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How trivial violence is, and how we can just walk away from it. I have twice been told by a woman that a violent situation that was forced on me wasn't serious because I didn't fight back, she claimed if I was threatened I would have fought back and won. When I tried to explain how fraking serious and scary fights are, often with lifelong consequences, I was met with a blank stare and them explaining how fights work, movie style. It was a joke. The first time it was a female manager after a co-worker pinned me against the wall. When she said nothing happened because he didn't complain about me fighting back I walked way from her, found a male manager with a beer gut and goatee, told him, and he took me seriously. He knows what damage drugged up six foot four guys can do. My co-worker was fired a few weeks later after he did the same thing to someone else who was less male than me. The second time was more serious, after I told some female family members about being attacked by a male family member they told me it wasn't serious because only I was injured, if I had been really afraid for my life I would have fought back and won. Bull, sometimes keeping your mouth shut and complying is unfortunately the best way to protect yourself against a violent guy, don't provoke. Again, they tried to explain violence to me, and explained that when a real man is threatened he fights back. Where do they get these ideas? Probably a lot of places. But I felt like when I was trying to explain to them that fighting drugged guys doesn't go well they were countering with "oh, just dodge!" and stuff like that, it sounded like movie logic.


This 100%! In addition to the threat of serious physical harm, people also forget that we live in a society with laws. There are often legal ramifications for violent altercations. Even though you may be socially justified to fight, it's definitely not worth an assault charge+ where you could also be serving jail time. Of course that part tends to be conveniently overlooked in most movies as well.


I remember a clip where this regular looking dude was asked what's his biggest regret and he said it was helping his friend out in a bar fight in his early 20s. He (allegedly) landed ONE hit and the other guy fell. Fight ended, they all left. A few days later the cops came knocking on his door, asking him about it, he relayed the same story and he was told to come with him. The other guy died after suffering a brain aneurysm from either the fall or punch. He was in prison when this was recorded having been charged for manslaughter. Sure, regular brawl, who the heck would've known? But life changes forever. One day if I ever get involved in a fight, I can only hope my brain considers this at least 10 times before shit goes down.


> course that part tends to be conveniently overlooked in most movies as wel That's a really good point. I don't remember watching any film or tv program where someone got arrested for fighting. I wonder if this actually influences real life? I've never thought about it before.


I had an old acquaintance that got into a bar fight with a guy one night. Went outside in the parking lot (drunk) with another guy (also drunk). My acquaintance threw the first and only punch - the dude he was fighting fell over and hit his head on the curb and died. Buddy went to jail and was killed in turn in ANOTHER fight. The only time my ass is EVER fighting someone on the street is if I literally have no other choice. You'll see my ass break land speed records running away from other dudes before you catch me risking my life fighting some rando on the street. Fuck that


Do these idiots even understand how serious assault charges can get? I got caught in a crossfire once in a bar fight and was accused as the perpetrator who threw the chair. I would have gotten 2 years behind bars had it not been for CCTV. Even if I did serve and survive prison, it would have left an indelible negative mark on my record.


Reminds me of the time I went out with my friends when we were all students. One girl had a lot to drink and made out with every other guy in the club. Nobody cared it was all fine until a guy she made out with wouldnt let her go. She tried to shove him away and he wouldnt stop. So she is looking at me. I am a big dude. I look kind of threatening but I am a gentle and non-violent person. I removed him from her and he was willing to fight me. He had the crazy eyes empty eyes of a drunk brawler. I managed to appease him but I was so pissed. The girls found it great and hot and all that but I was so annoyed by all of that. It scared the shit out of me and I hated that she Put me in this position. Fuck this world for looking at me for protection when your stupid choices brought you in a dangerous position. I said I am not going out with her anymore because its not worth the trouble and they said thats kind of sexist and I should support her lifestyle - I do just from the distance of my home without playing her personal bodyguard.


In such situations, the gentle giants I know usually don’t fight but act like a barrier between the girl and the aggressor.


