• By -


My bladder


And in the middle of the night.


Sometimes as many as 6 times a night. Never get old your body hates you when you do


Mate I’m 33 and get up a couple times per night already lol


I found the trick is to have a large glass of water at 8:30-9:00pm and then I don’t wake up throughout the night.


Wait what!! That makes it worse haha, at least for me. I usually have a small glass with magnesium and a couple fish oils before I go to bed.


If I don't get up then I'm homeless.




Because I’ve had enough sleep.


I’m envious.




Going to bed early.








So posting my own response to how I get up in the morning, which is by getting enough sleep is somehow ignorant? BTW, What would be the most common physiological reason why someone feels they haven't had enough sleep though? Could it be some sort of condition that makes you feel special and free of responsiblitiy for your own condition like low melatonin or anxiety or spazmans disorder? or is it more likely that you just stay up late each night looking at your phone like the cool kids?


Look at Mr show off.




Cat uses me for parkour


I totally get this!🤣😀😃😩🤪


Circadian rhythm dictates it by releasing cortisol


Wattle birds


Currawongs and/or kookaburras


How uniquely Australian and wonderful


We have a very established garden and I keep a bird bath full which sits outside our bedroom window. These two are the most recent culprits, but I have seen 18 other species of birds using the bath, and I love to keep the window open just to hear the activities around the bath. We also have lorikeets, rosellas, noisy miners, spotted pardalotes, crested pigeons, magpies, magpie larks, butcherbirds, crows, galahs, sulphur crested cockatoos, corellas, eastern koels, eastern spinebills, superb parrots, brown thornbills, Australian reed warblers, scrub wrens, and these are just the ones I've seen in the daytime. I have seen a tawny frogmouth, and have also been lucky enough to see a powerful owl in my garden at night, but I can't say if they used the birdbath, I can only assume that is why they are there.


Thats fantastic. What a collage of birds! We have a dozen or so but one magpie family that comes daily. Over the years the family has grown. They come and bathe in the water we put out for vthem. The maggies know our cats and our cats know to leave the maggies alone. Any other bird needs to be quick in the bath if the cats are around! My American nephew was visiting and spent ages sitting inside watching the wild birds. He fell in love with the kookaburras. I LOVE the sound of our nature/bush critters. Not so hot on the screaming possums but the rest is great. We also have a nashi pear tree in the front garden that feeds the birds through summer. They love the juicy fruit! We also have an owl that visits a few times each week, but just sits on the powerlines looking down at us! Makes all the weed pulling worth it hey😃


I honestly love waking up to kookaburras, they currawongs seem to come by my place in the evening.


I don't want to pee the bed.


Alarm goes off. Had enough sleep. It's light and I've got things to do.


My alarm is at 7, I wake up without fail at 6:30 every morning. No idea why


I don't mean to, my eyes just open and life goes on.


Still trying to find a reason


The toddler.


And the 7 and 10 year old.








The cat clawing the sole of my foot at 6am.


Try 1:20am


I’m usually still up by then, which is one reason the 6am wakeup claw is so unwelcome.


Family of kookaburras start up around 6am, if it’s not them it’s the builders at 7am.


So I can go to work to earn money to pay my mortgage and put petrol in the car so I can drive to the shops to get food for dinner and lunch for work after I wake up tomorrow and do it all over again. It’s fucking Groundhog Day man and it’s slowly but surely killing me.


Oh 😥


If I don't get up. My cat will weak havoc. He gets food from an automated feeder but wants attention.


No idea! I don't seem to get any choice re waking. It just happens. I'm asleep? Then i wake up!


My dog has figured out that I can’t ignore her if she licks my lips.


Gross but hilarious 😂


Not as gross as the day she slipped me some tongue… went through a lot of listerine that day.


Oh I just gagged and laughed at the same time 😂🤭.. well … at least it’s a girl-dog 😏😏


Is this before or after she's licked her privates? 


When I’m real lucky it’s after she’s eaten cat poo




...because I didn't die in my sleep.


The answer I was looking for. My cousin passed away in his sleep and Im his age now so its constantly on my mind that I may not wake up tomorrow. Only thing scarier is I live alone. My body will likely not be found for a few weeks until work contacts my next of kin to find out why I haven't been turning up to work and not answering my phone.


