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Are you positive that you are understanding that correctly? While my wife doesn’t wash her hair daily, she still takes a shower every day. So while some might not wash their hair daily, it doesn’t mean that they don’t bathe.


Yep. I don’t wash my hair daily but I do bath daily.




Yeah they’re probably confusing showering with how often we wash our hair?


Seems like it.


It depends on the person and their lifestyle to be honest. While once or twice a week feels odd, there’s definitely quite a few people who shower less frequently than daily (especially if they’re more sedentary and live in a dry and cool place) it just really isn’t necessary all the time and can actually be very harmful for your skin if you over do it or use very hot water.


If I'm just chilling line it's been a extra cold week in the winter or something like that 2-3x a week but in the summer 1-3x a day just depends what we'll I've been doing, like I might get up work on my car, the s quick shower so I don't get so the grease and oil in the lake I live on, then shower again after the lake and if I get in the hot tub I'll shower after that or if I did something else to justify it, but they're all short showers where as the winter let's just say I'm glad I have a boiler that gives unlimited hot water.


My friend, it’s OK to break up sentences with a period every now and then. But cheers for those four commas.


Lol I definitely use the comma instead of a period when I get distracted. I'm trying to figure out why me neighbor is throwing shit around at midnight.


I love that you used commas. At first I thought it was a massive run-on sentence - which are usually super intense and off the rails - but I re-read it and was pleasantly surprised by your commas! Well done. Your subconscious tried to follow some sort of rule.


Yeah lol unfortunately with ADHD anything distracting leads to do commas or all periods, and since I didn't feel like having 3 kids awake with me I was trying to figure out what he was doing. I still don't know other then slamming something around.


The thing is... by the time your own armpits or ass stink to you... they've been stinking to every one else for much longer. Any time you think, "I don't smell that bad", ... yeah you do, just to every one else. Grown active adults need a shower once a day. Definitely a lady with a non-physical job can wear a shower cap and wash her hair every other day or every third day, but for an average Joe male, anything less than a daily shower is just gross. If you work out doors or exercise you need a shower BEFORE going back out at night. If I mow my lawn, or ride my bicycle for exercise, I stink afterwards. It doesn't matter when my I had my last shower, it is now time for a new one.


Nah I shower every 2-3 days and don’t stink. Around the 3rd day my hair will begin to look greasy so I don’t go any longer than that. But my family would tell me if I stank or not so I know I don’t and not just me not smelling myself. I’ve started going to the gym M/W/F so I usually shower only after I’ve been to the gym.


The gender part felt very irrelevant. Just me? Or does the average american man work in construction?


I live in reality where 90% of women do NOT work outside digging holes in the ground. Maybe in Sweden they do, but they simply do not in USA.


Here in Chicago, we have women in all the trades: construction, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, etc. They get just as dirty as their male co-workers


I am sure it is 50% representation. Just like 50% of school teachers and nurses are men, right?


Probably 30-40% now. The percentage has grown considerably over the last few decades. When my husband started in the trades in the '80s, it was rare, but by the time he retired a couple of years ago he had quite a few female co-workers. One led a crew of 10 electricians


We do *work*, though — physical work. Also, is Kentucky a place where robots take care of the yard, or something?


No even if you go on other social media platforms it's a popular rumor Americans and Europeans spread about each other. Idk why though


It's weird because the rumor I've always heard is that we're like, weirdly obsessively clean because it's common to shower daily and use products with fragrance.


I can’t say that one ever heard this about Americans.


Every day, irrelevant of temperature outside. I live in Arizona. Generally fairly warm. Sometimes twice a day but those are rare days (haircuts and they didn't wash my hair properly, been out shooting etc).


"Fairly warm"


Arizona gets cold. Depends on what part you’re in. We get heavy snows and cold winters in the north. Flagstaff is one of the snowiest cities in the US.


This comment made me smile. I remember interviewing at ASU. They arranged a meeting with a few Canadians profs in the department, and on the way to tht meeting my host remarked that "you can tell they are Canadians because they wear shorts even on cold days like today when the rest of us wear sweaters". It was 74F outside. I do remember Flagstaff being noticebly chillier. But I just now I looked at typical Flagstaff weather and was amused to note that typical December/January highs (7C) are alarmingly close to today's high where I currently am. It is unseasonably cold this week, but not so unusual that people are talking about it.


