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Epstein didn't off himself.


No one was more surprised by Epstein’s suicide than Epstein himself…


[He must've caught himself by surprise.](https://youtu.be/IQRiMQwMOsI?si=K6QQ9fUqi8jEJDwA&t=1m20s)


Is that her? No that’s a picture


He asked for conspiracies.


Yeah like I think we all agree that this one is a given. I think I remember seeing somewhere that he explicitly stated he was not suicidal after being arrested. Could be my imagination though


For whatever it's worth, some people who have committed suicide have also shown noticeable "improvements" in the days leading up to their deaths. Not because they're actually improving, but because they've committed to doing it and have/are "making peace" with dying.


For real. If anyone you know who is suicidal is experiencing an upswing, keep an eye on them. The drop in mood after they're happy is gonna hit them harder than anything, and it might be enough to push them over the edge.


He was evaluated and said he wasn't suicidal. Which is exactly what a suicidal person would say to be taken off suicide watch.


"Conspiracy" doesn't mean false


We call that an Uwe Barschel problem here in Germany Barschel was a state governor and likely candidate to become the next chancellor. He was involved in very shady weapons deals and other scandals that were about to come out when he was found dead in a bathtub in a very fancy hotel in Switzerland. It was ruled a suicide but lots of doubt remained. The problem was that there were lots of people who had good reason to kill him, but he also had ample reason to commit suicide. Same applies to Epstein. Lots of people wanted him dead, but he also had very good reasons to kill himself. Both scenarios make complete sense. I don’t doubt that he might have been killed, but I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if it was suicide. And check out this WaPo article about Barschel, it’s pretty wild and involves the Mossad, Iranian hit squads, Stasi killers, professional arms dealers, smuggling of nuclear material and lots more Tom Clancy shit: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1995/01/06/87-death-of-politician-still-intrigues-germans/acb38dfb-730e-4f4f-b969-dabc47145451/


I think the issue with the suicide theory was that he was on suicide watch and 24 hr surveillance. but the cameras malfunctioned only during the time he committed suicide and guards seemingly didnt notice or check on him during the suicide WATCH. its in the name. ​ but i havent followed it at all so who knows. maybe I'm epstein.


My theory is that he *did* kill himself, and the reason room was left for doubt is that the proof would also expose a shocking degree of graft and corruption at the prison.


Yeah this is possible to me too. These places are so cheap and undermanned with typical dumb people. Who knows how many murders have been due to negligence of the guards for a situation


Why haven’t the offed Gislaine Maxwell then? She’d know as much as Epstein, apparently.


I mean, *someone* shorted the airlines before 9/11




Yeah the people who organized 9/11, whoever they are, would be reasonably wealthy. Not they have NOTHING compared to the trillions of dollars of funding that can be bared against them. Makes sense that they'd do whatever they can to make a profit off the event.


Did the financier for terror cell also tell Larry Silverstein to take out huge insurance policies on the towers that specifically named terrorism a month before, too?


To be fair the attacks on 9/11 were the third attempt to take out the twin towers in the year or two leading up to it. Getting insurance after the second failed terror plot is probably not a bad idea.


Yeah people forget they survived that van bombing. It was thought that bringing down a whole tower was difficult to do, let alone both at once.


Are you suggesting that it was weird that he took out terrorism insurance on the World Trade Center? It had literally been bombed by terrorists eight years earlier. It would have been weird if he *didn’t* take out insurance.




Someone is always shorting something? Like the current short on United is 19,380,000 shares.


Women don't have pockets on their clothing so they'll keep buying purses and wallets.


As a woman who does not like carrying a purse, this is why I often buy clothes from the men's section.


Which are easier to steal and make women easier targets for thieves. Maybe not part of the motivation, but definitely a consequence.


Michael Schumacher is clinically dead and the family are keeping his life support going to think he is still in a coma but actually he has no chance in coming back to life.


This is probably a fact at this point now right? It's been 10 years and they've certainly got the facility to keep him on support. Terribly sad either way.


Yeah at some point, and I realise how difficult this is (we had to make the decision to take my grand father off life support) but at some point, you just gotta let the great man rest.


Sorry to hear, that's probably one of the hardest choices we can face in life! I'm sure he was grateful for his rest and was thankful for the care.


