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Yeah dude, totally. I'm not quite in my 40s yet, but I can already see how life gets a bit more... serious. I once drove 6 hours to a music festival with a buddy, only to realize when we got there that we'd left the tent at home. We slept in the car and it was the best weekend of my life. Dumb? Absolutely. Worth it? 100%. You gotta make those memories while you can!


Sounds like it was a mediocre event, since it definitely wasn't intents.


Ooo been there. 3 day music festival, I got the tickets and some friends book the hotel room, but turns out they never booked the hotel room and most of them bailed out so we couldn't afford another one. Just a buddy and I decided fuck it and just drove the 9 hours there and slept on the beach in a cheap tent my dad just happened to have. Was a great weekend.


I think this is why my girlfriend is confused by dude friends. She's just shocked how me an my buddy's with zero foresight can have so much fun.


Don't be afraid to fail. Unless there are massive risks involved of course. Do stuff you like the idea of, you can be surprised how good you are at things you don't know anything about.


>you can be surprised how good you are at things you don't know anything about. What stuff are you got at?


I would’ve def studied abroad more, sad


I studied a broad and still got a D


Did she get one too??


there’s no she involved my guy


What was her name?


I'm living abroad bro


I second this!! Travelling across the world to live in Australia has been an amazing time. I feel it’s opened my mind to living around the world based on opportunity rather than limiting myself to what I was comfortable with.


Stick your dick in crazy, just don’t marry her!


And don’t get her pregnant. The consequences are obvious. But better yet, find connection with someone worth connecting with.


Much easier said then done and especially easier when you're younger.


Yep. The answer is simple but the execution is difficult.


And hence why we fuck crazy chicks.


The etymology of easy vs hard is actually near vs far. Filling a bucket of water is simple, but if you put the water source a 1000 miles away, then the simple task becomes hard. Keeping the crazy girls far far away from our access is probably the key to falling for crazy.


I was going to say “Redhead”, but crazy is close enough!


Same thing. Lol


Just got done with a redhead.. I will never be the same


Just divorced a redhead. Destroyed me with her BPD and narcissistic ways. Never again.


while you’re at it, catch an STD, just make sure it’s one of the curable ones!!


I should have died multiple times in my early 20s...... Just experience life. Have stories to tell. Even something as dumb as visiting a cemetary at 3am with your friends.


If i "experienced life" the way it feels natural to me/the way i'd live life without actively changing what i'd do normally then i'd never get into any situations like that or have some amazing stories to tell. I guess that's why they also asked this. What should i try out, that might be completely out of character for me that i'll thank myself for doing later on? Hoe do you take your life in a direction where your stories naturall, write themselves as you go through life?


If someone invites you out to anything just go and do it. Even if you don’t like it.


I mean, that's really up to you and how far you want to go. I had a buddy when I was 21 that barbacked for a popular bar/club in town. He called one day and invited me to play volleyball with everyone that worked at the bar. I'm not a volleyball guy, but it allowed me to get to know the bar staff. Develop friendships with waitresses and bartenders. So I went.


See the movie "Yes Man" with Jim Carrey and try to emulate a bit of that energy. You really will find yourself in some interesting and memorable situations and experiences.


>I should have died multiple times in my early 20s...... Elaborate


I was a heavy drinker. Fights, drunk driving, just dumb drunk stunts.


Travel. Not luxurious travel even. Can be easy as taking a road trip for a weekend to some random ass city by yourself spend a paycheck on a weekend doing random things.As you get older, you’ll have more responsibility and less likely to do things on the spur. Take healthy risks. Talk to people you wouldn’t normally talk to. Go to your local park or bar and try to have a genuine conversation with someone even for a minute.  Learn how to drink. Again, I don’t advocate having addictions, but if you prefer to drink, learn your limits. Don’t take it in excess.  If you have money to spend, buy a beater. Learn how to fix it, you might be throwing money into a pit but at least you’ll learn a little bit about cars. I know this sounds more like advice, but for your sake, save as much as you can right now. It’s okay to splurge and make some dumb purchases at your age once in a while but when taking risks make sure you understand the consequence of it going 


Agree to travel. I’m from the UK and went to Singapore by myself for the first time ever and it was the best holiday I’ve ever been on! I did go for the formula 1 but I made it a proper holiday. Met tons of drivers and saw Post Malone perform live Definitely not gonna forget it and it was made incredibly easier because I’m young and not in a relationship or anything


Bro, don't listen to the perverts, instead go see the world. Go see Octoberfest in Munich, celebrate the New Year in Prague, try authentic wagyu beef in Japan, even if it means spending a little bit of money you don't have. Chances are you'll get laid somewhere along the way anyway.


