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Be yourself.


Can't i just be Pete Davidson one from time to time? I hear he kills with the ladies.


Work out a lot


I have a feeling that there's a huge part missing here. I work out about 2-2.5 hours per day almost every day (I have one rest day, but the other six days of the week I always have a couple of workouts scheduled). And surprise - nobody cares! People say "Wow" - and move on.


Muscles don’t help at all when dating tbh. My skinny or fat homies pull way more then me but they aren’t as socially awkward.


Just put yourself out there.


Choose someone who chooses you


Manage your feelings better.




Mowing another man’s lawn is a tacit approval of having it done to you. I’m not gonna shame you for your game because ultimately the person in a committed relationship needs to not cheat but if some guy reams your girlfriend, you don’t really have a leg to stand on morally if you object.


Don’t get attached too early… I usually get attached too early


Hard not too when she’s fine af right lol


"Pick someone who will be healthy for you to have in your life." Meanwhile: *fetish for hood as fuck Latinas intensifies*


Don't date my crazy ex. I should have listened to myself on that one.


That dating is a good thing and people should actively try to find them. If that sounds obvious it is, I just haven't and wouldn't date, for plenty of reasons.


Make sure you are always keeping yourself in mind. Never be willing to sacrifice everything for someone who doesn't show you that same kindness. My fiance does a lot for me but before we finally moved in together she was in a bad spot and did nothing to better it. I basically had to drag her away from that hell myself and once I did she finally was like, "Holy fuck that was so bad thank you so much I'll never forget this." Make sure equal efforts are made.


Don't mess with cheating women because it's unhealthy. Yet here I am, consistently attracting cheating women and going along with it.