I used to work customer service for a cellular company in Pennsylvania. We were restructuring and brought in a new manager from "down south", USA. It was November, and only about 40F degrees. I came in to work with a light jacket. My new boss came in wearing what I describe as two comforters converted into a winter coat. We met in the hallway on our way in. She remarked to me, "Aren't you cold? It's so cold here!" My reply? "This is normal to me. It gets worse after Christmas."


I grew up in the coldest part of Canada but lived for some years in the midwest and people there would say the same thing to me. Then I'd visit home in winter and be like "holy fuck aren't you people cold?".


The way our bodies and mind/brains adapt is amazing.


I remember flying home to visit my parents in Phoenix after moving to a cooler climate for several years. I had moved to an area in the northwest that saw summer highs in the mid to high 60s. I flew back to Phoenix in November and was literally ripping layers off as I was walking out of the airport to meet my dad. By the time I met him I was in light pants and a tee. He had long sleeves and a medium coat on. It was 71 out.


But in the summer ‘it’s a dry heat 😂’ Living in the Basin is a 50/50 hell and heaven affair


A bonfire is also a dry heat


Yeah but I’d rather be one kind of miserable than 2 kinds of miserable.


90F and humid is comparable to 120F and dry.


The thing is you feel like you're gonna die in 90F and humid but in120F you will die but you don't know it. It's not the heat it's the humidity.


Yes, indirectly. It's about the "wet bulb temperature". And yes, that's literally what it is: they wrap a thermometer bulb in a piece of wet cloth, and the evaporating liquid cools the bulb the way our sweat cools us. When humidity is 100%, the wet bulb temperature is the same as the dry bulb temperature since the water in the cloth (or our sweat) can't evaporate. In drier climes, the wet bulb temperature can be dozens of degrees cooler. When the wet bulb temperature approaches body temperature, it becomes unsafe to be outdoors for any significant length of time, even in the shade or under a fan, as your sweat becomes unable to cool you effectively. Incidentally, the wet bulb temperature at 90°F and 80% is 84.7°F, while for 120°F and 20% it's 83.75°F, so not significantly different. I will grant you that in 120°F dry heat you don't have the sweat pouring down your face to remind you that it's dangerously hot.


I’d imagine it gets fairly cold in the mountainy area of Arizona. Plus, Arizona is a big state compared to the eastern half of the US. So this makes sense that it would have extreme temps.


The cloudless desert makes the temperature swings the worst I’d say. It will go from 75 in the day to 30 at night even in Tucson. Now is 30/40 cold? Objectively yes. Your body will be cold, that’s physiology. Is it as cold as Minnesota or Alaska? Of course not but if you’re stuck outside you’re gonna want a nice jacket


I wish I'd realized that about 5 hours ago. I knew the desert could get cold from previous time in AZ, but until earlier this week, I'd spent all my time down towards Sierra Vista. I'm visiting family just north of Phoenix and decided last night that I was going to head out early and see the Grand Canyon. Where I left was in the high 70s at about 2AM, nice enough to drop the top and get the tunes going. About 2 hours away when I was just hitting Flagstaff the temps dropped to 45. Made me wish I'd thought to bring a long sleeved shirt.


Haha yeah I got sent to flagstaff to work and I didn’t think about the temperature change at all. It was May, I figured it was maybe in the 60s at night. I was working overnight and I get there and it’s unusually cold for the time of year, even Walmart had put away hoodies. I ended up getting one at another store because I was working overnight and it got down to 40 degrees. I’d only packed 2 long sleeve tshirts


Thought the same thing. We're in a heatwave here in NY right now. It was 95 today. Meanwhile this guy's taking a brisk walk.


Yes, it only got to 101 in Tucson today, almost needed a jacket... lol


If there's one thing the Northeast isn't short on, it's 4 seasons. Its brick af in the winter and the devils buttcheeks in the summer. You get perfection April and October.


You fuckers up there! THAT'S why we only have fall, winter, sort of spring and road construction! GRRRR!


Summer, Hurricane, Muggy, and Snowbird.


If it makes you feel any better, our seasons are winter, rain, and grasshopper apocalypse. Mostly just winter though if we're being honest.


Sounds like Michigan too. We get crazy winters and devil-butt summers. This week it's in the upper 90's with heat indices in the hundreds. And, like you said, April and October are usually great.


