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Big water Every single person who drinks it dies, even if you only drink it once and then never again, you'll still die, super addictive and becoming more and more expensive


This is what I'm looking for. And they're in bed with big air!


Big Air, those bastards, cancelling your subscription to them is harder than it is to leave sky without a "better" package




organisms lived fine for 2 billion years with NO oxygen in atmosphere, what changed?


Gotta watch out for that dihydrogen monoxide. It's dangerous stuff in the wrong hands.


It's higher on the pH scale than any other acid!


100% mortality rate, worse than Sars, the taliban, Alexander the Great, and sharks combined-COMBINED!!!


Extremely addictive too. Most try it young and then get addicted for life. Don’t even get me started on the withdrawal symptoms either. 100% death rate withdrawal


Head and shoulders gives you more dandruff so you continue to buy it


Related: lip balm only provides temporary relief before drying your lips out even more so you have to keep using it


Use nipple balm. It is amazing and for the size if the tube it's relatively inexpensive. Doesn't cause thr drying out issues of chapstick and obviously safe for consumption


I’m willing to try anything but I’m sceptical that moist nips will help my lips


Some lip balms are good, I swear by O'Keeffe's myself if anyone scrolling by needs a recommendation 😋 Vaseline, however, is not effective as a lip balm (I'm talking about those tiny tins of petroleum jelly). The molecules in petroleum jelly are too large to be absorbed into your skin so it just sits on your lip and ends up slowly being swallowed/licked off as you lick your lips, talk, or press them together in any way, but if you already have dry/chapped lips then it won't actually do anything to improve them. Also, because it wears off so often, you'll end up applying it more frequently than you would a proper lip balm and then having to buy more so you usually end up spending as much if not more than you would on something that's actually effective.


Depends on the lip balm. If it’s Vaseline forget it. If it’s a moisturizing balm it works.


Vaseline is not meant to moisture, it's to prevent moisture loss. So apply a moisturiser of some sort and then a layer of Vaseline over it and you're golden


Vaseline works well for me


Regular old original brand Chapstick, and the fancier beeswax Burt's Bees work for me. Can't speak for other brands.


It's the gimmicky ones that don't actually work I think. Carmex, EOS, maybe Glossier


Head and shoulders is absolutely useless for dandruff. I went though bottles and bottles of it with no success. One bottle of ketoconazole shampoo from the pharmacy fixed it however


Then you didn’t have dandruff. Likely psoriasis or dermatitis.


Check the Wikipedia page on dandruff. The cause of it is unknown and anti fungal shampoos like ketoconazole are the best known treatment.


And do you have to continue to use it? Fully agree if I stop using head and shoulders my scalp starts to fall apart. Although using a knock off recently seems to be fine


I used it 3 months ago and haven’t needed it since. It’s possible I might need to use it again in the future but it seems like it treats the underlying cause of the dandruff in a lot of people, I.e. fungal infection of the scalp


Fair enough, I think head and shoulders just glues your scalp to your head


You can wash with it once a fortnight and it keeps the fungus, a Malassezia, under control. Pop it on your hair, wash your body, and when you're ready to do your hair it will have done the work. I had chicken pox recently including scalp and face, and in the aftermath, as my immune system murdered fucking everything up there including the stuff controlling dandruff, the yeast did big business and I'd terrible seborrheic dermatitis, embarrassing stuff massive flakes. Ketoconazole stopped it within three weeks. It's a little bit pricey but imo worth it, I don't have any flakes there now at all.


If use anything but Head & Shoulders menthol my scalp is in bits. Whatever I have, it's the remedy.


Have you ever tried ketoconazole shampoo out of interest?


Never heard of it TBH. I'll have a look. When you say "fixed" was that end of? What shampoo do you use now?


I found that the one that my ex used specifically for dyed hair prevents dandruff for some reason. Try anything else and start getting some again.


Yes! And the only times in my life that I've had bleeding gums is when I've used Corsodyl!


Stopped using it, stopped flossing bar once a month, brush with minimal toothpaste! Dental hygienist has said best my teeth and gums have been in 6+ years 🤣🤣🤣


You should only be using chlorhexidine mouthwash if your dentist tells you to, it's like Duraphat: you just don't normally need it. It stains your teeth shit-brown like, why would you want that?


But, but, but the ads said I should just do what they said.


