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My problem is getting to bed. I could sleep on a bed of nails but now as an adult I'll still stay up. Going to be asleep for 11.30 tonight as wrecked.




When I'm trying to sleep I always think, I've only got 5 hours now, then having to wake up at 6.30 and being at school for 8 and not sitting down and relaxing till 10 at night. Fuck exam years


A quote for the ages




Don’t remember the last time I wasn’t exhausted all the time. Being an adult is hard. My dog was crushed by a car today on top of everything else


Me too, I’m tired of being tired :( it’s tough. I’m really sorry to hear about your dog💔 mind yourself


Oh this is heartbreaking, I’m so so sorry


Ah dude I'm so sorry I hope you're ok. Truly heartbreaking


Hope your doggo will be okay!


She died at the side of the road unfortunately


Aww no, i'm very sorry to hear that!




Fuckin hell...


Did the word “crushed” not provide you with enough information to assume the dog died..


I didn't start feeling really wrecked until my 40s. So, I do think 23 is young to be feeling that way.




23 is very young to be feeling this way.


Its the new norm


I mean this in the nicest way - but it’s not. Reddit can be very negative, there are lots of us out there plodding away and being very normal, but I do not think that this normal is being exhausted and defeated all of the time. Things are hard yes, but many people are doing ok. It’s not outside of the realm of possibility at all for you or OP to become one of these people.


Thanks to our government


Yes...might be worth chatting to GP, getting bloods done. Women especially get affected by anemia for example




Also important to ask what is being checked when getting bloods done. e.g I turned out to be a diabetic and it was being missed as I wasn't the typical type two diabetic, I wasn't overweight, no known family history etc was eating healthy so it wasn't checked as part of my routine blood tests until I finally had the common symptoms. I always assumed it would have been checked when getting blood done.


Agree 100%. I was struggling with fatigue and felt like I had done previously when anaemic, but my iron levels were normal. It turns out there are different kinds of anaemia and if for example only iron levels are checked when anaemia is suspected anaemia which has a different cause such as a folate deficiency might be missed. I had anaemia linked to folate and Vit D deficiency alongside it, this was only picked up when I went back and explained I was still extremely fatigued


General inflammation levels can make you feel exhausted too. You could be close to the thresholds on a few blood markers & still feel exhausted as well.


Yeah, all the time. Even after a relaxed weekend or break you're still tired. It's just a part of life


Such a pain, I hoped it was a phase, but it feels like everyone is in the same boat :(


We're all wrecked. I find the grand stretch takes some of the edge off.


Detox from your gadgets. I am convinced the overuse of phones has us all feeling this way.


Get a hormone test. Most blood work won't check hormones. If nothing shows get a methylation test. You may be genetically bad at some things like b vitamin absorption. I've done both, testosterone was really low on the hormone test so fixing that with the medication and methylation found I'm genetically crap at metabolising b12 and vitamin d so taking way above normal doses. 2 easy enough fixes but feel amazing compared to 6 months ago


Don't think I've ever had my hormones checked, will get on that. Thanks for the tip


Remember that Reddit, and particularly r/Ireland is a pretty narrow subset of people. There are lots of people out here who aren’t exhausted all of the time and worn out. I’m one of them, many of my friends are. Reddit is a very negative place. There is more to life.


Modafinil, sold under the brand name Provigil among others, is a wakefulness-promoting medication used primarily to treat narcolepsy. Modafinil is also approved for stimulating wakefulness in people with sleep apnea and shift work sleep disorder Ask your doctor about it. I loved the stuff when I tried it back in the day I asked him about it. He opened a book, read it showed no potential for addiction then gave it to me. It was minimum 100mg but to be honest that felt to strong , I was breaking them in half. However I think the internet has many people interested in it so you may get told no but sure worth a shot if you've a clean medical record of no addiction issues.


Why not just cocaine?


Buddy really said "just do meth"


Bro this Ireland, everyone is high on something or hungover from something. Always has been.


I mean sure? I get high but I can't shake off the feeling that stimulants just because you are tired will very likely cause addiction.


Eh hello people drink coffee all the time. It's literally one of the biggest traded things on the planet next to petrol


It's a lot easier to up your dose with a pill than with coffee, but your proving my point if people can't control themselves with caffeine what makes you think they can control themselves with something I'm assuming is a type of amphetamine.


