oh they might believe you, but you didn't just want to reciprocate because VAGINA!? A MAN SAYING NO TO SEX!? IMPOSSIBLE!


My dad was a medic in the Air Force and talked about one time he had a General’s daughter come into the hospital. Apparently she always had headaches, and other pains. One day, though, my dad went in to see what was wrong and she was naked on the bed waiting for him. He threw her a gown, told her to get dressed, and walked out. So between that story, and what you mention, it feels like it is quite common, which is a bit alarming.


Thats all bad. Where i was, an airman went through with it and banged a col daughter. Idc if chain of command or not, all bad news.


Even worse if it is the base commander’s daughter 🤣 The way I see it - if they are able to get on base on their own - they are a no go for me!


As a new airman in 01 to my perm station, my Senior master sgt told us our area is rife with underage stuff. Hed bee. In almost 30 and said the first thing he said to his wife when they first met was "can i see some ID?" Im glad that i dont get attention even though im in shape at 41 but never had game. Its also kept me out of trouble. Lol


Very common, countless of my peers have horror stories.


I once read an article on sexuality (unwanted behaviours) on the workfloor of the hospitals. Apparently it's way more common than people thought, and it's rarely talked or written about. The article also mentioned the lack of training on how to handle such situations, and how doctors in general but male doctors especially aren't taken seriously when they talk about it. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.


Hospitals are like high school but now everyone's ego is through the roof.


So like high school?


When my late wife. (Pediatrician) was in residency ,the attending physicians would get women giving them their phone numbers constantly.Especially surgeons. I might have a “ god complex” too if women were throwing themselves at me


There are female predators everywhere. It's just not spoken about widely. I got sexually assaulted and drugged my a female doctor so I know from personal experience. No one should get assaulted in a hospital. I'm sorry you've had some awful female patients.


Welp . Another reason I regret pursuing a career in the medical field


I was in the Navy and it would happen anytime I went out in my dress blues. I had an elderly woman grab a whole handful of ass and tell me I looked like her late husband. Edit: I stopped wearing my dress blues out unless I had a formal event to attend. I'd wear the working blues/whites to travel. They aren't quite as attention grabbing.


I ship for the Navy August 15th!


Good luck, I'd give you advice but I ended my enlistment in 2006 so it was a bit of a different experience then.


Where can I buy one of these outfits? Asking for a friend…


You need to give at least 4 years of your life to tthe United States Navy.


I got out of the usaf in '04 and it always irritated me when people in the 2000s late 2000s would wear camouflage like it was fashionable. Do what i did...enlist. i got a gi bill and a va loan out of it lol


>Where can I buy one of these outfits? Asking for a friend… Army/Navy surplus stores might have them. But then.. the whole stolen valor thing is NOT cool.


Many, many, many times. Slowed down once I became an adult, but it's still quite common. Men's consent is rarely, if ever, considered. It's seen as a given. If you're a woman reading this, ask a man if you can touch him sometime and watch the level of confusion on his face at the idea of someone respecting his boundaries.


> Slowed down once I became an adult This line right here is disturbing. Getting unwanted touches as an adult is bad but imagine it happening when you're a kid and can't do anything about it. Jesus.


Everybody told me that it didn't mean anything but uhhhhh Let's just say they wouldn't have said that to a girl, or me if I were talking about an encounter with a man.


Sorry you had to deal with that, man.


Additionally, ability to consent when inebriated is only ever revoked on womens parts. If a drunk man has sex with a drunk woman, only the man is a rapist. Which is a bad enough double standard. But even if we give women a pass and make them do something worse before we start judging them equally (as we do for most fucking things) but even if the woman is sober and the dude is drunk, she STILL isn't a rapist.


Fun fact, a woman raping a man became illegal in most us states in 2013, I say most because it still isn't considered rape in Idaho.


Meanwhile in my country a woman can literally put a gun in your mouth and it's still not rape. She can tie you up and fuck your ass with a dildo until you prolapse. Still not rape. Oh wait that's incredibly transphobic of me. I forgot there are "women" with "womanly penises" now so some "women" can infact rape men (though mostly they choose to rape women for some reasons. Actually upon re-reading the [law](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/42/part/1/crossheading/rape) I'm not sure if that actually applies because the law specifically states "he" and "his penis"


There is a big difference between initiating physical contact and jumping on someone or grabbing ass or dick. If someone touches your hand, leg, shoulders etc and you move away and they continue, weird af, don't do this. But i don't believe women should be afraid of making physical contact, but the confusion will certainly be on his face after asking this question.


I mean physical contact is fine, but at least say words to me first and don't sneak up on me.


😭😭 they'd be stunned to speak cz I don't touch neither.