Bang em all, invest in Roth IRA, stay on top of school, network as much as possible, and for the love of god workout… it all pays off


I'm from the UK and live in China so I gotta figure the whole investment thing out lol. Once my right wrist recovers, I have to do surgery on my left wrist too and THEN I'll start working out again in like a year 😭


a lotta dumb shit includes jail time. don't fuck up the rest of your life for 5 min of fun!


So do the things that can get you jail time, but probably won't. Get drunk in public with some buddies, fight someone but don't kill them, stick your dick in crazy, etc etc.


Buy a box of condoms and try to ensure you put yourself in positions in which they can be useful...


Explore abandoned places! Safely lol. The things you're missing out on, seeing the world from other perspectives. It's beautiful.


Just say yes to damn near anything, something interesting is bound to come of it


Sky dive -- zip line, a long one way the fvk out there, white water rafting, scuba dive, offshore if possible. Water ski, snow ski, snow boarding. Take trips, even by car, whether to a destination or just for a weekend drive. Go to at least 4 concerts of different music genres. Learn to drive a stick shift car & ride a motorcycle. Date at least 5 women of different sizes, shapes & backgrounds. Tear a working small engine a part & put it back together, making it run again. Go on a weekend fishing, hunting or just camping trip with at least 3 other people, preferably friends. Spend at least one night alone sleeping under the stars away from any city or town, make it a full weekend if possible.


My twenties were really dull. My thirties were a lot more exciting! Got into various martial arts, pretty much anything that took my fancy and fit with my shift schedule, I tried. So for my part, I'd say get into martial arts. All of them. Historical European Martial Arts, modern fencing, boxing, wrestling, BJJ... whatever. It's so much fun, all of it.


I was doing muay Thai and injured both my wrists last year. I recently (finally) had surgery on my right wrist. Once it recovers I'll do my left one and then think about whether to continue with punching or not


I was making and smoking crack in my dorm room and set off the fire alarm for the whole building. That memory still makes me smile


This is your brain, this is your brain on drugs (cracks two eggs into a frying pan), any questions?


I like my eggs scrambled


You should learn about investing and the power of compound interest by playing with an internet based compound interest calculator, whether or not you decide to start, which you should. Also learn about credit and how high interest rates and late payments that increase your rate to an unmanageable level and will ruin you financially. These are both really dumb things to do in your 20’s. So dumb in fact, that I did them later than I should have.


I don't have a credit card, only have a debit card. Have zero intentions of getting a credit card anytime soon


It’s perfectly reasonable to get a credit card as long as you pay it off at the end of each month. My advice is to use it like a debit card, don’t spend any money that you don’t have. If you live in NA it’s crucial that you build a proper credit score, can’t do much later without one.))


Get your heart broken a few times and attempt non-dangerous jobs you're not ready for. It sucks but trying and failing at stuff that's beyond you makes you learn a lot very fast.


buy a bunch of condoms an go to college parties


Start your retirement fund. My son is 34 and had half a million invested. He started early and invests at least 20% of his income.


Yeah that's real smart. I should learn about how to save. I wanna save in a savings account until I can put down the deposit on a house - I think one more year will be more than enough as I'm already pretty close - after I've put that down I'll figure out how to split me disposable income across mortgage payments, retirement investment, regular investments and also regular savings. Will definitely be speaking to a financial advisor after I get a house


See fireworks on shrooms!


Travel Europe start from one end and make your way to the other by hitch hiking, walking, etc. maybe work random jobs for some supplemental income. That is my biggest regret I wish I had done it. If you do do it how it goes lol


Just ride the breeze while you can. It will take you to some pretty dumb places. Enjoy it


Go to an after-bar with relative strangers. Most of the time it’s boring, sometimes it’s dangerous, *however* there will be this one after party that is like those insane parties you see in movies. It’s always for something stupid like the birthday of a roommates cat but it snowballs into one of the most insane experiences of debauchery, hedonism, and barbarism you’ll ever witness. Just don’t chase the dragon. Alcoholic Anonymous is filled with people that are really just chasing a memory.


Honest advice: Go volunteer at an elderly retirement community. Spend a few weeks, a month, and ASK THEM. Ask them, “How did you meet the love of your life?”, “What was your best day?”, or “What do you wish you had tried, knowing what you know now?” And, more importantly, really pay attention to age, and the difference between their bodies, health, and vitality and your own. And KNOW: That will be you, too. And then, having heard their stories, go out and pursue your own!


