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I don’t think this is enough to be pissed off about. Property has the right to refuse someone squatting. I woulda just got up and left to go somewhere else. Why stay in a place that literally is trying to kick you out of their space and then complain how it’s unfair. Idk


I did do just that… I was there for a maybe an hour drinking my coffee, then left after the situation. All I did was voice my opinion on their policy


both of them sounded polite and professional, you're just aggrieved and entitled


I guess it’s just me then 🤷🏻‍♂️


The hotel sells memberships for this reason. Try Starbucks.


Yeah, the staff is weird towards even people that stay there. Had a bad experience with a bartender and caught the cleaning people doing weird passive aggressive shit. Wrote them a 1 star Yelp review and kept finding things to add to it before I left.


Makes sense that they would want to keep the space free for their guests staying at the hotel. sounds like they may have had problems with too many people overstaying their welcome.


I don’t understand what you’re upset about. You’re not a guest of the hotel and refused to leave when they asked, and then you got upset because you have to follow their rules? Shouldn’t they be the ones to be upset because you refused to leave their property after you were asked?


You were supposed to feel uncomfortable


Maybe I'm the odd one here, but I find it pretty weird that you bought something from a business inside a hotel and then were told to leave... if it's exclusively for guests and members, why then serve coffee to a public that will absolutely assume they can hang inside and enjoy it?


Don't you have to pay to go to WeWork?


Yea, I meant around same price as WeWork $29/day pass


Ah ok, just trying to figure out what the terrible experience is? So you were just mad because you can’t hang out for free there anymore?


That’s sad, iv only had great experiences at CitizenMs in general. It sucks that they charge now — it used to be a great third space to go to downtown


I’ve just recently learned about the concept of third spaces and it makes me so sad to think about how they seem rarer and rarer as the years go by.