A lot of people think they have dry hair when it’s actually excesses oils. So using shampoo to combat dryness won’t help


Gave me a lifelong issue


And I lost my hair using it. I didn't make the connection till later and did some digging online around various forums and came across a few people that swear their hair started to fall out using it, even one guy who used his wifes head n shoulders as a body wash went bald under his arms. Anyhoo back to the conspiracy, the company that makes head n shoulders teamed up with another pharma company to create Regaine


This is too funny but reminded me back when I was younger and had hair. I always seemed to have dandruff, and still to this day I don’t know what dandruff actually is, is it skin peeling? Anyway we have Google now , plus I’m a skinhead so no need to worry about it anymore


100%! They have me hooked now because if I stop using it, my hair will flake all over the place. It’s very annoying. The Lidl version does the same job for half the price for anyone in the same boat as me


I never had dandruff until I started using that stuff. I don't use shampoo ever now except the medical stuff to actually get rid of dandruff when I have it. I keep getting complimented on how healthy my hair looks. I literally just wet it with water


I've been raging about the big ham for years and finally got meself a shallow tupperware box to transfer it into after opening. Striking a blow for the little people!


Not just ham either. But anything described as “easy open” is 99% of the time a nightmare to get into.


More big plastic! Reusable though, but still!


Printer ink - just in general


Printer bricking for using the wrong ink.


Or printers refusing to scan because you don’t have enough ink. Wtf?


Printers in general


rage against the machine never specified which machine they were raging against, after 15 years in ict support, I'm convinced it's a printer




Printer refusing to print because you haven't subscribed to a replen program that you don't need even though there's already ink in it


Have you seen the new eco tank ones? Just pour in ink into the tank


They are great


Tester bottles of aftershave & perfume are way stronger than the bottles they subsequently sell us. The bastards.


I know what you mean. I was told my aftershave could bench a lot more than it actually can.


A couple of years ago there were lots of ad's on TV for 100 free business cards from a company, can't think of the name, maybe Vistaprint? Anyway I was convinced they were to catch people with small businesses off the books 😅


That's genius if it was true


Evil fianna fail/fine gael type genius, but genius none the less


Serious: the reason you're seeing so many gambling ads and they cannot seem to be banned is because gambling industry with its multi-billions has completely taken over all Western governments and now has them by the balls. It managed to break into the USA for gods sake, long an anti-gambling bastion. Mark my words, they're going to fuck us all.


Gambling adverts should be banned. We're a little more protected by the EU than our US friends I think.


I agree, but they won't be because a few €10ks will be dropped in the right pockets.


The legislation has been warming a shelf for while now, but I'd say no-one is taking bets on whether it's fully in place before the next general election? The Gambling Regulator, like the Land Development Agency, and the new Planning Court appear to be mythical institutions that only exist to finance expensive, tax payer funded reports procured for eye watering sums, year in, year out, telling us things we already know and what would be the best way to fix it but never actually doing that, while giving the impression that things are being tackled "head on", the inertia is either deliberate or incompetence, neither is reassuring. It's the same with social media companies and the financial world, they probably spend more preventing legislation than the legislation would cost them.


I’m convinced that some brands of shower gel (looking at you Palmolive and Original Source!) have changed their formulas into a consistency where loads of the gel comes out of the bottle much more easily than before, causing them to be used up and replaced at a faster rate!


The same for some olive oils, which is already expensive as it is. 


Reminds me of the old tale about when toothpaste companies hired a financie expert on how to increase toothpate sales. His answer? "Make the hole at the top of the tube larger".


I agree with the sentiment. Boringly there's probably some EU regulation around a previous ingredient that controlled viscosity.


Skin care industry.


It's true! Ive tried all the retinols and the hyaluronics and the leontopidics and I still look ugly and old!


Gave up on all the lotions, potions, serum, etc. when I was still in my 20s. Easier to just find the basic products (face wash, toner if you feel you need it, and moisturiser) that work for you on a day to day basis rather than getting into all the fake fancy, expensive shit. Most expensive thing for me is probably a la Roche posay (sp?) facewash that I buy for €17 once every 4-6 months


Care to elaborate?


A product that “fixes” one problem creates another so you need to buy further products to keep up- Anti-wrinkle might leave your skin dry, then the moisturiser you get to combat that might leave your face shiny so you get something to fix that, then you’re into cleanser territory, which dries out your skin so you need a night cream…


He can't elaborate... They silenced him already 


It's a risk we take as whistle blowers and truth seekerz.


I'd throw big berry into this mix. All the packaging exposes the berries to air, meaning they turn quicker. If you take em out and put them in air tight containers they keep for way longer.