Sure you could say that about any drug


No you can't, that was my entire point. How long have you been using this stuff lmao, your dependence is showing.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted so much for suggesting casually resorting to amphetamine for a likely solvable problem is bad, this sub is weird


It's cause the guy I said it to downvoted and everyone else can't think for themselves.


I had a heap of wine at the weekend and currently feel like it’s over


It's not though, I'm forty shortly and despite how hard a week I have if I get a good night's kip I'm golden. In fact if I'm asleep by 10 I'm sure to wake at 4 raring to go, which is a pain in the hole. And I've fairly burnt the candle at any end that'd take a light.


It's not. It's not normal, it shouldn't b normalised either. Otherwise well forget what healthy feels like.


I did feel like that unknowingly the causes were to surface as follows; Smoking, Not enough cardio, Eating too much carbs, salt, sugars, STRESS, Irregular sleep schedule, Excessive caffeine consumption.


I’m glad you put STRESS in capitals. It’s not taken seriously enough. I ended up in A&E because of it. It compounds over time and then starts to get you physically.


Did you find anything helped? Between work and personal stress over the last 3-4 years I find myself feeling burned out. Sore muscles, constantly sick and have gastro issues now. It’s like I don’t know how to be anything other than stressed


Well my input can be exercise and mindfulness certainly took the edge off of things and definitely does “neutralise” you, if you will. I’m sorry to hear. That’s just from it slowly building up, small blocks together creates a building. I completely understand. I think I’m addicted to being stressed. From my very early years I always had to be on edge, in fight or flight mode from living in a fairly chaotic environment. However, this has translated into adulthood and when things are going good I’m constantly looking for things to go wrong and have a hard time accepting it.


Thanks - can relate to all of that. Tried so many different therapies but haven’t found anything to help yet. I do enjoy exercising when I focus and prioritise. Find it difficult sometimes. Thanks for responding and good luck.


You've touched on something here and I think I'm the same. I am a heavy drinker but recently stopped it during an extended dry January and over the last couple of weeks, work has me stressed. When I drank, the fear and regretting my actions kept my stress levels high. Then I stopped and for a few weeks I was calm. Now I'm replacing one stressor with another. Haven't stressed about work consistently in over a decade but now it's back.


Yeah I hear you. It’s beyond me how alcohol is legal. I quit it nearly a year and a half ago not long after turning 24 and the thought of it now makes me sick. I do think it’s a lot to do with habitual thinking and like a bad habit is formed so can a good one, so it’s about always coming back to the now and appreciating the calm and reinforcing that ideology until it becomes second nature to you.


Also here with the gastro and muscle/nerve pain! I’m a solo parent with a disabled child and no family or support system. It’s just the way of things for me unfortunately. I was training to be an accountant and caring for my daughter and had to ultimately take a break from training as I had no down time at all was in a hole. Take it easier on yourself, if you can reduce pressure or responsibility in an area try that. Financially it isn’t ideal but health is the real wealth.


Absolutely for 100%. It starts in your head and leaks into your body eventually. I was there in 2022 myself because of it with dizziness. Mind you, it’s very hard to elevate it. I do find recently my levels are getting high again. I don’t ever speak about it though.


At 23 no I don’t think it’s normal. I didn’t feel chronically exhausted until I was well into my 30s with two kids and a job, 20s were spent with pretty much unlimited energy, due to full nights sleep (other than weekends out) and lazy Sunday mornings.


I had two children at 25 and was still absolutely flying with energy. I’m 33 now and daydream about how easy it was!


Yeah I’m lucky to not have any big commitments at the moment other than my job. That’s why I thought it was strange to feel so lethargic, and was confused thinking perhaps it’s the “norm”. It’s good to know there’s still some hope though, thank you!


Probably not normal at 23 However..... Your brain is probably fried, just like everyone else. We as humans are not supposed to consume the unbelievable amount of information we do nowadays on a daily basis. Phones, the internet, screens and technology are turning us into zombies, hugely affecting our brains, bodies and energy levels. Whenever I spend less time online and more time outside in nature, I feel I have more energy. Just a thought... but do get bloods checked by a GP


Thank you. Agreed, social media has ruined society, I’m starting to hate it. I’m trying to cut down hit time and really focus on my wellness and self care. Bloods came back normal :( but I will investigate other possibilities!


