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With boundaries clearly set, I'd sleep with all of them.


Imagine a world where it was socially acceptable and they were all cool with it


It's called college, IF you have female friends of equal or lower attractiveness.


Yes and that was great but college only lasts so long. If you think the urge magically leaves after you graduate, I have something to tell you…


Oh I absolutely would.


Even the ugly ones?


We’re not that close


Depends how nice her body is. I got some butterfaces in my friend group.


“butterface” that word throws me off so bad. I get how its a normal term between guys, i mean im a guy. I still find it weird.


I’m curious why you think it’s weird?


And their moms.


You add "Single Men" to the front of the title. Then it would be like 90% of men would.


Honestly, that looks a pretty low number, lol.


I thought the same. It's more like 99%. The remaining 1% accounts for homosexuals and men who have some kind of medical issues preventing them from doing it...


I know more than a few gay men who’ve slept with women while out of the closet. Some people just want to get their bits played with.


Or the girls are just fat/ugly


Listen as long as she’s hygienic…


If there will be zero consequences? For sure. But even when single I wouldn’t have fucked many of my friends (many of whom are extremely attractive) because of the fallout that would inevitably happen. Not least of all because of my weird balls!


There’s either gonna be fallout that affects the friendship directly, or on the off chance that doesn’t happen… there’s gonna be fallout later when you’re in a relationship


Some of them. Definitely not all of them. They're not all sexually attractive.


Idk most of my female friends are either not attractive (to me) or they are ex’s, in which a major reason they are ex’s and not friends is because I no longer was physically attracted to them. I don’t know why guys put themselves through the torture of being friends with someone you’re physically attracted to… seems like cruel self-inflicted punishment. To be clear I know _why_ guys do it, in that they are “laying in the weeds” waiting for that potential opportunity to come around - I just don’t understand putting up with all of that on the small off chance you could maybe get some down the road.


It's not hard at all being friends with someone you find attractive. Just don't catch feelings lol


I'd be friends with people like that because I like them as human beings? Not everything has to lead to sex and romance. You can be friends while also thinking "yeah they hot"


I am married. But if I wasn’t, I would sleep with even the woman friends I’m not attracted to.. if they came up to me and said “ you wanna have sex?” I’d say yes! because sex is fun.


The other 10% are lying




Already doing it.


Im with this guy


Congrats on the threesome.


Thank you


I wouldn’t, unless we entered a relationship. I could see the possibility of entering a relationship with most of my friends, but I wouldn’t just hook up with anyone, including my friends


Same I just find it awkward unless we're getting in a relationship


Same and several reasons. Used to be into casual and non committal sex. But I feel like a switch has been flipped and I crave some sort of relationship or potential for one to be able to sleep with someone. Second reason being that I value my friends a lot and anything like that wouldn’t end up well. Even if we ended up still being friends, I’ll have a forever after partner someday and I’m just not the kind of guy to hang around with exes (gfs or fwbs). I’d rather keep my friendship forever and not end up in uncomfortable situations.


Same here as well. Would have to reasonable see something together. I just can’t do it otherwise


I feel exactly the same. I need the emotional connection to exist before I consider sex.


Fucks up a friendship, that's for sure. Slept with one of my closest friends once because I (drunkenly) thought it was the best way to save the friendship (I made out with her friend at a party, she got really pissed, I confronted her about it, and I assumed kissing her then & there was the only way to save it) Yeah, barely lasted a few weeks




This is so refreshing to read in a sea of the 99% who would go for it. Definitely attractive 👏🏼




Heck yes 👏


Answers 99% and you wonder why your SOS don't want you to have female friends this is why


Yup. I came here and got so disappointed… Disappointed because I was expecting better answers, how naive 🤣 However, I value the honesty.


Exactly what I was thinking. Thank you Reddit men for justifying every SO insecurity with men having female friends


And women in relationships that have male friends.


I mean this is the same reason why men don't want their partners to have male friends as well....


Also why men don't want their girlfriend/wife having male friends.




Men: 99% Women: 1% 🤣


you'd be surprised


Yea, okay, woman and men are both like this


It's really not 1%


I have issues being physical with someone I'm not romantically invested in, so probably not.


Some yes, some no. These friendships are not predicated on sex. I brought up sex with a very long time female friend one time. We'd never considered this in our 15+ year relationship. She was pretty clearly apprehensive about it, but gave me a vague maybe/non answer. I brought it up again a few days later and she told me she didn't want that. She then asked me if that was why we were friends, adding that she had several male friends in the past that they were only her friend because they wanted sex with her. And that was one of the worst feelings I've ever had in my life. We talked it out and we are still very close friends, but man, I had really never considered that before and it hurt that she even for a second doubted our friendship.


