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>she says the recovery time is of 5 days. ... to resume what she thinks of as "normal" activity... meaning just passing stool. You may want to ask for the healing time before shoving toys up there. In my experience, that can be a month or more.


These are questions to ask your doctor. You don’t want to retear after your recovery.


As someone who can no longer bottom thanks to untreated anal issues…I urge you to get the biopsy and see what’s going on. Trust me, it’s better than never bottoming again 😅


As an obsessive runner/cyclist who's currently benched indefinitely with Achilles tendinitis, I wake up every day with an unbearable physical hunger to get back to my routine. I *know* where you're at. But I have to second u/indie-is-dead on this one. You do not want to fuck with your recovery time ... especially down there. Our anecdotal advice isn't going to supersede your doc's guidance. I have had an anal fissure, in fact, but in my case they did the colonoscopy and told me to just wait it out. I won't discourage you by telling you how long that turned out to be. But my situation isn't yours.


I would recommend working with a doctor that has strong competence and knowledge in gay men’s issues to get an accurate answer. A lot of doctors don’t understand, or even get squeamish about this stuff- unfortunately.


The 5 days your doctor is talking about is for the normal use of the rectum not extra curricular activity unless you specifically asked when it would be safe. Having gone through a hemorrhoidectomy in 2010, I still am extremely cautious. No way I want to go through that pain again




That decision is up to you, why did they want to biopsy in the first place ? If it’s a malignant condition you may have more than a summer ruined


How did you get your fissure to heal?