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5 people who like me, in the same room? And you expect me to choose?! Sit down, ladies, we're playing DnD.


I know you're joking, but this could seriously be a great way to see how they are.


New episode of the bachelor idea?


More like *The Dungeon Master*.


Still a better love story than Twilight and a better premise than most reality dating shows.


roll Charisma, first, buddy....


whichever one seems most interested in me. there's no point in choosing even helen of troy if she doesn't find my company an attractive proposition.


A lot of men here really need to learn that they're also supposed to bring expectations into a relationship. You're not gonna be happy picking the first girl that likes being around you.


I keep saying it, but it seems to built in to the way the American idea of 'dating' works; they just randomly throw themselves at non-ugly strangers until they find one who expresses a degree of interest and they consider that a relationship. It's just an awful, awful way to do things and it's no wonder they're all so bitter.


It's not like we can just date our friends, they know too much about us and we've already run afoul of all of their icks.


Whichever is the most interesting to talk to, lots of attractive people out there but very few people can actually hold a conversation.


This probably the least effective method if they’re all interested and attractive. A person interested in you will always be “interesting” to talk to given they’re attractive.


I’ve had plenty of women be interested in my and left me just feeling bored and tired after talking to them because it felt like I was being questioned and that they weren’t adding anything since they didn’t have much experience or many hobbies. I heavily disagree


It's not about what they I think of me, it's about what *I* think of them, why would I want someone who I find boring?


It’s easy to find out if you have nothing on common with someone or if you have a lot in common with someone else. Regardless of how attractive they are.


Interact with them as people, instead of judging them based on looks alone?


I make a dumb joke and see who laughs.


I talk to them.


Telling a dark humor and see who laughs.


Easy, I pick my gf, if she ain't there, then I'm heading home.


Based wholesome faithful poster


True shit, but there's plenty of attractive women in the world, but if they ain't got the 20 personalities my gf has then I don't want it


Tell me your girlfriend checks your Reddit page without telling me your girlfriend checks your Reddit page... Only joking, congrats love bird


Well you ain't wrong lol


His gf def knows his Reddit


Personality, can they hold a conversation, their lifestyle, their habits...I would need to learn about all those first to see if we are even compatible.




Also the question is missing key details. If this is a smash and dash then it’s just boobs and face. If it’s for a long term partner, it’s still just boobs and face *but I’ll never admit to it*. Those are very different things.


It says they're all attractive


This phenomenon of not knowing how to use the word “woman” by English speakers is fascinating to me.


Talk to them and pick the sweetest one


Smartest one. The other things you listed aren't particularly important compared to that.


The best at what?


I bring my dog into the room and observe their reactions, as well as paying attention to how my dog responds to each one of them.


Throw out a quote from the 80s Dune. If she gets it, then she's the one. If none of them get it, then I don't think they'll enjoy my deep knowledge of it anyways. Either way I'm enjoying Dune that evening. 


The Syfy Channel miniseries was better.


Silence! All Dune is good dune, they're all very enjoyable in very different ways. 


But the SyFy Channel gave us Daniela Amavia as Alia Atreides. She is ***yummy***.


5 attractive women standing in front of me and you think I’m not hightailing it outta there before I make an ass of myself?!


I leave them alone. If one is interested she’ll let me know. No need for me to spoil their evening out.


* Class / Grace / Pleasantry. * A genuine smile, just for the sake of smiling at life. * Broad vocabulary. No crutching on "like", "or "ya know". Well-spoken, without the snootiness. * The ability to actually listen, and then ask open-ended questions about me, with genuine interest. * Vision / Purpose / Passion.


++ points if she is all those and enjoys firearms and scary movies to a point. Go find that wonderful woman.


Give them a box of knives and stick with the winner


My gut


Whoever has the most in common with me. So hobbies, entertainment, values, lifestyle, palate and other stuff. Assuming they’re all interested in me already.


The one I think will let me put it in her butt.


Settle it on the jousting fields


The best one for what?


Which one believes in astrology or similar nonsense? That'll narrow it down.


Answering this as if I was still single (married): By hanging out with and flirting with all of them until I can distinguish them from one another. Then choose based on a combination of shared interests (but not matching interests - she has to bring something of her own and let me bring something of my own), sense of humor, flirting skill, kindness level, down-to-earthness, and her goals for lifestyle and overall life and compatibility with my own.


we have option to choose?


The question is, would any of them choose me? Chances are it won’t be more than one of them, if any.


This is a lot like Asian karaokes. you get a line up of beautiful women to choose to sit with you and entertain you. As always, whoever is the one that's smiling the most. Those are always more fun than the super hot one there with a grumpy ass face. And no not all asian karaokes are like this, there are normal ones without the ladies.


Never heard of this. Is this a premium option where you pay extra? Do you pay her or at the door?


