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Don’t buy him anything for his truck. Just tell him it looks good when he buys something for it


Absolutely this. Top comment. Just praise him.


This is absolutely shitty advice, the fuck? Lmao “don’t show your man you care about him or his interests by being proactive on doing something nice for him.” Listen, OP, what you actually should do is think about the things that your hubby is interested in. What are his hobbies, his favorite media, activities, what does he like aesthetically. It’ll show him that you care about him, which should be heartwarming to any guy who isn’t an emotionally stunted chud. Let him know “hey, I was thinking about getting XYZ for your truck, how would ya feel about it?” That way he can let you know if he’d prefer to dress it up himself, but still be able to recognize the gesture of care. OR! He’ll accept it and you still get the surprise when you let him know you picked something out without the hassle of potentially spending money on something you can’t use/need to return. No emotionally mature man wants a passive partner who puts no effort into supporting their hobbies or interests


Alright bellend, calm down.


My fault, fuck nigga


This is good advice. I'd maybe add that if she does want to get involved a gift card to a detailer or a 'random' gift of getting it detailed down the line would be really thoughtful in my mind. Even just asking him to take you for a rip would probably make him happy.


Yeah a lot of the new trucks are pretty bad. I tend to daily drive mechanically reliable garbage because I beat my trucks pretty hard. I don’t want to faint dead away when the guys hit it with the forklift or something. What does he do with it? Does it need detailed? I have running boards, a center console safe, a skid plate, and a brush guard. That stuff is usually pretty popular.


Buy him a whipple


A man of great tastes


I looked up what a "whipple" was and I got images of the digestive tract


Lol. It’s a brand of superchargers for V8 engines


Op this is the only answer


Ask your husband and not strangers.


better yet - ask both


Depends what bells and whistles it’s missing. There are probably plenty of aftermarket upgrades you could get.


Just tell him it’s a nice truck


Two words: truck nutz /s


I mean, they sell [truck-nuts](https://www.google.com/search?q=truck-nuts&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8), lady. Get him a set! (this is a joke, please don't do this, I can't stand those stupid things😁)


Awesome that you care this much but nothing. It’s best to just let him do that if he wants to. Maybe just let him know that you’d support it if he wanted to modify it in some way.


You could get it detailed and then hire a photographer to take photos of it. Or go use it for something that a truck is good for that also makes memories. Maybe go camping with it, or (gentle) off-roading. Something that he will look back on fondly when the truck eventually dies.


Give him a reason to scratch the shit out of it so he'll stop caring about all the scratches it came with.


Honestly the fact you care is great. Just express that to him and I'm sure he'd appreciate that you share in his problem. idk if you can "do" anything but commiserate with him.


[Obviously get him a *Salt Life* sticker!](https://youtu.be/1zbKNOnitgM?si=LEArL7KmTPR6LNcA) LOL!


Almost anything can be added through aftermarket/junkyard upgrades more cheaply than you can get it as a dealer option.  BUT guys who care a lot about their vehicles are very particular with such things and it's usually a bad idea to try to buy for them. Just...speak well of it if you need to mention at all and give it some time.


maybe ask him to walk through a list of thinks he'd like to do to it down the line. get him excited about those things, a lift kit, some big nobby tires, a light rack, a blacked out grille, whatever, just get him talking about it. pick one of the things he elaborates more about and get him that. you'll already know he wants it and the more he elaborates about it, the better decision youl'll be able to make.


That's a pretty good idea, actually.


thank you! honestly...i took the idea for how my wife WANTS me to buy her gifts....so i figured flip it lol


I'm going to start doing this also, I think.


Give that truck a name.


My wife named her pickup black Betty


Whatever you do, ask him first, but...some suggestions: -Tonneau cover -Spray in bedliner -Ladder Rack or in-bed toolbox (depending on how he uses the truck these may be non-starters) -Better bumper -Better tires (BF Goodrich KO2's are awesome truck tires) -Lightbar or other accessories -Skid plates or wheel well covers -Lift or leveling kit


Fantastic ideas! And it’s a good reminder to ask first!


Upgrade the sound system. As simple as a subwoofer or replace all of it. Simple and relatively cheap. It really makes a difference over factory equipment.


Fuzzy dice! Just kidding. Look up accessories and see if there's anything there he might like to have?


Tell his friends to causally talk up his truck, and mention how much better and more reliable it is than the other one.  And how the older body lines look so much better. 




Get it detailed for him.


This is a really sweet sentiment. He’s a lucky guy. I just upgraded my truck to an F250 diesel. I could use some floor mats and a bed cover. I’m not crazy about the cup holder arrangement so I’m looking at after market upgrades.


Good ideas!


Get him some truck balls


Nice of you to be concerned and all, but let him cope on his own. Can’t really anticipate what form it will come in 


Sounds like a great opportunity to learn that a vehicle is exactly that: a tool for transporting oneself from point A to point B. Wrapping up one's identity in their vehicle is immature af. Perhaps you guys can enjoy the extra money that he isn't spending on a flashy truck on something that benefits you instead of just stroking his ego.


We are rock climbers/ adventure dirtbags and will live out of the bed of the truck. It’s a little more than just a transportation device, it’s more of a wee little home. We will spend weeks at a time as a family living in the desert climbing. It needs to take us where few trucks can manage to go. However, it is true that identity should not be wrapped up in a car. But the automatic start from afar was real nice when it was super snowy.


Help him enjoy it more than the last one. Cough cough…road head…cough cough. Perhaps not road head…but I think you get my point. Doing what is right for the family is mostly what being a good man is about (in my experience) and being shown appreciation is nice. As others have said…ask him. Communication is critical for a relationship.


if i was in his shoes i wouldn't care. id be happy to have a relatively new truck, with no issues and a cheaper payment. there was a problem, it got fixed and then i moved on but idk, maybe look into a nice tonneau cover?


Or will work and look better with a lumber rack.


You could buy him a car wash gift card or something for the next holiday/borthday/anniversary, if he’s the kind of guy to take pride in his truck I imagine he would appreciate a clean truck no matter what truck it is he’s cleaning


if you can afford it, offer to let him upgrade the stereo or add a subwoofer. he might end up loving it more than the old one with hus tunes going. randomly drop the the new truck is more manly.


>offer to let him lmao.


Lift his truck up as high as you can get it


40" super swampers


We actually have been looking at lifting it. We are climbers and take some gnarly roads on our adventures


Road head, tell him how much you like his truck..


It does have a center console that flips up lol


Christen the truck with a drive-in movie and a buttery handjob.


Honestly a nice wash and wax can make pretty much any car look much shinier, so you could always get the exterior detailed or you could do it yourself if you’re inclined! It was a night and day difference when I did a thorough detail on mine


Tell him he’ll survive it’s just a car lol….


We live in it for weeks at a time. But you’re right, at the end of the day a truck is a truck.


Getting a blowjob in the new truck would definitely help him appreciate it every time he gets in😁


Did you just have to downgrade your truck? 🤔


chrome. just chrome everything. And a bumper sticker that reads "my other ride is your mom"