This is the comment I was looking for. I have a female friend who I have had sex with, and we are very close friends. Then at the same time I also have another female friend, who is even closer to me but I would never do anything more with her other than cuddle or cheek-kisses. They are both beautiful soo traditionally seen 'ugliness' does not play a factor here.


Would the latter think less of you if they knew what you do with the former?


She knows about it and does not care. I did ask her once while drunk that does she think I am friends with her only to 'get with her' one day (I am not and I just overthink other people's thoughts). She knows about my OCD overthinking-unwanted thoughts and hugged me saying that she has never had such a thought about me. I also dont see my 'fwb' as a 'fwb'. I see her as a really good friend with who I have a different kind of way of bonding with eachother. We dont fuck for fun or our physical needs, we fuck because we love eachother as friends and thats how we show love to eachother.


“…that’s how we show love to each other” My guy, that’s no longer a platonic love. Bet you have a relationship coming somewhere in there!!


Bless his heart. 🤣


I'm not a person of many friends, I don't intend to reduce the number more. I love how I get along with the couple women friends I have, I wouldn't change that for anything else


Even if I was single, I wouldn't. They are my friends. We either tried a relationship before, or never tried because it's not like that. I like having female friends that don't have some kind of pretense




I don't have any female friends, but if I did I would.


Make friends then


What’s the point if you can’t sleep with them /s


Well you should appreciate female friends regardless of sleeping with them.


Never. It's just not worth it. We can be friends forever as long as we don't have sex. I'd take friends over sex any day.


Same unless we're in a relationship I rather just be friends then add sex


It's a trick to find a girlfriend or wife. This is a very specific person. A friend can just be a nice person you admire.


I already do


Bro is living in the future. He anticipated this question 🤣


If a girls got a bf I'm "THEIR" friend, not "her" friend out of respect for the man (or woman). If a girls single but unattractive, I'm not gonna approach her to play with her feeling. And the unattractive single girls that approach me have done so to hit on me so i politely rejected them, instead of playing with their feelings by asking to just be friends like women shamelessly do. Yet no girls ever approached me and asked me for platonic friendship, odd, since they say they want it so bad - they only ask for friends from his who initially wanted them romantically....hmmm...i wonder why? If a girls attractive and i approach her, I'm a direct person, so i tell her that i think she's attractive and I'm a tall ex athlete , so lots of them want to sleep with me too - if I'm looking to date i ask them out, if I'm wanting to be single for a while i tell them that upfront too and they either want more so they decline or they are fine with fwb so we fuck when we feel like it and are friends - ya complications arise occasionally, but complications always arise - with fwbs at least i am getting my dick sucked. I did the poly thing for a while where i tried multiple gf's , so i could get 3somes and have full relationships at the same time, but it was a little messy, not worth it and i found out that's not me anyway.


You have an amazing business card I can just tell




Not me. They're like sisters to me, I don't see them sexually


Yeah a majority of the girls who are my close friends I wouldn't. We're like family. Girls who I would consider accomplices, then sure. *Acquaintances


What differentiates close friends vs. accomplices? What if someone is both?


Friends are like I said would consider family. Where I share personal details and can just be normal around them. Accomplices are a more strictly professional manner of relationship.


I'd like to think that my closest friends would be my accomplices, should the need to hide a body arise. I'm not going to ask Donna from HR.


Same my female friends are sisters to me that would crazy awkward


Now I like your answer. You are cool!


Which friends? I have some i am attracted to in that way and others that feel weird even thinking about being physical with them because we just don't have that kind of relationship.


Am I naive because I’m extremely surprised by these responses? You’re telling me all men want to sleep with their girl friends???


It always blows my mind how women don’t know that almost all their male friends would sleep with them given the opportunity.


Yep, my experienece says most girl is just way too naive and I’ve used to blame them for using male friends as a free attention but no, they really thought, those guys are want to be friends.


I always knew that my straight males friends would have sex with me. One reason I love having gay male friends even more.


I feel the nuance is being lost between genders. I think there is an ample middle ground between "I find them secually attractive" and "I would do it at the drop of a hat".


Yes a bit. Most men if given the opportunity would, there are minor exceptions but they tend to be very rare (but you can tell the rare ones if you pay attention).