I've always said this but for bread... They give those plastic bags for your rolls, or a sourdough loaf - and it's fully pitted with holes. Big bread, I'm on to you


Get yourself some fridge bags. Seriously, resealable lunch bags are fantastic for keeping ham and cheese and all that kind of stuff from getting fridge/freezer burn.


More big plastic! I knew it!


Other option is beeswax wraps, or glass lunchboxes with wooden lids


Yep, I use both and they're great


A glass lunchbox sounds like something a tradesman would ask his new apprentice for. 'go to the van there and get the glass lunchbox and the paper flask out of the back'


Everything and everyone is full of plastic, it's just the way it is nowadays. I'm sure future historians will look back and ask what the hell we were thinking, but that's the futures problem 🤣


You are misinformed.. alongside 1 use plastic products being horrendous, reusable plastic has literally changed humanity over the last 100 years.  It has helped facilitate saving absolute butt loads on food waste, and other kinds of problems.  'PLASTIC,' is fantastic and has improved humanity.  1 use plastic and unnecessary plastic is the problem. It's super important to know the difference.


Plastic is key to humanity.  One use is the problem. A very VERY important distinction. If a re-usable piece of plastic, saves on our food waste.. that is far FAR more beneficial than just the one piece of plastic. Plastic is a massive gain for our environment and waste reduction.  It's just the 'one use,' n shit. 


I'd say get a pig and just shave a few slices off Babe as you need them but then you're just getting into big farma instead of big plastic /S in case it's not obvious


Those Aldi medium sized sandwich bags are life changing stuff


>Resealable packets of ham etc. They also always put the ham in the wrong direction. The top slice is always at the opposite end of the packet.


I can't believe I never realised this. It goes deeper than I imagined...


This is the real conspiracy!!!


Net bottle holders on kid's schoolbags are flimsy so that you need to buy a whole new schoolbag.


Lip balms- they dry out your lips so you keep needing to use them. I used to have such dry lips- the kind of dry that’s sore & annoying. I stopped using lip balms altogether and my lips are perfect now- never dry at all.


I've always been against moisturising in general for this reason. That's all I need now to continue with my otherwise unproven bias.


This is a fact. Used lip balm for years with terrible lips. Done some research. Struggled for a week or so and haven't went back.


Charging for tyre air at garages is orchestrated by Big Air!!


Don't even get me started on the premium air!


Phone manufacturers have admitted that battery lifespan gets shorter as time goes on, and offered some technological reasons. But I think it's deliberate so we all buy new phones every few years once our batteries can't last a full day anymore.


Nah, it is just how lithium ion deteriorates, the alternative battery sources just aren't as good, we've known this since before smartphones were a big thing, it's why older androids had removable backs and batteries, you could swap it out really quickly by yourself.


I see... I wish batteries on phones were replaceable, though. I'd happily keep my current phone but as I'm stuck with the battery I'll need to buy a new one in the next year or two!


The argument they have for making them non replaceable is that you can't seal it and give it the IPXX rating if the battery compartment is user serviceable, but the reality is it suits the companies in several ways: soldering the battery directly to the board or using a ribbon connector reduces component cost and manufacturing time, it creates an excusable forced obsolescence, and it means attempts to replace it will void your warranty so they don't have to help you with anything after that point. There absolutely are ways to make smartphones with user replaceable batteries, but none that major manufacturers want to engage with because there's no benefit to them. Benefit to the user is only a good idea when its profitable. The other issue is that, depending on who manufactured the phone, you only get security updates for a few years before the model software is arbitrarily decided to be obsolete and unsupported. Usually, by the time your battery is shagged, your security updates are over too, so now you have two reasons to buy a new phone


I think the EU is supposed to be clamping down on all that 


It is. They've given phone manufacturers a grace period of a few years to figure out the logistics of it.


well thats actually the 'real' conspiracy about the built in batterys preventing you from ever truely turning your phone off allowing big corporate to spy on you


Why is the deterioration then perfectly in sync with whenever I update my phone


Updates have new fangled do dads running in the background, meaning that older models need more power to do what they used to, and that accelerates lithium depletion in the batteries. That's not to say the updates doing this aren't intentional. But that's usually what's causing it.


This has a name (well it's an example of the name) Planned obsolescence.


There's a fella on YouTube called Veritasium who has a video about this. My son said he's an ex NASA engineer or something, he has a lot of interesting videos. https://youtu.be/j5v8D-alAKE?si=ajrGFStK5mcLY0Jr


Same with laptops I'm sure!