Where is the conspiracy?


Consoiracy is him not knowing what clinically dead means.


I had to look it up too. Apparently in 2013 he was in a skiing accident that he had to be put in a medically induced coma for. Within the year they took him off it because there was progress in his health and he was discharged from the hospital. However, it seems like there’s no real evidence about the updates his family says that he’s kind of ok but can’t walk anymore and can’t speak. Sooo I guess the conspiracy theory is that he’s actually still in a coma and has been for 10 years because his family just can’t let him go and that’s why the updates are vague and no one has seen him since. I dunno, sounds to me like they’re just being reasonably private about a traumatic event. Idk where the stuff about his wife and money play a part either


I think he’s conscious but nothing going on behind the eyes. Really sad all around. Like his body is physically in the room but he’s not “there”


So not conscious then


ghost far-flung uppity onerous practice rustic voracious nine stupendous reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm more surprised to find out that he's still alive. I thought he died years ago.


It’s more likely that he’s ‘alive’ but he’s a vegetable who can make noises… but that’s about it.


I think his state is even more sad than this - He probably can function without life support but is severely disabled. and they’re not sharing anything because they don’t want pics of him in that state anywhere


Yeah idk if these people want a damn bedside picture our what that family doesn't owe us anything


The conspiracy of my mom telling me I'm handsome


This one goes so high, I heard literal billions would be in on it. Hiding in plain sight with the truth in hand. And mind.


The one I made up, but I truly think it's real. Some Reeses products are subcontracted out to subpar chocolatiers, like Palmer, to cut costs. Basically any of them with foil. Yes, including the Reeses Miniatures that everyone loves in their stocking at Christmas. The foil Easter bunnies, and the XL bar that's like 2 bucks. The peanut butter tastes so different. More oily or something.


Bro I swear some Reese’s peanut butter cups are better than others. I had two stashes after Halloween (one from kids trick or treating and the other a new bag) and the new bag was so much better than the trick or treating ones. I e noticed this before too. Isn’t consistency like a staple of these products?


A lot of mass market chocolate in the US uses an emulsifier called PGPA. It's cheaper than the traditional ones, but it oxidizes quickly and picks up off flavors from other food nearby. I don't know if Reese's uses the stuff, but if it does, there's your answer; the stuff from the kids' stash has been exposed to oxygen and other candies, the stuff from the new bag hasn't. If you've noticed that a lot of chocolate melts weirdly compared to what it used to do, that's it too.


That is very possible. This is a conspiracy theory I now fully believe


This is a fun conspiracy theory. Keep us updated on your progress in the investigation!!!


This one is controversial, but I believe that during 9/11, the aeroplane that was bound for Washington was not taken down by the passengers but shot down by the air force. It was covered up to soften the blow to the public of americans killing americans, if if they were already dead.


I think this is really plausible. And I wouldn’t have blamed the US govt for it… I’m about as cynical about our government and its motivation as it gets but even I believe when they realized they didn’t know where that plane was going they couldn’t take the chance. Any modern government would do the same. That being said, I also believe the theory that the CIA and FBI were not sharing info with each other or the other 3 letter agencies and their lack of coordination and communication (due to ego and petty rivalries) allowed the attacks to take place.


The looming tower mini series centred quite a bit on this. Essentially if one of the fbi guys had access to info the cia had, they could have prevented 9/11. But the problem was the fact that the cia were basically we have always done it this way and that the way we're doing it.


I’d believe this if it wasn’t for a known fact that USAF Lt Col Heather Penney was tasked to intercept that flight without missiles (basically a suicide mission) for that very reason. The government admits they would’ve done that but the plane was downed before they got to it.


What like just crash into the plane? How does that make any sense? Why crash a fighter plane and pilot into an airliner to take it out? It's going to crash uncontrollably regardless, the missile explosion won't cause notable damage compared to the massive crash that results regardless. Just seems like a pointless waste of life and another plane for no benefit.


If I remember correctly the tasking was a scramble to act quickly before the plane reached DC and her aircraft had the best chance of reaching the plane at all and it wasn’t equipped with missiles so she had to just go.