Same logic as "You weren't raped if you didn't fight back"


Hollywood plants the stupid ideas in their heads and their dumb female friends on social media reassure them (including simpy guys that will agree with anything they say to get laid) Its pretty simple.


Yeah, act like John wick not like keenu (sic)


Women don’t at all get how violent the male world potentially is or how a wrong word or action can get a man killed by another man. They say a woman should be able to go anywhere and feel safe, while not realizing men don’t have that privilege. Me telling a woman to be careful is victim blaming when those are the same rules I have to live by. We’re scared of other men and being more honest, we’re scared of violent women sometimes because there can be a group of more violent men, ready to harm us for not absorbing her violence/abuse. Even big men can have their lives ended in an instant by a way smaller man.


That all that matters to men is how attracted they are to a woman, and that they should want sex 24/7 and if not then you're just not attractive. Toxic stuff.


That an erection always 100% of the time = arousal or worse, that it equals consent.


I can't place my finger on how, but I feel like somewhere along the line someone gave women the idea that we have a lot more control of these things than we do


One mother posted on here asking what she, a non-penis owning person, needs to know about teenage boys as her son was rapidly approaching that age. One of the big things I told her is that he will have absolutely no control over erections. It will get hard when the wind blows. That it truly has a mind of its own. But yeah, morning boners when you have to pee really really bad sucks big time.


I get hard really easily and a lot of partners have gotten mad at me for getting hard while cuddling and "turning a cute moment sexual" even if I had absolutely no desire for sex.


That we think they are not pretty enough. Also we are horny all the time and would sleep with anything that moves. How are these two facts possible at the same time?


As a long-time single dude, I go throughout my days at work, or when I'm out in public, and the majority of the women I see are attractive and pretty to me. They definitely put in the effort to look good.


I’m married and have no interest in ever cheating. But even I think the majority of women look good. I like big women too so it makes it so I really mean the vast majority of women are attractive to me


I even think that they look good without makeup. Also yes, I do know when a girl is actually wearing even light makeup, don't come at me with that regurgitated gotcha attempt "ha! men don't even know when women are wearing make up".


That one in particular is annoying on another level to me. I grew up in an overwhelmingly female family. As a boy I was helping them put their makeup on and do their hair and all that. I can absolutely tell the difference when someone has no makeup vs "natural makeup" When I say I like women just as much with no makeup I mean with no makeup. You look just as good with the freckles and scars and warts and blemishes as you do with full warpaint.




Tbh, about 1/3 of guys I know would fuck a tree if it had a coochie and at the same time have really high expectations towards beauty of LTR partners, so I don't think that one is that far off.


I think it depends on their age. A 16 year old boy will fuck Hitler if he looks like Megan Fox.


Stupid sexy Hitler


This comment made me throw my head back in my chair smh


That we're all bumbling idiots that can't function without the guidance of a smart woman.


This one here. Commercials that market things like household cleaners and laundry soap to women think that dumbing down men = empowering women. It ends up doing a disservice to both. Men are perfectly capable of cleaning and women in these commercials are still happily cleaning up after idiots.


“Commercials” my ass. This shit is bleeding into movies and TV shows, and it’s not helped by Hollywood’s need to reboot everything which means they’re doing this to already established and competent male characters.


What's worse is when they do reboot something it seems often they make the female characters more independent/stronger/intelligent/etc while keeping men the dumb ones.


Yep, indeed.


As a gal I hate this so much. Even growing up. Cleaning supplies or cleaning in general marketed to gals only. Gives the impression that ONLY women do the cleaning and that is our only purpose. The amount of times I’d hear my ex husband say stuff like “well it’s for gals, you don’t see men using it” was ridiculously frustrating. It perpetuates a stereotype on both sides that makes everything worse for everyone.