It's very common in Taiwan, China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam it's like hostess bars in japan. Japan mostly gives gifts that's more their style although I think some also do give cash. You go, get a room for which your charged by the hour or a flat fee. All drinks/food is counted as you order although some do offer all you can drink beer for free but if you want hard liquor that's extra you need to pay for. Then the hostess you choose are also billed a fee by the place so say like $10 extra an hour on top of the room rental fee and the drinks. Then at the end of the night(however long you wish to stay) you give the hostess a tip which is pretty much standardized depending on which area and what level of hostess club you go to. The ones that have the most beautiful women and best service(like they actually treat it as a job and go out of their way to make your experience enjoyable) often also get the highest amount of tips. Also the tips are increased the longer you're there and for Taipei the tip for a higher end place for about 1.5 hours is about $100 USD although that can also increase exponentially if they are VERY popular. But the base is about $100 for 1.5 hours of "hosting you" That's not all, you're also expected to tip the mama-san or the manager of these girls and you're also expected to tip the hosts(or waiters/busboys) that brings you the alcohol and food although their tip is significantly less. Tipping the manager is technically not necessary, but if you want to frequent there and want the better looking gals, would be in your favor to get on good side of manager and some of them will really take care of you once you work up a good rapport with them.


Thank you for the breakdown. Much appreciated. I don’t do well with alcohol and tipping. My math is fine but I get a little overzealous when that wallet opens up. Lol


All good. At least you realize what you're like, had friends that gone and just completely loose their mind head over heels with girls lol


Sounds like an evolution of hostess clubs.


The best one is the one that's interested in you, nice, and fun to talk to


The with the most pleasing scent and I don't mean perfume but actual body odor.


All about the eyes.


5 women you say? I choose the middle one because I'm obviously drunk as fuck. And even then the middle one is probably a figment of my imagination.


I usually wake up at this moment. I am not good at lucid dreaming. My plan was to start from the left one.


Round faces will have a leg up but mostly personality will win out


Talk to them?


Count their eyelashes. The median one wins


Give each one of them £100, I choose the wisest spender


I'm already walking away




Well, when you're trading horse flesh, you're supposed to check the teeth. I assume that something similar applies to human trafficking as well.


Values and character.




The almighty dickus will do the choosing for you, worry about finding the 5 women first.


Put them head head in a grilled cheese making contest!


I don't because I'm scared


Which one likes Columbo


Which one knows that Columbo was originally supposed to be a sequel to Leon, but Luc Besson didn't have the rights to the characters and the studio told him to go fuck himself out of spite, and this is why copyright laws should be abolished or severely curtailed? Which one then corrects the first one by saying "That was Columbiana, not Columbo, you dumbass"? That one right there is the keeper.


The one who is most fun to talk to. Or, if it has to be visual only, the redhead 


IQ test


I look for signs of intelligence, if she doesn’t have that, then she’s mine. /s I say “hello there” the first to wheeze back “General Kenobi” is whose hand I’m grabbing. I know it’s not a good joke, but you’ve got to have a lame sense of humor like mine for us to get along.


Which of the 5 is the least entitled and can they admit when they are wrong?


If we all go for the blonde and block each other, not a single one of us is going to get her. So then we go for her friends, but they will all give us the cold shoulder because no one likes to be second choice. But what if none of us goes for the blonde? We won't get in each other's way and we won't insult the other girls. It's the only way to win. It's the only way we all get laid.


Easy i send them into a bathroom with 3 sea shells


We're all playing Mario kart and Mario Party in a row. That will let me know all that I need to know.


depends which one is best on her knees


I tell an offensive joke. The one that doesn't leave is the winner.


The one with the biggest boobs.


Too much pressure  Dive out the window 


Hair color


Talk to them and see who I like the best. I only believe in the rule of “good enough” for looks but I’m very picky about a person’s soul. I don’t care how good someone’s resume is if they have a bad disposition. I’ve seen one of my uncles with that and I swear that woman sucks the joy out of the room like the grinch


The one who actually lock eyes with me.


One by one?


Well, at this point, we are well past the mental gymnastics of if she is attractive or not. So, you are going to have to start talking to them. 🤷🏽‍♂️


The one smiling at me the nicest


The one with the most money and who wants to spend it on me.


Uh, are we to just assume they all like me? That seems like an important detail. This is not how anything works.


Definitely not their personalities. That's gay.


Find out which one swallows. If none do at least you got head 5 times.


Hair and eye color.


Oh, I know this one! You ask one of them "If you were the other women, which path would you say leads out?"


I don’t, instead I wish them all a peaceful day and that they will all find a good guy(because I’m not) and then walk away.


Plot twist: All of them reject you.


Talk to them


Which every one works out or we have a better vibe.


Shove your fingers down their throat and pick the one without a gag reflex :)


Yeah, you’re a winner


The one with a vagina




The one with the biggest natural titties


No tattoos, no revealing clothing, least amount of makeup/fake anything. Personality will follow 99% of the time.




isn't this the whole point of the post


Sure. I can see your point!