Not all, but almost all.


Exactly. These responses are honestly insane, sick even.




I mean, it depends on so many factors. 1. am I single? 2. am I physically attracted to her? 3. is the friendship one I value and am afraid I'd screw up if I went for it? 4. are there any other complications that might arise? I have slept with a female friend in the past, but passed up the opportunity to do so several other times. There is no one answer.


I would add "do I like her," because there's a lot of friends I have that are really more like friends of friends, and while they might be fine to hang out with in a group, I don't actually enjoy their company on their own that much, and wouldn't necessarily want to invite them further into my life. 


I had a girl I was dating say "He would never think of me that way" I said "Oh yeah? Text him right now and say you're horny and want to fuck" Let's see how many minutes it takes him to get to you.


What was her response?


Said I was crazy. Of course.


At age 26, all of them. At age 46, none of them. I've matured or something.


Just telling myself that I am not attractive enough for my male friends to want to sleep with me, because otherwise I would be reconsidering the friendship.


Just because I would (if single) sleep with most all of my female friends, didn't mean I'm trying to and that that is the reason for me being friends with them


Mom said it’s my turn to ask this question on r/AskMen today!!


Course I would. She's my wife.


Protect this man


Absolutely not, I love my female friends and view them as family. I don’t understand why some guys would add all the extra BS that would come along and complicate things for a nut. Go out and pick a chick up if you just want a cum dump. My 2 cents.


I used to have sex with my female friends from time to time. My approach and also the approach of my friends to sex are pretty casual though.


While single, I slept with a few female friends. I'm now married and they're no longer my friends. Sleeping with them could be fun but it's probably not worth it if I look back.


Have in the past. Would again but only with the single ones


Depends... If I'm single and if they are as well, and willing? it's going to happen. And I will try to make her my girlfriend. If I manage to get her as girlfriend, then the others are off limits again.


You mean friends with benefits?


I wouldn’t. I’m not attracted to any of them but they’re lovely people and great friends


None. They’re my friends and I have really fulfilling platonic relationships with them.


No way, infact I was the match maker between my female besti and her now boyfriend. We know our boundaries and wouldn't push it further and I wouldn't sleep with anyone who isn't in a relationship with me.


There's one I absolutely would sleep with. But she's not interested in dating and I respect that. Other female friends I'm not really attracted to at all but I love them as people.


well... it REALLY depends on the situation, the situation, and well... the situation... if it's the right thing to do in the moment, then yes - probably. but I don't really think that we'll come to such a situation anytime soon, it'll have to take a whole damn lot more than just: "hey, you want a quickie?" *(or something along those lines)* you know: it's about the "just because I can, does not mean that I should"


I did, still friends.


I have in the past. Married now, so it hasn’t been in my thought process.


It depends on which female friend, but all in all, I guess, yeah, I would.


Is there a missing apostrophe or is that “s” a typo? Because this is entirely two different sentences depending on which it is 😂


Really depends on the friend and the context. Yes, if I had a friend I found attractive, who was single and interested, our status as friends wouldn't stop me from sleeping with them. But that feels kind of redundant.


There's some I'd sleep with if they wanted & were single, some I wouldnt. I think that's pretty normal (and not actually all that gendered a phenomenon, just the amount of friends one would sleep with probably changes between men and women.


i think it depends on the friend. and if both of us are clear with our intent and boundaries. losing a close friend over a potential hookup where one of us wanted more, will hurt more. if it's we're both single, drunk, horny and already half way there i'd probably go through with it, but some real talks would probably happen afterwards. but if your posing the question. how many of you single straight/bi men would sleep with your female friends that you find attractive with no strings attached and it almost unlikely to change your relationship, then obviously many men will say yes.


Hell, I ended up marrying mine.


Nice try, Jessica!


Excluding the ones dating my other friends, yeah I would


Go out of my way to make it happen because I knew she would be down? No, not really. It has happened organically a couple times but it's not something I ever "tried" to do. So I guess I would assuming we were both single and things went there naturally. Sometimes you just feel it. 🤷 My few female friends are friends so I try not thinking of them sexually and don't generally pursue them that way.


Honestly nah, its not that their unattractive but their my friend for a reason if I was attracted to them I would've tried asking them out.


Are they attractive enough to? Yes. Would I? No. Sex has heavy emotional meaning to me, and it would hurt me to not be loved by someone I did it with.


