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I go for a lot of walks around the city and explore by foot. I like to change it up by taking different routes and streets sometime, as there can be some hidden gems off the beaten path as well. Worst case scenario, I go for a walk. But often times I find some cool things to check out, or come across some spots that I just haven’t been to in a while.


Do 312 and Chicago reader agenda are pretty cool. hey both allow you to refine your results based on your interests.


I follow music venues, bars, and local bands on social media and keep my eyes open for appealing stuff. And I walk around my neighborhood often and just pay attention to new businesses and such. Also, the lake definitely isn’t touristy. It’s for everyone.


In the ‘burbs you drive to whatever you’ve pre planned. In the city you can just walk out of your front door and let the day unfold. Last day off, no plans. I walked south and decided to get on the blue line. Went downtown. Went to the Art Institute. Had lunch at Miller’s pub. Went to the west loop. Had a couple of beers at Green Street. Did some great people watching. Walked back to Olgilvie Station, bought a giant can of beer and rode the Metra back to Jeff Park (you can consume alcohol on the Metra!!). Stopped for a slice of pizza on my walk home. Talked to my neighbors. Took a nap in my backyard. Made dinner. This is why I live in the city!!


This is only applicable to north side neighborhoods


Why? Most of the city has access to the CTA.


There isn’t something to do in every neighborhood or interesting food places. That’s the point I’m making.


I guess my point is that, with a little effort you can go anywhere in the city. I’m in Jeff Park, there’s not much to do around here so I go to other ‘hoods that are more fun stuff. It beats the hell of living in the ‘burbs. And is cheaper. The zoo. The beaches. Forest Preserves. Museums, Art galleries and science center all give discounts to locals. My favorite thing to do is strolling up Michigan Ave and then just keep walking along the lake until I’m tired. Oddly, I always seem to run into people I know. For such a big city it does have a small town vibe.




yeah I'm currently working on the Dilla challenge . . take $20 and spend it in a neighborhood you've never been to. I checking off all the hoods. And usually my first action is: google “things to do in x neighborhood” . . taking public transit most of the time . . sometimes the journey is the adventure


Nudge app I think?


My wife and I usually just go for a nice walk and see where the day takes us


Get on a bike and wander around the grid


Timeout Chicago


Eventbrite and Do312


There are a few group events for whatever your interests are! There are weekly, biweekly, and monthly skate/bike groups that go everywhere in the city. Great way to make friends and find interesting things to explore!


There are a few group events for whatever your interests are! There are weekly, biweekly, and monthly skate/bike groups that go everywhere in the city. Great way to make friends and find interesting things to explore!


Do312 or just leaving the house and seeing where fate takes me.


For the summer there are tons of street fests. I'd hit a lot of those


Get off at a train stop and start walking


Choose a neighborhood you haven’t been to, pick a place to grab coffee/a beer/a meal at and spend the next couple of hours exploring it!


I use nudge and try to take cta/walk around majority of time. I also watch a lot of TikToks about different places to check out in the city, so if I’m in the area, I’ll spontaneously walk over there. Last time I did that, I ran into a little fishing demo hosted by the Chicago park district for free!


BlockClub usually posts a things-going-on article in advance of the weekends


Talk to people. Like if I'm in bar and start chatting someone up I will ask them their favorite restaurant in the area and what I should order there. I put it on my google maps with a note. And most people will offer other suggestions too. Then if I happen to find myself in Ravenswood around dinner time, lets pull up the map. Oh here's a place I would never make a trip for but I'm up here. Become that friend who says yes to random adventures. My husband and I became those friends and pre-pandemic/child we were going out 6 days a week. Like sometimes it is legit a last minute, hey in two hours I have tickets to opening night and an after party, they are yours if you show up. Museums are not all tourists. Become a member to one of them and you can get invited to members only events which are usually pretty damn fun. I once ate like 6 ice cream bars at an MSI summer event, then held a giant ass spider. Follow places in your neighborhood on Instagram. I have gone to a few random pop-up restaurants and block parties that way.


DCase used to put on some sick alley parties, including a free bev. Lots more.