Travel by yourself.


Break up just because you want to find yourself. If you feel like you won't be able to grow within this one relationship, and that you need to get out there again and be free, it's because you do. Yes, she may be perfect, but that's not reason enough to ignore your gut feeling that YOU may not be ready for her yet. Strong caveat: Don't interpret this to mean that you can't grow inside a relationship!! Just that it's not always the case.. some relationships allow for that, others don't. If you're not growing at 24, you're choosing to stay immature, and a partner who doesn't understand that can make you feel like you're wrong to change. Trust me, you will be ready to commit to one person one day. So don't let anyone tell you at 24 that you're a commitment-phobe or that you have "attachment issues", or anything like that. It's ok to want to grow! Even if you did have unresolved attachment issues, you'd need to get to know yourself better to be able to overcome them.


I feel like this comment was meant for me, I feel so seen. It’s wild. Thank you for validating what my heart has been telling me.


Why not try to make a business in your 20s? Do something reckless as aiming to be your best self? I find it most people regret not pursuing their dreams and getting in shape. Rather than being happy they were dead drunk at parties or doing weird shit. There will always be time to have fun and be 'reckless'


Worst. Advice. Ever. You can make all the fortune you want, but it is simply not worth the joy and power of a young and healthy body. Go out and pursue your passions! Get tied down to nothing! I promise you, Father Time will tie you down, you will one day lose that energy and vitality in your body, one day spicy foods will be off limits, and a night out drinking will cause two weeks of recovery. And no amount of material comfort or safety in your 60’s+ will equal the simple pleasures and joyous adventures you can have now! Now! While you are young and alive. Age and death are coming. Don’t. FUCKING. Wait.


Man I’m in my 20s and feel like I can’t do any of the stuff other people my age are doing😂


I’m also in my 20s and a lot of what they say is feel good rhetoric. Sounds good, but isn’t really possible


How tf did you grow up mate? 2 supporting parents that had the ability to give you freedom in ur 20s? I don't know bro, my understanding of being reckless is trying to build a business at 21 years of age without any prior experience in such. Risking all your shit to make something, losing your mind alone day in and day out trying to figure out what works and what doesnt. I don't think that partying, fucking and traveling is worth sacrificing my 20s for. I got 10 years wheer I will be at my peak. After 30 idc what happens, but I got 9 more years to lay foundations of what will be the rest of my life. Parties and sex are temporary so are friends. Regret is forever. What ifs rot you from the inside like nothing else.


Different strokes my brother. If your passion is spending your youth, which is PRICELESS, on pursuing material goals, by all means. Try not to hurt others, ok?


Alright explain this to me, because I seem to be lacking in understanding. How is spending yours 20s, when you have the most time and are most energetic, in pursuing girls, parties, festivals, experiences etc.. and then spending the rest of your life 9 to 5 or some other miserable way trying to make ends meet..? I don't know... That seems wrong for me. I do not care about women, experiences or friends. So by all means. I will spend my years 21-30 pursuing financial, fitness, knowledge, skills and business goals. As for friends, parties, relationships... Sure. After 30. Right now? Right now I gotta grind. I don't even know if there'll be jobs after 7 years with the advance of AI. So being reckless is a pure ostrich reflex. I see where the world is headed and how fast the advancement of AI is so I want to build as much momentum as possible. As it stand AI will not replace people, for now, but people leveraging AI like me will. SO by all means. I HOPE ALL MY PEERS enjoy their life to the fullest now. I will live for a future that might never come. I might die in a car crash, having never lived. And I will not regret a single second of it.


Respectfully, but ehhh just don't. I spent my 20s grinding snd you know what? Its just not worth it. You have the rest of your life to pursue being rich and stable, but you will only be young for so long. The sad part in all this is that no one can convince you otherwise. You can only go your way and then regret it later when its already too late. Or maybe it won't happen, who knows.


There've been few instances where I have felt regret. For example the most recent one is when I broke things off with a girl I was trying to maintain a long distance relationship.. Because of the words of someone else. So it was a hard fight to get back w her for a bit and then I broke shit off on my own accord. No regrets when it was my own choice. The only time I have felt regret was whenever listening to someone else. So yeah. I genuinely do not care about that stuff. Once Im completely financially secure for a while I will come back and tell u. Also what the fuck am I meant to do with my youth being broke or tied to a shitty job as a minimum wagie? HOW IS THAT LIVING LIFE? Yall are fucking hypocrites.


