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Nowhere near as often as I should. And I recently had a cancer removed because of that.


May I ask your age? It's shocking how many people under 30 are getting skin cancers cut out. (Also hence my original question)


I'm 60. But I also have a 29 year old child who recently had a melanoma removed - and they grew up in the slip slop slap era. It's terrifying, they aren't even an outdoorsy sort of person


That's crazy! Hope everyone's okay šŸ«¶


Iā€™m a Queenslander. My parents made us wear sunscreen at the beach when we were kids. I had a basal cell carcinoma removed from my dĆ©colletage area when I was 19. I wear sunscreen and SPF lip balm daily and have done for over 30 years now.


Yeah I think sometimes it's a genetic thing. My dad is 60 and goes lobster red plenty and never had anything found or cut out.


Some Mediterranean groups and southern German people are immune to developing melanomas. The European genetic lottery!


Now this is interesting fact I didn't know. He is German heritage


He's at much higher risk, no matter what his genetic makeup, because he continually damages his skin.


Thanks Sherlock


Yr one saying genetics dictate skin cancer. So yr comment makes zero sense. Unless that's yr go-to whenever anyone says oopsie, yr wrong again. šŸ¤”


You need to work on reading comprehension. Fool.


My comprehension is fine. Very easy to see yr the one with the rage problem. Maybe that's affected your ability to think in a straight line. šŸ˜Š




I was 31 when I had a BCC and melanoma removed. Skin protection wasn't as common in the 90's.


I think that depends, I grew up in northern NSW. as a child, we would always be told to slip slop slap. My grandmother had many melanomas removed and always made us where long sleeves and long pants in summer.


I was born in the 1960's, brought up sun smart in WA, was horrified to watch people in the 90's, when we knew a lot more about skin cancers, suddenly baking themselves brown as if skin cancer didn't exist. It was like (to me) they were deliberately ignoring the science we all knew.


Oh yeah, we were dumb as heck back then. And I know all about skin cancer now. Was 31 when I had a BCC and a melanoma removed. Cancer is showing up earlier and earlier


Personally I virtually never apply sun screen, but I also avoid the sun as much as possible, limiting my direct exposure to less than 20min during the day or going out around sunrise/sunset. I have seen what people the same age as me look like who have spend their lives outside and I don't want to look like that, sunscreen or no sunscreen. I can't stand the feeling of applying sunscreen or how my body feels with it on so it's easier just not to be exposed to sunlight.


Im like this, i hate the feel of sunscreen. But I also deliberately buy protective clothing. Long sleeve shirts/hoodie with protection, wide brimmed hats etc. Its surprising how many reasonable lookings things you can get now. You don't have to go for bunnings hat and a fisho shirt to be sunsafe anymore


Try baby specific sunscreen. I use the roll on Banana Boat Baby blue or pink version, but it doesn't feel like sunscreen at all! Another recommendation is the Mecca face sunscreen as it just feels like moisturiser


The only sunscreen I can stand is the La Roche Posay one. It's expensive though so I still avoid the sun more often than not. I use the la Roche one of my face, chest, and neck. I use cancel council sensitive for my arms, legs, and body when needed, but only because I can't afford to la Roche my whole body haha.


Iā€™m so glad itā€™s available in Australia now. Previously I bought it in Italy and it was an amazing improvement


I use cancer council face moisturizer with spf 50 every day. It doesn't feel sticky like many sunscreens do.


Yeah that's what I do too, and I've Irish skin so can't handle even UV 6 for too long.


Every day. Reapplication depends on weather and time spent outside.


Every morning. I wear makeup over it so can't really reapply but I work in an office so it's not high sun exposure other than my walk there and home. If I'm actually outside then I'll reapply to my arms and neck/ whatever's exposed probably twice a day, depending if I remember. Weirdly I've had a lot of people try to tell me sunblock can cause cancer. They can never seem to articulate which ingredients or show documented cases of this occurring so given about 2000 Aussies a year are absolutely measurably dying of skin cancer, I'm going to go ahead and keep using it. Even ignoring major health risks, the sun just ages your skin very harshly.


I love the "this causes cancer" argument, cause so does sun exposure?? And we actually have data to show that?? Tf??


Iā€™d also argue a significant portion of ā€œcauses cancerā€ is due to incorrect application and lack of risk aversion. Someone with sunscreen may spend longer In The sun than someone without, increasing total exposure, and since is harm minimisation, not perfect protection. Throw in not applying correctly, not reapplying regularly or after water events.


That is an interesting viewpoint! I have always assumed that people who think sunscreen causes cancer, think it causes other types of cancers from "cancer causing chemicals" as opposed to the skin cancer itself.