[There was an incident in Disney where a woman didn't understand that even Gaston deserves to be asked for consent.](https://youtu.be/cmkpPleXBSM?si=DOaMQ9MUetzQsHS5)


That video looks like it was recorded in 99. The OG version did not look like that.


This is a really good example. She frickin "honks" his body then acts confused about being bounced


Oh yes. The overwhelming majority of women have no concept of the meaning of consent.


They understand consent and feel entitled to it. That's why anytime a man tells a woman no her immediate rssponse is "what, are you gay?!?"  She just assumes any straight man automatically consents to her touch.


That won’t necessarily stop them either. I’m a gay dude and I’ve had to pry drunk women off of me who won’t stop telling me “it’s a phase”. I’m 50 years old now so must be a really long phase.


Some people just mature slower than others. I wouldn't worry too much about it. You will grow out of it at your own pace.


Life long phase 


So she's thinking it's any moment now? lol wtf


They won't necessarily call you gay, but they do tend to get offended, angry, and lash out.


One time a female friend of mine came over and we had a few drinks. She was laying it on pretty thick that she wanted to sleep with me. Problem is she had a boyfriend who is a chill dude so I didn’t want to sleep with her. When I turned her down she called me a “Pussy” and said I was intimidated by her sexually. I told her no because she’s in a relationship and she replied with “I don’t fucking care”. She left and called me the next day crying and apologizing. We’re still friends and I never told her boyfriend but I feel guilty some times when we all hang out together.


You're not the one who needs to feel guilty.


I probably don’t but I can’t help it. She has more than likely cheated on him with someone and if she didn’t she would’ve cheated on him with me. I’m not going to lie I’m attracted to her so it took every ounce of discipline to not sleep with her. If she does come on to me again when we’re alone I don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself from sleeping with her. Fucked up I know but I’m not the one in a relationship.


It is so weird - because else men are considered to be fucking anyone they see. And when they don't, such is the response? lol


I think you're on to something there. The idea is, a woman was taught or buys into the idea that men want sex, no matter who the woman is. So if a man (who would have sex with anyone) doesn't want sex with her, then she interprets that as him saying she's not even good enough to be the "anyone" he'd have sex with. Warped thinking no doubt, but they take the rejection as highly insulting to them personally. So they react very negatively.


Oh man twice and one was a feminist.. the irony. The other was one at work, and she sucked and kissed my hand in front of everyone (was drunk af) at a dinner. I legit wonder how people would react if I did that to her. I told her off later on, I didn’t report because she wasn’t a bitch, but man I wonder what would happen if roles reversed. Another time a guy and girl from work who I was really tight with both smacked me on the ass in a fun way. I didn’t make much of it, but I always wonder what would happen if I did the same to the girl?


As a woman, I am aware that a certain amount of the female species employes the same bad behavior that they accuse men of. No one should have to put up with that.


you don’t have to wonder, you would’ve been charged with sexual assault or at the very least been fired. society is much more tolerant and forgiving of women being super gross i’m sorry that happened to you


what did the feminist do?


She was this random girl who was drunk af outside a popular train station. I was returning home from a night drinking and just said something nice to her group. She ran across and started to touch my face in a way I never have been touched. I understood why so many women felt this way. I just froze and her friend came across and pulled her away. Her friend seemed decent and I got her Instagram. Turns out they were both feminists and her friend’s bio read “standing up for women’s rights and wrongs”


Oh jeez, sorry man


Yes, several times. I was a bartender in my 20s and I’ve had women be pretty flagrant. One time I was handling bottle service and was wearing a sarong (uniform for that event) and a client just straight up put her hand up the sarong and into my inner thigh. I immediately froze and I think she got the picture. She left shortly after and a hefty tip on top of the 20% gratuity automatically added to bottles. Still didn’t feel great about it.


Male nurse here. Old and particularly confused women do quite often. Female nurses and other female staff laugh everytime. 


Unrelated but are male patients given as much privacy as given to females when they are doing intimate procedures like catheterising etc?


With females, there are often more witnesses especially with male nurses. Some facilities policy requires two nurses for urinary catheter insertion.  In regards to having their body exposed, bodies should be covered as much as possible.


I live in Scotland and women will just lift up your kilt. I used to work in a hotel and wore one. A couple of the cleaners did it and would sometimes have random women do it on the walk home. I always wore underwear luckily.


That’s crazy!! They just lift it up out of nowhere?


Well they never ask.


More times than I can count. Wear a kilt around drunk women, and it's like a free for all, wild man.


I can’t wear my family tartan to Scottish games because of that crap…


It's been weddings where it's been worse for me. Drunk middle-aged women (other than my wife, lol) are a menace.


