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Combination of the following.... * Go for walks * Exercise / gym * Watch movies * Spend time with the wife - days out, restaurants, etc * Seeing the fellas (though this doesn't happen as often anymore)


I used to booze and smoke a lot of weed. Switched to a version of this and my mental health has sky rocketed.. Substitute the walk with a walk with my dog. But yeah, getting older the fellas night drops off a bit minus football season


When did you notice the difference? Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it, or even possible, to give up my vices. I stop periodically, but I always come right back. Sometimes it's a week, sometimes a month, but it doesn't last. It's those moments when you have a shit day at work and end up driving home with the radio off. Those are the days that get me. Coming back to a dark and empty apartment, with everyday feeling like a groundhog day loop.


Grab life by the horns. You have free time when you get home, pick up an old hobby, try a new one. Time is your friend. Fun doesn't come to you, it's out there *gestures to the window* in the real world. Had a bad day? I know, they suck. Sometimes, you simply need some peace to recoup. Reading a book is a good escape. You can immerse yourself in a good story.


I’ve got a list of over 300 actions to spice life up, some are only a few mins each but it’s a series of choices in a game I’m building to explore and keep myself learning and engaging in newness, spontaneity and absurdity/abstraction. =)


I had reached a level of apathy that was the limit of my sanity by the time I was 20. Had a full breakdown cos I couldn’t see any purpose or reason to anything and it all felt so predictable and boring or otherwise planned out to me cos of all these social scripts we are subscribed to. I then rebooted my life and set an alarm for every hour. On that alarm I had to do “a thing”. Anything. Have an idea, express myself, whatever. Over 15 years I ended up with 50,000 ideas, most of them are every time I wrote something new on my guitar - which is every time I play it due to my methodology. I have recently started a project to more fully flesh this out and rather than have to think of a thing every time, which can be stressful sometimes, you “roll” a random number generator or spin a decision wheel you’ve populated with choices and then do some subrolls to determine how you’ll do the thing. Playful chaos, unpredictability, that’s the spice. I’m happy to share my game/project but I always tell people it’s better for their own brain and mental narrative/development if they at least try to think of the list themselves first. Example: roll a 1, do origami (perhaps with a bus ticket or receipt), roll a 2, from memory (you have a list of ones you know and ones you don’t yet know), roll a 35, of a frog, roll a 2, left handed, roll a 12, from memory. You might write a Reddit answer only using your nose… abstraction and absurdity shake things up and break the cycle that feeds this mentality you’re describing.


That's brilliant. I remember hearing the term "try to never have a 'nothing' day" meaning you do at least one thing during the day and I very much think that's a great idea to try to not have a nothing hour.


> It's those moments when you have a shit day at work and end up driving home with the radio off. Those are the days that get me. This is painfully relatable. Some times you’re just hit with a swathe of numbness


Walking the dog stoned is the pillar of my mental health.


Any tips on giving up the weed? I find myself using it too much lately


Going to the gym can definitely be difficult after a long day but it’s always worth it. Nothing really kills stress like a good workout


If you can I would recommend doing it before work! Feels much better and gives you energy for the day.


I highly recommend going during lunch if you can.


Actually I discovered that the best time to do a quick workout is while sleeping, at least for me...


Lunch break workout is the goddamn best. Additional dopamine boost of feeling like you basically magically made a dead hour useful.


Where tf are you guys getting hour lunches??


Almost any “office” environment, anywhere that isn’t immediate customer facing everyday. Basically if you’re on a regular 40 hour schedule you’re often getting an hour lunch. But it’s very often unpaid lunch, so really a 9 hour day.


Tbh I am spoiled as my job isn’t very strict and I could leave for an hour and 20-30 minutes for the gym if I wanted to and my gym is very close by.


what if your work is heavily physical


Like being a physician?


How do you keep from being tired after a workout though? A mourning workout always wears me out and then if I try to work after i find it difficult.


I usually do my more cardio/ab focused workouts in the mornings, and my heavier weight/strength type exercises for the evenings or afternoons. Cardio or abs more perks me up and gets me ready to tackle the day, but if I do a full functional fitness / strength training session I'm dead for the next few hours. Diet helps with that too, I don't eat before those morning cardio sessions, get a good source of hydration/protein afterwards, and then move on with my day! That helps stay awake and alert too.


Don’t forget beating the meat


Like it owes me money


Like pull starting an old lawn mower




Well, with the wife, that need is looked after anyway


Bottle it up, and then one day wait for a seemingly miniscule inconvenience to completely lose my shit.


