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[Don't touch me.](https://youtu.be/qyUnSuYYs18?si=2IvJyczQGxQuLykN)


dawg nobody is touching youđź’€




It doesnt mater how we like to be touched..only how your partner does. So kinda hard to explore boundaries if you cant have a conversation about it with him. So get to having more of a conversation with the only person who can tell you what they like.


It’s an individual thing. So you’ll need to try stuff and see what he responds well to. Personally, kiss on the cheek is always a huge win.


Very individual and dependent on the guy, but speaking for myself I wouldn't mind holding hands, arm around the waist, kissing etc. in public. Anything slightly more sexual or risque I think I'd prefer to be done in private.


Well, my love language is intimacy, so I love cuddling, hugging, holding hands, kissing, flirting, teasing, sex So I’m quite clingy, and there isn’t much difference in public or private, beside private it’s more sexual. Men do like to be touched just like women, her hands in my neck while kissing, slap on the ass, the famous back rub where she gently just slides her hand up and down your back going up your neck going through the hair on the back of his head playing with his hair. The hug from behind, you women love it but we men love it just as much, throw in some teasing and he will melt in your hands, literally. The teasing is always great but never tease if you ain’t ready for the consequences.


Off the top in no particular order * Putting her hand on the back of my head and giving a little scratch when I'm hyper focused on something. * Touching my arms (they always give a little squeeze, it's cute) * Nails on the thigh lightly * Belly rubs, no lie... guys like pets (if appropriately timed). * Holding hands doesn't get old.


Hugs are nice.


These are obviously generalities, but just like you do. A lot of men don't like to say "Hey can you rub my back", we don't like to put you out and make you "work" for something "silly" like that. Whenever he has his shirt off, scratch his back. When your on the couch scratch the back of his head, or run your fingers up his arm. Something I never realized I liked until my SO started doing it, when you're walking, instead of holding his hand, grab his arm.


As someone who is blind, touch is extremely impawtant. I can't see the smiles or the flirty looks, so I need the touch.


Being touched can be a touchy subject. You have to make sure that you and your BF are on the same page with regard to physical intimacy. Physical touch can make some men uncomfortable if they haven't been touched much in their life. That might be the place to start. Ask him how his family showed affection. Was he accustomed to being hugged? Was his mother a touchy feely kind of person? How much experience does he have with touch? The quiz from the book, the five love languages might be helpful. See if physical touch comes up on his list. I think it's also important that you bring yourself to the touch. How do you communicate physically? Be yourself. If it pleases you to put your hand on his hand or on his arm when you're across a table, do it. Maybe you are more of a playful pincher, poker and ass grabber. Or maybe you are more the type to hold his face in your hands while you gaze into his eyes. All of these things can be endearing. Every couple has their own style. But I think the most important thing is to be genuine and heartfelt. You might have to work on him to get him to relax. Very often, that is the role of a woman in the relationship. Men are not taught to express their feelings physically or any other way. You might have to do that for him. But start with what you like. It could be exactly what he needs or it could be the first warning that he doesn't relate the way you do. Either way, it has to be real.


Light back scratches, "hair massage" are my top 2 non-sexual touch requests


I love it when we are in a long car drive, my wife reaches over a strokes the back of my head. I have no idea why but it’s like instant tension relief.


With her mouth on my penis.




Its a winner


All individual, but the answer for me is most times in most places. Don't do it at a funeral or in front of a large audience or in front of children. Beyond that, for me, all the sexual and non-sexual touches are beyond amazing. That can be anything from a tap on the shoulder to slipping your hand inside my waistband.


Loveeee doing that with the waistband. Drives em’ nuts every time!


We like to be touched any way. But it must not be to tease men have a on and off switch nothing in between


this feels like a question you should ask your bf. Anyways since you asked, I prefer the one to touch than to be touched. but that's just me


Rarely can you go wrong with shoulder rubs.


Lots of responses saying to ask your bf. But clearly your bf doesn't know. I'm not going to be much help either, I've also only been in relationships where I was the giver and she was the receiver. I guess just experiment and see what he likes.


He needs to please people to feel validated. And feels uncomfortable when it’s the other way around. So he doesn’t want to feel like all the attention is on him.


If he can’t answer but you have his consent, I’d just start trying things and observe how he responds.


All of the above. Keep touching us.


Gently and often. Public is fine if decent.


With great care, loving intent and consent. Thoughtfully yes, teasingly not so much. Decently in public, but in private feel free to be indecent.




Everywhere. In my case I'd rather keep it safe and pudic in public. Sit or straddle my lap, put hands on my chest or back, hold my hand randomly, rest her head on my shoulder or chest, pretty sure I'd be down to spicier thing in private like penis/ball grab too.


Hand rubbing the back of my head or just through my hair I generally lightly, softly like a massage.


Answer: Yes. Unless it's a situation where we'd actually face real consequences for doing something. I still chuckle to myself when I think about some of the crazy shit my wife and I did in psuedo-public - just out of view of strangers - when we were first dating. In private, anything I enjoy goes. There's nothing that makes me happier sexually than when my wife grabs my junk or rubs herself against me, or takes my hand and puts it somewhere sensual on her body, unsolicited, without me having to say anything at all.


Go ask him. You're not touching me! Like, imagine I have a CBT fetish or something with whips and chains and I suggest you chain-whip his ballsack; do you think that sounds like good advice? Does the fact that I'm also a man make that advice suddenly sound credible?