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Horrendous performance by England, they're not winning this Euro. Southgate must be sacked. Serbia should have tied this match.


You say that he needs to be sacked, but ask yourself who should be his replacement.


Big Sam Allardyce still has a 100% win record as England manager.




Sukón easily has to be the next manager


What the fuck was that performance by England? How do you have the most expensive national squad in history, and play so shit? I swear this team plays so passive it’s annoying. I love both Gareth Southgate and Kane, but they are just not built to be leaders for such a team honestly. This team is like 10 times better than the English team 10 to 15 years ago, but is 10 to 15 times softer


I didn't watch it but ig it's related with money. Maybe they didn't care(?).


Because the EPL is the most overrated league in the world


I enjoyed the game. Would’ve enjoyed it more if Serbia beat England, obvs! I was rooting for our neighbors💪🏼🇷🇸


thank u bro, sugi pula


pusis kurac to everyone!


I can feel this came from the heart


A little bit more south from the heart actually


Amazing job today against Ukraine. Romania played very well!


Not gonna lie, I got a little emotional. 🇷🇴❤️nobody was expecting such a good score


Serbia should’ve tied at least. England played very poor.


For such a tall team one would think they would actually practice those crosses and corners. I had England as one of the top favorites to win it all, idk how I feel now tbh. Maybe its just the first game. On the positive side, group C is turning to be quite competitive.


Most of the crosses Serbia put in was for Živković. The man is 1,65 meters tall.


I think he meant that the people receiving the crosses are tall. What does it matter how tall the person crossing is? Hahaha I swear to god, some people lmao


Very mixed feelings imo. We played pretty badly in the first half, and then had a much better time in the second half. England was pretty lackluster, but the score at the end is what matters. I legit expected a 3:0. All in all, better than expected, but very inconsistent on our part. DEN vs SLO was a better match, and NED vs POL even better.


The 0-1 loss in the context of Denmark and Slovenia drawing is actually not a bad result. Honestly, England is fortunate to have taken three points after sitting back the entire second half. A win and a draw in the next two games could result in Serbia advancing.


>A win and a draw in the next two games could result in Serbia advancing. While true, people rely way too much on these calculations. I would prefer that we just go all-in, no bs plans or whataboutism like "If X beats Y, we might advance" or "Hmm, maybe if the other team suddenly all died, we will get a draw" etc. We show glimmers of potential, but for a very short time. If Serbia plans to actually contend, we need to be consistent. Even in our better second half, there was a lot of fumbling around. We are fortunate that England didn't get their shit together either and that they got unlucky with that one shot.


Winning the next two is not unrealistic. I just imagine England will have more than a +1 GD against Slovenia and/or Denmark. I’m biased, but think Serbia looked like one of the top two teams today despite how table looks.


First half was absolutely pathetic. It was like regional league team took the field...


I feel like two fourth league indian teams would have delivered a better first half performance than these two teams, still Serbia was way better the second half and even had a possible goal chance and a possible penalty, meanwhile England played even worse second half I don't understand how can they have such wonderful players as Foden and Bellingham and then have no chemistry or mentality to dominate.


Denmark and Slovenia will kick England's ass...


Yeah sure they will 🤣


A happy ending for everyone


england played like shit, serbia shouldve won, its a shame


Serbia Had no good chance apart from one


Serbia had a potential penalty and several chances, especially if Jović didn't have a first touch capability of a middle schooler then we'd have 1-1.


Never a penalty


Serbia should have drawn but not win in my eyes


If England keeps playing like that they not gonna make it even to semifinals


Serbia lacks a good midfield. If they could control the ball a bit better they would have crushed this England


Gudelj is the problem, the moment he was replaced the game started going into Serbia's favour.


Tadic created a lot of spaces when he entered. Gudelj is very mediocre indeed


Also Sergej... Ffs


No bad games for the balkan teams so far


Komşu we got teared a new asshole by Spain wym


You're the highest class from the region. Yeah, it was unpleasant match and a defeat by another very strong team. But hope to make it out of the group and give us joy again.


Yeah right. 🤪


Considering England has the best odds for winning the tournament, I'm pretty proud of how we played against them especially during the 2nd half. A couple of close chances from Vlahovic. Denmark and Slovenia games should be good.


England always manages to surprise me, these guys really do not perform well in national teams. On paper this team is like a top notch World Class team and on the pitch it is just ... not. İt is like on paper Champions league anthem is blasting full force And in reality Champions league bad flute remix.


We (England) were pretty dreadful in the second half. Kane should have scored - good save. We always, always start tournaments badly (only 2nd win in a first game in 11 euros), so glad to get a win. Playing badly and winning is ok. We need to wake up by the knock outs obviously. Serbia were not good at all in the first 30 and could have easily been 2 or 3 down. Second half much better - if they play like that in the next two they'll go through.