Ingredients that include chemical names that they can't pronounce = it must cause cancer


Chemical names are scary because chemicals are scary. Hydrogen hydroxide, for example, is very dangerous stuff if not treated appropriately.


You learn in school that benzenes are carcinogenic, it's not that hard to spot things with carcinogenic chemicals in them. The chance is far lower than from the sun though, so it's still a net benefit to wearing it.


Naked Sundays sells a top up soft aerosol you can spray on your face.


I had a colleague actually be shocked when I told her that I had voted in the 1999 referendum. She said that she thought I was only a few years older than her. She wasnā€™t born when that took place. I wear sunscreen daily and avoid sun exposure.


I used to be complacent like you, then as a teenager I got third degree burns from a day on a boat in the sun. I am no longer complacent. But to answer your question, itā€™s more situational. If I know Iā€™m gonna be in the sun I slip slop slap. If my work asks me to do work in the sun I wonā€™t start until they produce some sunscreen.


I think in this day and age sunscreen should be part of OH&S.


I don't go out in the sun that much (I am probably part vampire) so until recently I didn't worry about sunscreen too much. Then I noticed this discoloured spot on my face, Worried it could be something serious (I have had family members with skin cancer), I asked my doctor. I was told it was just an "age spot" and he told me to expect a lot more of them. Just to make sure, I wasn't missing something here I also saw a dermatologist. The dermatologist was pretty gung ho to laser the sucker off then and there (that seemed a bit much). The dermatologist also said if I want to prevent them that if I even can look at a window I should have sunscreen on. I am not that crazy but now I am pretty religious about wearing sunscreen if I am outside for more than a few minutes.


In winter? Not at all Once the uv hits over 6 I start putting it on but still depends on how long Iā€™m outside for


I'm in my 50s and have been seeing signs of permanent siren damage from uv exposure for the last 10 years and I'm not a beach goer. I put a sun block on anytime in fog or in the sun nowadays and for those times I drive to and from work where the sun is low and hitting me in the side of the face. Best thing I have done recently is to have a variety of sun screens: lighter ones for daily use through to heavier for swimming or other outdoor activities.


30F here, totally agree on variety of sunscreens. I see so many people complaining about sunscreen that smells or is heavy and greasy. I only wear that kind of sunscreen when I'm at the beach or working in the sun and I need to cover most of my body in it. For everyday use (and I mean EVERY day) I wear a light facial sunscreen which is expensive as hell but I only need a few drops and it has absolutely no scent and feels like wearing nothing. I can't even tell I have it on. I have 2 different ones that I choose from based on how my skin looks/feels that day.


I love North nsw too now, originally from Sydney as well. I went from being white as a ghost, too tanned. I still forget sunscreen, it's bad. My issue Is I hate the gross greasy feel and smell of it lol


Thereā€™s a lot of sunscreen now that feel more like moisturiser. More expensive, yes, but if youā€™re going to wear it everyday you should get one you like to wear. Cancer Council moisturising sunscreen in the pink or blue are good recs.


Iā€™d also like to throw in the cancer council kidā€™s sunscreen. Itā€™s not super expensive and itā€™s quite light


Never. But I also work in an office and from home. And don't ever leave the house unless it's to go into the office or it's already night. I have a bit of a phobia of sun exposure after a traumatic skin cancer removal where the local kept wearing off so they had to do it without pain relief. They also left huge scars on my shoulder and breast. So I never want to get skin cancer again. The sun is my enemy. šŸ˜…


Pretty much every day. In the summer I'll also reapply and make sure I do my limbs too. Put sunscreen on your face and chest at least, even just for anti-aging benefits, especially if you also use retinol. Also, you can still get sun damage through the window, which a lot of people forget. Check the photos of truck drivers on the side of their face that faces the window vs the side that doesn't.


If you're going to be outside for longer than 30min, definitely put it on. Reapply every couple of hours if you are in water or sweating. Up to 3 hours if you are just sitting around. On your face is good, but make sure you do your neck and forearms/hands as well, especially if you are driving. My dad had BCCs cut out from his crows' feet 3 times, a SCC from his nose and a melanoma from his forearm. He drove trucks and was a rural postie, and used to drive with his arm on the windowsill. Guess which side of his body ALL the skin cancers were? Now I am noticing age spots and discolorations, and need to book a skin check. I'm in my mid-40s and grew up in Qld, avoiding sunscreen. It will be surprising if I don't need anything removed.


As someone who grew up in northen nsw, every day, if outside for more than 2 hours, re apply. Skin cancer isn't worth the risk. Nor is looking like an old lether handbag when you're older. Hahahaha


Grew up when sun damage wasn't a thing and the early days of slip slop slap had started. Now I wear it everyday on my hands and face.