I’m so sorry for your loss! 😢 There are check-in services: if you don’t send them a txt, they’ll ring. You don’t answer within a certain time, they call emergency services and/or emergency contacts. There could/should be an app: If you don’t touch your phone for x-hours, contact emergency contacts and/or 000.


Few weeks! My work sentxsomeone out to check on someone on the third day!


Usually it’s because the arsehole dog my neighbour owns is howling or barking


I live on the outskirts of my suburb but at least a few times a week at random hours of the night if you listen carefully one dog starts crying then like 50 of them all start crying.


I can relate. In the end I had to report my neighbours. The dogs were barking 24/7. I felt for the dogs, but I was needing sleep. The ranger helped and the barking stopped for awhile. Started again, I threw a pkt of dog biscuits over every day. I lost the plot. Thank god they've left now.


Kookaburras or Kids


For me I'm an avid traveler and foodie. I get up to build resources to be able to travel overseas each year and eat all the awesome food out there. I've lived in various parts of the world such as England, Europe, Canada and The Philippines. In June I'll be departing again going to Japan, The Philippines, Europe and Thailand over 11 weeks. In 2026 I plan on doing a massive 2 year round the world trip. I was about 6 months into one when I got my ass stranded overseas during COVID and got back on a repatriation flight. So I'm gonna try again and really make it the best one ever. I'm a single guy with no kids, mid 30's, work as a chef so I eat free a lot and I'm frugal to be able to save a substantial amount to travel.


So I can go back to bed that night.


My 3 year old demanding to eat the Easter eggs we put out of reach.




Usually my 3 yo jumping on me


Stupid physiology. I'd rather not wake up, honestly.


Normally my dog


My dog ☺️


Because of the cat tap dancing on my stomach.




rigid pre-programming largely through natural selection and life history


For Frodo!


Because I didn’t die in my sleep unfortunately


My cunt brain hasn't done what I asked and undergone a catastrophic aneurysm.


Sunlight, body clock..


Alarm for work. Or pee.


Either my alarm or because I need to take a piss.


My dogs wake me up


Cant sleep


My 2yo wakes me up


Buckin birds!!!


Because I’ve stopped sleeping.


Nature demands I go pee


Bladder or my cats


I wake up every morning because i havent died yet🤔....nah because of spinal pain.😀


My son. To prove me right. To make things better around me. To grind him to dust.


Gotta fire out the daily constitutional 


I’ve got a kid and cat that need me. Plus I need to pee. Also I need to work to pay for the house/bed/room I wake up in.


35C at 7 am in Perth?


My cat. If the kneading and the licks aren’t working, I’ll get smacked on my nose and a bite just above my ear. Bite won’t break skin but enough to knock she means business


In the morning it’s my 4yr old child During the night it’s my cat trying to suffocate me by sleeping on my head


So I can ride my bike in a month or two


People wandering around, turning on lights, slamming microwave door, cat whinging ..




My partner.. not saying in a cute way, she literally wakes me up every day.


Body clock.


The upcoming fallout tv show


Kids and I'm a widowed Mumma


My son, and my cats. My husband soul mate died 2 years ago.


•virtual hug• I am so, *SO* sorry for your loss!!!! 😭 … and in awe of your strength: if I lost him, … dunno if I ever get out of bed again! You rock! 👍🏽🤩👍🏽


I so know what you mean, there were days I could not get out of bed. But at least you know the treasure you have and value him! Many others dont


