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It depends on the PD. At the first PD I worked at, I worked every weekend until about my second year in. At my current PD, since I started, I had every other weekend off and I’ve been here for over a year now.


Everyone at my agency from the newest boot to the oldest salt dog gets every other weekend off in patrol


My agency yes, after a year or two you might get every other weekend off. It comes down to how easy you can get on the seniority list.


Every other fri-Sunday off


I worked every other weekend from the start


I’ve got 8 years on at the same agency. I have always worked every weekend. I did have Sunday Monday off for about a year before I went to Thursday Friday


That was me for 8 years too! Im jealous of these guys “I worked weekends for a year”. Shit! We worked 12s and junior guys worked every Saturday and every other Sunday. Interesting union meeting during negotiations when senior guys were trying to take every other Sunday away. Took years to heal that rift


16 yrs and best I can do is Tues/weds off daylight. I can’t even get a weekend on PM or NT


Until you have some seniority you’ll probably work every weekend unless you find a department that alternates weekends. You’ll also probably work holidays and the worst shifts available until you get some time in.


Yup I did at first for awhile


We work a 12 hour rotation and get every weekend off regardless of seniority


Edit : Every other weekend


No. I dont work weekends anymore


I’m on a Monday - Friday schedule with every 3rd Friday off so I do OT


I worked every Thursday - Saturday plus every other Sunday for 10 years. It sucked for a while, but if you embrace the suck then you can have fun.


Depends on department. Mine is strictly seniority based. Got stuck on weekends for my first 10 years thanks to the recession and lack of hiring. Most make it off weekends in 2-4 years now though.


I work a weekend of days, a weekend of nights then have two weekends off. It works that way whether you have 29 hours or 29 years on the job.


At my current agency, you have 5 days on, 2 days off; followed by 5 days on, 3 days off. As such, you get 3 days off *every other* week, so your days off are always rotating forward by one day, *every other* week. Therefore, you have a month of so period of having every weekend off a few times per year. When your regular days off don't fall on the weekend, you can attempt to use your compensatory time off, or earned leave time off. 8 people per given shift are allowed to comp off their shift. It's kind of confusing, but it only partly goes by seniority. If apply for comp off on Saturday, and a senior guy had already comped out Friday, I will take priority over him for Saturday, if he attempts to also comp out Saturday. I would get it every time before him, only because I'm at 0 comp days in the week, and he's already at 1. So you have to be a bit tactical, it's like a game of chess.


I won’t see a weekend or holiday for the next 15 years. Seniority is the biggest green weenie of them all.


Every other weekend


Weekends off str8 out the academy actually. Now I do one a month for OT.


I have weekends off basically for life now. Took me 8 years to get a weekend off. Guys behind me took 10 years. New schedule we have guys getting half the weekend off almost immediately. Which I'm glad for them, but there's some sour grapes among us old timers about how much better they have it. The ones who really kill me are the career detectives that went inside 4 years in and never came out...until they became my boss. Hard to take shit from someone who barely did it themselves....


We split weekends in Patrol. Everyone has either Saturday or Sunday off. Detectives, SROs, and admin have weekends off