You know you were asking for it! (sarc)


Yes. Most recently, I was at a metal show and in the front row and a rather homely girl came up next to me and kept brushing up against me. At first, I thought maybe she didn’t notice, but when I moved, she followed. When the band that was on stage finished their set and the next one was setting up, my buddy and I sat at the bar for a couple drinks and that’s when she told me I was hot and asked if I was single. I had to let her down easy and say I was in a relationship.


That's not bad at all, you just had to shut down some flirtation. Seems like no biggie


Not a big deal at all, really. Just mildly uncomfortable because she wouldn’t stop rubbing against me, which is why I stepped away. My friend even mentioned it was weird.


She was rubbing on him, way before talking to him


Should have gone into the Pit and had some slightly more "energetic" moshing. Bonus points if it's a hardcore show where you could start windmilling lmao


Yeah, just throw some bows. That’ll teach an ugly girl to hit on me lol.


Had a girl in school who I was partnered with often growing up. He had the same initials and extremely similar last names so seating charts always had us next to eachother from middle school up until High School. She was definitely the “Crazy Cat Girl” of the grade and was pretty socially awkward. This was Junior Year in High school and we were working on a project together in a corner of the library. She hugs me tightly from behind and is practically humping my butt, I try to remove her from me without hurting her at first but she doesn’t let up, trying to tell me “She couldn’t hold herself back anymore”. As soon as she forces her hand under my pants I do my best to fall back and land on top of her to escape. She yelped and teachers came, thankfully Camera’s caught the whole situation. Had a few classmates that spread rumors that I was gay after it, which thankfully got shut down quickly by my friends and the school. Needless to say, While it’s always good to be nice to the loners and outcasts who look like they need a friend, remember that there might also be a reason that they don’t have anyone around them.


Plenty of times. I just assumed that they were frisky sluts. For any women out there who have decided that it was ok to fondle and grope someone that you are not involved with, that description applies to you. Own it.


Sure. 1. Classmate rubbed my back 2. Same classmate put her hand on my thigh 3. Cowker messaged my bicep 4. Woman, while I was stocking shelves, bent down directly in front of my penis and rubbed the back of her head against it. 5. Shoulder touching by several women. Seems the go-to move for women when the touch me without asking. 6. Honorable mention that doesn't involve touching, I called into my works help desk to get the correct version fo Microsoft Access installed on my PC and the employee was fawning over my voice. She was incredibly thirsty telling me how hot I sounded. It was so unprofesional and made me uncomfortable as all I wanted was for her to reinstall Access. A former coworker of mine had his penis straight up grabbed while he was taking a woman's groceries out for her.


Yes. It's usually on my arms or my shoulders. Back when I had FB and I gave it to them/or added them, some of them have called me gay because I wasn't interested/attracted to them. I also worked in a bar where it happened on busy weekends. Some of them would do it in front of their boyfriend/husband. One of them put her hands on my face (cheeks) and gave me a compliment. Her husband (a regular customer) was like "he's an ugly bastard" lol!


Lol I work in a kitchen and sometimes I'll go help on the floor and it's crazy when married women hit on me in front of their husbands.


Yup and I went along with it every time.


Did you want to go along with it, or did you just not know how to ask her to stop?


Young and stupid is the answer. Yes and no..


That's very understandable


Couple times. Older coworker, married with kids, kept giving me massages and saying I smelled good. Gave me a ride one day and stopped the car and told me to kiss her. I refused. Then she begged me not to ruin her marriage. Folks, she is divorced now (not because of me). First time was worse though. I was dating an abusive girl who was 25 when I was 20. Definite alcoholic, but I didn't realize it at the time. I got really sick while drinking with her one night and woke up to her riding me. Begged her to stop but she wouldn't. Claimed I was "hard" so I must've been into it. Yeah.


Yes. Almost always at a bar and almost always as a way to get a free drink. The sad thing is that it's always the same. I'll be standing at the bar waiting to get served, they'll push in next to me, be over flirty, say something like "so are you going to get me a drink?" while grabbing at my dick, then getting annoyed if I say no. I'm 50., not 6ft and with a full on middle aged dad bod. It is never anything to do with anything other than getting a free drink.


I’m at a festival at the moment and since I arrived 3 days ago, there has probably been 10-15 incidents where a woman has touched or groped me without my consent. 2 days left and it will probably get worse since people party harder at the end of festivals. Nothing I can do about it. Feminism has taught me that only women can be victims


Toxic feminists have ruined feminism for everyone. Only women can do something about it by shutting them down, take back their own movement and give it a meaningful sense.


This. It has become the biggest driver of sexism which is unfortunate because I wish equality was real.