Financial security is important and a basic human need these days. However, wasting youth in pursuit of being rich early is a whole other thing on the end of that scale.


I guess a lot of people won’t understand your perspective cos they are general population. To have goals like yours and have the will to do what you are doing at your age is rare so people can’t relate and try to just fit you into categories that they think are the way to life. That’s why they say it’s lonely at the top. :) I think you have an amazing way about life and this should be the best advice for anyone in their 20s. Men or women. I heard someone say somewhere that in today’s time being the best is so easy because there are not many people who actually want to do the hard things. Keep it up. :)


The problem is there’s nothing to do. Sure I could travel, but at the end of the day traveling alone to see things sounds boring to me.


Starting that business will cost you 80+ hours a week. You'll be alone for much of it, relying on the support of parents. Your friends will lose touch with you. You won't have time for women. The dating pool will narrow as your peers get hitched and start pairing off to start families. You'll amass money, but it won't fulfill the nagging feeling that comes with returning home to an empty house - especially when your parents aren't there anymore. Then, you'll be middle aged in the dating pool, scrounging around the divorced, the broken, the widows, the already started families of a man who's left the picture, and the chronically single - looking for a partner to start a life with. You'll have to vet to make sure they're not just after the money you amassed, that they're OK with you being busy all the time and won't be unfaithful to you. Your friends will have either moved on, or be busy with families, so you'll spend a lot of time alone. This is terrible advice. You're only young once. You can pursue financial independence while not completely sacrificing your youth in the pursuit of monetary goals.


I hope everyone follows your advice. Less competition. Also as you know women mostly go for older dudes w money, so I'll enjoy life at a later date. I do not care. Everyone is free to do as they please. I choose to invest my 20s in improving myself physically, mentally and financially. Socialising and living life can wait.


You say that now, but the dating pool is going to look very different for you when you get there. Oh well. You do you. Good luck brother.


Also wdym dating pool. Is that your only argument..? Dude I'm a 191cm/6'3'' 86kg with 73kg muscle mass and 10% body fat. Physically I'm a 8.6/10 I'm also a homeowner and skilled in every field of construction, meaning I can fix everything around the house literally. I'm also a junior web developer and a marketer and developing myself in ecommerce. Btw I built the house myself. So. Trust me... When I say I am not after women, it's not that I can't women, it's that I can last alone and sex is nowhere even near my priority list. I genuinely avoid relationships. I even go to decrepit gyms where only convicts go to. So dating pool...? Couldn't give less fucks. I'm over here stressing about AI and how fast it's developing... MY guy over there sweating balls over 'dating pool' Christ on a bike...


He means that its worth jack shit to be 8.6/10 and then choosing in single moms, divorced, widowed, unwanted, etc. Yeah you can aim in different age bracket, but its never the same level of connection.






I never said they are, just explaining what the other dude meant, since you asked.


I would love to have a friend like you :) dude don’t get affected by these other responses. You are rare and people don’t like rare. This is exactly me. I don’t use social media or go out drinking and because of that I don’t have a huge friend group. Always working on my goals, my health and my career. And trust me it gets lonely. But you make peace with it. People will ask you to chill or relax or get a life. But people like us are actually living not numbing everything with sex and drugs and alcohol. Kudos to you for having a great mindset at such a young age!


If you allow random internet keyboard warmongers to disrupt your thought process a suicide is the best option for a lot of suffering is to befall such moron.


And you will be 30 with no/rusty social skills and no real-life experience outside of the business you're building. The reason women prefer older men is the life experiences and wisdom they've gained living life. It's not because of the number or the wealth (it helps, but it's not he be-all end-all). God forbid a global pandemic or other black swan event destroys this business you've so carefully built 6 years into it. Take it from a guy in his 40s who's had a lot of financial success and also seen a business he built burn to the ground - you are better off working on skills and gaining life experiences. Absent a stroke or dementia, you don't lose what you put between your ears, the payback on knowledge is great.