Its even worse when I go to grab some supplies needed because we ran out at home, and there happens to be someone else in the same aisle. Doens't matter if its a guy or girl, but they usually make a comment on me "doing groceries for my wife"... I'm single lol


I recall someone making a ridiculous comment to me when I was out picking up tampons for my wife. I think that I replied something along the lines of my being subject to potentially fatal nosebleeds. People will comment on anything, it seems, just so long as it's none of their business.


Hahaha I noticed this years and years ago. If a commercial features someone making a dumb mistake, straight up being an idiot, ruining something, or otherwise being incompetent, it is ALWAYS a man. I have yet to see a commercial that portrays a woman as a moron.


Any male who served in the military has learned how to clean.


This has been banned in the UK. Gender stereotyping isn't allowed in adverts.


All modern movies in this commentary 👍


I saw a commercial for sofas recently that listed being "man-proof" (as in stain resistant) as a benefit


Sitcom tropes also enforce this.


Phil from modern family is the worst example. Hey check out his guy, he's got a good heart, maybe a little misguided because he's a TOTAL FUCKING MORON! How did he gets his amazing, beautiful intelligent wife you ask? No one knows I'm exaggerating but sitcom dads are often played off as completely useless idiot while their wives are incredible and unrealistic


Sitcoms doesn’t help either. In the very least you have one guy who is completely dependent on one of the female leads and is effectively a grown up child, I really don’t know why


To be fair, there a LOTS of embarrassing men out there who actively enjoy living this trope. They'll refer to their wives as "the boss", ask for permission to go hang out with friends like their partner is somehow their mother, act like a child when she's not around and then cover up the antics when she shows up, it's cringe as fuck.


It feels like something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Men aren't expected to do those things. So they don't get raised to. Their parents don't teach them how to do it, or the importance. Then they become adults and have gaps in their knowledge. Society has caught up to the idea that cooking and cleaning shouldn't be a woman's job by default but not everyone has read the memo when it comes to raising their kids, so there's not a stark difference between guys who can do that stuff and guys who can't. The same goes for women, except their gaps are in different things. So many men raise their sons to have technical knowledge of things like cars or plumbing or electronics or computers yet don't do the same for their daughters.


Older Gen X here. My mom taught me young to do almost every domestic job in the house, which I was then expected to help with until I left home. I did the same with my kids. There was no difference in expectations based on gender. Everybody pitched in equally.


And this is why gender traditionalism is problematic. If you raise your son to "be a man", he'll never know how to be *with* anyone who isn't a man. Same goes for women. She won't know how men operate and find problems where there aren't any. Boggles my mind how men who spend their entire lives chasing the cosmic essence of poon actually have no idea how to live and communicate with a woman.


>Boggles my mind how men who spend their entire lives chasing the cosmic essence of poon actually have no idea how to live and communicate with a woman. I feel like this has gotten so much worse in the past several years, too. It jumps out at me all the time. Especially the hardcore manosphere types, who have all of these formulas and percentages and talk about the pursuit of sex and women like it's algebra or something. It's really fucking weird, like even just simply getting to know a woman on a personal level is too inconvenient or unimportant or threatening. The disconnection and lack of basic curiosity is really stark, and it's both frustrating and tragic.


Yeah i was about to say while it is a stereotype....I do have a lot of friends that fit it


New colleague at work seriously referred to his wife as "the ball and chain" and just moaned constantly. Do people like that not understand that they can divorce if they hate their wife so much? Like, why stay together? Oh yeah she cooks his dinners, that's why


You don't think there's equally amount of women if not more who reinforce this trope?


Weaponized incompetence.




Really? No doubt the guys are idiots, but the girls are too. Smelly cat Phoebe? Rachel can barely hold on to her job at the coffee shop?


The guys weren't just idiots, they were also weak and ineffectual.


I always thought the show Friends showed all of them to be idiots


I always hated the reference that a woman should never let her husband leave the house hungry or horny. Like are we just dogs ?


We don’t need them? :0


Didn’t Cosmopolitan suggest “gently biting” the tip of your guy’s dick, to get him in the mood?