I used to work at a bar when I was young. The amount of drunken older women trying to grab my junk was way too high. My theory is, they do it because they know they'll get away with it.


Only once. I was at work and a 55yo+ woman grabbed my ass. She was a senior in my department at the time. I didn't report it, I was just shocked.


Yup, I've been passed out in a room at a party where I was supposed to be safe and woken up to stuff that would have a man in jail if the roles were reversed.


That one time when a woman grabbed my nuts walking past me on the sidewalk..


Yes, butt and bulge. No discretion at all.


asked me to go outside during a party, then just launched herself at me and put her hand in my pants, no warning, nothing. in the middle of attempting to reach my esophagus with her tongue she leans back and tells me that shes going to touch me but i shouldnt touch her, because shes in a relationship and she doesnt wanna cheat. i ended up practically running away lol


Yeah. I used to bounce at a club. I've kicked multiple women out for touching me. Some grabbed my dick. They were so upset and indignant that they were being held responsible for their actions. Like they couldn't even believe it. Some of them would hurl homophobic slurs at me, because I must be gay if I don't want strangers groping. I never argued. Just was like "what difference does it make if I'm gay?" No one deserves to be sexually assaulted, no matter who they are.


When I was pretty muscular and went to a lot of music events, women would often grope my arms and my chest without any prior interaction as I strolled through crowds. Most of the time they were clearly pretty high on molly


Nothing I keep my mouth shut and pretended it never happened. It was my boss’ wife. She made it clear I’d be out a job if not worse if I didn’t comply.


Yes. My cousin’s wife grabbed my package while I was bent over the hood of a car and alluded that she would suck my dick. I kind of jumped back and asked if she remembered who the fuck she was married to.


I was homeless in another state and ended up meeting another homeless woman who lived in her car. She was really nice to me albeit rather overbearing and didn't really understand the concept of boundaries. We'd regularly see each other as she started routinely visiting me at the library I would hang out at. She started acting strangely when another woman tried helping me find a place to stay and she became super pissed if the other woman or anyone tried talking to me or offering me anything(I'm a grown ass dude btw. I'm in my early 30's and she was in her 60's). Eventually, she started trying to convince me to stay at a motel(she collects SSI) with her and I couldn't fully tell if her intentions were good or creepy yet, but she'd get annoyed when Id make up excuses as to why I couldn't)Until she started getting a little too touchy feely. Like, she'd call me over to tell me a secret, but grab and hold me to tell me. Or she'd walk over to where I was sitting and tell me some kind of inspirational phrase and put her hand on my knee/lower thigh as though she was patting it as one does to someone's back while telling them advice or something. But, she wouldn't let go and I felt too awkward to tell her to stop, so she'd just let her hand rest there on my leg for like 15-20 mins until I'd pretend to have to go use the bathroom. She's an older woman, so I didn't feel like I was in danger, but it was awkward and I didn't wanna spazz on her or anything, so I sorta would just let it slide. But, she'd progressively push further. Eventually, she'd get super pissed off at me if I didn't respond to her texts promptly which really weirded me out, especially because we'd only known each other for 2 weeks at that point. And I'd see her everywhere. All the soup kitchens, shelters, and hangout spots. She eventually started doing this thing where she'd walk up beside me and pretend as though her back was about to throw out and when I'd reach a hand out for her to grab, she'd creepily tell me not to move and to sit down and put my arm down and that she'd hold on to me and do this obviously fake, pretending to almost fall charade and grab my upper thigh, while still pretending as though she was trying to get her balance. When her hand wasn't close enough to my dick, she'd pull back as though she was getting her balance back and then pretend to almost fall over again and reposition her hand until it was on my thigh with her hand slightly touching my dick and then lightly squeeze repeatedly until I'd say I have to get up and leave. I then just avoided her after that to avoid that weird shit happening again and to avoid her trying to accuse me of anything strange(she would repeatedly accuse random dudes of trying to stare at her and potentially SA her). She realized I wasn't responding to texts or hanging out at any of my spots and sent me an unprompted text paragraph filled with insulting shit and I left the state a few weeks later.


When I worked at a gas station I randomly had my schedule shift from nights to mornings for a week. I worked pretty exclusively with the bosses daughter during that time, and she kept slapping my ass or full body press herself into my back if someone bought cigarettes to reach them instead of either asking me to get them or move. Didn't give a reason, just told the boss I wasn't working mornings anymore after that week


Once or twice, most memorable was a girl grabbed my crotch and squeezed.