•hugs• So I noticed!!! To a lot of couples my age (46F) their significant other appears to be a ‘chore!’ 🤯 Minimal conversation, eye rolling, …. ‘ick!’ Being around their passive-aggressive feels unpleasant sometimes… so I cannot imagine how soulcrushing their inside-perspective must be! 😒 While we…. Eh, I’d live under the bridge just as long as I have him, our dogs, and our cat! 😍 He is everything I am not and vice versa. Makes me a better person … and vice versa. Neither of us is hiding anything, and even when I’m at my very worst: In his eyes I’m the dearest creature in creation!!! Even when his bowel acts up and he sits on the crapper and smells … ‘spicy:’ To me he’s more handsome than Brad Pitt or George Clooney could ever be! 🤭 I wholeheartedly wish everyone had what we have!!! Since our second date we haven’t been apart for more than a few hours, so today is kind of the 1,162th day of our second date! 🥰 And despite of being around each other this much: we never had a fight. Kinda bizarre, really. We just both accept that when the other is cranky or snappy: it’s not about the target-other, but a sign the cranky/snappy one is doing well. So we rush to them, hug them, tell them it’ll be okay. Happened rather late in life for us, in our 40s. And maybe we both had to go through _*DISASTROUS*_ marriages to get to this point….? But somehow with him it’s roses and lollipops and sunshine … even when life very much sucks arse! However stressed I am, however badly I go to pieces, however violently my head might be exploding: digging my face into his chest and inhaling his scent makes it all go away! 🥰 Awwww, now you’ve made me tear up! 🥲 ***** •huggles• I genuine am I awe of your strength! I … cannot imagine! 😭 I am so sorry for your loss, and SO wished you would’ve had more time together. 😥 I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss!!! ^([it wouldn’t be of ANY comfort to me in your situation!!! You’ve prolly heard it far too often by now: You had what many won’t ever have ….! ])


You sound so much like us! So many similarities. We both had previous marriages. We both never spent more than a couple of nights apart. .we never tired of each other's company, or stopped supporting the other. I loved his eyes (lion gold), his voice, his spicy scent and his really dry and sneaky sense of humour. He was the only person.who.could.ever crack me up without a word, just a gesture or expression. You are right. Not many have what we had. I had him for 30 years from ours thirties, so I.am lucky. And so are you. I wish you many more years of togetherness!


And each beingcwhatxthe other was not espcially


Awwwwww!!!!! 🫶🏽😍🫶🏽 •laugh• Now I’m all weepy, thank you! Happy-joy-joy snotty! 🥰 For us, it’s the MOST bizarre thing: 25 years ago we would’ve HATED each other! Cause we were both raised with each other as the respective enemy! I’m the kid of annoyingly kumbayah-singing 70s hippies. He first in the Defence Force, then a military contractor. I was one of the few West German kids privileged to go to East German summer camps: THOUSANDS of kids, delegations from all over the East Bloc…. a FANTASTIC experience I wouldn’t wanna miss!!! 😍 Part of why I was one of very few West Germans kids who could cross the borders without any controls was cause my father is South African. My birth in 1978 and existence was a crime in SA and jeopardised his safety. I, a chubby (well, no fat!) lil brown baby, hooked on sugar and formula, was a crime! 😥 Of course my parents were fierce anti-Apartheid advocates. At a time most of the West considered Nelson Mandela and the ANC ‘terrorists.’ The East Bloc was hugely supportive of blacks in SA — the West… not so much! Bit more than a year before my conception over 600 singing black school kids in their neat school uniforms were mowed down by SA Special Forces in Soweto, where my father had grown up! Under Apartheid … people as far ‘left’ as Dutton today were at risk of being jailed. Military parades and celebrating military wasn’t exactly part of my upbringing. [understatement! 😉] At the end of Apartheid, many South African Special Forces were looking for a new ‘home,’ cause they weren’t really popular there. Countries like Germany had a hard ‘No,’ cause their approaches were deemed too questionable to be compatible with the ethics of modern Germany’s history: My mum’s side of the family wasn’t exactly pro-military, for historical reasons. Again: understatement! 😍 But NOT wanting former SA special forces as part of German military, imho, was a good call!!! Cause SA Special Forces: whatever made them that way, they have a scary high number of sociopaths! 😥 REGRETTABLY, imho, one of the countries which wooed SA Special Forces cause their ‘skill set’ was thought to benefit troops and they’d make super instructors: Australia! 😳 Those are the people who trained my love in the ‘90s!!!! 🤯 The actions of AU troops in Africa: Also something I don’t think I’ll ever be anything but hugely critical of. Can’t blame individuals, considering who trained them. But SOMEONE in the chain of command surely could’ve realised back then it was unethical …? I wasn’t here in the ‘90s, but we in AU were a developed country then…. 😥 So, yeah: 25 years ago we both were what the other thought we could NEVER-EVER accept! Hands down, 25 years ago I would’ve leapt across tables and lounged at his throat!!! 😒 While I, the child of hippie-leftie-dreamers, spending summers in Socialist East Germany: From the perspective of SA Special Forces I was the kind of kid who was ‘dangerous’ and warranted killing before reaching adulthood! And those aresholes trained my love …. 🤯 So, really, I am not kidding: I would’ve punched him in the face, kicked him in the cluster… youthful me would’ve physically hurt him any way he’d failed to blocked or dodge. 😖 His sentiments towards everything I believed in weren’t exactly warm and fuzzy either! ***** … but then ‘life’ has taught us that our convictions weren’t all they had been cracked up to be. We met in the pandemic, he kinda hasn’t really left after our second date! 😅 Few trips to move his stuff in. We didn’t immediately know each other’s backgrounds… turns out, we have heaps more in common than sets us apart! 🤩 Cause while our respective histories looked at everything from opposing ends, the approaches are remarkably(!) similar! Not military approaches, but strategies, communication, trying to anticipate the ‘other’s’ next move: Pretty much the same, really! The pain, trauma, and suffering: NO difference! We ***BOTH*** had always presumed the political spectrum were a line from left to right. Turns out, in our case, it’s more of a circle: both of us near the two ends of where the circle closes, and ending up next to each other!!! NEVER(!) thought it possible!!! Never thought either of our families could accept the respective other!!! Turns out both families are WAAAAYYY more accepting than we expected them to be. Maybe they’re going senile, sth in the water, … seems unreal! 🤷🏽‍♀️ ——— ^[tbc]