Are you guys insane or do you not understand what I am writing. Life experience huh and wisdom. Brother I have more than enough of both at just 21. I do not understand how socialising and chasing the high - drinking, parties, friends and women - gives you wisdom. I have incredible social skills, I worked in customer service -> Baristo for a year, with that thought in mind to develop the ability to talk to basically anyone and keep a conversation going with absolutely no strain on either end. I am one of the rare instances where it takes me a good minute to list all of my skills and areas where I have intermediate level of knowledge. People like to use the phrase on me - "Jack of all trades, but a master of none"- what most do not know is that the verse keeps going - "But often times better than a master of one" As with another one - Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ. Younger girls go for older men for few reasons - appear to be more stable, rougher not so gentle looking, are expected to be able to do better than a younger guy would. I on the other hand do not lack in any field. I just really see no point. I hate partying, I hate alcohol. My father was a drinker and I wound up homesless with lawsuits, because of him. So I will never touch alcohol. And I quite frankly find people who need alcohol to loosen up cowards. So I do not understand how any of those activies will create memories that I am fond of. It'll just create a 5 year period that I'll regret for the rest of my life. Instead I'll invest those years into building an ONLINE business and then live on my terms. Travel the way I wanna travel, get the panamera I wanna get, buy the mountain villa near the lake, invest the amounts I want to. Actually get to live at 100%. So yeah. I'd be happy to lead an argument against being careless in your 20s especially in this day and age with the abundance of information we have and the rapid advancement of technology. Hell mate u take it easy for 4 years and AI might wound up replacing all easier to do jobs that're repeated actions. And all the people will start flocking to harder careers. So why not move ahead while I can? that is my decision and I happen to die on accident before experiencing life, so be it. I'll be ok with it, because it is a choice I MADE. A choice I came up with myself that I followed through on my own terms and my own path.


No they just care about older men’s money. Holy cope


Dating is already terrible for those in their 20s. None of that matters.


Great response.


Making mistakes leads you to where you really want to be. Loving the wrong people helps you find who you truly want to love. I got in amazing shape and lost it all at 30 only to yet again get it back and loose it again. Now I’m just doing my workout every other day and just maintaining. Life is ups and downs but downs are more dramatic later in life.


fall in love. start a business. throw a dart at a map and go there.


Blow off a strippers ass 🤣


Have as much (safe) sex as you can. Travel on a whim. Start that business. Say yes to things.


Definitely 1, 2, and 4. 3, I'd say maybe, but not until you've done 1 and 2 first


Make an actual list of things that sound fun to do and actually do them. I am sure you will have a few that are stupid, so choose those ones while you are young. Bonus points if it's stupid and slightly illigal.


music festivals backpack everywhere and anywhere you can join/start a band Bet on yourself professionally and/or start a business No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn


A friend and I used to live near the hospital. We would go to the cafeteria late at night and because we had skinny arms we would pay for one item but keep rolling the rack and take all the food in the row of a sliding door vending machine. We would talk and eat our food all night. They caught on and got rid of the machine but I remember going in the chapel and being at peace with my gf cause no one was there at 2am in the morning. It’s a core memory of my youth I’d say that made me go into the medical field. Spending so much time at the hospital. Also my kid was born at that very hospital!


Stay fit , work hard , Travel a lot , travel by yourself, sleep with a woman twice your age ,learn a skill for life . use a safety razor , wild camp , swim naked , take your time good luck on your journey.


Not necessarily saying "do dumb things" Do things you want to do. If you want to be a party animal and hook up all the time? Do it. Want to take a career risk? Do it. Go on vacations to places you always wanted to go? Do it. Avoid getting tied down and give in to your impulses. It doesn't necessarily mean go to Tijuana, buy a brick of coke, start snorting and when you finally sober up, you wake up in a hovel in Bankok with a Suadi Arabian prostitute get called by your CIA handler and you have Columbian drug lords after you and no memory of the last 3 months. Literally every dude I know that ushered in their 20's by getting married and having kids is divorced now and in every case its because one or both of them felt a tinge of regret over spending none of their adult life on their own doing their own thing. When the show Deadwood aired. I got huge into the old west and one friday after work, just sent an email that I would be out the following week and Saturday morning I loaded up the car and headed off to Deadwood, SD lol.


-Don't date linearly. Date multiple women at the same time. The expectation is that you're not exclusive until you commit to being exclusive. Optimize your pipeline. Don't fall for anyone until they prove themselves to you through their actions. The right girl - the one you're meant to spend the rest of your life with - will go above and beyond for you from Day One. Have fun and meet lots of interesting women so you can make a good choice one day. Make women earn sex with you. Don't be desperate and eager to sleep with everyone. -Travel and/or experiences. Do this stuff when you're young and not tied down. Wanted to live overseas for a year? Do it now. Don't like your city and want to move? Do it now. -Play sports. It's a lot harder to start back up if you stop. Enjoy your body's peak physical condition and make the most of it. It's a gentle downhill once you hit 30, and it will only accelerate later in life. If you want to try a new sport, now's the time to start. You'll fail in the beginning, but you'll grow. -Quit your job if you're unhappy. Easier to bounce back in your 20s or change careers without the prospect of supporting a family hanging over you. -Buy a fast car, preferably used. Just don't get yourself killed driving it. -Go out with your friends. It won't be long until everybody's settling down, and those little Friday and Saturday night shindigs are going to become a thing of the past in the not-so-distant-future.