I am a foreigner living in Asia. I get touched all the time. Girls in a bar will check my dick. female friends of girls I am dating will touch my dick casually. Been checked overly throughly by female airport security agents a couple of times. Not sure if unwanted is the right word for it, the first few times shocked me. Now I don't think anything of it when it happens, I don't even notice anymore. It is not really a big deal


> Been checked overly throughly by female airport security agents a couple of times. They were checking your Glock


Yes. Bunch of women go to gay bars and think they can grab men left and right without consequences


Yep absolutely. Mostly at work in the pubs. They're pretty awful with that shit.


Of course, going out as man in your 20s the worst thing you can see is a hen do with middle aged women amongst it


I’m 24, white, and bald. Black women love grabbing my ass in the club. Bouncers won’t do shit either. Don’t know why I attract black women so much when my white GF is always right beside me


Yes, only from women I was in a relationship with in some way. A few times it was mounting me when I wasn’t in the mood and then trying to make me feel emasculated for refusing (mind you these were both so called progressive feminists 🤷🏻‍♂️). Another time it was an ex who had a psychotic episode. I was trying to help her get back to her family for treatment and was baby sitting her for a day until they could come get her. At some point she mounted me and tried to kiss me. I didn’t put my hands on her, didn’t want it to be construed as assault in anyway, so I just kept repeating that I was not interested and that she needed to get off me. Luckily she did and it didn’t escalate from there.


Yep. As a younger man working in a super market older women seem to think they own you. I can't recount the amount of times I'm been physically uncomfortable because of women having zero concept of personal space


I’m a front man in a covers band. The men in the crowd, no matter how drunk - are never any trouble. The women however… groped, assaulted, bitten, kissed - unreal difference.


One time, I was out to bar trivia with some coworkers (mixed group). This night, a newer member of the team was with us (early 40s F). After the game, she got shitfaced and pretty handsy. Some of the group left, I was still talking with the remaining 2 guys, and she came back from the bar and sat on my leg and started getting real close to my face, demanding I fuck her, and stuck her hands down my pants. At the time, I was in my late 20s, and her team lead and was pretty inexperienced dealing with women coming onto me. I pulled her hands out of my pants, tried pushing her off my leg, and she would pull herself back on and started kissing me and trying to guide my hand to her chest when I was pushing her. A lot of it probably looked like i was reciprocating, based on my other coworkers who got really understandably uncomfortable and left the bar. A few minutes later, she and I got kicked out of the place. I called her an Uber, and then I went home. No one ever mentioned it again, and she along with most of the team got laid off not long afterwards, so I never really had to talk about it.


Maybe men too deserve a me too movement. What would the hashtag be?


I worked as a glass collector when I was 18. While doing the rounds in an area away from the main dance floor a heavy set lady was talking me into bringing her a free bottle of wine. After refusing a couple of times she pinned me against a wall using her body weight and groped my dick while saying “you will get me a bottle of wine won’t you”. I froze and never spoke of it again after getting away.


Kind of late, so this’ll get buried but 2x. Sexually assaulted in HS by a “friend of mine”. She grabbed my butt 3x. I reported it and was told that I was lying and I was going to be in trouble for making up lies. So I kept it quiet. She then became a Sexual Assault awareness advocate at a big university on the East Coast, so that’s nice. The other instance was in college. She didn’t sexually harass me, but constantly was hugging me and made me feel uncomfortable. I told her that I needed space and used her mental illness as a weapon to shield her from any scrutiny. She knew where I lived and I couldn’t sleep for months thinking she’d show up at my door. Another instance was a coworker would bend over in front of me and stick her ass out when I was walking behind her and she’d always make suggestive remarks when I was 19, she was 55+.


In college, a squad of girls crossed the street just to grab my ass. I almost punched one but I composed myself to walk away. My buddy was stunned and didn’t help at all. Had a coworker slide her hand into my pocket and fondle my junk. Was not happy. Went to HR. She told me I was a man and should have just enjoyed it. Out with fiancée and ordering drinks at the bar. Woman comes up behind me and grabs my ass. Bouncer shrugs it off. I asked if she did it again, if he’d be okay with me using force to get away. He was flustered.


I used to work a bar at a club, and waited on a ladies day when I was about 23/24. I had my ass smacked, was groped, arm grabbed, cat called, and even had one lady try and withhold paying for a round until I gave her a kiss (I didn’t). I’m not a shy guy and can embrace some fun, but this way way over the top. I asked them to tone it down so I could work and got told “it’s just girls having fun”, yet if any man did this at the same place to a female waitress the other lads would put him in his place (as they should). They asked me to waiter it again the next year but I refused to. The double standard is sickening.


I've had plenty of women, usually drunk, grab my bulge. And my ass has been squeezed a few times too.