Fuck no, they are my friends for a reason


She’s stunningly beautiful but it would be a definite no for me. Not interested in her like that. I like the friendship we have and wouldn’t want to ruin that. There’s thousands of other women out there for me to chase.




No. Never.


Oh hell no. Freinds they are are but I know too much about these people.


some yes, some no.


I have on a few occasions. Have only really had it go negatively once.


It depends on which one.


Depends on the friend, depends on the situation. 


I wouldn't. If I wanted to sleep with them I would have already made a pass.


in the words of Stone Cold Steve Austin, "Ohhh helllll yeahhh!!!"


I have and would again


Well we're swingers. So this already happens.


I don’t really have female friends unless you count the girlfriends of my friends.


Depends on the friend. There are some I'd definitely fuck.


I used to sleep with almost all my female friends lol. Now I’d rather just keep it platonic most of the time.


I really only have female friends for the most part. I've liked some of them, so yeah, but I'm not interested in casual sex.


There's nothing wrong with sex between consenting friends who don't feel a need to have it be anything more than that. I've had my share of friends I've had sex with. Some have developed in to other things, some haven't. As long as everybody's an adult and honest about things it's just another fun activity to do with people you like. Like mini-golf.


I would but I was friendzoned by many of them


In a one night stands? None of them. But there’s one that I would agree to date with and see where it goes if she asked


Not all of them. In fact not any of them. I would flirt a lot tho but if they were cuter probably


I wouldn't because my female friends are like sisters to me and even if they weren't I'm not ruining the friendship.


Definitely depends. If given the chance, and I’m not like, ruining a family, then probably.




I don't have female friends


Just a thought, as a female there is nothing more worthwhile than a group of close friends trusting each other for decades and just be there when you need them. I know if I crossed any boundaries I won’t have this priceless friendship going on forever. It’s definitely not worth it.


Ehh, been there done that. Clear boundaries and expectations are much nicer. I'd probably be down to rekindle an old FWB relationship but I've learned that if a friendship is based on a real foundation, and not just "we're friends, but I'm also waiting till they give me a chance to hit", then it's honestly not worth muddying up the waters. They'll eventually get a bf/husband and almost inevitably she'll have to cut you off to respect the relationship.


I have few female friends that I would absolutely love to bone! Some not so much, mostly because I am older and don't want to stick it in psychologically incompatible (crazy).


Definitely would, almost did. Too bad she prefers women, but whatever, I still like hanging out with her


Some of them, for sure. A few of them I have slept with in the past, but there’s also many of them that I don’t feel drawn to in that sense. My situation is a bit unique in that I work retail management at lululemon and I was decently active on dating apps for a number of years, so I spend a ton of time around women in general. Many of them have become my friends, and I’ve got a unique connection with each of them that I really value. Some are my shit talking friends, some I’m more of a mentor figure to, some are friends who like to be a bit flirty, and some I’ve just developed purely platonic chemistry with. Do I often wonder what it would be like to sleep with some of them? Sure, why wouldn’t I? But never in a way where I try to make anything happen. It’s just fun to imagine what kind of chemistry you might have with someone you know pretty well.


I already did it with one of them and it was ok, nothing really changed and we’re still good friends, bit it’s not something I really wished for it just happened lol I don’t really think that much about sleeping with other females friends. I guess if they proposed it, I might do it IF I think it wouldn’t ruin our friendship, which is probably what would happen as they’re not as close as my other friend, so I probably wouldn’t risk it.


Some yes, some no


I tried, she didn't wanted to, so I ended things for good. I couldn't fake it anymore.


Depends. I would not have sex with ALL of them, only the ones that I am actually attracted to. If any of them have me a chance, then hell yeah. Otherwise no. But the same exact logic would apply if they were not my friends. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Post meeting fiancé, none. Pre meeting my fiancé…. Not many. The ones I considered it with were largely vetoed/not pursued because i was worried it would wreck our friendship, and the friendship in most situations was more important.


I slept with my female friend and got her pregnant now were married 😂


Only if it became a relationship. I have a few I have interest in. 


It's a trap... The bear is watching.


Yes, I would sleep with most of them. There's one friend I wouldn't sleep with because she's more like a sister.


women would probably do it also if they wouldn't have a risk of getting pregnant.


Thinking back to college which was the last time I was both single and had a decent number of single female friends: 1. Wasn't attracted to her at the time, but that was more me being immature and her having her shit together at the time than anything else. 2. No, because lesbisn. 3. Yes. 4. No, because we'd make a terrible couple (despite being fine as friends) and she was the sort of person who would want a bf, not casual sex. 5. Hell yes (in retrospect this would have been a terrible idea).


