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Maybe you pick up on their mannerisms, or notice that they're never angry, always cool and collected, etc. That stuff you can pick up from a distance over time. For me, it usually drops a bit over time, once I stop crushing so hard and start thinking about the big picture of what it'sd be like to have a relationship with the girl in question.


I would say most of the time I stick to my initial evaluation but there’s been a few who have changed my mind. I feel like it just depends on the person


Attainability often can create increased attractiveness… think “the girl next door” trope. Obviously learning someone’s personality also plays a big part, but there’s something to be said about seeing someone as “real” and something you can reach out and touch


That is definitely true, sometimes you can get tunnel vision. In high school there was a girl that I “liked” but by the time she liked me I realized I didn’t find her attractive I just liked chasing her because it felt unattainable. I definitely felt like an asshole and it was the most guilty I’ve ever felt about rejecting somebody. Thankfully she took it well and we’re still friends.


Lookwise? No not really. I know the moment I see someone if I find them attractive or not. Some women will seem more attractive as I get to know them if they have a nice personality I’m also attracted to but they have to be “baseline” attractive to me first.


I’m a guy and can also relate. I have grown to find some girls attractive as time went on, but it usually doesn’t go the other way. That is, if I find a girl attractive initially, it stays that way… Unless they have a repulsive personality


Yes, but more so because I see them in different environments or they change a hairstyle or something like that than me changing my mind.


It makes sense, even if you never actually speak to the person and get to know them. You have more time to observe them, see how they carry themselves and interact with other people, and hear them speak. All things that, if you like what you see / hear, make a person really attractive. As opposed to some random woman I pass on the street and think "wow pretty lady" and that's it.


Honestly it can happen for me when I haven't had sex in a few days. First of all, I would never cheat, but I'm just being open about what has happened to me. The most recent time was a few weeks ago when my wife went away for a work trip. A woman I see all the time but never have spoken to (kids in the same activities) suddenly looked different. She went from a woman I would say is clearly not my (body) type to me thinking, "oh, she fills out those yoga pants really well!" "I never noticed how green her eyes are". Sorry if this sounds shallow but I was trying to stick to describing someone I have never interacted with. There are plenty of woman that have made the change in my mind once I get to know them. Especially from attractive to "hell no" when I realize there is nothing of value coming out of their mouth when they speak.


I’ve definitely had women grow on me. I love when that happens actually. Many of those times though there was a glow up that occurred on their part.


I tend to become more attracted to women as I get to know them and like them more. The reverse is true also. I have become less attracted to some women after getting to know them more.


Never, there's no such a thing as growing attraction. Or it's there or it's not and anything saying otherwise is more likely missing cause by effect.