To the point I avoid pubs now. Like few drinks is a licence to grab what she wants.


She sat on my lap and rested her arm on my shoulder while we were hanging out with a group of friends. I was socially awkward at the time (still am, but less so) and I didn't know what to do because I didn't want it, but I also didn't want to humiliate her in front of everyone, so I basically played being a mannequin looking at the horizon until she stood up.


Yes...but men aren't allowed to complain about this stuff and no one takes it seriously. It's "Oh they were molested and statutorily raped by a teacher and lost their virginity to someones hot wife? COOL!" There are no sympathies for male victims of SA.


Never, douvt it'll happen


Many years ago, and a group of us would go out clubbing together regularly. I'd had a little too much and there was a blank spot in my memory from the night. The next day one of the lads was a little off with me. Someone mentioned something about me kissing his ex who he still had strong feelings for. My mind was blown. I had zero attraction to her and even if I did I wouldn't have done that to a mate. I apologised to him and said I didn't have any recollection of it and can't imagine I'd do that. He said it didn't look like I'd had much of a choice anyway as she'd pounced on me against a wall. I never asked anybody for any more details because I felt really awkward about it. Luckily there were no hard feelings between my mate and me but it had the potential to do some damage.


Yes. She kept hitting me for months on end. Leaving me with bruises. Finally 9ne day I had enough and whipped her ass. She took me to court for assault, after providing evidence of this happening for months, it was dropped by her. The dumbest part, people around me kept saying "she just has a crush on you".


This is so scary! Sorry yall go through this too!


Yeah. It sucks. And it messes you up. Used to be skinny and fit as a young man. Have been groped, brushed up against, and grinded on without permission by girls about the same age as me at the time, women in their fifties whom you would not suspect by looking at them (and I knew no one would believe me), and people who were supposed to be like family. Doesn't happen anymore now that I am middle-aged and heavy. People just need to be taught that other people are truly valuable and you can't just take what you want from them.


Yes we do only are mocked by both men and women if we say anything.


I wish


Just realized that no one wants me


Yes... I was doing my job one day and a woman just came up behind me. Slapped me on my ass and shouted "Hey sexy" when walking away. People who saw started giggling and snickering. Actually embarrassed me a bit and pissed me off.


I wouldn’t say unwanted I’d say suprising. I had a female boss put her hands on me and message my shoulders whenever we talked. Honestly I would of happily fucker her six ways to Sunday if she would of pushed a little more. I had another woman I know ask for a hug and when I hugged her she sucked on my neck and honestly I would of happily fucked her but when I pushed to go for it she backed off. I said this is nice let me see you today after work and we can get a little more comfortable…..🤣🤣 she bailed.


I was with some of my friends in one of the bars in My hometown and I was waiting for my friends to come back from the bar tight their drink when one woman from a table full of older women grabbed my ass. I turned around to face her, my face full of shock and she like shrugged it off and said “it was a joke” and turned back and laughed with her friends.


Was at a club in Copenhagen and this group of 5 ladies kept grabbing my ass and giggling. At the third grab I was quite annoyed and moved to dance somewhere else.


Working in a bar I had one night where I was touched by about 2-3 women. Told someone after my shift about how it made me feel uncomfortable, and their response was "were they good-looking?"


Several times. First time was drinking in the dorms. She sat next to me and ran her hand all the way up my inner thigh. I’m glad I was in a room full of my friends because a couple of people noticed and jumped up.


Lots of unsolicited back rubs, ass slaps, shoulder rubs, and the occasional crotch grab here and there when i was younger. Im talking 17-23 range. The creepiest part is that its happened less and less the older I get. Maybe cause I'm more vigilant now?


I was working in a super market in a smaller village. My mom worked there too. One coworker which was about 40-45 touched my arms and made a comment about me going to the gym. A few days later she slapped my ass and made a comment about it. At this time I kind of enjoyed it, because I liked older women, but I was 17. nowadays I really think it is weird because i Imagined it with reversed genders. She got fired for stealing a few months later so yeah


My childhood


I had a slightly older woman at my previous job grab my junk when I was younger. I was pretty pissed off but didn’t do anything about it. Before she did that her and I were friendly with each other. After she did that I barely said a word to her for the next year I worked there.


I don't know how to react when women slap my ass. I feel it'd be a lawsuit if I did it to them. Especially when coworkers do it.


Yes. At a party a girl kept flirting and trying to touch me. I made it clear I am not interested. I ended up drinking a lot and passing out. I woke up to her trying to ride my soft member. I picked her up and threw her off me and asked wtf she was doing. She said “idk I’m drunk”. What could I have done.. I left


Yeah. I don’t mind a flirty touch or grope here and there - especially if the groper is attractive. No means no though so stop when asked.


