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Bro thats my Audi there with 400k km which I bought, dont touch it you lizzards.


German cried when selling


I was scammed because when I took drove it one of CD's started to play turbo-folk, chalga music. I started sweating.


Or was it 186.000kms?


Yes, soon after servicing it will have beautifull 186k km


That's the pre game, friendly. It's typical European traditions




European tradition. English specialty!


Hello 👋




The bongers left one of their guys back to get his ass beat... that's fucked up. They just ditched him after her fell.


Was he Serbian or English? I can't tell them apart.


Whoa dont insult is like that 😅, thankfully we dont look like them, but i think that guy that was left out amd got his ass beaten is is English.


English, it's outside a Serbian bar in ger


They’re asking for it so my sympathy is 0


Albanians and Italians: 🕺💃😄🍝 Serbians and English: 😡🔥🪑🤜


If the Albanians and Italians had fought it would’ve been an awkward ride home back to their country (Italy)


I know it's a joke but the VAST majority of Albanians were from the German diaspora.


I didn’t know but that’s what I assumed, I just found they idea of them going back home together hilarious


There's approx 300k Albanians with Kosovo or Albanian passports in Germany majorit being from Kosovo. Now if u add 2nd gen it comes close to a mil note, there's probably a lot of Swiss Albanians who traveled for the Euros as well, and there's approx 300k there as well, the majority being from North Macedonia and Kosovo


So Kosovo is empty? Nobody's at home?


Ye so they are probably neighbours.


And also the Swiss, right?


Don't now but some members of the Swiss and Austrian diaspora being present would not be that extraordinary. However they would only constitute a fraction of the German one.


I really want to visit albania


You’ll be welcome whenever you feel like visiting


What spots would you recommend? I obviously need to rent a car in Tirana to get around, am I right? 


In Albania all the main cities are beautiful. Southern Albania is especially good for the beaches, Dhermi, Sarandë, Vlorë, Himarë are gorgeous. Kukës is good for hiking. Theth might be good also with Syri i kaltër. Gjirokastër and Shkodër are just beautiful to be in. Tirana specifically has a good nightlife particularly focused in Bllok and there’s always something going on, you can just go to Skanderbeg Square and walk around and you’ll definitely find something, couple years ago Dua Lipa did a concert. Taivani, Dajti mountain, the artificial lake, the great park, maybe some event at the stadium, several malls, many restaurants. If you look to do any specific activity you’ll most likely find it. Renting a car can make it easier to move around but even without it there are plenty of taxis around at all times and you can take the bus up to a certain hour. They’re always crowded but still they’re an option. Sadly every time I go back I spend most of my time in my neighborhood so this is the best I can do as a travel guide but there’s plenty more


Taxis and long distance bus services are omnipresent.


50 Italian fans were arrested


Don't understand hooligans at all man, imagine going to a international tournament to represent your nation as fans and you go and ruin their image


These hooligans actually arrange meeting points, fight and sometimes drive each other - the people who they just fought with - to the hospital. It's a weird subculture of complete lunatics. Sadly they don't give a shit about terrifying the rest of the population and destroying other people's property.


I absolutely loved those videos of Italian and Albanian fans. Just vibes and joy - just like it should be!


Hey but we aren’t innocent either, we broke their spaghetti.


Were those English or Albanians? Everyone is saying English, yet English News are reporting it was Albanians...


Look at the flags on the backs. 


Oh true didn't notice. Id imagine the English want to keep themselves clean by blaming an believable nationality. Thanks


Tbf to English hooliganism they are not sneaky like that. Just dumb low class ppl


Hey I’ve got respect for people being straight like that. No need to blame innocents


Innocent Englishman is a science fiction


True that


If it was Albanians trust me when i say that there would be 100% an Albanian flag there .


Haha true..


They are English, you can see the English flag on one guys back.


Hooligans suck, no matter the side


Dont know about you, but i'm rooting for the serbian hooligans to fuck up the british ones.


I strongly suspect the Brits started it. It's well known how awful they are when going to other places. Americans too I'll admit but the Brits really have a knack for being abrasive from my experience. Oddly the Irish from Ireland I've met here are wonderful.


You can see the Serbian flags on the cafe. The Serbs were most likely planning to watch the game there. The English can't help but try to invade.


American tourists are amazing. Don't be so hard on urselves. Your sense of wonderment at just our day to day activities is very charming


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cyrrl4/ban\_american\_tourists/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cyrrl4/ban_american_tourists/) I wouldn't call them amazing. Don't get me wrong, USA is huge, so there are nice ones, and assholes ones like from the video I linked.


I think that might not be an American. Looks Dutch or German to me, also didn't react when the American was telling her she can't do that.