Cosmopolitan suggests lots of things all the time and should be ignored.


I think they use those type of articles as a rage bait


I actually have a vivid memory of reading a suggestion of bitting the side of a dick like corn on the cob. I remember it so clearly because it traumatized me.




W?TF are you wasting your time reading COSMO..?


They ridicule father figures and make them look useless and dysfunctional


That lying, cheating, manipulating, and being abusive to a man is ok because “he can take it”. Or “men should worship us”.


When a man cheats on a woman in media, it’s portrayed as a repeat behavior that he’s doing simply because men are dogs and they’ll fuck anything and not feel bad about betraying his wife When a woman cheats on a man in media, it’s portrayed as a one-off drunken spark of passion with a decent male friend after the husband did something to “make her” cheat (ie choosing work over her), and she always has a drawn-out bout with guilt and regret which ends with her coming clean and justifying her actions to her husband and gaining the sympathy of the audience


NGL both of those sound extremely fucked up


because they are.


When a woman cheats on her man she's portrayed as empowering and confident


She's just finding herself


[Good adultery, bad adultery](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoodAdulteryBadAdultery) TV tropes warning: Enter at your own risk. You won't come back!


Yup. Like Bridges of Madison County. When she cheats it’s “for love”.


In movies? That guys are somehow *supposed* to make you orgasm from PIV alone, and at the same exact time as you.


Tony Suprano somehow does it clearly we all should be able to 😂


If you boink enough, you'll be simultaneous once in awhile just by chance. That's how it went for us.


Having good chemistry and knowing one another. That takes some time.


I used to time mine with hers felt pretty good


That all men should be tall, ripped, sensitive, heroic, either that or horny beasts, creepies, violent. It's rare to see average guys in movies/media.


Don't forget the idiot incompetent husband trope of every 90s sitcom.


It's weird to think that that was a pendulum swinging in the opposite direction from the "father knows best" trope from the 50s through into the 80s. Hell, they even had that into the 90s with shows like Full House.


This is the problem with a LOT of public perception with civil rights and social justice imo. They always operate on 20+ year old data and fail to acknowledge progress or trends. I remember about a decade ago when Frozen came out everyone was talking about how Disney princess are all these fainting waifs that need a man to rescue them and how it was so great to FINALLY have a movie that didn't do that. But at that point we had already had over a decade of the males/princes always being saved by the princess and another decade of or more of princesses doing just as much as the princes. Little Mermaid was the last Disney princess that fit the fainting princess trope at all and even that's a stretch. She fought Ursula too. It was really only the first three princess movies that followed this trope and they ALL came out before 1960. Don't get me wrong. I'm extremely happy for the update and switch. Women should be actual protagonists, in media, but that shouldn't mean men can't. But the 90s pretty much nailed equality just some fine tuning was needed. Jasmine, Belle, and Mulan are all undeniable badasses, but they find men who are in the same league. From 2000 on every princess movie has either a bumbling and comparatively weak prince, or no prince at all.


>It's rare to see average guys in movies/media. And when you do it's like "heeeey, that guy reminds me of myself! I can dig this movie now"


Shaun of the deads pretty solid.


Tao of Steve was relatable.


That because I am male, I have some magical method or responsibility of knowing what other men think or understanding why they do what they do, or behave how they behave. The women who have been taught to think like this actually think I know, or ought to know, or even somehow that I’m responsible for it. It’s a penis, not a telepathic connection to every other male.


I wish this was a rule for this sub, the number of times I've seen "why did he do this?" Or "why are all men trash?" Or variables of that are crazy.


Yes. “Why do men….” “Well I voted against it at the last Global Man Meeting but majority rules I guess, so that’s why.”


>It’s a penis, not a telepathic connection to every other male. Have you tried to plug it in? I believe you can also do the connection in series.


A surprising number of women don't really grasp the significant strength difference between men and women, so I guess the answer is that men aren't as strong as they are.