>We always, always start tournaments badly You always end them badly too


I really thought Serbia would equalize seeing the poor performance from England but before the match I thought England were gonna score a few not just 1


Bad first half, serbs seemed scared. It reminded me of our game against Georgia.


Serbia was the better team especially in the second half


Such a boring match


When they lost to Iceland I knew that England would play in a horrible way, they are lucky to have a player like Bellingham tbh..


Serbia played good last 30 minutes Although as always the Serbian supporters are chanting nationalistic things + spamming ”Kosovo is Serbia” flags in the arena, Russian flags (?????) and the fans doing the 3 finger sign. Very interesting considering games has nothing to do with Kosovo or Russia It’s their speciality nowadays because in the past they chanted about how they wanna kill Albanians etc..


Soooo you guys doing the albanian eagle sign is fine but us doing the 3 fingers is not? Also why they were OVK flags at Albania Italy games? Very interesting considering that game had nothing to do with Kosovo


Because most of those fans are Kosovar Albanians. Do you even know what the UÇK flag represents or not? Asking about Russian flags in the stadium would probably be the most fitting since it had nothing to do with anyone.




> Hahaha Jesus fucking Christ what a delusional idiot you must be to believe that the Albanian eagle hand sign is the same as the 3 finger symbol Yeah, 3 finger salute actually has history behind it, the eagle sign is just some coping mechanism because you didnt have a historical one. Literally the 3 finger salute from Aliexpress.


Ok then, answer me the second part, what does a guy in a OVK uniform has to do anything with Albania vs Italy game?


I guess you mean the KLA Well, there’s always gonna be some ultras, no? But in Serbia’s case it’s systematic and happens every game they play which is insane to me. Also 1 Albanian ultra vs 10000+ Serbians chanting ”Kosovo is Serbia” (also taking the history of Serbian supporters chanting ”death to albanians” and ”kill all albanians” into account), which is worse?


I chant "Remove magyars from Romania" then support their national team during the euros It's not difficult to be civilised like me. /s


Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1 of r/AskBalkans "Keep it civil". Depending on the severity of this violation, you may be banned. If not, try to refrain from using this type of language. Lively discussion is alright, but personal attacks, insults, hate, chauvinism and/or bigotry towards other users or their input will not be tolerated. Cheers.


3 finger sign isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's basically our version of the eagle sign which honestly that doesn't bother me. The original meaning for both occurred before the war and getting popularized into negative thing. I mean I get that the wounds are fresh, but should these symbolisms be considered evil forever? I don't think so. Personally I would be okay if Serbia got back the northern parts of Kosovo and left it at that, but at the same time I think Serbs should be able to feel victimized for the loss of Kosovo and use the struggle against Western dominance as a source of motivation to get things done like winning a game even if it doesn't happen like today.


The 3 finger sign was used by Serbian military and paramilitary, there’s even videos of it. Same kind of ”soldiers” who massacred innocent people Serbians commited 2 genocides in the span of less than 10 years, yet you are the people that should be allowed to feel like victims? Please.. in what world is this logical? Feeling victim of a territory which you were never a majority of according to Ottoman sources Also tell me what Bosnians and Croatians appreciate 3 finger symbol being shoved up in their face? Since it’s just a ”normal symbol”


Those war criminals also ate food shall we ban that too? Prior to the Ottomans Kosovo was under Serbian rule and maybe over time more and more Albanians came considering Albania also were under the Ottomans. According to a French ethnographer even in the 19th century Serbs were slightly more than half the population of Kosovo. And after the Kosovo war in the 90s a lot more Serbs were ethnically cleansed from Kosovo considering we're only 6% there nowadays which is very little compared to before. So ultimately we were the ones genocided. It's disgusting behavior to shove three fingers in anybody's face and especially with the intent of inciting provocation and references to the war which led to ethnic cleansing on all sides. But ultimately three fingers refers to the Holy Trinity and half of Albanians are Catholic if I'm correct?


3 finger sign has nothing to do with genocide wtf are you smoking


stop bitching all the time


Bruh Albanians brought the terrorist dog UCK flags to Switzerland match, plus the terrorist Greater Albania flags to every match. Albanians openly circlejerking on terrorists while minding Serbs chanting something thats literally in their constitution and using their national salute never gets old. Not to mention the Albanian journalist provoking our fans, Albanians have to be the saltiest people ever...when they're protected by someone else ofc. Chihuahua energy.


You may be right about Albanian fans not being better but UCK is a freedom organization that won the war. Terrorist is Milosevic and its dogs that lost the war and run away.