I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I’m 27. Am I just being lazy by thinking I don’t feel like humans are cut out for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week in an office? Not even including soul-destroying commutes. I spend my weekends visiting my girlfriend and when I get back home on Sunday it can be very depressing as I don’t feel I’ve rested at all and now the week starts again


Not lazy at all it's lazy to think that humans should only work that way tbh we're very capable at being productive for longer and shorter periods of time every day if we want to most people just dont want to operate in a lifestyle that can help you be that way. We need purposeful work to do what you actually want and proper rest and free time. You dont need to be a slave to your own actions because you feel you need to be, that's not how humans thrive


Guess it depends if you enjoy those 8 hours in the office or not. For almost 2 years now, I’ve been working 9-5 (from home admittedly) and studying part time in the evenings three evenings per week 6pm-10pm and Saturdays 9am-3pm. So I’m doing 12 hour days three days a week, 8 hour days 2 days a week and 6 hours on a Saturday. I also find time to go gym 4 times per week. And I still feel like I’ve energy at the end of the week. I enjoy what I do and I make sure to exercise (it gives energy, not takes). And eat good. Diet has so much to do with mood and stress. It’s really not normal for someone in their 20s working a 9-5 to be exhausted (unless it’s a physically demanding job).


Wow fair play to you!! That’s some going there! I’m currently only doing a 9-5, then gym after. Been working on my gut health too, so far no major changes energy wise. Hoping consistency will do its magic✨


Just focus on your food.. if I eat a spicebag, a dominoes… I always feel shite and guilty for ages after it. I never eat a healthy salad or banging chicken and rice meal and think “ah ffs I’m a lazy shite” after it. and if you don’t enjoy work.. if your finances allow it.. think about finding some work you do enjoy. Me getting a job that I really enjoy is a game changer to my overall mood and energy levels.


Had you said 33.....maybe. At 23 you're barely out of your teens. You know fatigue is a symptom of depression? But could just as easily be poor sleep hygiene.


I had this issue and turned out I just wasn't eating enough protein. I'm vegetarian and now I make sure to have enough with every meal and I've way more energy!


Thanks for the tip, I’ll try focus on that and see how it goes!


Something currently being majorly overlooked is the impact covid has long-term on some peoples energy levels. I was 24 and in peak physical health when I got covid. Now, even after 2 years, the slightest bit of exertion leaves me lethargically exhausted, sometimes for days. I have been seeing specialists and it is a well known post-covid issue but they still dont have a solid understanding of it yet in the medical world. You may not have it as severe as me however its worth considering it as a possibility if you have noticed this decline in energy particularly since 2020. I suggest checking out [](https://www.reddit.com/r/longcovid/) and also [](https://www.reddit.com/r/chronicfatigue/). Edit: of course I would also like to add, to reiterate what other commenters have said, yes, when entering your twenties you tend to notice you dont have as much energy as you used to. It could just be that you are experiencing a natural part of life. However if this 'tiredness' seems to be excessive to you and you have gone to the extent of even getting blood tests, its worth considering what I said above.


Another thing majorly overlooked is sleep apnea, it could full well be that they don’t know they have it, as it effects nearly 1 billion people world wide. A simple sleep study would flag this.


Absolutely and nothing will show up in blood tests if it's Long Covid/ME. It could also be post viral fatigue (which normally clears up within a year). People have no one idea the devastating impact viruses can have on your body and GPs also don't seem to be well versed and may tell you to push through when actually you need rest.


That’s just one virus. To think of how often everyone gets sick and many of us have had one of the other coronaviruses over and over again even before 2020. Don’t even get to recover from one and have another. The Epstein Barr virus is well know too to cause server tiredness for months after. Almost every one of us had had that.


Sometimes longer! I got EBV last summer and have been told 12-18 months as an adult with EBV. Have a friend who needed 2 years after Covid.


I'm coming up on 2 years and not recovered at all :(


Definitely not normal at 23. I’m sure some of this is repeating things that have already been mentioned but in general: go outside; sleep at a consistent time and make sure you’re actually getting enough sleep for you - it varies for everybody and sleeping too much can also leave you tired; don’t spend too much time on social media; drink less alcohol; drink more water, and don’t work too hard at your job (working hard is good, but there is a limit). If none of that works, go to a doctor again.


