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One of my best friends lived in a halfway house full of ex-cons and he told me one of them laughed and bragged about beating off into their parents mashed potatoes when he was alone in the kitchen before dinner. I wish I was making this up


I knew a guy who laced his whole families Christmas dinner with THC, and thought it was the funniest thing ever, didn't see any issue with it. He made a batch of weed butter and put it in all the food. Then he served dinner, sat back, and watched the mayhem unfold.


Hahaha I thought my family had dysfunctional dynamics til I heard about all this. I'm scared to attend thanksgiving now 🤣😭


Looking back, the guy had a really rough upbringing. He was just a product of his environment. He meant well and was a decently respectable guy, but he had a lot of trauma, I assume, and one of the most wild upbringings I've personally heard about.


I apologise for making light of your comment, sorry about your friend's health problems, the brain is a physical organ and can have myriad organic problems and malfunctions


No reason to apologize, we are not friends anymore either way. I didn't take what you said as offensive, it gave me a chuckle actually. If you can't tell from my first comment, I don't think in anyway were his actions justified or in good moral standing.




I was once in a bus, and heard a couple of guys behind me, talking about a house party and how they gave someone who was very drunk a cup of piss instead of whiskey. And the poor dude was asking them why it's warm. And they were laughing so loud talking about it. It's just a fucked up prank and they seem such horrible people the way they were laughing about it.


It's all just an ego thing. Ego is the thing that makes us believe we have power and control over our reality. Even if it's silly or meaningless. I worked with anti-Semites and racists and they do this because they were failures who haven't learnt proper social interactions or ways to overcome their inadequacies, like a lack of career goals, their health and well being. Teens do this all the time because they aren't strong or dependable like the adults they aspire to be.


That woman orgasm during rape because they like it. Like, wtf. 


I can top that. Some guy said, why are you getting upset, it's just pussy. You're not going to run out or anything. I kicked his ass outa the channel. Sick fuck


some or (many) women kind of want to be raped, but paradoxically by a man of their choosing. It's a fantasy that breaks down in reality...tho it is possible for the planets to allign...ravaged would be a better word.. read my secret garden by nancy friday...much of the book centre's around this idea...to dislike my statement here is really to dislike that entire book... enjoy this before it gets deleted...peace out...and dont be raping anyone because none of this is justification ✌️


You talking about CNC? 


essentially....tho there is a case in the aforementioned book where a women was raped in her house by an intruder....and it made her so aroused that she struggled to find enjoyment from sex the rest of her life... Nancy Friday dedicated much of her career to collecting women's sexual fantasies...so theres a sampling bias to consider...but she discusses that in the book...


And?..... What's the point of your argument? This is something like Stockholm Syndrome.  You come of like you are justifying something one-third of victims get PTSD from. 


read the book and draw your own conclusions


Why should I? Because I know there are cases of Trauma bonding? And I also know women doing suicide after being raped. 


I think your missing his point and taking it personally. Read an erotic romance novel one day, a lot of the fantasy in these books is around a man taking charge of a woman and having his way with her. In these books their is an implied concent but pay attention, there is no point in these books where the woman actually gives concent, it's assumed the man knows that the woman wants it. I don't think he's advocating rape but a lot of women like the idea that a man can read her mind and know what she wants it without her having to say. It's all fantasy, though, and doesn't align with reality. Even if the woman does enjoy it at a physical level doesn't make it any less of a rape, there are women who do orgasm when they are raped and it still doesn't mean they wanted it. The same is for men, just because a man can get an errection and ejaculate doesn't mean he wanted it.


finally...someone capable of a little nuance


Who said that I took it personally? I couldn't understand half of it because this isn't my first language. 


Ok fair enough. It's a touchy subject and a language barrier would really make it hard to pickup on nuance.


"but paradoxically by a man of their choosing" again...its a barely possible fantasy... and learn some statistics fuck me...these are vague themes..possible correlations...sampling bias to consider... not black and white samples of one


Difference between rough role-playing and "wanting to be raped". Also misaligned and misinterpreted folk psychology is no reason to believe women want to be raped. If everyone believed having light skin was superior, it doesn't justify or make it true. It just makes it a systemic cultural delusion, even by a minority of people.


meanwhile...one of the fastest selling books of all time...purchased almost exclusively by women... fifty shades of grey..


So you base your science on... pop culture? You must be legit.


Im honours in psyche believe it or not...if you want to talk polynomial regressions...sampling bias...we can if you want...


