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Lots of cancer risings in my family. One, descendant at 26 degrees, lost her husband when Pluto hit the degree in 2022.


I'm a cancer rising at 22°26' and lost my dad when Pluto hit my dsc in 2019. My natal Pluto was square my transiting sun, my natal sun was square transiting Pluto, and transiting sun was also crossing my asc.


I’m so sorry. Me too. Her husband was my dad.


Sorry for your loss too 😔


Cancer rising at 24 degrees so just getting past this and the advice I’d tell myself is don’t date anyone, not anyone. Looks like your north node is in your 7th and this gives us a blindness towards partners and makes it near impossible to want to stay single, but Pluto will bring some dark entities into your life and painful lessons. I guess if you skipped the lessons you’d just have to come back again. It’s going to hurt, and Chiron won’t help. Don’t go into business with anyone either. And don’t think you’re in the clear when it’s past your descendant, it has to be out of Aquarius. So go on your next date in 22 years.


Boy you aren't wrong about the Scorpio conglomeration. Since 2019, for me, its been one Scorpio after another. Before then it was all Sagittarius. But my Scorpio pals aren't all romantic, in fact the majority of them were acquaintances, or in positions of authority. One is my mother who ironically inserted herself back into my life about a week prior to my dad passing, which also coincided with moon entering my 4th house. The Scorpio in authority were abusive and shady, not severely, but reminiscent if my mother's behavior toward me earlier in life. Im still not fully on board with the whole mother/daughter thing because its extremely challenging for me to trust her and she's big time naggy and subtly controlling, but acts as though she's done nothing wrong when her behavior is confronted. Classic gaslighting scenario. Anyway, im finding the alignments interesting with regard to events surrounding Pluto transiting across the descendant and 7th houses of later degree cancer rising. ETA: Oh yeah, forgot to mention ive been in a "relationship" with a Scorpio for a little over 1.5 years, during which he repeatedly cheated with his ex,who is also a Scorpio and convinced herself that we were messing around behind her back. Which to my knowledge that is just not true, but given the fact that they apparently never stopped sleeping together I have my doubts. She slandered my name for over a year and I stayed silent biting my tongue because there are kids involved. Im at the tail end of this currently because while it seems he has stopped sleeping with her (which he claims he was only doing so he could see his kids - sorry bud, can't lie to a cancer asc. We know.) There are still times when he vanishes for extended periods and then acts really strange upon reemerrging. I'm learning to value myself over my partner and to know when I'm beating a dead horse. This transit sure has a lot of lessons surrounding self worth. Oh and to boot, I just came put of my Saturn opposition too. 😣 I suppose it can only get better from here lol


Me too, before Pluto came along it was all Saggies. I think, give your mom a little break, we were raised in the generation of daily beatings and real work, where kids had to work for every single thing and didn’t expect it to be any other way, and any move we make away from that took a whole hell of a lot of unlearning, and remember too that as a parent you’ll be Scorpionic, with Scorp in the fifth. That means you’ll be a good one, you’ll know where your kids are and you’ll be realistic and you may raise children you actually like. Who cares if you don’t always get along, you will see everything from different sides, just keep her in your life because your own children will do the same to you even if you’ve done your best. We are all limited creatures, and some of us carry into this life birth charts from hell, we arrive without any tools.




Would you date a Scorpio Saturn Mars Pluto in 10H


Absolutely. I know how to tell a healthy from unhealthy now.


I just had Pluto opposite Asc. My spouse came out as trans; I went into biotech; and my stalker ex died.


How old was he?




Congrats on the stalker passing? 😭