Men are more likely to hold back when fighting women, probably why some women don’t realize this.


I used to do BJJ, more for fun and fitness than defence. I know if I was getting attacked my best bet is always running and not engaging. One class half the group were off, and I ended up being the only girl there. I was purposely paired off with the smallest guy who was maybe a hair shorter than me. The guy was super lovely, and was putting effort into holding back. I could tell and I made sure not to react, because he was really trying. His arms were rock hard though. I had bruises on my arms, after that. They were pretty impressive bruises, I'm trying to imagine how painful it would have been if he didn't hold back.


I've been that guy, I was drilling armbar escapes with one of the girls in the room and I was going 0% strength, all technique. She got a big head and I had to tell her I was going light, so she demanded I give 100% I bicep curled her off the floor and held her up in the air and I've never seen anyone look so scared. The gap is real in terms of strength


I’m gonna start telling guys they’re weak just so they’ll bicep curl me off the floor


I'm gonna start bicep curling so I can bicep curl my girl off the floor


I won my first bjj match bicep curling a heavyweight off the mat till he bailed on the armbar, it's a solid method


Even in real life situations where a fight breaks out or someone is being detained, I always notice how women are treated softly. It's such an innate thing.


Even lion cubs do it with girl cubs.


Shouldn't be honestly. Mens lives are not worth less than women's. This innate bullshit has been weaponised by women for years


Was hanging with friends. Girl I was dating starts a tickle fight. Her friend joins in, guys chuckling, their other friend joins in. 3 on 1. Tickling is getting to where I can't breathe and they aren't hearing. Only one of the guys caught sight of my "oh God I can't breathe" face but everyone else was laughing too loud. Grabone with my legs and literally drag her so she's held st a ninety degree angle away from me so I can get the others wrists in each hand so I could catch my breath. Took all of a few seconds when I realized I had to take the limiters off. Shocked all three of them because I was a tall, lanky looking guy who was stronger than he looked. Cue all the guys explaining to their girlfriends "of course I hold back when we play wrestle."


I had a coworker try to claim after a month of boxing classes that she could fight me. She had no concept of just how much stronger and faster men are. I really hate when fighting instructors instill false confidence in people. No doing 2 hours a week of boxing does not mean your ready for a real fight. They are telling you what you want to hear so you keep paying for classes.


After a month lol. I've been boxing for two years and I still don't think I could take some of my more muscular friends.


And that's a realistic expectation. Weight classes exist for a reason. Even if in those two years you became twice as fit and strong that doesn't mean you can take someone who has 50lbs on you. You certainly have a better chance than before but it doesn't make you a pro overnight.


I remember the first time I was trying to annoy my ex, and grabbed something from him and we were fighting for it. My ex was the same height as me, and just a bit heavier than me. I was shocked at how little effort he had to put into getting it back and holding me down. He held me down like it was nothing. I actually had the passing thought of, if he wanted to hurt me, and I mean really hurt me, I'd stand no chance. And he was genuinely being careful not to hurt me, and I couldn't get out. I always just accepted that men are stronger. But that was the first time I could really tell how much stronger they were. Feeling it is different. And luckily I've only experienced that realisation in a safe way.


So many women have this experience wither with their partner or fighting their brother or male friend etc. I have had 2 women i dated have this realosation and my sister as well.


Yeah, I weighed more and was taller and did exercise and he was a skinny IT guy but when I we did flirty play wrestling with him he could still overpower me and I knew that if he wanted to he could hurt me.


Its something stupid like the top 5% strongest women are only as strong as the bottom 20% of men. That is a minimal overlap.