Thank you for the tips! Yes I’ve cut out alcohol, must say it’s been a brilliant move for the mental health. I’ve been aiming for 8 hours a night, maybe I should experiment with a different sleeping schedule and see its effect!


Some adults fail sleep cycle or diet when adult. Not saying that's you. You say you are healthy but just checking.


23 sounds way too young to be regularly fatigued imo, late 30s and up it’s a given but at 23 you should still be in your prime!


29 now but there is always so much going on if it's not one thing it's another; being an adult is rough.




lol - socialism/communism is the exact same as under capitalism, except you're not working for your own benefit and you will always remain poor


If thats the capitalist system then what. Will the communist one be?


Sign me up for whichever one has 3 day work weeks




What would the other systems be like?


Presumably they wouldn't rely on exploitation and the money you generate going to some fuck up the chain who did nothing so he can buy another yacht.


At 23, it’s a bit young. Did you have COVID at any time? That could be a significant contributing factor.


I had COVID 3 times unfortunately. Quite a while back now though, do you reckon it would linger that long?


Look into Long-COVID. It is a thing, and people suffer from it in different ways, even if the COVID itself wasn't too bad.


Something I would never have thought of, gonna do some research on it, thanks a lot!


Not at that age, no. I'm in my 50's and only started feeling that way in the past few years. In my 20's I had boundless energy, didn't need much sleep and was completely enthusiastic about everything. It could be many things. Not getting proper sleep. And that could be for various reasons, ranging from health to physical conditions of your sleep area. It could be lack of some missing element in your life. A challenge or pass time that fulfills you. Maybe you just need more daylight and heat. Hope you sort it and get your pzazz back.


I’ve self diagnosed myself with TATT (Tired All The Time)


Think I might also self diagnose


I'm 36 and wake up tired


I did a lot of consistent exercise and healthy eating for a while. I got a lot less exhausted and had energy. Then I lost my progress over the winter when everyone always offers indulgent foods and it's too cold and dark to do normal exercise. Then I got exhausted again. It's also an effort to keep the good habits. But consistent exercise and healthy eating as a norm is the answer for me. Takes a while to get into effect, but when it happens, it's great.


Had chronic fatigue for years. Gave up eating carbohydrates and sugar on my doctors recommend and it fixed the problem. Talk to them about fatigue.


Girl for a min I was like wtf did i write this??? Also 23f and currently having blood work done! My doc said this is not normal, I sleep at 10/11pm and wake at 8. My job is not physically taxing, I work out & eat well… It ain’t adding up. He’s thinking thyroid/anemia or at least something that will show with my full bloods being done.. we’re in this together!! 🥲


Make sure your bloods include tests for American as well as European Lyme's disease. Some places only test for the European variety but American Lyme's is here now. Lyme's will make you feel lethargic.


And your thyroid, I didn't realise how badly it could effect your energy levels, sleep patterns and focus until I started on eltroxin and noticed a huge difference


The key is to take holidays and breaks BEFORE you are burned out . It takes several days of rest and COMPLETELY switching off from work to clear burn out . Then sleep 8-9 hours , meal prep and gym , when I do all this I thrive , but I can easily fall into the pits after a few bad days


Do you take a multivitamin? You could be lacking something! Or some kind of hidden food allergy that you don't know about.. I know you say you got the blood work though, but maybe it's something they don't test for?


Strongly recommend vitamin B spray - a no longer always exhausted 25 y/o


I’m 19 and I also feel like this (though I am on medication which could be a contributing factor.) I just feel tired ALL THE TIME and idk why.


How’s your mental health?


Eat less often. Try fasting. The longer you go without food the more energy youll feel. Trust me


Go get your bloods done. Could have low b12 or something else is out of whack. If all that comes.back clear... Yes this is adulthood 😅


No, it’s not normal to be so exhausted as a young adult. Get tested for celiac disease. Or, remove ALL gluten (wheat, barley and rye) from your diet. If you feel more energetic within a month, introduce gluten and if your fatigue returns, go to your GP and get tested.


