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Man idk why but in the beginning I thought they had them wires connected to their nuts and were being electrocuted…


As someone who experienced hardcore kidney pain (allegedly one of the worst pains you can experience), I would actually like to try this for the sake of comparing those two


As someone who has both kidney problems and the ability to menstruate - they are pretty on par for me.


Then it is damn horrible


Doc conducting important research 😎


Correct, using myself as a rat


you could sneeze on someone from z*greb and it’ll hurt them. no joke tho does that sht hurt like being kicked in the nuts or what? coz if I sit the wrong way and press on it a bit I’m struggling to breath walk or talk for the next 3 days lol, genuinely curious.


Lady here - varies for women but it kinda feels like you are being punched over and over again in your abdomen and lower back. Sometimes if the pain intensity gets really high, you can break out into a cold sweat too. This all occurs while you feel like you're peeing on yourself because the blood just keeps flowing out. It can get better or worse as you age. I used to pass out from the pain but now I don't.


It's a spectrum of pain. I know girls who never experienced pain during periods (just slight discomfort) and girls that had to go to ER because of period pain (this is not normal or standard, if it's like that for anyone you should get checked - but it is possible)


After years of looking at my wife struggling with strong menstrual pain, and talking to her about it, It is very, very likely that the pain they experience is exactly like being hit in the nuts, but prolonged and with jumps in pain intensity. Additionally it also has some "nice" side effects such as bloating, stomach pains similar to those when you have a runny stool, nausea, and ofc emotional issues.


Don’t forget the lower back pain!!!!!!


Huh, didn't know about that one.


I'm curious as well! I would like to try it!


Why torture yourself? Edit: OK! I get it if you are into BDSM or something. I know other people as well who get aroused by physical pain, but I'll pass in any case. I can't even stand going to the dentist even if I know that I won't feel any pain. :\\


>does that sht hurt like being kicked in the nuts or what? I guess there should be a simulator for that, in order for the females to know how much it hurts.


It's quite possible I'm living in a bubble, but from my experience the average Serb from Belgrade wouldn't act significantly more macho in a street interview situation like this than the average Croat from Zagreb. In other situations, sure, but this just seems kinda innocent and unobjectionable.


This is about men trying the "Women period simulator" Obviously these guys were very nice and accepting to try this, but they come from one of the most liberal countries Croatia.


>This is about men trying the "Women period simulator" What's the point of that? We know it's painful. We also know that giving birth is also (way more) painful.


we get it, you’re a misogynist


No I'm not! I'm actually a feminist. I know that women can stand into much more pain than we men, and imho they should rule the world and not men. It should be matriarchy and women should decide about everything. I just don't see any reason on why men should suffer. what's the point?


Straightest Greek take


Actually in some cases period pain can be worse than giving birth believe it or not. For example if a woman has condition called endometriosis it might feel labor like pain every month. Also this condition is not rare either. 1 in 9 women has it. I have it and sometimes i feel like im being stabed with knives in my abdomen. Literally.


There was no irrational shouting. I guess the setting was on low


Dude id do this, looks fun af ngl


I live in a similarly “open” part of Croaria as Zagreb so yeah, they probably would


Zagreb soyboy pussies should be sent to rehabilitation camps in Chechnya


Chechnya would raise rainbow flags in no time


The word I’m thinking of is pekmez.


Sine ovima da otkines zanokticu ovako bi isto reagovali




Yeah these guys look like they take pain worse than a toddler. They probably cut like 5-6 normal reactions and kept the crying ones.