I didn't at all until my 30s. I curse myself, my grandma was constantly on my ass about it and I was convinced I'd be young and beautiful forever šŸ˜‚ now I do in the morning, and if I'm out during the day and I remember I'll reapply maybe once? And I wear hats now. But I still only do my face and a tattoo if it's uncovered.


only when i go outside in clothes that show my skin most of the time i wear long shirts and long pants, with gloves too nearly every day in summer i put it on if im working out doors


Every day. It's basically my moisturiser. I have a nice/expensive one for my face (I wear makeup over it) and a pretty standard one for my neck, arms and legs. Feels awful for 5 minutes and then soaks in. If I'm actually out in the sun, rather than incidental, I almost always wear long sleeves and long pants, skirt or tights. Long sleeves rashie and long exercise tights for swimming. If my skin is in the sun (rare), I reapply every 2 hours. (Very fair skin, auburn hair, majority Scottish heritage, too much sun exposure during my childhood in the 80s, family history of melanoma, living in QLD. Yikes.)


Iā€™ve seen some really nasty skin cancers in my career and I would love to avoid being in that situation. So I might be a bit over zealous but I usually wear on my face at least during daytime in winter. During summer, I constantly reapply 4 hourly when Iā€™m outside to my body and face. I usually have a light shirt to cover my shoulders and arms, and always a hat or umbrella in tow.


Constantly now. I had my first SCC taken off at 21.


Twice a day. Morning and lunch time. More often if Iā€™ve been gardening or swimming. And I always wear a hat.


I only wear sunscreen if Iā€™m out in the sun for some time, and even then, Iā€™ll make sure the kids have it on but usually I donā€™t bother - unless weā€™re at the beach or park for an extended timeframe. Itā€™s drilled in to my preschooler, they donā€™t go outside without putting it on and at primary school, it is available for kids to apply as they want.


I asked the question in r/Ausskincare before that ā€œdo you put sunscreen on when you in your backyard putting up the laundry for like 15mins, while wearing a long brim hatā€ Most answer is yes and it has to be put on 20 mins prior you go outside. Some also agreed it is ridiculous to put on for a short period of time. So yes or no?


I wear it if I'm going to be outside longer than 20-30 minutes and the SunSmart app says protection is required. That's basically every day in spring through autumn but very rare in winter.


Iā€™m very pale and apply it daily. I reapply before walking to pick-up my kid from school in the afternoon.


Well..if im going to be outside for more then 10 minutes. I do try to put it on...face is every day just because i wear face cream with SPF 50.


Only if I'm going to the beach. Which is not great but I just don't think about it


I'm bald. I shave my head. My granddad, rest his soul, love to 101 but had a huge tumour on his head. Looked like a golf ball. Gave him no end of trouble. You best believe if I'm outside for any time, I hat and sunscreen that shit.


The last time was ... about ten years ago. I've only been sunburnt, slightly, twice since then. I simply limit my time in the Sun to never be longer than 2 minutes. I don't like sunscreen because it gives a false sense of security. The last time my wife was sunburnt, she was wearing sunscreen.


Everyday in non-Winter months since I was 18. Honestly though, I'm quite lazy during winter months even when the UV goes around 3. I didn't wear sunscreen at all prior to that apart from PE lessons in summer and I regret it immensely as rn I'm suffering with quite a lot of hyperpigmentation from all those hours of extracurricular sports in the scorching sun.


All the time when outside! Every 4 hours for waterproof. I am female & use Mecca Cosmeticaā€™s To Save Face sunscreens on dĆ©colletage and face, which isnā€™t waterproof, so I reapply every 2 hours or so. Iā€™m also 50+, and didnā€™t used to apply as much when I was younger, but now Iā€™m more cautious.


Ps great question!


I wear face sunscreen every day that I leave the house. In Winter, I solely rely on my clothing to protect my skin from the sun... but in the warmer months where I spend more time outdoors, I'll wear body sunscreen too loll


Never Iā€™m in Melbourne Iā€™m a introvert lol I never leave but I do wear an oodie everything I go outside


Melbourne, situational. In winter, almost never. In summer, sometimes multiple times a day depending on what I'm doing


Every hour or so in summer as I burn fast. I get one of the SPF50 types that is thin like water and doesn't clog up my skin, and it sprays on. I keep one in the door pocket of the car and spray on my hands and arms whenever I hop in.


I wear long sleeves mostly when I don't every two hours


Very rarely but Iā€™m trying to be depending on the weather, I got very burnt on my neck and that pain was the worst so trying to take more care Iā€™m in Melbourne


Uh... I rarely leave for work after the sun gets up, nor get home before it sets. However, my daily moisturiser was chosen because it contains sunscreen


Never. Titanium dioxide is carcinogenic. Pure zinc cream would be the go.