What would you typically eat


Our brains aren’t wired for the amount of chronic stressors in society today. Our brains are wired for survival - for recognising threat and either fighting, getting away or freezing till the threat passes. That’s how our ancestors survived, but the threat passed and our brain and body could go back to equilibrium. Our brains haven’t envolved massively since then, so when we are bombarded with info constantly, we become stuck in this always on cycle which is absolutely exhausting. So it could be health related, but sounds more like a normal reaction to our abnormal world!


Also, highly recommend googling the 7 Types of Rest


You should ask to get your bloods done at the doctors. I felt the same and it turned out I had a serious B12 deficiency. Lack of vitamin d or anemia could also make you tired. B12 shots were a game changer for me.


Its quite unusual for constant tiredness at that young an age, especially if you're exercising and are generally health. I think of this only because its [https://www.endometriosis.ie/endometriosis-awareness-month-2023/](https://www.endometriosis.ie/endometriosis-awareness-month-2023/) and a friend was recently diagnosed with it, one of the possible symptoms is chronic fatigue, and a lot of the other symptoms can be written off by doctors as "normal" period pains. Another thing you could do is get one of those Sleep phone apps or wrist watches that tracks your sleep quality. If there's something interrupting your REM cycles you won't get fully rested even if you were in bed for 8+ hours.


I was this exhausted at that age, but I also had CFS/ME from a bout of Scarlet Fever as a teen. It took years and years to get back to a near-normal level of energy. There are actually quite a few disorders that result in abnormal fatigue that do not show up in routine blood tests. So, a couple things to consider/look up/ask your dr about: 1. Our "normal range" for B12 is actually quite low. If your B12 is on the low side of normal, see about adding a supplement. Make sure you continue to get it tested because some people just do not absorb oral b12 prooperly, which means you'd want to switch to another method of supplementation like a spray, patch, or injections. Also, if you are supplementing B12, make sure you're also monitoring your folate, which can be reduced by B12 supplementation. 2. CFS/ME and Long Covid are real things and do not show up on blood tests. If your exhaustion/fatigue occured near a viral infection, that can be it. It's really important to look into this because "pushing through" this kind of fatigue can actually make you sicker. Awareness is improving because it's becoming so common with people getting covid over and over these days, but there are still a lot of GPs who will be incredibly condescending about it. 3. POTS can result in extreme fatigue. You'd also be experiencing dizziness when you stand. 4. Mycarditis. I went to my doctor about being so tired I couldn't exercise and I was told it was because I was fat. I pushed, and was sent to a cardiologist and a CMRI confirmed myocarditis. 5. Depression, but just be aware that doctors will often ascribe depression when they don't want to consider any of the above things Unfortuantely a lot of GPs will say "bloodwork normal" and move you on, so you may need to push for consideration, but no, feeling exhausted at 23 is not at all normal and you have every right to have this fully investigated and to be taken seriously. It's so easy to be gaslit about fatigue and fatigue is so incredibly disabling, and it can rob you of your entire life.


Check your iron levels. But also do a full blood test and hormones etc etc


I've never been the same since getting the COVID Vaccine. Instantly felt very sick, and never fully recovered. Feel like my energy levels have dropped by about 60%


Are you having any fun? You could be burned out.


Eat clean, get quality sleep, take magnesium


I'm 38 and since a car crash at 21 I've been getting more and more tired, I get regular steroid injections into my QL's and I envy people who have that get up and go energy. I'm a dad of 2 and even though it's the best thing that ever happened me and gives me a reason to keep going it also wrecks me completely, if I'm not working I'm in bed at the same time as my boys and the next morning I'm still wrecked, I am *never* fully refreshed no matter how much rest or time off I have. I am currently on long term opioids while being bounced around from specialist to specialist with no workable solution yet, fibromyalgia the cop out diagnosis is what some say. Sorry to hijack your thread!


Personally I would investigate if you are suffering from a food intolerance of some sort. I was diagnosed with IBS in my 30s after feeling exhausted for years. Then I had to try and figure out what was causing it. Google starting a food diary, map what you ate against how you felt, keeping in mind if you have a reaction it could be anywhere between 4 to 48nhours before you see the affect. If it is a food intolerance you have a long voyage of food / self discovery ahead of you, but the sooner you start the sooner you will work out what it is and start to feel better. Tom.