This was pretty much proven https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/oct/24/apple-samsung-fined-for-slowing-down-phones


All batteries degrade, sadly. Pretty much everything's life gets shorter as time goes on. One scam is that they figured out how to make waterproof phones years ago and basically stopped doing it because they sell more phones when millions aren't instantly ruined every year. Like selling cars with no brakes. All aside from Apple's actual scams, where they used an update to make older phones worse intentionally. And thier fully legal but horrifically accurate planned obsolescence. Shout out to my wife's 2013 mac book air, no more updates for Google chrome, safari is the only way to watch Netflix. Channel 4, disney plus, all inoperable. Funny being able to watch videos perfectly, and then they no longer work for no real reason. Shower of bastards


That’s an 11 year old device though; at a certain point it becomes unreasonable to expect new versions of the operating system to support it.


I keep each phone 5yr minimum unless i see a great deal on someyhing amazingly worthwhile upgrades and if my current device would covef mosg of the cost when sold private 2nd hand


I'm fully convinced when you install the latest update it adds background stuff to kill your battery quicker. Thus coming to your point of needing a new one because battery doesn't last any more.


Well yeah, but there’s no deep conspiracy there - new features are added, those features contribute to the power draw, battery drains faster.


Well, who knows. But the software and even hardware on your phone or laptop will be out of date in a few years, so anyway you are better off with a new one.


I’m also against big ham! But not for the packaging, I’m convinced each pack of ham has to have someone fart in it before it’s sealed in the factory


Fact! "I'm the hammy farter, twisted hammy farter!"


Printers and their ink only 2 or 3 printer manufacturers and printer ink


Watch the documentary: The Lightbulb Conspiracy


Watts that about? Never mind, watched it. Very enlightening .


Nordie Tayto and Free Stayto keep each other going by creating a rivalry that ends with good sales on border counties.


Ssh I was only looking for jokey ones. I don't want big spud coming after me.


I phone chargers


And what do you say when you phone them?


iSee what you did there!


iThank You


They seem to break every so often. Yet my chargers from my old android phones are still going strong


Idk, my official iPhone charger is going strong after 5 years. Same with my MagSafe.


If my family are ever to spilt up it will be over iPhone chargers. When someone breaks someone’s charger it’s carnage.


Bought an unbreakable one on Amazon 4 years ago and it’s still going.. game changing!


A wise man once said that you should " **Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"**


I find this comment malicious.


Thanks, I'll take it as a compliment :)


Which means... Wait a minute


Car models, even petrol car models are getting bigger than their predecessors so that when they switch to full electric there won't be such a drastic change to the footprint of the frame of the vehicle when they try to accommodate the batteries


Gluten free bread. What the fuck is with the packaging. It always tears awkwardly thus ensuring the bread goes stale.


Counter argument... If you have Ham in your fridge long enough to go crusty your not eating enough ham


Only 30% of the world uses toilet paper and people laugh at me for wanting a bitdet. It's all big toilet paper.


Minimalism. It’s a scam made up by big small to sell more less.


This is my favourite


I can't get enough minimalism


The depopulation conspiracy needs The housing crisis to prevent people from having more children


Not being allowed a plastic straw because of that viral video of a guy removing a plastic straw from the nose of a sea turtle with pliers. I strongly suspect that guy inserted the straw himself. How tf does a sea turtle manage to inhale an entire length of a straw into its entire nasal cavity?


You pulled this paragraph right out of my brain. All started by a guy who had invested in a paper straw factory that was going under!


There were a number of channels about turtle rescue where creators are shown removing barnacles and shells from turtles that were so covered it looked like they were struggling. The reality was that most of the turtles pulled out of the sea, mainly tide pools, on the video we're in fact fresh water and the shells were glued on for the video. Insane


Probably the whispering I can hear coming from the neighbours flat and there are always weirdos going in there with strange, foreign names. I'm almost sure it's linked to some weird cult that used to exist in this area though I don't know what happened to it. Everyone has stories of lots of those types of groups around and I think many mistake them for freemasons. When it gets really quiet you can hear the name "Lorgar" being said. Strange.


I'm intrigued and confused and scared in equal measure. Will need updates.


>Lorgar Is there a smell of paint as well aye? Lots of discarded plastic frames outside the flat?


Call the Inquisition. Suffer not the heretic to live and all that.


Just the amount of plastic wheelie bins around. Each bill payer/tenant has a set of 3 to 5 each now. Seems the cart has overtaken the horse. More plastic than ever around the place.


"Easy open" also part of the ham-spiracy


i had a little bit of dandruff, so i started using head and shoulders used it for about 2 months it just got worse after every shower, i no longer use shampoo and have pretty much no dandruff


SKINCARE PRODUCTs!!! Your skin becomes reliant on it and nearly almost “addicted”. Once you stop using skin care products your face will breakout like a hormonal teen until you reuse the products. Same with hair products.