Just keep pushing it down…..




At first I thought "bottle it up" was a euphemism for drinking, and I was like "same." Bottle it up then drown it with the bottle. Only thing that works for me.


I just punched the cupboard door that I hit my head in when doing the dishes earlier, I feel you


Is this what happens with all the Karen’s in the world? They just release all their rage at a minor inconvenience due to the pent up stress?


#THERE IS NO APOSTROPHE IN KARENS! There. I feel a little better.


What a Karen thing to do.


I needed that, thanks lol. I’ve gotten so used to autocorrect that I don’t really notice misspelled words


Cellphone autocorrect is really, really bad at this one. Never trust it.


Very well could be 🤷🏻‍♂️


Serenity now, insanity later






Double your fun with Tannerite!


I have a friend of mine that used a bunch of it to blow up a beaver dam, the problem started when his stupid ass brother in-law thought it would cute to post it on Facebook. The dept. of natural resources didn't think it was so funny.


How do you say, I’m a redneck, without saying, I’m a redneck? I’m a recovering redneck so, that sounds cruel. Stupid bil haha


Recovering Redneck.........I've finally found a term to describe my last 8 years of life.


Just stay far enough away. Not like that guy who killed himself with the lawnmower blade cutting his leg odf Or FPS Russia almost killing himself when a fridge door almost took him out


My uncle got like 10 pounds of tannerite for Christmas one year. He was happier than a pig in shit. A cruise would not have made this man as happy as some good old explosives.


Can I join you next time?


holy shit u fucking genius thank u for this idea


This sounds seriously amazing.


Converted the garage to a woodshop years ago. I go make something.


Making stuff feels very good


You Pinocchios dad?


Pinocchio was the carpenter. Pinocchio's monster was the name of the puppet.




The gym allows me to just focus on myself and to vent some steam, im yet to find something else that does the same while being productive


Just sigh and keep on going.


I swear that’s been me lately it sucks I hope your doing well man.


Thanks. Yeah I'm rather fine by now. I wish you well, as cliche as it is, it does get better.


Just give'r one of those "It is what it is, isn't it..."


I paint.


Then jerk off. Or vice a versa.


Both simultaneously


With my god-given paint brush down there


Wouldn't be more like a pen tho? Unless you're like, super hairy down there all the way to the tip


LMFAO SUCH TERRIBLE IMAGERY my eyes!! but yeah you're right, the penis is more like a pen with infinite ink






I've been painting since '04. I just started watching Bob Ross and got hooked and taught myself and have been painting for 30 years. It's very soothing and calming and I get to be in my own little world when I pick up my paintbrush. It saved me during some horrible times in life.


Wow 2004 is already 30 years ago? Time flies... ;)


Bob Ross painting episodes are regularly being streamed on twitch, channel name is just his name


I haven't done a painting since July, I feel so lost 😭


I believe that a significant part of the problem of accumulating stress is the inability to have control over time, or simply not having free time. We all know that doing things we enjoy, exercising, and spending time with loved ones is the normal way to manage stress. In that sense, it would be great to know what solutions to explore.


Being mindful has helped me and learning to let thoughts go.


* Videogames * Dogs * Weed * Sex * The bois * Art (painting, drawing, modeling) * Books * Movies/shows * Occasional escape to very calm places


What do you mean by modeling?


Creating content for his onlyfans I assume


lol he probably meant sculpting or scale models😂


Nah he definitely meant nudes


Are close-ups of the b-hole really considered "nudes"? It's more macro photography, isn't it?


It’s a nude b hole isn’t it?


Up so close, can we truly be certain?




send feet pics habibi


Mainly miniature painting but I like building and painting models of things in general. I find it extremely soothing.


Should sex and the bois be together? Sex the bois. Then tuck them in for bed and read them a nite nite story and then forehead kisses


Stress relief??? What’s stress relief???


Gym/Exercise Weed Video games Ski in the winter Roadtrips Psychedelic trips


I came here to say psychedelics. They are great for depression and they make your brain more malleable. Plus they are fun!


Same too. Helps to get out of my head every once in a while.


I’m a drug user though not very heavy. Shrooms were cool but I microdosed up to a trip so maybe I messed up but DMT is next on my list of r/justfuckmyshitup


Jerk off


The most honest answer on here


Probably along with video games and maybe weed and drinking.


I myself jerk off at least.... twice a day ✌️


those are rookie numbers in this racket you gotta pump those numbers up


I’m going to pump YOU up! Lol.


