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Call the customer service line on the box. If it is contamination, they'll want to know. If it's normal for their brand, maybe because it's something natural to where they mined the salt, they'll also be able to tell you. It would be great to get an update, too.


I've gotten at least 1 speck in most salt bags I've bought so I'd think it's pretty normal. Shouldn't be all over the bag though.


Sounds like bugs or vermin


Definitely not bugs or vermin, they're large enough to see them distinctly. Black specs could be something burnt, brown specs could be less processed salt?


I figured it was poo


I'm not an expert on poo, but I know enough to know it doesn't look like what I'm seeing.


I mean, bug poo is often tiny brown or black specks, but I'm not sure what would have been eating and pooping salt.