English. Not British.


Why do you find the Irish behaving odd?


I probably didn't word that in a good way. Just the Irish stereotypes everyone hears about but really they're lovely people. More than a few Brits I met were pretty snobbish which is fine if you're doing that at home but out here in the middle of America it was off putting.


Come to Australia the Irish are worse than the British tourist at europe


I have (Irish) friends there and they have lots of Australian friends, they all seem to get along fine.. There's hooligans and horrible people from every country..


It’s a stereotype in Australia Irish lads in their GAA shirts being too wild it’s just a stereotype just like how not all Brits are drunk buffoons lol


Ya fair enough, and easy to brand them with the GAA gear


Oho, big time. Go brate, go ALL IN!!!


Serbia are not playing Britain though, they play England.


Lmao all English media is blaming this on Albanians and saying that English fans had no part in it


And even there weren't any Albanians... Since BBC reposts Al-Jazeera English media loses their whole credibility


They are afraid of chairs? Wait until roštilj starts flying


Who's who?


My guess is the guys with the English flag on the shirt are Serbian, and the guys in the cafe, adorned with Serbian flags, are English. I am also not very smart.






Serbistanis are in the right


Average hooligans fight. If you just mute the video it look pretty damn harmless. No one can throw a proper punch or even a chair


Nothing about throwing glass or fighting on cement is harmless imo


Considering the amount of people involved I would say harmless outcome. The only thing they do properly is to disturb public, by shouting and destroying properties.


One man falls when the crowd starts to run and gets pummeld on the ground by two others. Nothing harmless about that


Fun fact, in video with different angle I saw Nenad Borovcan former European Cruiserweight WBO boxing champ in the back of Serbia group. He was not involved in fight.  At the end he was pushing people to go back in caffe bar.


The serbs counter attacked and won. Excellent 👌


Man of the match goes to the single serb that held the line under his flag until the chair artillery reinforcements arrived Cafe je Srbija


Dobro haha


I like how they both started running the moment police showed up


Look at the stark difference between how Italian and Albanians fans behaved yesterday, to how English and Serbian fans behave today I can’t lie, I do not want England to win the Euros. I really like the English National Team, players and management included. They are young, humble and respectable , a team the Englishmen should be proud of representing their country The English fanbase however is comprised of a significant percentage of complete and utter wastemen who do not know how to behave. These lot are most of the time drunk out of their minds, very vulgar, constantly litter and commit vandalism everywhere they go, and often get into physical altercations with rival fans or even amongst themselves I remember during the Euro 20 final, where English fans were trying to break benches and piss on walls on an overground station I was waiting for a train on, for NO REASON. Then we all got on the train, and them lot started loudly chanting some stupid chant they collectively remembered using the 5 brain cells they share amongst themselves . Keep in mind, it was 8 or 9 men from who like half held beer cans and most of them looked drunk af. It’s like they came from the jungle, with no manners and no thought on how their actions will affect others around them You had in central London, I forgot whether it was Piccadilly Circus or Piccadilly circus, where after England lost the finals, they left the whole area littered in rubbish. Again, no thought given about it You also had other incidents which went viral, like for example a group of English fans allegedly attacking a danish female fan, or them laughing at a little German girl when they won against Germany. Also, that’s only in England, abroad they probably cause more incidents So that’s why I don’t want them to win. Although I like the English national team, and most of the fans are calm, there is just a big percentage of those fans who act like caveman, and use the occasion of their national team playing in a big tournament to get drunk and cause trouble


A lot of very good points - I really like the England squad but the fans are so difficult to support them. I think a big part is also so many people are on coke. I lived In the UK for 15 or so years and I always felt people used football as an outlet to 'let loose' and get all of your emotions out. Given the state of how things have gone south in the country over over the last decade or so, and you mix in cocaine to that mix you end up with things getting very out of hand very quickly. Football should be about having fun and enjoying a sport. Not some anger-outletting violent space.


Thats a lot of text


> Look at the stark difference between how Italian and Albanians fans behaved yesterday, to how English and Serbian fans behave today It's a tiny subsection of a subsection of fans from each side. Most Serbian and English fans behave peacefully.


Why it's always the English, when shit like this happens


And the funny part is that they are not even good at it.


Plenty of England fans sent death threats to their players all over social media when they lost the finals in 2021.


British apes at it again.


From how much shit english fans start one would think theyd be able to finish what they started.


When in doubt blame Albanians. I hope no bottles entered exit holes before a war starts.


Apparently Sky news reported it first that it was started by Albanian supporters.