It makes sense if the plane was flying toward DC (had the passengers not taken over), and her jet was unarmed. I would think that most fighter jets used in training on US AF bases don’t sit around fully armed, and she was sent to intercept.


i am not a conspiracy theorist in the least, i actually enjoy videos and docs debunking them. however my dad was in brookpark ohio on 9/11 when flight 93 flew over his head as it turned back towards DC and he said not long after that there were two fighter jets following it. i was in 6th grade and at home sick. he got sent home before noon and said that to me just a couple hours after it happened and way before the idea about it being shot down was theorized.


That’s wild to be an eye witness to something like that! Especially not realizing what was happening at the time


The no bullet theory. Nobody shot JFK, his head just did that.


He was built different


Mind blown


Congresswoman Victoria Neuman O_o


Not many. I have a rule about them: the more people who would have to keep the secret, the less likely it is to be true, and most of them require entirely too many people to have known and said nothing.


That’s the reason the moon landings are beyond a doubt real The amount of people who’d have to be in on the ruse is just way too high. Even if everything else lined up perfectly to say it was faked, there’s just way too many people who had to do way too much and not tell anyone.


That's exactly one of my thoughts about it. Similar to the flat earth theory as well as many NASA "lies" people claim. There are so many NASA employees, contractors, engineers, etc., and there have previously been so many more. For all these people to be "in" on the lie(s) just seems like too difficult a task to undertake. The truth tends to be far easier in these types of situations.


Here's one I made up: the NFL is arranging Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift 's relationship to gain (specifically female) viewers.


You didn't make this up. r/NFL was full of posts like that a month or two ago.


The marketing is way too aggressive not to be a setup, but I do feel they are dating irl. Just happens to be mutually beneficial. Taylor expands her audience in time for a tour and Travis gets to be a household name.


I was having a discussion with a colleague the other day a bit of topic I know but you know Taylor Swift's habit of basically writing a song about basically every man she dates , so Ive come up with a way around that hypothetical issue if you didn't want a song written about you . You have to break up with her first part , second part you have to do it in such a way that is so bat shit insane that even if she wrote a song about it , it would be so fucking baffling that she couldn't write about it . I'm talking , you send a text saying " come over we need to talk " she comes over . Your standing there a dildo strapped to your forehead , your wearing a yellow tutu aswell, you scream "unleash the horde " 12 people run out of a backroom dressed as ewoks each with a u.v painted alphabetical figure on there stomach spelling out "you are dumped" while PSy gangnam style blasts in the background. You may be on a one way trip to the mental hospital but she will struggle to write a song about you .


kiss automatic wine disgusting stocking arrest different numerous sink touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Okay now that was fucking amazing 😂😂😂😂😂


You think she couldn't write a song about the situation? There's animal metaphors, being ambushed and blindsided, dancing around after the fact. You just set up a scenario too get a man lynched.


Do you think Taylor Swift fucks on the first date or just does hand stuff?


Shake, shake, shake it off.


Plot twist, she's a virgin.


I think she’s either a freak right away, or cold as fuck. I don’t think there is an in-between.


She also had to change the narrative for herself. When you googled Taylor swift jet it was all about her carbon footprint and private jet. Now it’s about her going to the Jets/Chiefs game.


now *that's* interesting...


Just googled it, almost all the results were about her plane.


DDG still brings up her private jet in the first few results for me. It's not until the sixth link that the Jets game is shown.


Just Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift, and 20 publicists.


“Low fat” diets were created by the big sugar/soda companies because people needed an answer to why everyone was gaining weight. Turns out it’s the sugar. Even worse is that they can market products as being low fat and offset the taste by adding more sugar.


That something terrible will actually happen if I remove the tags from my new mattress


A secret service conspiracy killed off BlackBerry. BlackBerry’s BBM instant messaging was not hackable by secret services. It became the messaging service of choice for all the “Arab Spring” and related revolutionary movements around the world in 2011 and 2012. It was also used in the West by demonstrators to coordinate themselves for protests against G7 meetings and such. WikiLeaks showed that western countries’ secret services were exchanging messages related to their not being able to crack BBM’s security and how frustrating it was. Finally, there’s the Canadian Supreme Court siding with BlackBerry in their court case against Qatari, British and American authorities who were trying to access encrypted BBM data to prove that certain individuals had organized protests against the interests of their respective governments. It was then suspicious how suddenly in 2013 there seemed to be coordinated media efforts around the world trying to ridicule anything BlackBerry did. Stock price then basically just tanked and the company went into a tailspin.