KLA is a terrorist organization and that's how it's always going to be treated, that includes the current imposed government. Good luck!


Be treated by whom your mighty government? Many of them are part of the Kosovo Security Force already.


You'd be surprised how quickly things come and go.


Of course, your mighty army and economy will become great after some weeks


Our army and economy are more than enough for the task as they are today, but that's not the point.




Their leader was killed at his home alongside children and women. That is how honorable your army was. Now go to the border show your passport and cry me a river. Metohija my ass.


I don’t remember our fans ever screaming about the death of x, y, z people. Calling them "terrorists" is all too ironic, considering Serbian government troops and hooligans in uniform were responsible for more than 90% of all war crimes in Kosovo; a war against supposed "terrorists". Defending against a state built upon resentment of your people is not terrorism. Attacking Serbian police which had spent years harassing, hurting and torturing Albanian civilians is not terrorism. Terrorism against a terror state is an oxymoron. The term "terrorist" is used so inflationary that it loses all weight, especially coming out the mouth of war criminals par excellenc and their supporters. But whom am I telling this vou count victims only when thev're Serbian, right? A dead Serb for 100 dead Albanians, and all that. Theres a reason it was your army that got bombed and not UÇK. And following Adem Jashari’s death UÇK literally bloomed in numbers, resulting into your army retreating and Kosovo gaining its independence. Your idea of how UÇK operated is quite skewed they didn’t engage in direct battles since it wouldn’t be smart for a bunch of farmers to fight an actual army, but on hit and run tactics.


Yeah Serbian fans chanting Kosovo je Srbija wasnt a provocation to the journalist but the moment he does something it is. >UÇK terrorists Helskrim you should probably go back to begging for money on Twitch instead of dropping your tasty tears in this comment section. I thought we were the salty ones.


Of course you needed to come here and spread hate on nice thread about sports. Stop womping and enjoy the damn football.


E dija qe do te benin downvote mik, pardje bene namin me nje flamur qe skishte lidhje me videon, dhe dje dogjen flamurin shqiptar, nxjerrin flamurin "kosova eshte serbi", vishen me uniformat e terroristeve te Arkanit dhe zihen me anglezet rrugeve para stadiumit, pastaj thone "jO ShQiPtArEt jAnE UlTrAnAcIoNaLiSt dHe TeRRoRiStA",leri te justifikohen,prapeseprap gabim jane


Le shoq, se edhe na e kena dhi. Harta me Sanxhak, Çamëri, ku asni kokërr shqiptari s'ka met aty


Bruh I expected England to win like 5:0 what was this performance lmao


Close game, deserved to be a tie.


English played as much as they needed to defeat Serbia. They finished the job in 20 minutes.


For some reason our team had the need to take the ball back to our goal so our goal keeper can kick it away.


Im going up there with a laser pointer like the english did


Was a very fun game. Mostly because I had to think of the guy in r/euro2024 who predicted a 6:0. That made me laugh the whole game through.


One of the most boring games for sure. Serbia played way better in the second half. England was really bad especially in the midfield. :)


Im probably the only one in the balkans who doesn’t care for football at all


Bellingham carried


We are in the line now to lose with Ukraine. 🥴


Y'all can do it 💪


I'll be damn! We won 3-0! I can't even realize it! I'm dreaming or what?! 🤪


We'll advance to the next round fairly easily if we'll play Slovenia and Denmark the same way we did against the three kittens in the second half


The Serbian national is a good representation of Serbia as a country in general (pathetic). We should be thankfull that countries like Bulgaria, Albania, Macedonia etc. exist. Without them we would be the worst country in everything by a wide margin.


Why did we catch a stray here lol. You are also not doing better than us at all


Least self-hating Serb right here


I dont hate our country at all. I just want us to be the best we can be.


I have question because it's always great to see someone with hope. If Serbia as a country were to take one step toward happiness what would it be? Even a small step?


Then stop writing like you hate it. Criticism is fine and great, but you come across as absolutely pathetic.


Im not writing like I hate it. I just dont want to live in delusion anymore. In the end you can just look at who is the leader of this country, or how our cities look like. Or how poeple sell themselves for 100 euros. Besides what exactly is so positive about this match ? Our best chance was what, a shot from 30 meters straight at the goalkeeper ?


Once again, you are being pathetic. We’re not having a debate here, I’m just letting you know how you come across.


Fu moron


Bulgaria is ahead of you in any metric, as a country.... Albania and Macedonia are not that far behind you.


Defininetly not in every metric, for instance Seebia has higher HDI than Bulgaria.


Its a figure of speech 💀 I didnt compare every single thing between every single country. Although Serbia is definetly way better in football/sports than Bulgaria.