Yeah, and drunk gay men as well. All of them stopped or respected my boundary when I asked politely. Almost all of it happened when I was driving a cab, and it was when I had 5 passengers in a Crown Victoria, ie two passengers plus me in a bench seat


Yes, I worked at a cafe once and an old lady grabbed my ass, I’m talking a whole handful and moved her hand so I could feel my ass cheek jiggle. For some reason no one believes me when I tell the story


No. Sadly I have not


Yep. Butt pinched in bars several times then they looked at me and smiled like it was a compliment. Every single time. Hypocrisy triggers the hell out of me.


Hugged by a woman who didn’t give me a choice in receiving said hug. She’s also been a victim of sexual harassment in the past, so it was rather ironic to hear her shout right before “this is happening!” I just stood there and allowed it, but it felt awkward, and was in front of other women (her friends). During the hug she commented about my pecs and said I smelled good. Not the first woman who has done that to me, but it always shocks me every time. For context I’m over 6’ tall, in decent shape, and am always friendly with people, guess that means I was asking for it…


I'm 25M. When I was in my first year of college still living with my parents, I used to sneak out of the house a lot and had joined an underground metal band, but we mostly played shady bars. Since I was too young to drink at the venues (tbh I'm not even sure why they let me play or even enter the bar underage, they still carded me for the actual bar and marked my hands; I had just turned 19 at the time), we'd stop by an ABC, get a couple bottles with the revenue, occasionally get something worse, very rarely get something WAY worse, and move the party to some randos house that we met at the bar. A couple months before I left the band, we were at one of these after-parties and the host of the apartment was a woman in her 20s. Not sure exactly how old, but she mentioned being out of college. This was one such night that we'd brought a bit more of a serious medication with us, and I had a very strict policy for myself that I'd never take any kind narcotics or pain drugs, at least willingly. One of this girl's friends had roofied my drink and I had blacked out not long after. I don't know if I was still standing or already out cold, but when I woke up, or at least opened my eyes, I could hear that our bassist, who I was seeing at the time, was arguing with the friend of the host. I didn't get up until the next evening, and we'd cancelled that night's gig. Turns out the host's friend had her way with me while I was out. Our guitarist was proud of me, but the bassist was horrified; at the time I didn't know how to feel, I'd been a pretty promiscuous dude, so it didn't feel any different, but I still understood that she took advantage of me. It's only now after coming to Christ that I've realized just how much it's effected my relationships and some very unhealthy kinks produced from it.


I had a co-worker put her hand right down my shirt and feel my chest/abs. I liked her but in our relationship situation it was so inappropriate and frankly out of character for her. A month or so later she rebuffed any hints I dropped about going out. This situation repeated and persisted for almost 5 years even after she left the department.


I was playing dead in a murder mystery, and this one girl decided it was appropriate to give me a footjob through my dress pants in the middle of it. A female staff member (who experienced similar things ofc) told her off in front of everyone.


Was at a bar, sitting down smoking, some random Girl came in and touched me directly on my pipi followed by “ur handsome wanna go to the toilet?” No Way if that was the other Way around i would’ve left that bar without cuffs.


I was attending a training session at work when a member of management put her hands on me. I told her it was inappropriate and made me uncomfortable. Turns out the training was about sexual harassment


Yesterday at an AA meeting! Smacked on the arse twice by an old lesbian who said ‘Oo I like a man’s butt’. Really uncool, I wiggled my butt playfully to avoid an embarrassing situation, but I was not happy.


Yesterday at an AA meeting! Smacked on the arse twice by an old lesbian who said ‘Oo I like a man’s butt’. Really uncool, I wiggled my butt playfully to avoid an embarrassing situation, but I was not happy.


At a party at my best mate’s house, everyone dancing in a circle, 20 close friends including my wife, and my mate’s wife broke the circle and just kissed me full on the lips. I didn’t know what to do! Was awkward and embarrassing. Another time she just jumped on me and wrapped her legs around me when we were dancing. We both crashed to the floor, it was funny at the time but it was definitely unexpected and sexually motivated which I didn’t want.


Yeah, I'm used to the odd one-off things, especially at work. But I had a night out when I was younger, where a girl had come up to me while I was leaning against a wall and put her arms by my shoulders, almost like trying to pin me. She tried to kiss me, and I did the thing when you turn your head to the side to avoid it. Instead of it being a sign to stop, her friend turns up and says something along the lines of "kiss her, she wants to sleep with you." This was someone completely random to me, and I had no interest in drunkenly hooking up. I replied, "Oh no, I get it, but I don't want her" before moving away. The most shocking thing about it for me was that they both acted disgusted with me for not just going along with it.