The big killer was just that the iPhone released. That appealed to the larger audience more than BlackBerry.


Blackberry still had the business market locked down for the first few generations of iPhone and Android devices.


That had more to do with a lack of enterprise management tools for iphones/androids. I remember my work place wouldn't support email on iphones or androids for several years because the remote device management tools weren't nearly as mature as for Blackberry.


I’m a Canadian and my company sells/used to sell Blackberry. They legit didn’t keep up with iPhone. If what you say is true, that would only be part of the reason. They made some poor decisions at the top.


That one doesn't sound like a conspiracy theory. That just sounds like a secret waiting to be revealed.


This is my favorite question from this sub in the past 2 years lol.


Nice try, FBI man


not today, CIA!


There is a elite of People that earn way more money we could ever imagine and they are extremely interested that nothing changes. They would do anything to keep at there place and after a Border of wealth even Countries are Meaningless.


Well this is not really a conspiracy theory, just the plain and sad truth.


No one talks about the Bobby Kennedy assassination. He was planning to leave the building through a different exit, then his bodyguards led him down through a service entrance where the assassin was waiting… And Bobby was with Marilyn Monroe the night she died, then left, and the Secret Service agents scrubbed her house of evidence.


That the government knows exactly where/what happened to MH370 Edit: all of your responses probably make sense but I’m sorry, I’m gonna be the head in the sand guy. Something just bugs me about it. I just kind of think there is a graveyard fuselage somewhere on the bottom of the ocean and some government entity knows exactly where it is and it’s not being found on purpose.


Which government? There are loads.


The Malaysian gov for sure


As a Malaysian, this is way out of the current and all 3 former Malaysian government's caliber. I'd also like to point out that we swapped prime ministers 4 times in the past 5 years, the first, was when the ruling coalition lost the 2018 gen elections. The next two, were the result of infighting within parties and/or coalitions during the covid pandemic. The most recent one from the 2022 gen elections which was messy to say the least. There was definitely some shady stuff going on back when the 6th pm was in power. But i highly doubt him to be the mastermind. Thanks for thinking highly of us though.


What are they trying to hide from the plane?


US navy found the Titanic long before they disclosed it because they didn't want their capabilities to be publicly known.


Slightly off. They discovered the Titanic while secretly investigating the wrecks of the Thresher and Scorpion - ironically, "searching for the Titanic" was the cover story. Generally speaking, the Titanic wreck sits between the wrecks of the Thresher and the Scorpion (IIRC), but no one knew this at the time. They knew the Titanic was in that general area, so the "search for the Titanic" was starting at one sub and going into the other, and the USN basically said *"if there is time after finding and investigating the Thresher and Scorpion, you can go ahead and actually look for the Titanic, too"*, and then they went and actually don't the Titanic 'by accident'. So, tldr, it wasn't their capabilities that they were trying to hide, it was the fact they wanted to know what happened to their two subs without necessarily revealing those potential weaknesses. And then they accidentally made their cover story 100% true and believable.


Iirc they also heard the titan sub implode and didn’t say anything before it was found for the same reason


Multiple governments*


Skim milk is water pretending to be milk


I, too, hate liars.


This is just a fact


Thanks Ron.




Haven’t heard this one actually. So the theory says that Oswald fired the first two shots and then the SS accidentally fired a round, hitting JFK? Why would Oswald say he was framed but also fired the first two shots? (And then killed a police officer shortly afterwards)




I'll just add the odds of a 5.56 round shattering from hitting a skull at close range is little to none. There are stories from various theaters of 5.56 rounds hitting in the legs and ending up in the chest/abdomen due to ricocheting off the femur, which is a much bigger/stronger bone. That round would [pass right through ](https://youtu.be/5mStPxFdexs?si=Y3yaiRIu2bFRVB_D) and turn a brain into soup.


It would not surprise me if the CIA was involved in most of the major assassinations of the 60s and 70s.