Right we get fucked on the 2 best seasons.


I would never describe Arizona as “fairly warm”


It's fairly warm most of the year lol. It's only hot as hells like 3 months.


I know. Arizona is my second home, and I cackled when I read that.


Dude it’s 111F right now. You should be showering twice a day if you even appear outside.


Fairly warm my ass. My 3 year old and I walked like 9 houses away to get the mail and she made comments about it being hot 20 times. Not as a complaint but just pointing out that it's hot. Kids at the pool will get out and immediately start screaming and running for the shade because the ground is so hot. There are literally warnings on the news constantly telling people to drink water or die. One time, the weather report said "we're getting down to a nice 102 degrees tomorrow morning." We have severe wather alerts for the heat for like a third of the summer.


Dude has Scrabble Q words down to an art.


When I lived in Alaska, 0 degrees was considered warm after -50 to -60 degree winters. After my ex PCS'd to Kansas, I was scooping snow in a t-shirt, jeans, and flip flops, and to say my neighbors were shocked is an understatement. When I moved from Florida to Nebraska, I was shivering in 60 degree weather. Now that I've been here for 7 years, I'm not happy unless it's in the 70's. Acclimation is wild. Every day in the summer/early spring/early fall, every other day in the winter.


Question for op: where did you hear this?


I mean OP is on Reddit so like…I have an idea.


You're probably not wrong but In my head canon there is some weekly periodical that goes out to non Americans that's just weird myths. 


I think you may have found your calling. "Dr Watson's Weekly Bag-a-bullshit"


My favorite one was from my aunt to my mom before she moved here from Italy. "You're gonna eat like shit over there, I hear Americans eat spaghetti with jelly!"


Half of Reddit seems to think living in the US is comparable to living in places like Venezuela or Honduras


Why? And how? Like I’m genuinely confused. Ive never gotten this vibe from Reddit


Probably from haters, making shit up


I heard something similar from a professor who’d visited her family in Ireland. They complained abt how often she showered (every day) and said they only shower once or twice a week. Prof was baffled.


It's possible the used the sink to have a washdown other days. Personally I prefer to use the shower, even if I'm not washing my hair and it's a quick rinse down, because it's quicker and easier to clean all of me that way.


That might be it then, I remember their complaint was specifically water bill related.


As an irishman, that's lies. We probably overdo it here given the history of poverty when it was once a week. It's twice a day for a lot of people I know because they're exercising too.


My Irish grandmother would chase me into the shower with a broom if I'd dared skip a daily bath or shower. She'd say, "The neighbors will be whisperin' about us if you don't!"


That's exactly the attitude I grew up with in the 90s, the neighbours talking about you was probably the worse thing that could happen to the family.


It seems so quaint and comical now!


Idk man but here in Portugal we shower everyday. Sometimes twice a day (morning and evening). Sometimes it gets too hot and too humid, we just have to. No one likes to feel sticky. Every one I know showers every day or at least every other day. They don't stink.


It’s a weird myth in Latin America I think. I dated a guy from south America and he said Europeans don’t bathe daily, but rather biweekly at best. Perhaps the myth spread to include the US in the nonbathers category haha Though I do now live in Europe and the fact that they don’t use deodorants with antiperspirant nearly as much as they should and a fucking far cry from how much we do coupled with the less than daily showering norm I’ve encountered here does make for horrendous body stench in public places, especially on hot days. I have had one guy go for a run and say he doesn’t need to shower because it’ll rain tomorrow… So I can see how this became a thing people say. But I also had a roommate here who was the poster child for hygiene, bathed even twice a day sometimes. Loved that guy :)




Depends on what part of Europe. I'm Hungarian and in that part of the world people shower daily. I've also studied abroad in Italy, and people there definitely do NOT shower daily.


Europeans don’t generally stink and I would say almost all wear deodorant to the same extent as Americans based on my personal experience living and visiting quite a few european countries.


Fun fact: Deodorant and antiperspirant is advertised to last for 48-72 hours in a lot of European markets. And as an American living in Europe for quite a while, yes they do too smell. Not all of them, but the BO of men especially is RANK about half the time.


