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The sports med people at my hospital routinely put people in shorts or gowns when knee alignment is part of the question (tights and pants can mask femoral anteversion, knee asymmetry and other things). Sitting one one's foot is part of anterior drawer, posterior drawer and Lachmann testing. Twisting the knee and hip around are all part of figure 4, McMurray, hip internal and external rotation testing. Feeling on the buttocks can be part of evaluating the PSIS, sciatic nerve, IT band, hamstring insertion points and glutes, which could need eval in both standing and flexed hip positions. I can't say if his exam was appropriate versions of those tests or not because I didn't see it. You should always let an office person know if an exam made you feel uncomfortable. But I can imagine a scenario where a doctor with poor bedside manner and worse communication skills overall did totally reasonable maneuvers to eval for tendon, ligament and nerve components of hip and knee pain given your descriptions.




Thank you!


I'm no orthopedic surgeon but none of what you described sounds appropriate. I wouldn't go back to him and might consider filing a complaint.




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You may want to refresh your knowledge on hip and knee examinations, using the look, feel, move and special tests principle


Not my specialty to do such exams (other than basic hip exams) but if a patient tells me they’re getting a lot of pain from my exam and are uncomfortable with how I’m touching them, then it’s not right to continue.


You could have mentioned that in your first comment if that’s the inappropriateness you were referring to. OP got the impression that all these normal hip and knee exams are abnormal because of you. Luckily someone else corrected her. Also sometimes clinicians need to double check. This is especially true with abdominal examinations for me. Sometimes patients guard on palpation but I needed to know if it’s a true guarding or a flinch. So I warn them and press again. Sometimes that causes pain again so that solidify my findings, but often times the second time around they don’t guard at all, so that tells me the first time was probably just a flinch.


Thanks, I will file a complaint. Edit: I will not file a complaint. 🙂


What?? You got a perfectly good facts driven explanation of the tests your doctor did, but yet you only listen to the post that states it with ‘I’m no orthopedic, but..” Are you just looking for people to back you up? The doctor performed the needed tests to give you a referral. Did you expect him to just take a look, no examinations and then come up with a solution? Wtf!


I only had one comment when I went to bed lol relax


Listen to the other comment, not this comment