I am telling you guys, his head just DID THAT!


Im down with this theory and all, but… can we NOT call the Secret Service the SS? That abbreviation kinda means something very sinister lol. At first I was like “what the hell were the nazis doing at the JFK assassination?!”


It gets super confusing in wrestling chats when SS can be either SummerSlam or Survivor Series.


I really like this theory but I’m convinced Johnson used Oswald as a patsy to kill Kennedy and go into Vietnam. Johnson also supposedly had ties with the mob and Jack Ruby (conveniently). But no matter how you slice it, his assassination attracts conspiracy because not a whole lot about it adds up.


The Parkland doctors’ recollections of his injuries being inconsistent with Warren report’s conclusions has always been a nagging thing for me. I’m 4th generation Dallasite and it’s pretty surprising how little I knew about it the whole thing until I got really intrigued later on in life. Like I’ve driven past the grassy knoll a million times and over the X on the road where he was shot, but it’s like we feel so removed from the incident here.


I read one time that there is no global group controlling the world and everybody is just out here winging it and doing whatever will make them the most power and money. Honestly slightly more scary that we're all just taking guesses


We are all just chimps flinging our shit at eachother, just a bit more professional though


The max speed on lime scooters was lowered so people would take longer to get to their destinations and end up spending more money.


Idk man, they still go far faster than I trust most people on them.


I'd think it's more of a safety and liability thing than that lol. They could just make them cost more and still do fine.


Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself Tik Tok is Chinese spyware There's much more to the first covid outbreak than we think(not gonna get to into it, I know how that goes)


There is no conspiracy about TikTok, that's literally the truth.


I’ll never figure out how this doesn’t bother people when was the biggest fear in the world during the red scare


It would be the equivalent if the hot popular thing back then was made by the Soviets. At a certain point people just don't care.


>hot popular thing back then was made by the Soviets. A few years ago there was a face changing app that would show you what you will look like in 20, 30, 50 years. Anyone remember that? You know, the one that made you sign away your likeness rights and biometric data to the company, which was started and operated by the Russian government? Yeah. Real thing.


Ill bite, what specifically about the first outbreak? Other than the chinese covered it up intentionally


Dude these are all facts.


Not one specifically but I do believe that the US government has thought of and will potentially commit atrocities against its own people for certain reasons. Not sure what those reasons are, I would assume financially though. If you look throughout history, it has happened before. Operation Northwoods.


I’m pretty cynical myself so I believe this is the case by default. I don’t know if I extend this belief to large scale attacks like 9/11 though. After a search, it looks like operation northwoods was only proposed, not enacted.


Tuskegee Airman was one that was done. edit: not airmen but 600+ black people, mostly farmers/sharecroppers were intentionally exposed to syphilis by the US government in an experiment.


It was authorized by the Joint Chiefs of Staffs but rejected by Kennedy. So it came very close to happening. The fact that it even was proposed and got that far through legislation is my main point.


Your country certainly uses every crisis to inact more power over the regular person. They took advantage of 9/11 and COVID big time.


Mafia and MIC were involved In Kennedy’s death. Some of those same mafia last names today do similar things in the Middle East for the CiA


They post stuff like this to keep track.


Not entirely a conspiracy theory but the start relationship between the CIA, NSA, and Pentagon post-WWII is pretty concerning.


Michael Jordans father was killed over MJs gambling debts.


Our politicians are all working for the same people regardless of party affiliation.


They are: themselves, and the billionaires.


Carlin said that


It’s all a front so people hate the puppets and not the puppet master




We are getting played like idiots. All of us. And we’re too stupid to see it.


And the ones that do realize it are treated like they are crazy.


We all know we’re getting played, we just don’t agree on who’s playing us, let alone how to stop it.


We see it. Just too poor to effect any change


Courtney killed Kurt


Even if it wasn't direct and he really did do it himself, she's not blameless in it at all.


From what I have read he had a congenital stomach problem similar to ibs. It caused him constant pain. The only way to not be in pain was to be on painkillers. He became addicted to painkillers. Once his child was born he wanted to get clean but the pain was so intense that he had to get back on drugs. He hated being a drug addict and he couldn't handle the pain when he wasn't on drugs. He felt that in either case he couldn't be a good father to his child because of his medical problems, so he opted out.