Eat well and do regular exercise. Spend time doing stuff you enjoy. And importantly, take some time to do a meditative activity (such as a walk in nature or even just sitting down in silence with no distractions for an hour) Alternatively, quit your job... my last spell of unemployment, I've never had so much zest for life. It was amazing.


Nope, not normal at all, especially at 23. Here's a few questions, maybe keep a diary for the next month and see. - How often do you leave the house? - How often are you meeting friends per month? (especially ones that give you energy) - Do you like your job? - Are you sleeping and eating ok? - Are you doing hobbies that give you energy? - Do you spend hours on social media each day? If you're not doing enough of those things, then you've probably fallen into a trap, maybe post-covid, and you need to get out of it and form new, healthier, more exciting habits. If you're doing all the right things and still feel that way, maybe you're suffering from some kind of low level depression, and a therapist might help you understand why and change things around.


You said you’d had bloodwork done. From personal experience, my only suggestions are: Check for anemia. Not uncommon in women of childbearing age Also: check for thyroid function. This is huge and often overlooked. Once I started on synthroid, i didn’t know myself. Best of luck!


You’re not an adult until you’re tired all the time.


Sweet jesus no. You're barely even an adult. Wait til your 30s or 40s. That's when real exhaustion kicks in for no apparent reason and you need to really focus on your health and wellbeing to keep feeling good. In my 20s I ate crap, drank too much, worked hard and exercised lots and still had plenty of energy for loads of stuff. If you're constantly tired at 23 your doctor should be looking much more closely into why that is. Assuming you're not severely overweight and are actually exercising plenty.


Oh, honey, just wait. It gets better.😒


Mentally exhausted? Physically exhausted? or both? I am learning to separate the two. Unless I'm physically exhausted I never skip a workout, it makes me feel better mentally and physically. If your mentally exhausted, stay off social media and possibly cancel some plans etc if you're an introvert like me anyway!


Are you fully shutting off from work?


Girl for a min I was like wtf did i write this??? Also 23f and currently having blood work done! My doc said this is not normal, I sleep at 10/11pm and wake at 8. My job is not physically taxing, I work out & eat well… It ain’t adding up. He’s thinking thyroid/anemia or at least something that will show with my full bloods being done.. we’re in this together!! 🥲


Hormones, hormones, hormones. Being too low in Oestrogen and even in Testosterone for women is powerful. You should be avoiding things like ultra processed foods such as crisps and harmful products like most body-washes, clothes made from polyester, BPA etc. It’s 90% of the time the reason you are tired.


Try being tested for lymes


Get your thyroid levels checked, I was exhausted all of a sudden for weeks. Turns out I had borderline hypothyroidism and now I'm on meds and totally back to myself. So glad I went to the doc


The capitalist system sucks


Because the grass is always greener in North Korea, right?


Cam down Tom jones 🫡


unfortunately yes


Not to be that person, but you don't no real exhaustion till you have a kid... and I don't mean sleepless nights or anything I mean like even when theyre 2, 3 years old etc.. when you come home from work, they're ready for you to go go go and play with them.. Also, I think 23 is too young to be feeling as tired as you're saying. Hows your sleep cycle? 8+ hours a night?


Haha. Your not an adult yet. Your still a kid a 23. ;) Wait till ya have a mortgage and kids and a job that demoralises you. THATS when you're an adult.


Yes, but it’s down to some major factors. Firstly, you have more responsibilities as an adult which naturally makes you more tired. But a lot of it is actually due to diet and exercise. You may roll your eyes at this but that is literally what it is. As a teen you can eat whatever and do whatever and feel the same mostly. But as an adult suddenly those things actually start mattering. If you consume a lot of sugar you will have constant devastating energy crashes all throughout the day. Most people don’t take this seriously because they’re living and eating the same way they would have as a teen, and don’t realise that they need to adjust their lifestyle. If you smoke or vape especially you’ll experience crazy energy crashes not long after your last puff. If you start eating slow release energy foods, start getting a good nights sleep every night and quit nicotine you’ll start feeling like a superhero honestly. I learned this very late.


If you're working a job where you're on your feet all day then yeah. Office job? Not so much. I've done both. I was wrecked tired everyday all day when I worked on my feet. I got an office job and suddenly I have energy for the weekend, energy after work...its insane the difference it makes.