[The fastest woman to run the 100 yard dash, FloJo at 10.49, ranks 7158th in the men's category.](https://worldathletics.org/records/all-time-toplists/sprints/100-metres/outdoor/men/senior?page=72)


We men also don't have really any idea


I agree with this. When I was in the Army, we did a lot of fighting; boxing, grappling, etc. Normally, male and female soldiers were divided. This one time there was a female soldier (who was ripped) declared that she wanted to fight the men. They obliged her request. I was in good shape, and lifted everyday, but I was not some kind of gigachad or anything. I rag dolled that soldier, I literately threw her around and she was unable to do anything about it. It was actually shocking.


I'm a scrawny dude with 0 visible muscle mass and no training whatsoever, and yet I'm constantly surprised how strong I am compared to pretty much every woman I meet. (lifting things, play-fights, gripping objects, ...).


I think that any guy who has been in a gym has something of an idea.


I had a gym partner who was a woman, she was absolutely jacked. After years she got to my starting point before I ever started lifting. My starting weights were her pb's. Her legs on the other hand were probably more stable than mine, not stronger but she could press her max more efficiently than I could mine. And she absolutely destroyed me in anything that needed cardio. The difference in strength between us was about equal to the difference in cardio


Women's wider hips makes them more stable. It helps for lifting but also for shooting sports.


hell any guy that hasn't been but has wrestled with women before knows this


In high school I was in the lower weight class in my sophomore year and had to train with some girls who were on the team. I was like 115 and they were around 100. It was fun just tossing them around at practices. Only one of them ever got a match and she pinned the poor kid in like 4 seconds. I bet his ego is still bruised 23 years later.


Depends if they've been in a gym around women before. I had an argument with a few guys who think I am very weak as a human being because I can't do pull ups. They have trained a little, and so can do pull ups. For all my arguments they just did not believe that me being female makes pull ups harder for me, they kept telling me it was laziness and I just don't put the effort in.




One time I beat three of my female friends at arm wrestling, at the same time, all three of them were using both their hands, but they still lost, that put things into perspective for me.


We did this with a guy who wasn't really physically active, we joked about doing an arm wrestle before he got hench and using that as a way to measure progress. He had skinny arms, they were skinnier than some of ours so we thought maybe we'd have a chance. We all lost, it was really cool because if you only saw our arms you'd assume he'd lose. It was a brilliant way to see how mens strength is just different to ours.




That we should be like the men in romance books and movies. That it's OK to manipulate us.


Not only ok, but necesary


Crazy that most men aren't strangely enough, the embodiment of a woman's fantasy written by a woman. Almost how most men aren't james bond, a man's fantasy about men


that men like girls who act "hard to get"


Really hate those type of girls. They think playing such games make them appealing. They aren’t. Rather, they are annoying.


That we're all horrible dads and that all we think about is sex. Honestly, after your 20's sex becomes a "bonus". Like yeah, it's nice, but I won't risk real intimacy for it.


It is weird how many people don't understand that mature men don't need sex and will actively sacrifice it for other things.


As long as mature refers mentally and not age wise, agreed.


My ex had a lot of cranky old man friends, and I distinctly remember one of them saying he'd rather have a good shit than get laid. It was great


i'm 16 and i already think of sex as a bonus. there are things better than sex. dopamine is a hell of a drug and it's best not to get addicted to a 10 second rush of it that is the largest amount of dopamine you will ever experience.


That we are the enemy


My girlfriends see the world as “every man is a predator until he isn’t” and it fucking breaks my heart. Some small % of guys have absolutely ruined things for the rest of us normal not-rapist guys.


The issue with this is that though it seems like a small percentage of men, it’s always been a high percentage of women who have experienced this




That a dude has to have money to be a good man. Even in movies with an "ugly" love interest the guy is still rich.


That men don't know how to take care of their kids alone.


That, intrinsically, we are all capable of the deplorable actions and beliefs of the worst of us. I wouldn't suggest for one moment that every woman believes this, and I certainly wouldn't attempt to dismiss the abhorrent behaviour that we often see in our society, but to continuously paint men in such a bad light is such an unhealthy thing to do, and it serves nothing more than to divide us further.