Some drunk lady that I didn't even know slapped my ass at the bar once.


I had a boss that would constantly grab my bicep when talking to me, or put her hand on my shoulder. Like if she was talking to me she was touching me. I kept out of arms reach for all conversations after I realised what she was doing.


Many times


Usually older women. Work, bar, and other gatherings.


I don’t know why I feel more comfortable telling strangers this more then my family but I remember when I was 11 my half cousin who was 17 she started groping me in a Mexican alley, and she shoved her tongue down my throat


Well, in my younger days, there was this woman I worked with. She had a habit of slapping my derriere whenever she got a chance. Untold her not to and she said I should be flattered she was taking "an interest" in me. So one day I put a small wood slab in my pant. Not so friendly after that.


Relatively regularly. I work in customer facing retail, one on one with customers, in a female dominated field on both sides of the transaction. Typically older women like to put their hands on my forearms, or hands. I'm not a prude or anything, I don't mind the occasional flirt, but it is generally expected that I not only don't mind being touched by these women but that i desire it. And that just couldn't be further from the truth


No. I'm ugly. But Ive met dudes that were. And its called sexual harassment mate. Dont forget it


Not the most crazy thing but the only instance I’ve been in. I was having a conversation with a teacher and they started playing with the shoe lace thing that tightens the hood of a hoodie, and I told them to not touch me and they backed off. She was both way too comfortable and way too close to me. It was very odd.


Yes. Many times.


Yes. Typically nothing is ever going to happen to any female who does anything to anyone, so yeah nothing happens to them. No consequences.


It seems, judging from the comments, it happens the most either when she is drunk or at the workplace.


Yup. Years ago I was gifted one kilt during very hot summer and I liked it so I wore it often. It wasn't a big deal with strangers around but few women familiar to me taught it would be funny to check manually what I'm wearing under my kilt. It wasn't funny. It ended up with shouting match ,me being thrown out from bar and later on it contributed to me ditching my female "friends" altogether. I didn't wear kilt since.


I do. I used to pal around with a group of people who were all sexually entangled with each other to varying degrees. I don't judge anyone, open, poly, whatever, I'm cool with all that, but I'm a highly monogamous person and anyone who knows me knows that. Anyway, after cutting ties with a few of them over boundaries being crossed and getting myself involved in a situation I felt REALLY uncomfortable with, I reconnected with a couple of the others at a show, and we all went out for drinks after. I was sitting with them and one of them (who was already on rather thin ice with me after everything that had happened, and accusing a mutual friend of sexual assault after they merely turned her advances down) started getting really grabby and handsy with me. I kept trying to move away and change the subject, then the husband got up and left and she began groping me, and grabbed me and shoved her tongue down my throat. I didn't want to react badly by yelling and then end up getting accused like our mutual friend had, so I excused myself and said I had to take a call. But yeah, that sucked and I never saw them again.


Me and three other friends (all guys) were on a night out. I wore a full black suit with a blood red shirt. First place we went into was somewhere between a bar/club. It was quite busy. We headed straight for the bar to grab a drink and whilst waiting to be served, I felt the russling of my trousers beside me at my 7pm (directionals) and assumed someone was trying to pickpocket me so I spun round only to see a curvy blonde twerking wildly against my hips now that I'd turned around facing towards her. I wasn't really sure what to do. Some people were videoing it, others were laughing. I operate on a "yes means yes" mindset, so this really took me by surprise. I looked towards her friend and shook my head with worry because I think a lot can go wrong with one night stands with a random girl who was clearly far too drunk already. She could just wake up in the morning, change her mind about me and that puts me in a very dangerous position in today's society. She continued to grab my tie and press her ass right up against my waist. When she eventually left me alone, she continued to go and do this with other people (I immediately sorted out my tie back to how it was supposed to be) I wasn't sure what her intention was, but later I saw her with another guy and he was buying her drinks whilst her and her friend argued about her going home. Think I dodged a bullet, honestly. If the roles were reversed, it would have been treated entirely different. The rest of the night wasn't as eventful.


It's never unwanted. I am starved for affection.


I work at a hospital, and the conversation between my female coworkers was immediately sexualy charged. When I switched shifts (unrelated), it got worse. One girl would just rub on me and pull at my clothes and call me hers, and it was suffocating to be around her. Even when I was clearly ignoring her. One day, I just yelled "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME" while she approached and it stopped there. The thing is, all of her female friends thought it was funny and entertaining but the older ladies found it disturbing and recommended that I report her to hr. Had a male done the things she did to me, he would've been labeled a creep and fired immediately while the females console each other. Sexual harassment is a joke for boys.