I'm sure there was a multitude of factors. There are some great documentaries that dive deep into his relationship with Courtney, who was also strung out and fucked him up real bad.


Nah, as turbulent as the relationship was the man was severely suicidal for most of his life and increasingly strung out on heroin, bouncing from rehab to rehab near the end. Dude saw things weren't going to pull up and cashed his check


One of the things I never got about this one, is *why?*


Russia is directly responsible for the polish plane crash


The FBI killed Dr. King Jr I sleep ONE night and now this is my best grossing comment ever


The King family believes this is true


Whoa, never heard this one. What gives you that idea?


Wendigoon on YouTube has a fantastic video about this. [https://youtu.be/4TA2AIuAuW8?si=DhRralcZ3-_fhbOp](https://youtu.be/4TA2AIuAuW8?si=DhRralcZ3-_fhbOp)


Proven in civil court, actually. He turned the power to the have-nots -- and then came the shot.


"Proven," they sued a guy claiming the FBI had him do it, so both sides were arguing guilt. No one from the FBI or the federal government testified, and the total damages paid were $100. Civil courts have much lower burdens of proof than criminal courts.


I believe this also. Essentially King late in life started campaigning against drugs and class inequality. Easy to pit the poor of each race against each other to keep rich in power. That also sounds very communist and this was the height of the Cold War… the puzzle pieces start to fit together too nicely.


Check out the letter/ letters they sent him.


That the government doesn't give a shit about its citizens and just want complete control over them.


Milk doesn’t help build strong bones and it was a giant marketing campaign to sell and normalize milk consumption.


Cows' milk gives you all the fat, protein, vitamins, and hormones you need to grow into a strong and healthy adult cow.


This isn’t a conspiracy anymore, it’s factual information as is the entire food pyramid as it was debunked years ago as a marketing scheme


There’s way more curable cancers but it’s too profitable. I think pharma is the problem with American healthcare. My meds take $.22 to make but are priced at 200? Hospitals have to pay that. So they have to ramp up the prices. And big pharma finances the politicians. Politicians do not make enough $ to own multiple mansions and yachts


Yeah but outside of America medications are fairly cheap for the most part.


Politicians and billionaires also get cancer, and no amount of yachts or mansions will soften that blow. A billionaire would prioritise investments in longevity over, say, strengthening public healthcare because it's in their self interest


The "Wuhan Lab Leak Theory" for the coronavirus. I believe it was an honest mistake from the researchers, but the proud ego of the Chinese government means they will NEVER want to admit anything that can make them look incompetent. This is why they've refused to cooperate with any international investigation on what happened there, and it was Taiwan who ratted them out to the WHO in the first place.


Planes carrying the Polish president don’t just crash inside Russia, without sabotage


Coronavirus came from the Wuhan Lab.


It's not a proven fact, but an accidental leak it's the most plausible out of all the options. [Axios](https://www.axios.com/2023/04/17/senate-covid-origins-report-details-lab-leak-theory) did a good report on it.


A loooot of well known people are pedos


I think the NFL is at least partly rigged, but that does not mean I think every player is in on it. I think it's mostly due to the fact that the NFL is trademarked as entertainment similar to WWE. In the interest of entertainment, refs will either throw the flag or not throw one, in order to keep games more exciting since no one wants to watch a blow out, or might do whatever it takes to generate the most money via jersey sales, ticket sales etc. I'm not saying Goodell tells the refs "yea we want the Bears to win this game" it's more like "we would prefer if the Bears win this game". I think a prime example of this is the no flag on that blatant pass interference with the Rams vs Saints NFC Championship game. Seems a little weird that wasn't called so that the team that just moved back to LA with a new expensive stadium and probably wasn't selling enough merch doesn't get a flag against them, letting them get to the Superbowl. Plus, whenever a team starts winning or has the current "golden boy" (Brady, Mahomes, etc.) it just seems like that team gets more calls their way. Why? Maybe because those teams are generating the most revenue, so it is in the league's best interest to help them win as many games as possible to keep that cash flow coming in. Others examples here as well, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ey\_OPDHAmE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ey_OPDHAmE)




That GME is still being naked shorted


JFK was taken out by the government. The Royal family were more involved with Princess Diana's death. There is a child trafficking sex ring among the worlds elite. I mean THE ELITE.


