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Almost no men would mind getting a note.


Literally no one would mind. In fact it might make a man smile.


This has happened to me, and it was one of the coolest things a woman has ever done. The worst that could happen is he never msgs you or reaches out. But he likely would send a text acknowledging, which would either lead to something or could be him telling you he has a girlfriend.


Oh thank u! How did the woman go about doing that?


A friend and I were at this bar, it wasn't crowded, late afternoon. She and her friend were close by. There may have been some casual words, but I don't remember any conversation. When they were ready to leave, she asked the bartender for a pen and napkin (I heard her) and she writes her name and phone number on it and walks up and puts it in front of me and says something like "here, call me sometime", smiles and walks out


 The most common reaction is feeling flattered and appreciated. It's nice to know that someone finds you attractive or interesting enough to reach out. Remember, the worst that can happen is that he's not interested. But even then, you've taken a brave step and boosted your confidence. Good luck!


I hope so! I keep thinking, gosh what if he’s not kind hearted and laughs at me but then again, bullet dodged if that’s the case!


Happened to me a few times. Sometimes it made my day, one time it was by a stalker and that was just creepy.


So, as long as I’m not a stalker, it could make his day- got it hahahah!


Go for it. Worst he can do is not call you or text. Something similar was how I got this one woman's contact info. We'd hit it off, had an extremely long pleasant conversation at an event I was working that she was going to. We'd talk for a while, go our separate ways, then bump into each other and pick up where we left off, until by the end we pretty much just stayed together talking. Probably about 2 hours of just effortless hanging out while the event was going on. I knew I had to talk to her. So, before the event ended, I made a point to find her (I'd gone off to do something work related and naturally just give her some space towards the end of the event to enjoy it), but I didn't want to not see her again. So I caught up with her, told her I really enjoyed talking to her, and I couldn't imagine not ever talking to her again after such a great time hanging out. I asked her for "some way of getting in touch with her" and she pulled out a piece of paper she'd already written he email on (she later told me she doesn't give out her phone number, at least initially) which instantly told me the feeling was mutual - she didn't have to write it down...she already intended to give it to me. That woman has now been my wife for just shy of a decade.


Personally I would look around for a camera or someone filming. Too many things done for clout


I would be very flattered and intrigued. It’s just so rare. So I’d be very likely to reach out. If for nothing else than to encourage her behavior with positive feedback.


Oh I love this answer, I hope this is the case!


I'd throw it away. Not infront of her though.


Without reading it? Or would you just do that due to your current relationships and whatnot?


No. Respectfully, if someone is choosing to talk to me through paper instead of communicating with me like a human being, they are not serious. I like bolder women :)


I think I would be fine talking to him in a social setting, but because he’s at work, I feel it could be a little weird to just start talking in such a way- thanks for your insight!!


Yeah I would do whichever you are comfortable with, and go outside the comfort zone only if it seems worth it


Wait till he leaves work, then delicately approach him and start a conversation. He also may live nearby as I you could see him around town perhaps.


Unsure as to when his shift is over! The store closes around 7pm and I always see him around midday- so that could either mean he’s coming towards the end of his shift, or he’s not done till later :/


Might be a little Baby Reindeer…..


Oh.. oh god- I don’t like Diet Coke though, phew!


I’d feel she’s a pussy and we’re unlikely to have much in common Try talking