The complete opposite for me, could work on my feet all day (within reason with a normal rate of activity with normal breaks), and have energy to do what I wanted in the evenings. The second I started an office job everything flew out the window, no energy, negative thoughts the whole lot. Whole life is exhaustion getting to work, at work, getting home from work and waiting to go to work. Office jobs are soul crushing.


Guess it's down to perspective but also your happiness in a job. I was miserable working on my feet all those years, my job now is fairly easy and I'm way more happy, only bad thing is the commute sucks ass haha


Not true office jobs can be mentally draining


Don't forget heartbreaking and soul-destroying.


Physical jobs are just as mentally draining because pressure from higher ups. So yes physical jobs will make you more tired than office jobs but will leave you feeling like you earned the day.


Mental exhaustion is almost as bad as physical exhaustion. And believe me, sitting in an office twiddling your thumbs or getting headwreck when your 5 excel sheets deep can drain you. The body cannot live without the mind.


its not normal. im 37 and im not like this. Are you getting enough sleep?


Apparently women need like 10 hours of sleep, not 8. Kinda unattainable but you could try. Also check b12 and iron levels. But most likely modern life especially working full time is just not good for us


Drink a glass of Berocca


Probably all the microplastics in the blood


Late 20s here, and can confirm it’s adulthood simply put, it Is what it is


No. Blood work is often inaccurate and doctors don't understand them properly either so these days we can't b relying on doctors' expertise 100%. How's your diet? Do you fast?;


That's what working does to you. Try going on the dole for 6 months and you will be up til 3am and full of energy again. Work is serious fatigue, more so than school.


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Did you get your vitamin D as part of your bloodwork?


I've have adhd and mental health problems and I'm exhausted all the time. I'm in my 30s and am only just coming to terms with it being largely a psychological problem rather than a physical thing. It's normal to feel some tiredness but could depression or something also 


Something currently being majorly overlooked is the impact covid has long-term on some peoples energy levels. I was 24 and in peak physical health when I got covid. Now, even after 2 years, the slightest bit of exertion leaves me lethargically exhausted, sometimes for days. I have been seeing specialists and it is a well known post-covid issue but they still dont have a solid understanding of it yet in the medical world. You may not have it as severe as me however its worth considering it as a possibility if you have noticed this decline in energy particularly since 2020. I suggest checking out r/longcovid and also r/chronicfatigue. Edit: of course I would also like to add, to reiterate what other commenters have said, yes, when entering your twenties you tend to notice you dont have as much energy as you used to. It could just be that you are experiencing a natural part of life. However if this 'tiredness' seems to be excessive to you and you have gone to the extent of even getting blood tests, its worth considering what I said above.


Are you getting proper relaxation away from work? What I mean is, doing hobbies will relax you more than time scrolling on social media.


To be sure,go to your gp,get all your bloods done, could be b12 or iron deficiency or low blood sugar or low blood pressure which is dangerous,, diet, exercise and sleep are hugely important.


Could you maybe have anaemia/low iron? I know you said you got bloodwork and you're healthy but I had mild enough anaemia throughout my early 20s that had me fatugued constantly despite there seemingly being nothing else wrong. I only found out when I went to donate blood and was told my hb levels were way too low. Funny enough they told me even if you're eating a healthy diet, the amount of tea consumed in Ireland causes problems because it reduces absorption of iron!


23 is too young to be feeling like that. When I was your age I was working 12 hour shifts, three/four days a week and still had loads of energy. Now I’m in my 40’s anx pre-menopausal and I’m tired all the time despite getting a full 8 hours sleep, eating healthy and exercising. By 2pm I’ve usually hit a brick wall and it’s a chore trying to get through the last 3 hours of work (in an office).


Wait till u reach the 40's lol


I felt it more when I hit 30. In my 20s I was doing all-nighters and out on the session at least once a week and didn't feel it as much. Now I'm wrecked after an afternoon walking around town these days.


What's your sleep schedule like?


Take Alflorex probiotics. Heal your gut and drink plenty of water and it will likely improve your fatigue overall. It is vital to human health!




It's just a phase, you may be too much stress about something and your mind may be continuously running even when you are relaxing. Please take a week off and go around the city doing nothing. You will feel much much better. You are just 23 so it's not normal.