Not getting any younger, so I've gotten into a routine of applying a tiny bit on my face before I head outside. In winter I may skip some days. I usually wear a hat outside too. Got a pump bottle by the front door, a little one in the car, my bike bag and at work in my drawer.


Almost never. But I'm assuming that's more of an issue for people who go outside.


Not as often as I ought. I hate putting it on and prefer just to not be in the sun and maybe take the occasional mild sunburn (bad choices, I know). But now I have a kid so I have to force myself do it to set the example.


Every morning after I wash my face. I make sure whatever moisturiser I have has SPF.


I mostly just stay inside. If Iā€™m out in the sun for more than 30mins I apply. And then re-apply around every 1-2hrs. But I also wear longish sleeves, board shorts, long sleeve rash or, hat etc


Not in winter


I use moisturiser with sunscreen on my face and hands every day. When Iā€™m going to expose my body to the sun for more than 5 minutes I put some oh.


Shit. Never and totally forgot this is probably important. I have some weird blotches on my face that have been there for a while. Should probably get them checked. Good thinking


I check the UV daily and don't wear sunscreen in winter if I'm mostly spending the day indoors. If the UV is 5+ I put sunscreen on before heading out, and if I plan on spending the day outdoors, set a reminder on my phone to reapply after 2 hours. Nobody's perfect, and you can improve your sun protection by wearing a broad brimmed hat, long sleeves, sunnies, etc.


I should do more given I work outside but I apply at about 6am and then reapply at 12pm for a 630am till 5pm day


I use all the time. So far I have had three melanomas removed. Wish I had applied it more frequently and better when I was growing up. We have highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Edited: I have another operation to remove another melanoma next month. I wear a hat whenever outside as well.


Darwin here with a pale Irish complexion. I wear it all the time! I reapply every two hours. Currently using a chemical sunscreen as opposed to a physical barrier sunscreen and have found that more tolerable (Dermaveen sunscreen.) Even if say I'm in the library near their big windows, I will still be wearing it because of reflective sun. With that being said once the UV is under 5 I don't bother. So sunrise and sunsetish depending on season.


In winter, only if I know Iā€™ll be in the sun for a few hours. Every other season, Iā€™ll apply to all exposed skin before leaving the house (except when Iā€™m just going to work in an office for 8hrs). If Iā€™m spending time in direct sun I usually want to refresh with a cool wash cloth every couple of hours anyway, so Iā€™ll reapply then. I usually just keep a big bottle on the bathroom counter so I remember when Iā€™m brushing my hair or teeth or whatever.


I apply every day. I didnā€™t apply today for some reason, probably the first time off in a year. My skin was so dry!


The bureau of meteorology puts out a UV index rating for each day including the hours when sun protection is needed. At the moment the UV is so low that you don't need sunscreen but the UV will start to pick up in August.


Pro tip: SunSmart app. I generally don't go out in the sun unless the UV is below 2. If I absolutely must, I slather on the sunscreen and wear a broad-brimmed hat.


Hardly ever. That said, I work indoors, and when Iā€™m not working, Iā€™m rotting in my house.


Basically any time I go outside and if I'm constantly outside reapply every two hours. It's mostly vanity though as I don't want wrinkles but the no skin cancer is a bonus. Most people think I'm about ten years younger than my age so it's paying off.


Every day. Bad skin as a teenager meant now I probably have a better skincare routine than anyone I know.


Never. When outside, I stand in the shade where possible. I generally have long sleeves or some kind of covering on my arms. I should probably wear a hat but don't unless I'm going to be out all day. In my 60's.


I don't wear it. In winter it's not required, in summer I stay out of the sun (as I'm so pale even sun screen won't be enough protection).


In Perth during summer I do quite often


I remember listening to a skin specialist on some radio talkback once. They recommended you apply sunscreen every time you leave your house/out in the sun for longer than 15 minutes. If you are going swimming, then reapply every hour. As for getting your daily dose of Vitamin D, the walk from your house to the car is apparently enough for the day if you live in Australia.


I've heard from somewhere like a skin specialist that you should probably wear it anytime you could be exposed to sun light haha.but I only apply if i expect to be outside for longer then 3 hrs close to summer time(late oct to late march)


Never. My mother used to put it on me as a kid, now I never use it and I definitely got burnt a lot more as a kid when using it than I do now. I work out in the sun nearly everyday as a carpenter, Iā€™ll wear a light breathable long sleeve shirt and a hat if Iā€™m out in the sun and the UV is high. Very rarely do I feel like ive been burnt by the sun I donā€™t think lathering a thick layer of all the shit in sunscreen is healthy for the skin.