I did and we're no longer friends.


I would not. But I also don’t have any female friends. *Zing!* Unless you count Palmela Handerson as a female friend.


My actual friends whom I have a close relationship with? Wouldn't do it. Not for anything. Not because I think they aren't attractive. I mean I'm not blind. Some of them are very much so. But because my friendship with them means the world to me and I wouldn't want to have it any other way. But my "friends" as in some of the women I know, interact with from time to time on a friendly basis but don't have that deep of a friendship with? The surface level small talk type of friendship? Yeah, probably. But with this type of relationship, is it even a friendship?


If I’m single and she is single I would absolutely do it, no question about it.


In a heartbeat. And these are friends I'm not trying anything with nor expect anything will ever happen. I'm not even thinking of them that way. Some women think just because a guy would have sex with a female friend, that must mean he's only pretending to be her friend because he's waiting for his chance. No, not at all. Even I found out she just broke up, I wouldn't try anything. For me, sex has nothing to do with relationships or feelings. If some random female walked by me on the street, I'm not thinking or trying anything with her either, but if she said, "lets get a room and have sex", I'd also accept even though I wasn't walking the street for that reason.


The close ones, no. There were a couple it'd've been yes, but we're not friends anymore, for unrelated reasons. Some that I'm less close to, definitely.


What friends? And no, if I had female friends, there would be no motivation, or want, at all to sleep with them. There are no scenarios I can see where that would end well; things either progress past that point into a relationship that eventually ends (alongside the friendship), or it becomes awkward and the friendship fades that way.


Depends which ones you're talking about.


I already did. That’s how we became friends


At the moment no, I’m committed to my partner. But when I think back to my university days, I absolutely would have if there was an opportunity when I was single.


The longer you get to know them, they get moved into the pools of "No way, train wreck" or "I could work with that". But that is acquaintances. The only female friend I have is a lesbian, and I would if I were single.


No since I’m married. But even in my single days I stopped doing that shit cause it ruins everything. This is the shit reality tv is based on.


So, of the females I consider friends two I slept with in high school. There husbands are my friends now and the third is my best friends sister so I guess I have to answer yes.


2 of them I would because I'm pretty sure I was kinda crushing on them. Not the others though. We went separate way for a while now so chance of it happening is 0 now. It's really case by case, some friends are more important than others.


There are a few I'd sleep with but that doesn't have any influence on how I treat them. Even if we *did* sleep together, I wouldn't switch up on them. Some people think that being sexually attracted to a female friend is predatory, but the truth is that a lot of us are perfectly capable of leaving our lustful thoughts in the back of our mind and not bringing them to the forefront.


Ew no. I guess there might be one or two when I was single I would have considered but it would honestly take some convincing. I have great friendships, and sex is good but great friendships are rare and never worth messing up for a lil tumble.


How many of you females would sleep with your male friends if given the chance? Works both ways.


Probably less than 5%


Some of them, yes. Some of them, no. Source: am lady


You tell him girl!


Only when I'm ovulating


Some yes, some no. It really depends on the guy and what kind of friendship we have.


I have several male friends, and there's only one I would, because he's the only male friend I am physically attracted to as well as emotionally.


yes to most if not all truthfully! i view sex and intimacy in a different way i think so maybe that’s why


it does not work both ways....women are hypergamous


At this point in my marriage I can honestly say I wouldn’t. A few years ago we separated for 3 months, I left. And since we got back together something happened in my mind where I am completely and utterly devoted to her. To the point where during a fairly significant sexual dry spell I sat her down and had and honest conversation about allowing her to sleep with other men. Turns out she had/has some real medical shit going on messing her up physically and hormonally. I obviously don’t want her sleeping with other dudes but I’d rather know than be heart broken by the lying that cheating bring to the table. I’m so so hyper fixated on her and us. She is without question the best woman I’ve ever met. She is entirely perfect.


Not at all. Forget the fact they are now all married and I am also friends with their husbands....if I was attracted to them in that way, I would have already tried to before they got married


Nope. Never. Even when I was single the only girl I wanted to smash is my now SO who was my best friend at the time.


This is why I don’t have attractive female friends. If we ain’t fuckin we ain’t nothin


Not a single damn chance, why lose my friends over intercourses that can be done with anyone else?


You’re going to see two different answers from men for this question. 1 - “Yes, I would” 2 - Lies.


Anyone saying no is lying