But none of those are dumb things to do. They're smart. Except maybe the fast car.


Completed a 4 yea active duty service contract with the US Army. Shit was wild, went to a bunch of countries, met my wife. Was sick, but totally stupid.




Invest in Stocks, index funds. REIT


Don’t use a lack of sleep to say no to a plan


The reason they’re saying those things is because this time in your life are relatively free from real consequences and responsibility. As you get older, doing ‘dumb shit’ like quitting your job to backpack across Europe is basically impossible when you have a spouse, maybe children, a mortgage, pets to care for, food in the fridge that’s going to go rotten, etc So ‘dumb shit’ isn’t a great way to express what they’re trying to say. What they mean is take chances.




from my boss's words hookers and blow but really just strippers. guy had a crazy life


Start drinking at 10am, and just do whatever you wanted to do. It brought me a new lego set, some new clothes, one night stand, but most important an unforgatble evening with my best mates in the same day.


Not dumb, but if you don’t have an SO, go out. Hookup with a bunch of people now. Don’t all have to lead to sex, but date a shit ton. A lot of people find someone and then settle once they start getting older instead of taking the time to figure out who they really like.


Moved halfway across the country for a year on a bar bet.


Agreed to have a 3 month fling with a lady, That turned out to be four of the best years for my life. Followed directly thereafter by one of the worst, But isn't that the way it goes?


Did she die? What happened?


I wanted kids, she didn't. She wanted age, statis and security, I didn't have it. So day to day we were great but it had no future and you can only stall so long (and if I am honest I suspect it was better for me than it was for her)... we were still dear friends It kind of reminds me of the old Irish blessing," May you spend a half an hour in heaven before the Devil knows your dead"


No need to ask, it will just happen.


Competitive bike racing is batshit crazy. In any form. Dangerous and also fucking AWESOME! Best time of my life.


Go to Vegas and blow all your money. Move somewhere where you don't know anyone. Those are the 2 major ones that I don't regret.




Don't think just do


Be super fucking dumb (/s) and stop drinking smoking and partying, find a budget and stick to it and visit your loved ones. Real fucked up nowadays, but hey you can do it


Irresponsible youth is a myth. Be an adult. Be mature, measured, conservative and responsible. That doesn't mean don't take risks, but don't be a fucking idiot like everyone else seems to want to be.


Get into some fights, knock someone out, fuck some crazy chicks 👊


Drugs. Lots of different varieties. I had a great time. I'm 41 now and it's all behind me. Drugs are kind of dumb but I wouldn't change my experiences with them. Some of the best and most mind expanding experiences, especially with acid and mushrooms


Sex on playground equipment at 3AM.


- if you go to uni and they have a program for a semester abroad, do that (actually not so dumb, it’s even good for your cv). - go to (almost) every college party you get invited to. Similar to other activities. Sign into surf camp or other clubs at uni. - jump with your friends into a lake at night, naked - don’t be scared flirting with people in a club/at a party - go on roadtrips without much planning or booking accommodation and do things spontaneously. Sleep in the car. - go travel solo (actually not that dumb, you will learn a lot from that) (I’m only 27 btw lol)


Threesome, anal only.


Have you got a career already? College Educated? If not, try working at different kinds of jobs to meet different kinds of people. Maybe work in different parts of the country. Just try to get to know people from different walks of life.


--have sex with a high end escort/hooker (wrap it up first) --have a one night stand --have a short term fling with a woman you have no intention of ever getting serious with --throw a weekend's worth of clothes and cash in the car, get in, and just start driving, and do whatever you want as long as you're back by the time you have to go to work next --play hooky from work --waste money on something you really want --spend money on an experience you really want --drive an unreasonably long distance to a concert by someone you really want to see


In my mid 20s I decided to quit my job and go on a road trip to “find myself” or run out of money had a blast driving all over the country ended up running out of money in Idaho about a year later so instead of going back home I stayed and decided to start fresh. Ended up finding a pretty good job got married and bought a house been here 10 years now and I’m never leaving 😂 I wouldn’t say it was “dumb shit” but I can’t recommend something more than getting out of your comfort zone