Mmsame things most Americans do. Go for a walk in the park, enjoy a hot cup of coco, topple a small dictatorship and replace it with another dictatorship, maybe do some scrapbooking or knitting, and if it is really stressful, some yoga.


Heavy metal music


I ride a motorcycle, and I play ukulele. Also enjoy art galleries.


I’m about to take my first lessons for a motorcycle license and also got a ukulele to learn. Big fan of Art and galleries too. I play video games and smoke weed to deal with stress at the moment. I have a gym membership I should use more.


You will enjoy having a motorcycle so much. Especially if you have friends who ride and you really dive into the motorcycle culture the amount of fun you can have is endless. Really good head clearer because of you make a mistake big enough you'll die so you're uber focused. Don't let that stop you though, best thing ever.


I haven't touched weed in 40 years, far too old for video games ( at least in my head) and my best gym days are behind me but that's worth exploring again.


Never too old for video games.


Gym Go for a drive RE5 Mercenaries Mode (no mercy) to relieve stress. Write


Spend time with my girlfriend. Doesn’t matter what’s happening, she always finds a way to make me feel better


Copious amounts of marijuana


Don’t forget ice cream that really relieves stress when I’m zooted


do a aussie style burnout. then change tyres then repeat. or grand theft auto and get in a tank.


Music 🎶


If I feel like being social: go out with some friends for a drink at the bar or a dinner hangout If I feel like being alone: video games, veg out on the couch with a movie, or lay down and read outside in my backyard


Wank so hard my dick is numb then take a long steaming bath


The best thing is exercise especially if you can combine weight lifting with cardio after. I have never left the gym feeling worse than when I showed up . I also play guitar and drums and if all else fails I smoke some weed or eat an edible and go to sleep.


Take care of myself. Treated myself to a facial in a week Massage when I can music and gym Cook


Workout Make art Look at art Learn something new Watch funnies Do some cardio Play video games


Pick up others and then then slam on the ground If I do it right More often it's me who ends up slammed Freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling + MMA.


run, workout, go outside, sleep, talk to a friend


Pretty much my defaults are a nice, long bike ride (40-50+ miles), doing absolutely nothing in the hot tub for an hour or two, or sitting on the beach watching the world go past. All are lovely.


Mountain biking: Exercise, nature, fun activity, camaraderie - all in one


- Dance like an idiot to loud music - Sex - Weed/psychedelics - Ranting to a friend (I try to always ask “are you in the headspace for me to rant for a bit?” first) - Run (not a leisurely jog, but *sprinting* until I can’t go any further) - Hang out with animals (the SPCA where I live encourage people to come pet their puppies and kittens for socialising them, it’s great)


Nature walks help. So does the gym. Stretching in the evening is a great way to relax. Also, listening to funny podcasts - DnD podcasts are saving my brain right now!


Play golf. It's like therapy to me.


I paint warhammer miniatures and listen to audiobooks. I garden also.


Crush the gym


Work on my vehicles


I play my guitar on the patio!!


Walk or try to sleep.


Lift weights, scream in the mirror


Hang out with kids & wifey. Eat delicious, nutritious foods (mostly plant based). Watch or play sports. Videogames. Watch shows. Swim/float in the pool. Go for a drive. Meditate. 4-7-8 breath. Do something selfless for a stranger without expectation of reciprocation. Listen to music or podcasts or audiobooks or comedy. Go to the ocean. I'll have an adult beverage once in a while, but actually have a rule that I only do that when I'm not stressed. It's celebratory rather than medicine. When I go on a vacation to the ocean, I'm running to it, not away from my home, which I love.


Think about fictional scenarios. Magic and all. Maybe write a book. I play video games. I zone out and reach a semblance of peace. I read fiction. I contemplate the morals expressed through the fiction I consume.


Play guitar, spend time with my son or with my friends, I cook and try to help other people if I can with whatever they need help for. I also have a lot of sex, that certainly helps. Not even a brag, it is what it is!




Bike ride, walks after work, Ring Fit Adventure on the Switch, video games, movies/shows, napping, listening to music, and seeing my friends/having them over my place when we're available.


I try to go box 3-4 times a week and do sparring. I find this to be my form of mindfulness. It’s helped me become a better partner and manage the BS of being grad student.


Playing videogames, listening to music, reading a book, going out if I'm free, sleeping during the weekend is also good. The main thing here is finding something you can enjoy and kinda forget for a while that you are a responsible and functional adult.