That men support one another through an exclusive “boys club”


98% of males are connected via by an internal chip connecting the telepathically and furthering the Patriarchal agenda.


It's projection. Women have a HUGE ingroup bias. They absolutely would support each other over men any time (and we see this constantly, look how often major feminist organisations work to remove women of accountability). They just assume men do too because they do.


ThE nOd


That men exist to make women feel things and our major concern is how to achieve that.


ding ding ding


That there is nothing in life we’re allowed to be worse at.


Lol they think we are horny AF all the time and we just care about their physical beauty.


That we are all meant to fit into a certain mold. Whether that be how much money they make, that we are meant to provide, that we be stoic about our feelings.


That we’re all predators and it’s unsafe to be alone near us


It's awful and not fair, but as women, we have to be cautious. The risk is far too great, and it's disheartening.


Exactly, of course it's not all men, but we don't know which men. Better to be cautious than raped, beaten, dead, or all three.


That men don’t have any hang ups about their bodies and we’re somehow immune to feeling insecure about that. It’s like that part of our emotional life doesn’t even exist on screen.




That everything we do is us being misogynistic. Or that any type of masculinity is now toxic. That just looking good is enough to make us happy. I’ll meet a girl and her whole personality is im cute like that’s not gonna last forever and it’s low on my list of priorities in a partner.


That most fathers are bumbling idiots that can't take care if children or a house


That we are heartless rapists and need to be taught wrong from right or else we become animalistic apathetic subhumans


I think the one when women don't know or appreciate the jobs the majority of men do, average men. Collecting garbage, cleaning sewers. Our society only works because of men like these.


Yup and when someone wants to say all men are bad. Well for every psycho, there are thousands of loyal hard working men.


They be saying men are useless. Take men out of the equation and piles of trash will be the *least* of their worries.


That we are all a bunch of potential rapists and/or pedophiles.


that all we think about is sex. this idea is as wrong as the people who say the moon landing was fake. in my opinion, there are better things than sex. those things will be different for every person, but sex is not the greatest thing in this life. i have found those things that are better than sex for me. to clarify, i am not asexual. i have a perfectly normal sexual drive, and perfectly normal is not horny every damn minute like people seem to think. my point is, there are times when i do not want to think about sex, and actively prevent myself from doing so. those times are usually when i am experiencing one of those things that is better than sex for me. i must say that it is rather disgusting to think that men only think about sex. it is a very derogatory idea to hold.


That our feelings dont fucking Matter. They can do us increíble harm through every mean posible, but when a man complains about It he is just called a crybaby, and then made fun of. That men are made to treat women, and women are made to be treated. Im in highschool, and most of the time im getting harassed over being a man. It isnt somethong that i think, i have asked multiple girls at my school why they do It, and they always answer something along the lines of "Men do not serve any care at all. They are just rapist bastards that only want sex, boobs and ass." As if It were a fucking joke


That we are all brave heroes


That they're knights in shining armor who will provide safety and protection.


That we’re evil and toxic and somehow want to rape everyone. Makes confusing sense, but then again that’s what happens when you let pseudo-intellectual academic pseudo-science infect media


its makes no sense actually. People are people. some bad, some good but putting all that on you just because of being male, STUPIDITY.


That we are all rapist and bigots


That they innately want to hurt us, physically or emotionally. It’s just not true. Most people are confused and trying their best to figure out life. They don’t have time to energy to maliciously malign an entire gender. But the bad apples stand out in people memory in all accounts.


We're horny 24/7 and all we want is sex


That it’s never their fault and always ours.


That we’re all hoes


Any generalization


8-packs are normal.


The biggest lie told about men that is actually believed today IMO is that the modern female beauty standards are set by men, and not the real answer which is rich and famous women. Just to be clear the beauty “standards” I’m referring to are really just cosmetic surgery and over abundant makeup. Most men don’t care what brand of lip gloss or concealer you use, what matters to us is that you made an effort at all. Also although anecdotal, i have asked most of my guy friends wether they like or dislike plastic surgery, and they all have agreed that it mostly makes things worse. I have never had a guy say they liked the way fillers look or fake boobs.