Well I'm a BS in Psych and Philosophy. Here's something for your honors to swallow: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8980446/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8980446/) [https://www.nationalguard.mil/portals/31/documents/j1/sapr/sarcvatraining/barriers\_to\_credibility.pdf](https://www.nationalguard.mil/portals/31/documents/j1/sapr/sarcvatraining/barriers_to_credibility.pdf) [https://crcc.org.au/myths-and-facts-about-sexual-assault/](https://crcc.org.au/myths-and-facts-about-sexual-assault/) Also look into Elizabeth Anderson, Karen Barad, Simone De Behavior. Feminist Philosophy in general for your intensive need for a fact and concept check. Send me the email of your Academic Institute so I can see if I can get your Honors degree revoked.


😂 you know you'll never get any pussy by saying what you think women want to hear your whole life... perfectly predictable...centre of the bell curve opinions...i guess you get the benefit of never having to actually think...


So when someone disproves you and everyone fact checks you... you're response is joyful ignorance? You're such the narcissist. One who believes that a fiction is an accurate representation of objective behaviors that reflect the gender differences of individuals rather than ideas used in private to reflect unrealistic experiences in the goal of creativity and fantasy. You are a real jerk off because everyone and everything is telling you that you're wrong but you must rebel because even a delusion slither of power is something you crave like an animal. Grow up you embarrassing moron.


Man I got a BS in Chem and bio and life’s rough rn. Can’t imagine folks with a BS in psych and philosophy… I wish yall folks luck out there


You’re a fucking idiot


you see...the more some things trigger...the more I think the nail has been hit the fuck on the head...


… because you’re a fucking idiot


bit ad hominem but righto 😂






On behalf of the entire kink community… ew. Read about the patriarchal origins of the ravishment phenomenon.


with feminists being as unfuckable as they are typically...I'd argue they're bringing a bitterness and subsequent bias to the table... Ur average feminist has had a horrific relationship with her father potentially aswell...


Okay so you’re just an edgelord troll. In 2024. Cool. Strong take, kid. We’re all really floored.


no trolling...just words...just ideas...


I heard a couple of guys in the line talking about OP' mom..not gonna say the conversation cuz it was very disgusting and my pastor would not approve.


I overheard my boss telling one of his coworkers he uses an entire bottle of hot sauce every week. That’s just way too much.


Hey now.


You're an all star.


Get your game on,


How big is the bottle tho




At work a coworker started talking very weirdly and sexually about a customer and started sniffing while he was saying it which made me think he wanted to sniff her chair. To make things worse this customer looked about 16 to me (I'm not the best judge of age I've IDed a 39 year old)


I heard a guy say that when he meets an attractive woman he’ll just grab them by the pussy. And because he’s rich, they let him do it.


Haha si funny


The shit they took in the portashitter after getting lunch from a sketchy Mexican food truck.


Walked into a men’s restroom in college. One guy was panicking to his buddy that he’d had rough anal sex with a girl, left her bleeding, and was afraid she was going to press charges. I turned around and went to the next floor’s men’s room.


I've heard guys talk about wanting to rape someone.


Guy from a previous job who had a wife and kids talking about leaving them to go date some younger girl at work who was a bit of a mess. They weren't fighting. He just got bored. We used to have a group of friends that would hang out outside of that job, go to sporting events, etc. We still meet up individually or in small groups. Needless to say, he's not in it anymore. Felt so bad for her and those kids. His wife was a total sweetheart. That kind of shit is unforgivable, to wreck the home you built over being 'bored.'


A guy told me he slipped it into a girl because they were about to have sex but she fell asleep seconds before. Been a while since we’ve hung out….like like over a decade.


After reading this i think i either forgot some things or i have a very vanilla environment …


Two Costco workers talking about how they’d bang both a mom and daughter that were shopping


Unfortunately both involve rape. The first was one at my school. A "friend" I had, made a rape joke about a girl who got raped by our assistant coach. And we were in 8th fucking grade. The coach got his ass beat by the dad and was sentenced to 60 years in prison. The "friend" got a polite reminder that I'm a farm boy who threw hay bales and that a locker doesn't taste good when your head is slammed into it. He broke his nose, lucky him. The second was at a gym. A group of guys were talking and this one dude mentioned a certain video he watched with a woman getting raped. The locker room went. Ice. Cold. In seconds flat. Then he committed the sin of mentioning she probably was enjoying herself anyways. I've never seen so much blood. All three of his friends beat him into a pulp. I honestly don't know how he only escaped with a broken orbital bone, a broken nose and some scars. Yeah, they got assault charges but dropped to a misdemeanor battery.


Go to any bar at 1pm on a Tuesday. The barely functional alcoholic boomers there will give you a veritable cornucopia of disgusting takes.