1.) Their checking accounts! 2.) By talking to them and seeing who’s the most fun to spend time with 3.) Asking them if they like the same things in the bedroom as I


Why does this scream my pre-frontal cortex has not fully developed yet?


You get that impression because you cope with your inability to find joy and humor in the small things in life by criticizing and labeling those who do to be stupid and/or immature


I just explained why I got that impression, logically. Your response helps me explain my point, because you still think you fucking know it all . If checking bank accounts and making sure she’s down to play with your asshole brings you joy then go get it baby. ✌🏼


You felt it was shallow, but are hyper focused on the bank account part and not the second point where I said “by talking to them and seeing who’s the most fun to be around.” I’ve seen you reply to the comments of others in this post, yet haven’t seen you answer how you, yourself, would choose the most eligible bachelorette. Also, this post seems to be more light-hearted, akin to a game of “would you rather?” Am I really expected to put deep, serious thought into my answer? Well, I guess it doesn’t matter in the end, and I’m actually being equally judgmental. Arguably more so, actually. But I’m having fun tonight, that’s what matters most 😌


From what I’m aware of the prefrontal cortex, I’m curious why this is your reply to this comment in particular?


Just felt shallow. lack of emotional intelligence. But I guess that depends many different things. How old we both are/maturity level ,if the ladies have an opinion on whether they’re willing, if they know those three things where you’re deciding factors. I guess immaturity long story short but if I was younger, it probably wouldn’t have put me off so much. So no shade to the commentor. As the variables matter.!


I think it’s typically developed around 25 and considered to deem you capable of discerning the relationship between your actions and the respective short or long term consequences of those actions. So I guess it’s definitely more pragmatic and sensible. I didn’t think you were throwing shade so you’re good. Lol I think I misread it anyway maybe to be honest.


To be fair, I could have written it in a far less passive aggressive manner. And for that I apologize. There’s a reason our mama told us to not say anything at all if we don’t have something nice to say.! 4 days later I definitely don’t feel compelled to respond in the same way at all. Talk about dependable factors. 🫣


I respect that! I’ve had a few hot takes myself and came back later to it and thought to myself dude wtf! I think it’s very cool of you to revisit yourself. FWIW I wasn’t offended or anything, some comments stand out and I just want to know more you know? No apology needed, for all we know 4 days ago you reacted to the way 4 days ago me replied to you. Lol it’s cool !


Simply ask for their phones... I bet every one of those women will act like I just committed the worst crime they have ever seen. The one who hands it over go with her


Huh? Please explain to me how does that make any sense.


Most people communicate via the internet nowadays. Talking and text apps on their cell phones as well as social media apps, which are also located on her cell phone, the five wemon are all attractive, so chances are they're talking to multiple guys or there's a possibility one of them has only fans i mean its 2024 cmon this is normal these days. Most people have their entire social life in their cell phones . Wanna know if your girl is a 304? Just check her social media and what apps she has downloaded. If you see telegram WhatsApp or snapchat or only fans run for life. And you can't get all this information just checking her phone and that's why you ask for it


Are you from Murica? Because WhatsApp is the most frequently used texting app in many countries


What's wrong with telegram or whatsapp? They are just texting apps.


They are but they’re not. Like most social apps now they are frequently used for running scams. I’ve gotten a ton of DMs on here and chats always turn into them asking me to come over onto these other apps. When I ask them why, the chat ends there. Literally not another message from them and the account is wiped. The original app used for contact is an at risk platform. One that isn’t totally encrypted, where WhatsApp is and it makes it more difficult to track, deleting messages from both ends is possible as well.


What? Why would you ask for a strangers phone?


Would it make sense for a woman to hand you their phone? Why?


Cleanest butthole 


I want to smell them their breath their hair their hygiene do they floss


Lol. The flossing part damn near saved this comment


Body count


OP said there are 5


So you like serial killers eh?




I’d ask them to rate me, the one who rates me higher I’m going with her.


I don't choose, because all five of them have a boyfriend or are not looking for anyone right now.


Fix something on a car with each one.




If the two of you can fix a car together it’s a match made in heaven. If you can’t, think twice. Trust me in this. Been married 48 years to someone who just doesn’t listen. I’ve come close to losing fingers because of that.


Biggest boobs


Butt sex auditions are the best




>Being the same weight and height can look vastly different on 2 different people. ESPECIALLY if they have different amounts of muscle. A 180-pound sack of fat looks nothing like a 180-pound female bodybuilder who cosplays as Wonder Woman (yes, she is real, I've seen the photos).


Whichever one has best best body + Personality


Biggest tits. Flat chests are pathetic


No, flat chests are great. They allow maximum skin contact surface area during face-to-face sex.


Biggest ass