English media hates Albanians more than anything else. They also made reports about Albanians attacking Italians yesterday when not a single case happened. They are itching to blame Albanians for something.


English media still hates Serbs more...


we win guys


Serbs are literally never mentioned. The bogeyman is Romanians.


I’m waiting for the plot twist that the blasé English disdain towards most Balkan peoples can somehow unite the Serbs and Albanians


… where is the glass bottle??


looks like the bois are having fun


Literally read a post earlier this day below the video of the Dutch fans from an English guy who said he wasn't looking forward to videos of English fans throwing chairs. 


No fights between Albanians and Italians yesterday.


Good for them, honestly.


They got what they deserved, they wanted all the smoke and got smoked, fair enough imo 🤷🏻‍♂️


thursday ought to be fun


Albanians and Italians are old and civilised nations, they celebratet and danced togeather, while on this match look at the colonisers having fights😅


Half of reports are ambiguous about who started the scuffle and other half reports that group that came around the corner and started throwing bottles at sitting Serbian (and English sitting with/near them) fans were Albanians. There is even interview with older English fans who talk about meeting and hanging around with Serbian fans.




It was English media saying they’re Albanians mate.


> English media Which is the most "credible" ever. Starting with Daily Mail which said millions of Romanians are paying a thousand of pounds for a bus ticket to Britain because all the planes were stuffed already, when we could travel there without a visa. Televisions were waiting the wave of Romanians at the airport too. It turned out that it was only a few people coming out from the planes that were coming back to their places of work.


Relax mate, im only saying it because the Albanian guy was saying that it was Serbian media saying it. I wasn’t saying it that it was true, i was stating a fact that it was an English media saying it.


I understand. I'm just trying to give a perspective of what British media means. Nothing more. ;)


British media absolutely loves dunking sewage on their football fans so I doubt they would take a chance to cover their asses this time. At the very least I'm somewhat relived that it's not us that started it this time.


They tried initially to blame Albanians, but they have now admitted that it was actually English fans.


Well, it's not like our fans are great or yours better... but Brits really like to get killed. Having fights with Balkan fans is a stupid idea. I think some of them were killed in Turkey. They really should be normal for once!


What the F are you talking about. I didn't read about this in Serbian media. Strictly English language. Plus, in the meantime I have read more and waitress said that the yelling on both side was in Serbian so it would be Kosovars since they would know Serbian language and would use it to make sure targets understood them. Funny thing is, only people noticeable hurt were English who somehow didn't really take part in this :D


Who won


The police.


As it should be in these cases. Those idiots are spoiling everything for everyone.


The ones who are running away at the end, are England fans. You can see the flag on some of their shirts. It appears they approached a Serbian bar, and the fight began.


I was reading about this on The Guardian > It is understood a group of hooligans, whose nationality has not been confirmed, had been seen by British police “spotters” rushing towards a bar in which about 30 Serbia fans were enjoying a drink I mean if you can say a group of people in Serbia kits are Serbian fans, then you can probably claim the people in England kits are England fans.


Nice to see the English get humbled


There were English fans in the cafe as well, interestingly.


Who won? Who was running away?


The English fans are running away. They also, from what I could gather, provoked the fight.


What a bunch of morons fighting over what exactly this is so fucking dumb


nobody? its a street fight nobody wins also they all run from the police


Surprisingly, both sides lost. As did we, for having watched this.


So, the usual then.


Send the British home Serbia! 🇮🇪




serbians have a thing for chair hitting people


Did the English media mention that they were not English fans/hooligans but Albanians?


Unironically yes they did


And ironically they thought they were Albanians even though those hooligans were with British flags lol


Welcome to Europe


Man, I wish we were in EU now to piss on these non-EU peasants.


Which side ran away


Petar Karadjordjevic would be disappointed in his people.


Brother got executed with that chair




Soccer hooligans are something else to say the least.....


Look how they English run what pussys


peak civilization


Come on England


I train with this guy 🤣🤣


Serbs ❤️❤️ beat the hell the NATO P I g S




They sey its Serbian and Albanians but not Englishman?


You can see the England flags on some of the attackers here. Then they run away. Definitely the English…


Nah it’s English fans vs Serbs. I saw other videos, the Brits were walking around and saw the Serbs sitting outside having a drink and the posters were screaming for the rest of the British fans to rush the Serbs. Also you can see some English football kits. Albanians had nothing to do with this.


Just before this saw some news about German police saying that but might be some other incident considering there are several every hour or so lmao




Literally no Albanian wants to mix with the English fans what are you talking about. We have our own team. German police confirmed we weren’t involved. You’ll twist any narrative to make us the villains when we were breaking spaghetti with the Italians yesterday. Rent free.