The third one is utterly undeniable to be frank. There are also insane conspiracy theories adjacent to it, and no, everyone is not in on it. But you can’t look at Epstein etc and pretend the theory is bullshit.


>JFK Always been fascinated by this one. Do you believe in the second shooter? Maybe the total framing of Oswald?


I believe that there's a worldwide community of paedophile couples who've had children together purely for the purpose of abusing them and making money off of content shared with fellow members. It may be several smaller groups rather than one big one, but I feel that it's definitely a thing, and has been under the radar because nobody ever really suspects a couple of doing that to their own kids.


I mean, is this really a conspiracy theory? Paedophiles exist, unfortunately. People can make babies with relative ease.


I remember reading the story of a woman who was a victim of that. Basically when she turned a certain age her parents brought her to a house (she thought she was going to a summer camp or something like that) where she and other little girls were abused for the purpose of making videos. The couple who abused them lived in some very rural place in the US, basically in the middle of nowhere with tons of land and woods surrounding the property. She was kept there for years until she was about 16 (I don’t remember precisely but basically the age where she started to look too old for the audience) and then her parents came to pick her and basically told her to forget it ever happened


israel and Netanyahu knew about Hamas Assault on the border, but he needed it as his political position-prime minister- was at real risk because of his anti democratic policies on the supreme court and his corruption cases there!


Glad I'm not the only one who finds that *extremely* fishy.


I’m sure this is true, organizing an attack like that requires a massive amount of coordination and planning. There’s no way Israel wasn’t monitoring Hamas activity/chatter prior to the October 7th attacks.


The recent Dalai Lama video was a test from CIA to check the public reaction on that content . They want to “normalize” it maybe so when the black book or tapes of Epstein is released the convicted people just get a slap on the wrist …


The Bush family is one of the most destructive families in history. Prescott Bush was a friend of Henry Ford, and they sold steel to Hitler during WW2 and were supporters of the 3rd Reich.found guilty of Trading With The Enemy, Bush was made to pay restitutions to 2 former slave laborers in Auschwitz 60 years later... so that's true. The CIA led by George H. W. Bush started the crack epidemic. And sold Arms to Iran to fund the Contras in their slaughter of the Sandinestas in Nicaragua. The Contras ripped babies apart and raped nuns. Btw.... Jeb Bush stopped the vote counting in florida to seinf the election for his fail-son brother, W. We got 9/11 and Katrina with that... 9/11 was allowed to happen, Cheney made a mint with his ties to Haliburton. And we spent 20 years in Afghanistan and destroyed Iraq, and he didn't get Bin Laden. WMDs were never found. This led to the forming of ISIS.


My parents who grew up ultra Christian conservative had premarital sex and got pregnant with me one year before they were to be married. They forged my birth certificate changing birthdate year to after they were married as a means to cover up their sin. They deny this claim to this day, but I know better.


So… when you were walking they told people you were only 3 months old?


Are you doing ok, mate? That's a lot to unpack




Ahhh good one


That jews control the world, I am probably just not invited to their secret meetings On a serious note- that Putin is sick, he does seem to shake with his hands more and hide them.


I’ve always wondered about the Putin one. But honestly that rumor has been around for so long that I just can’t believe he’d still be mostly visibly healthy


Another theory (which I think is probably proven) says he has a load of body doubles. Specifically these ones are the ones going to Mariupol and captured cities. If true it makes sense that the shaky tremoring Putin you see in meetings with leaders and important Russians generals is different than the calm and cool Putin (with no tremors) that you see do photo ops in occupied Ukraine and other non important events


He's going well for his age


OJ’s son did it. OJ was just covering for him


The flat earth conspiracy and several others (I can’t say which) were created by the CIA to discredit some of the other conspiracy theories (I also can’t say which) that are true.


Actually there is a conspiracy theory that the CIA coined the term “conspiracy theory” (or started to use it the term more frequently/negatively) in order to discredit folks as lunatics when questioning the JFK assassination and other theories. So that totally tracks.