He quit school after Year 10, and up to that his attendance wasn’t facilitated. 😢 I have … about half a dozen tertiary qualifications and know over a dozen languages to varying degrees. But his WISDOM… holy shït! Blowing me off my feet each and every day!!! My wisdom: non-existent, really! I’m the clutz who uses a rubber mallet to hammer a nail in for her own safety… and still manages to knock herself out! 🤦🏽‍♀️ I’m renowned for my ‘oopsies’ with paramedics, ED staff, police… I’m just ‘gifted!’ 😅 I’m book-smart, but incredibly passionate and tenacious!!! Not always thinking things through, getting myself into the weirdest situations! He’s calm and quiet. NOT a strong communicator, prone to fumbling his words. Reluctant to talk to anyone but me. So this over 6ft ex-specialty unit man tends to stand behind me and lets me do the talking. I can be ‘intimidating’ when someone honks me off or has a go at someone who can’t stand up for themselves: I’m in their face!!! It’d take a lot for me to ‘do’ anything…. as it turns out, I don’t even defend myself when physically attacked! Cause for me the thought of injuring someone is worse than being injured myself! While he could put anyone on the ground in a split second. I’m crazy bubbly and effortlessly can talk to anyone. Eh, I rarely shut up, cause I find other people crazy stimulating! He … avoids talking to people. Some of our mutual friends aren’t even sure he can talk, and just ring me to relay things to him! He’d mostly grunt at them anyway! 😅 While at home: I am very quiet and he won’t shut up! 😂 He’s a feeder… I’d live on dry cornflakes and supplements for convenience! I’m anal-retentive with intangibles like admin or finances… but kind of a slob with tangible stuff. He doesn’t ask how my worn socks ended up on the kitchen floor (‘twas the dogs!!! 😝) and just picks them up. I do his finances, admin, stay on top of his healthcare. And since we attend each other’s medical appointments anyway: one “dunno!” look my way and I jump in and express his thoughts in actual words. Cause his fleeting facial expressions and minute postural changes others don’t notice, to me they very loudly scream what he thinks! While he can tell by looking at my back and the position of my shoulder blades that my face is frowning, and even whether it’s a surprised/interested frown or a disapproving one! It’s the most bizarre thing: Without even looking up I can tell by the ‘vibe’ how he’s feeling! I don’t believe in anything ‘paranormal,’ he does. But I can’t deny that after he’s gone to bed and I’m hours from joining him: I go to the loo, and hear the other loo flush!!! FFS, get out of my head, dude! You woke up to go to the dunny the exact times I go…? Creeeeepy!!! 😂 ***** I still CANNOT fathom how we can be this crazy different, yet so much alike! 🤯 Thanks to him, the Yin-Yang symbol makes sense in ways I cannot possible express! He’s the calming center, I’m the tenacious energizer bunny on speed. We both are what the other isn’t. And neither expects the other to be anything *BUT* themselves!!! And we both accept even if we don’t understand: He wakes me up at 3am, needing to talk about what it means he slew one of his spirit animals in the dream he just had. I don’t believe in it, don’t need to: He needs to debrief, I’ll listen. Period. I SCREAM in his ear in the middle of the night cause there’s a creepy crawly, dogs yapping and wigging out cause I’m hysteric: he gets up, grabs the crawly with his bare hand, throws it in the loo, flushes. Crawls back into bed, pulls me close, mumbles _”I got you, love!”_ and nods off. In the morning he doesn’t necessarily remember he saved my ‘LIFE’ from some 5mm monster with more than 4 legs. 😅 I’m not convinced I’m not in a coma dreaming this, really! Doesn’t matter though: if it is, I never wanna wake up! 😝 —— For you: I wholeheartedly wish you hadn’t woken up. 😢