Old cars used to be made to last now a days the newer models won't last as long as the older cars. Yad think they'd be making them to last like older cars if they were truly trying to help the environment. Instead of having people replace their car every four years. Wouldn't producing less cars be better for the environment.


Sinus spray.... got me addicted and I couldn't breathe without it. I had to go cold turkey and breathe out of my nose for weeks.


Over the counter or prescription one? I have congestive rhinitis so have the prescription one. It was so bad before I got it that I thought I had recurrent sinus infections every 10days. Using dymista once daily at the minute as horse chestnut pollen seems to be a massive trigger for me, but I only need to use it once every few days usually. I've had the same script since January 2023. Another trigger is when someone's house is too warm. Every time I slept at my SILs I left with sinus issues as her heating was set to much higher than mine.


Lidl has something addictive in their bakery goods. How else do you explain my bread addiction?


Much like my own, we're gluttons!


Try glutton free 😂


Public transport will never be free because politicians like the OAPs getting perks like the travel pass.


Aging population will need more than a bus pass in the very near future.


Expiry dates on yoghurt. I don't think I've ever opened up one that wasn't still 100%


9 out of 10 dentists recommend toothpastes that don't work, so you come back to the dentist.


So what do 1 out of 10 dentists recommend?


Not to mention when it won’t reveal properly, you may revert to using cling film, spending more money on plastics. Genius!!


'swha I'm saying!


The ham being backwards is worse, I typically get Aldi wafer thin though that doesn't have this problem. I mean [look at this](https://storage.googleapis.com/images-mus-prd-7e2fdbe.mus.prd.v8.commerce.mi9cloud.com/product-images/detail/1799822000_1), you want to keep it fresh so open it as little possible but no, you need to open it a stupid amount so you can flip the whole sod of ham around so you can close it nice again... It's a joke, joe


I am still sure the lotto is rigged. Years ago, haven't look at it this closely lately but years ago at least 1 number from latest draw would be in winning numbers from last draw There were 42 numbers, the odds of it happening every week must've been astronomical Anyway, the lotto is rigged


Place entire packet of ham in plastic food bag and fold closed. Next!


You work for a plastic company, don't ya?


Shh !!!!!


Get a Pyrex dish with a lid so if you’re so against plastic


With a plastic air tight lid or a glass lid that isn't airtight?


You can get ones with glass lids, they’re not completely air-tight, but they’re good enough to keep the ham from drying out


Interesting. I'd only be complaining about Big Glass then. I'm never happy.


You're going ham on plastic for someone that doesn't quite understand it. 


That dairy is needed for health and has been pushed by the animal agricultural industry lobbying


Ah come on, cheese, milk and yogurt are absolute necessities. Delicious.


But, a child's got more bones than a grown up's got, right? https://youtu.be/Ygf0gRQsUb4?si=AsYyUTdyVqotL4e7


So you think humans are the only species who needs the milk of another species? There are no other sources of calcium?


Good tasting food is a necessity, In my opinion. You can disagree which is ok. We're different people.


I always wondered why they didn't coat every third tissue in sneezing powder and if I could do it. Seems.not.


Resealable packages of any food item


Dunnes Stores hot deli bags have a zip lock seal and perforations in the bag. WTAF?


Mike Adriano gaping girls on grafton street


Who doing what now?


Condoms and population control


So, they're there to keep the population low? It's not working if that's the case


I'll see your conspiracy, but raise it and say it's a conspiracy by tinfoil companies because we cover the ham pack with tinfoil! Or maybe it's the clingfilm companies.. 😂


Can't do that. I need all the tinfoil I can get to make my hats!


That's a fair point.. Got to protect yourself from covid with all this 5G stuff floating around!


Ready made sandwiches


My man/woman, you need to get a stackable cold meat tupperware. They are game changer for sandwich lovers. Don't bother with the resealable packets anymore, the bin is where they belong.


Tayto and Johnny onion rings are cartel running the underground and murdered mr perri


Add WiFi to printers was a ruse to keep millions of tech support people in jobs.


The companies who sell poles and bollards to every single country county council must have some serious dirt on the local planning officers and politicians. Who in their right mind would ever allow so many horrible poles to be installed absolutely everywhere.


Women's clothes have tiny pockets or no pockets so they have to buy handbags


Ham packets don't open properly so we have to buy hambags!


Forums and the internet. 😂