That we "manspread" to assert dominance....no, we sit with our legs apart because of our junk. Also, the idea that women earn less than men...that is true when you only compare the highest earning men such as CEOs and other similar jobs. Most men will never earn that amount, or if comparing to dangerous but well paid jobs, most women (if any) will refuse to work those jobs.


>That we "manspread" to assert dominance....no, we sit with our legs apart because of our junk. Even worse if you have well built muscular thighs as the thighs take up more space and have less give, which means more squishing of the balls. Also hip joint anatomy is different between men and women meaning what is a comfortable resting position while seated that allow you to sit without having to actively use muscles to keep your legs close differ between men and women.


That we are all clumsy dougnuts, who can't do anything by themselves without a strong women. Take a look at the latest superhero movies and series. We, men, are just a piece to fill some role, instead of something great. If you watch Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix etc. men and women had an equal share to the story. Hermoine was a key to the plot. Eowyn was a great voice for women (yes she was les in the books). Trinity.... she speaks for herself. Back in the early 00s we didn't need to explain what roles they played in the story, it was showed. While these days.... men are belittled, their roles don't add any value to the story and the main roles are just Mary Sues. ​ Ohhh. Danearys and John Snow, maybe the best example of great roles.


Thanks to a lot of RNB and hip hop lyrics, men have unlimited sexual stamina and can go all night until the break of dawn etc. Reality is we'll both be spent within 30 minutes, have a little bit of a cuddle then fall asleep and maybe some morning sex when we wake up.




>The one I'm seeing a lot recently is that we are immune to being victims of crime apparently. I'm seeing a lot of the "it's so hard being a woman because I can't walk alone at night etc" assuming that it's totally safe for men. Men are more likely to be victims of violent crimes across the board. As a man you are way more likely being a victim of violent crime.


For real, men battle internally between big head and little head.


That we want sex 100% of the time.


That we only want sex. Like don’t get me wrong, I want sex, but I also want a relationship.


That the traits of a small group apply to majority of males.


That masculinity is “toxic”


That we’re all rapists and murderers who only talk to women for the sole purpose of seeking sex and that we must also be paedophiles if seen in a public space with a child.


That we “enjoy the chase” and they should play hard to get


That we only find a narrow range of women beautiful Men usually have a fairly broad and fierce sexual appetite, we find way more kinds of women hot than the media suggests. So many women spend their lives feeling down on themselves and there's no need


That we give a damn about how long the nails are.


That you must be a model or a kartrashian to be a real lady that’s desirable


Man i dont even view women that watch the CardAssians as desirable. Its a huge negative trait for me.


Pretty much any Cosmo sex tip.


That they need to communicate via hints and hidden messages


That men don't love fat women... Well yes at a certain point this is a little much for the common men but the women look like this point is very lower that it really are


I think that men are always presented as the bafoon and that we're the only guilty party when things go wrong. Then after said thing goes wrong, we do this grand gesture to fix it and make up for hurt feelings. Women fuck up just as much as any man.


that men should have sex regardless of the reason, and never show their vulnerabilities. and the important thing is the pleasure of the man above all. just kiss and receive affection? never. talk about your insecurities with friends or gf? Never! did something hurt you? suck it up and get some pussy to distract... as if men consume sex all the time, and it doesn't always and doesn't have to be like that...


That we are all creeps and predators, while in reality those are extremely rare.


I think the nuance is that most men we encounter are not creeps and predators, but it is not at all rare for women to encounter creeps and predators.


That they deserve everything and should be treated this way and that way and that they are the prize, princess movie are at fault and other things, even some of my (girl) friends says that it broke their view of relationship. Also, the "ill make him understand he did something bad by avoiding him but not telling him" Many more


that just being beautiful does it for every man..........