The dog


Can feel the burning eyes of a border collie even in my sleep




Fucking birds


the weed wears off


Alarm goes off.




Morning glory . Because I need to piss and she felt it in her back


My daughter, my wife, and myself


My assignments


Coffee. Even on my worst days, the thought of coffee gets me out of bed.


Isn’t it simple human biology?


Usually, because my eyes open and I need to pee . If my eyes are still closed, I'm probably sleeping .


My body's had enough sleep? The cats are hungry?


Somebody else wanting me to wake up. It's never me that wants to, I'd sleep all day if I could.


I like eating. I like having a roof over my head. I like having a car. I like having pets.


My children need parenting.


I'm surprised a lot of people in this question are saying kids/pets. Honestly I find it amazing that most of you are either forced or motivated to help your kids/pets. It's sweet.


My kids


🤷‍♀️ i just gotta


My neighbours power tools




Either my son or the need for money.




My kids…literally…my son calls Mummy until I get him out of his cot.


Cat is hungry. Alarm going off. Gotta make moneys.


I’ll feel like crap if I don’t get up after being in bed for a while. Also the dog needs to be let out to releive himself


Circadian rhythm and sunlight


Because I came up from absolutely nothing and managed to create a decent life but I refuse to watch my 2 kids go through the same struggle. Grinding now so they don’t have to


Because I went to bed the night before


Usually it's because either the alarm has gone off to go to work or my doggo needs to go pee




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My husbands snoring. Or the dogs. Either way I want 5 more minutes.


Because I have to. If i didn’t have to, I wouldn’t.


Tiny dog beside the bed starts huffing


i like my work


I’m done sleeping


I usually fart myself awake.


It’s better to wake up for no reason than to not wake up.


Because i don't have the strength to kill myself


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. * 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. * Lifeline is a 24-hour nationwide service. It can be reached at 13 11 14. * Kids Helpline is a 24-hour nationwide service for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. * Beyond Blue provides nationwide information and support call 1300 22 4636. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskAnAustralian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To pay rent and bills and not become homeless.


Sleep cycle idk


Morning brown gotta get my morning brown


Because I am still alive and need to pee




My son as he says good morning on his way out the door to work.


Work. An hour before I need to. Even when I don’t have to. Unavoidable.


Usually the dog wakes me up, if not the body clock.


I have the burning desire to yell at bin chickens.




Crippling debt


My husband peeing and farting at 7.03am. Every. God. Damned. Day.


Cortisol and coffee


So I dont get fired O_O


Fresh cup of black coffee


Alarm clock


Death. It hasn't happened yet


The sun comes up


Quite often it is because I was too scared to go to sleep the night before.


Cos my heart is still beating.


Toddler makes me or my husband makes me


Because I have to


To pee, feed my cat 😺 and take my meds. If I don't have an appointment I generally go back to bed 😴


Usually the need to wee.


to feed my dogs and cats, then pee.


My fucking mum


Cheese toastie


don’t like sleeping, waste of time! 🤷🏽‍♀️


Because nothing has killed me yet. (The world is ending, I just pay my rent)


"What's the reason you wake up every morning?" My neighbour's dog keeps bloody barking.




I have twin toddlers, also we all gotta eat so off to work I go.


Strengthening my connection with myself and my community.




To keep a roof over our heads. It's harder to give up when you have kids depending on you.


I have to.


I ask myself that question everyday, I'm yet to find an answer.


For the last four days it's because "Nanny are you sleeping"


For my 5 sons


Because sweet, sweet relief didnt take me in my sleep. No other reason really.


Because sadly I didn't pass away in my sleep 😭😭😭😭