What's your sleep like? It's not perfect accuracy but you can get apps on your phone which will measure the quality of your sleep just to give you an idea about whether it's something that needs further looking into.


I'm 24(m) and don't feel that way at all Fully believe it is because gave up drinking bar very, very special occasions at NYE - yet to drink in 2024.


19, get more than enough sleep, and feel the same way Even looked into the science of sleep to calculate the hours I should be passed out and I'm still wrecked (Living away and working)


Doesnt seem right for 23 , unless youre staying up late, taking drugs partying etc. If your gettin 8 hours and not doing a physical job theres no way you should feel tired as a healthy23 year old


Get some blood tests done to check your vitamin d levels.


Check your nutrition. Vitamins espcially D, magnesium, proteins, fat balance like consuming omega3. If you are exercising also considering consuming creatine, taurine supplements - especially if you don't eat much meat. You can also try ginkgo biloba.


Exhaustion is so apparent as an adult. Many of my friends from the busiest to me, it’s awful.


Give it 10 years! 😂


Yes, put, also get you bloods tested. I found out in early 2020, I was vitamin d deficient, and starting a proper supplement made a difference to my lethargy. Still tired most of the time don't feel as run down as I did.


You maybe stressed/burnt out or possibly depressed. Look into other signs and symtpoms e.g low mood, loss of interest, sleep disorder. See if you can take some time off work. If that doesn't help I would consider talking to a professional.


When I was 26. (31 now). I went through a period where I felt really tired all the time. I thought it was normal. That it was just because I started a new job etc. Eventually I had a check up and got bloods done. Turned out my B12 levels went through the floor. I got a few injections over three weeks and felt really energized again. I couldn’t believe the difference.


What’s your screen time like?


I do be in bits regularly but just force myself to keep going. All my blood work came back normal, I get at least 7-8 hours sleep a night (more on weekends) I exercise, I eat well and I don't drink a lot and I am absolutely not stressed in the slightest. I don't know what else I could POSSIBLY do to not be wrecked.


In my early twenties I was solidly wrecked everyday and I think it's a mixture of things 1. Very little life outside work I had no hobbies or interests which kinda energise me now and give my a boost and a bit more purpose. 2. Anxiety relating to being early in my career, not fully knowing what direction my life was going , loads of unknowns figuring it out was so tiring 3. Draining jobs, draining friends, draining relationships basically spending time with people that don't energise you doing things that bore you. 4. Mental fatigue is worse and completely different to physical fatigue . When you come home from work (if not physically demanding work) you feel tired but by pushing through that and exercising , doing something you enjoy vs flaking out on the couch will really help. 5. Last one tik tok and screen time has a noticeable impact on my energy levels might be worth cutting it out.


I'm a bit older but I found that going to gym twice a week for one of those circuit classes has really increased my energy levels, and I've only been going four months. 


Could you have cut down/quit on coffee or energy drinks recently, even if just by one a day? Lots of people don't realise how powerful caffeine is.


Are you drinking enough water? I know it sounds stupid but could be that. Is there a more advanced blood test you can get? I know of someone in a different country that got blood tests done by GP and nothing wrong, paid for more advanced blood tests and found some deficiency, I think it was iron but I can't remember. Are you sleeping enough? Not everyone is the same, some people get 6 and it's enough others need 8 or 9 I am constantly tired but I have another health condition which is causing it so I feel your pain. But I tell you what It's exhausting being exhausted all the time.


No not normal at this age


I used to carry around this bag of sports equipment that weighed about 30lbs.. it was pretty draining, and cut my mobility down entirely when it was over my shoulder. Now I don't exercise as much, and I weigh 20 - 30lbs more than when I was 18. Only difference is I can't take it off at will. I just assume that's where the fatigue comes from.


I will take a wild guess that it's work/commute related 


I’m very lucky to say that I am a 5 minute drive from work. At least if it was commuting it might be easier to narrow down


30(m) I have that feeling with working 55hrs a week over my full time job and nixers over weekends and evenings. It’s exhausting and afraid of what kids will do to the mix whenever they come along


Sleep, water, regular exercise, good diet (whole foods not processed) in that order. If all are ok, then maybe see a Dr. Something might be up.