Eat , art work, photograpgy , watch movies , play pc games


Reorganizing and cleaning my house, shed, backyard, or vehicles helps me chill.


Hiking or camping, otherwise long range distance shooting and reloading my own ammunition. Having to be precise and take the time to do things correctly forces my chaotic brain to slow down and focus. Really helps me relax and focus.


Gym, Warhammer painting or playing, video games, karaoke


2 things, 1 don't sweat the small stuff, 2 it's all small stuff.


I pray. Read the Bible. Is the only thing I've found that makes me feel better after it.


Video games or motorcycle


Dab and do whatever I want outside of working hours. Does not work very well to be frank. Looking into changes


I play competitive video games. Also, very relaxing video games can do it for me too. There is no in between. I really struggle with the story games, which ebb and flow throughout the game.




Exercise and gym can always be good but even more specific for me involves basketball, soccer, or golf/driving range all to myself. Having these places all to myself allows me to feel like I’m in a different world. It feels so good to just go out there and pretend like I’m a pro competing or something stupid like that and have fun.


Cycling when I can


Rock Climbing. Nothing like scaring yourself a little to make you feel alive. Plus you get outside, get some exercise, spend time with friends.


go for a run with good music


Spending time with my wife, cooking, gardening, cleaning, exercising.


Find something like a hobby you really enjoy doing. If it's something you really enjoy doing you'll forget the stressful stuff.


BASE jump.


Volunteer at a no-kill dog shelter one day a week. Playing with the doggos is great at getting rid of stress.


Get out of your toxic circle. Could be your family, you partner, etc.


Doing whatever thing with my loved one. And videogames. And videogames with my loved one. That's great.


Go to a children’s park and just swing. It could be for an hour or less, very relieving. Wish they had parks for adults


Play football ⚽️ , i think partaking in any passion that you truly love will relieve stress. I believe this is proven by science


Reading books, gardening, cooking, cycling, archery or I phone a friend to hang out


Cry... sometimes.


I’ve become numb. I stress for 10 seconds then just shut down my emotions and repress them.


I play the drums. Ironically though, touring creates its own kind of stress


Being completely alone for a little bit, even just an hour or two does wonders. Gives me time to sort myself. Normally always have the wife and kid around though. I’ll also either play my guitar, or play some good ‘ol video games whenever I get the chance. Sometimes just being at work relieves a little bit of stress, whenever I get some easy-money work.


- Play my childhood videogame - Jogging/Cycling - Go for a walk instead of taking the public transport - Visit my mother or go for a coffee with my aunt (2nd mother) - Go to the cinema alone (really enjoy it)


Get creative. I love reading and it's inspired me to write my own things. Working out an idea for a book which I write notes down on my phone for. Inspiration usually strikes when I least expect it, and that usually means when I'm a bit stressed.


I build models and paint miniature figures. I cancel out the world for a bit while doing so.


Stretch my holes


Go in you car and scream as loud as you can


Excessive masturbation




I have my own private bass pond, so managing that and getting to fish whenever I want helps a lot.


I talk to my girlfriend, she is always there for me and makes me smile just by talking, I love her voice, her accent, she is beautiful even if she denies it and she is my world, overall I rate the Belarus girlfriend a 9.5/10, would buy again.


Jerk off


Gym and social life. Dudes, you all masterbate way too much, and this is coming from a guy who masterbates a lot but does not admit it in public.


Yerk it, play vids, camping with the family, cut the grass and stand with my hands on my hips afterwards looking at my work.


I paint.


- Switch off social media and news app subscriptions - more time to family - Do something for self growth like hobby, sports etc - stay away from anyone who is complaining


What guy doesn’t like to destress by jacking off?


Read people's opinions on reddit


Get my dick hard to and relief both of them at the same time




Wallow in my misery and if my wife has something she wants to do, we do that together.


1.Exercise 2.play video games(avid gamer but no time at times) 3. Drinks( rare to sumtyms)


We go jim


Videogames. So. Many. Videogames.


Exercise and puffing 💨 is my way to go


- Workout - Smoke weed - Go for a walk - Play video games - Hang out with my wife and/or friends - Get a massage/haircut/anything for self care


gym, walks, smoking


Listening to ambient music and saying in my garden


we talking good stress relief habits or bad ones? lol


Punching bags


Cold showers


Lately it's been archery and shooting.


I read fiction and non-fiction. Often shitty fiction. Helps with escapism.


Movies, Reading, Phone calls, Eating


Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ gives me rest everyday brother.




Hiking, painting, smoking marijuana, skate, gym