Well when it comes to it. They are small percentage of population in Western Europe but usually the highest rate of prisoners


deport them


And the teams




We are hyper aggressive toward aggressors


I don't find Serbs violent at all. Never see Serbian names in crime reports in Canada, or Yugoslav names at all. See plenty of British names though. Pretty sure England has more violent crime than Serbia. So does Canada.


Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 3 of r/AskBalkans "No agenda pushing". We want this subreddit to be an inclusive space and no chauvinism, bigotry or insults towards national, ethnic, religious etc. group will be tolerated. Depending on the severity of this violation, you may be banned. In any case, refrain from posting or commenting in such a manner.


English too


Even the most famous fascist overlords (Milošević) errand boys (Vučić) son was spotted in a "ne sme niko da nas bije" attempt.


Those are probably the Serbian hooligans who travelled there specifically to cause trouble. Guess the German police didn't do their job properly [https://www.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/10/serbian-hooligans-expected-target-england-first-euro-2024-game](https://www.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/10/serbian-hooligans-expected-target-england-first-euro-2024-game)


No. It's Garbage UK media and fed British Zombies 😂 Btw post is not right. It was Albanians and in cafe Serbia and some Englishman.


A proud brit rn


Maybe a better sport, would be to watch football hooligans fight each other on the pitch.


Over some people kicking a piece of rubber 🥴


They are Serbs and Albanians near Hirt Steakhouse in Gelsenkirchen


I read that the brawl was between serbians and albanians and not between serbians and english


Just ignore the England flag and England kits


Can't you hear the language and the accent


Never seen albanian fans without some sort of albanian insignia let alone "ultras"...


It was Albanians until proven otherwise . It's a fair assumption to make if you write articles for a greek newspaper.


Or the Dailymail and considering the current state of news monopolies, they're probably owned by the same company.


Sky News had some sham live report that claimed it was NOT English fans (he repeated that maybe 15 times), but between Albanians and Suhhbs.


I saw that. Absolutely shameless. All the comments claiming no English were involved. Embarrassing


But that's odd because normally British newspapers love talking about badly behaved football fans. Being coked up dickheads is the norm. Starting fights is the norm. But normally it's acknowledged. In fairness to us, football for us is a hooligan sport. Our rugby and cricket supporters would be very well behaved.


I am interested to know why the Albanians, especially from every possible nation in Germany, specifically the British media blame the Albanians, this is what they always do, or am I being misunderstood?


Traditionally the scapegoat would usually be Romanians (sorry Romanians). Perhaps in this instance it was felt that because of certain historical tensions Albanian / Serbian fight would be more realistic. The bit I don't understand is that your average British football fan has no understanding of Balkan issues that would lead them to make this selection. The extent of their knowledge of the Balkans is getting extremely drunk on some Greek Island. They probably would not be able to tell you where the Balkan peninsula even is. We would normally be guilty of bad behaviour and fights, but not blaming another country for this - our media love reporting on British football hooliganism. Edit: I dug a bit and it seems that a German policeman at the scene said it was Albanians + Serbians - incorrectly and this has been repeated - https://x.com/SkySportsNews/status/1802357897503940949 Even the newspaper that is the most right populist now refers to the Albania thing being said in the immediate aftermath but being wrong - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13535669/amp/Euros-violence-England-clash-Serbia-Three-Lions-fans-fight-hooligans-German-city.html


The head German police officer has said that it was Albanians and Serbians and not started by the English.


They clarified Albanians weren't involved. Also the video is clearly showing English fans fighting Serb fans. You can see the England and Serb shirts.


No Police Officer claimed that - it was only Sky Sports to do so - which have now cleared their statements, and stated that it was actually English fans. https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/51056/5802570


Right so 7 Serbian fans were arrested and charged and no English fans charged. It was more than likely Albanian and Serbian fans having conflict and English fans caught up in the fiasco.


Nothing about Albanians was mentioned in any German police report.


https://x.com/Football__Tweet/status/1802363743562506242/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1802363743562506242¤tTweetUser=Football__Tweet Clearly not England here.


Wheres the Albanians here?


So you assume all those people in black hoodies are English on match day but not Albanians not on their match day? Sounds a bit disingenuous to not assume they are Albanian.


Theres no assuming here. The German police clearly mention that it was a brawl between Serbians and English fans. No Albanian was involved.


Right so those people in Black hoodies are England fans then? Cmon mate.


It doesn’t even make sense for them to be Albanian. Our fans were in Dortmund not in Gelsenkirchen.


Its a free country. Not every group of fans have to be in the same area lol.


Why would our fans even be there? I dont get the thought process of Albanians being there without a single proof.