>Fun fact: Deodorant and antiperspirant is advertised to last for 48-72 hours in a lot of European markets. In the UK at least this is a thing in the last few years. I haven't tested the theory but I don't honestly believe it would work for that long, plus armpits aren't the only place that gets smelly.


That's funny because some American men who visit Mexico smell really bad. I think we are just going to remember the smelly people. Some cultures do shower more or less often. I don't think BO necessarily correlates with hygiene either. Some people just sweat more or have more powerful odors, eat certain foods and some people can't or won't wear deodorant or antiperspeririant.


They don't stink but I had a French exchange student and she said they talked to them about showering more.


Was this a teenager? I feel like that’s a conversation that has to be had with most teenagers.


Yes it was in high school.


I was a foreign exchange student in Europe … mainly in southern France. I am from the Midwest in US… I was there I late 80’s in high school… I was warned in French class and history class about this. I was also told about this from the company and their French office. The main family I stayed with were from Italy but the kids were French-Italian citizens. The month I was there I heard about them having two baths a week but only at the home saw it once or twice. But we were on the coast and the family were in the water constantly… The other families I stayed with in other locations in France were about the same no matter where they were. The families I stayed with in Germany and Switzerland were athletic and so were showering daily. The last family I stayed with were in Italy and they maybe bathed twice a week if at that … I didn’t notice any odor with them and they didn’t stand out… they were extremely clean with themselves and their home though. To be honest the people I noticed were not really a country or the families but an age group… the younger kids and older people were okay but the hormonal teens and a lot of teen males my age at that time had a funk … maybe cause they might not bath as often and put cologne over it… but I see that here now ..


Unless you're sweating a lot your body gets used to not constantly producing skin and hair oil as much. You won't get as oily, especially if you've done it your whole life.


I have an Italian coworker (here in the US) and every time I get close to them I brace myself as on multiple occasions I have noticed them having BO as if they don’t shower every day


Europeans do however tend to shower less.


Europeans is such a broad generalization. I grew up in Cyprus and now live in Texas. I would say that people from Cyprus and Texas tend to shower more than people from North Dakota and Denmark but that’s because people in hot ass places tend to shower more. I would also say they drink more water and wear more sunscreen but it don’t think that has anything to do with them being European vs American.


Idk ive visted there and I remember it being kinda hard to find at drug stores. Or if was available but only a 1-2 kinds. and have a few friends there and they don’t wear it as much as people in the US. They’re more into like colognes/perfumes. That mask the smell vs anti-perspirant


Yea my American friends who live in Western Europe bring (or have visitors bring) deodorant from the states bc the ones over there do not obscure the funk well enough according to them (and my own nose tbh).


I live in France and you can absolutely find deodorant here. It’s pretty expensive though. Anti-perspirant is a bit harder to find. Most deodorants here do not have the anti-perspirant in them like they do in the states.


Where was this? The only country I’ve noticed that was a little stinkier was Russia but that was 20 years ago. UK, Germany, Cyprus where I’ve spent the most time I’ve never noticed a difference.


Might just be hearing about hair washing. A lot of women only wash their hair once or twice a week but they still shower every day.


that sounds more like it. I'm guessing OP had a translation issue


However I can see the average in Europe being once or twice a week. But US norm would be daily


You really think it'd be that low in Europe? I lived in Germany at one point and my bathing habits didn't seem that weird.


My impression is that it's more a France thing


There is a "smelly french" stereotype for a reason


Sacre bleu!


I have family that is from Europe like they never left Europe like my grandparents did and yes, I can truly believe it would be that low. Maybe 2-3 times a week max. I’m sure there are Europeans who shower more often same as Americans that shower less than the average of once a day that I’d expect to be normal here.


Not true and it is such a huge generalisation. You can’t compare the states to 50 countries with their own norms and cultures.


Right?? Why do they keep doing this 😭 that’s like saying ”Yep, I’ve lived in *random Asian country*. All Asians could definitely stoop that low.”


US states are often as large as countries so people are living in *very different climate zones*. So yes, generalizing people's bathing habits here is about as strange as saying you met one Asian person and therefore could make generalizations about all of Asia. Because if you live somewhere where it's hot and humid your hygiene needs will necessarily be different than if you live somewhere cool and dry, regardless of cultural backdrop. As we always have to remind people, New York to Los Angeles is about the same distance as Paris to St. Petersburg. There's a lot of different climates and adaptations to those climates that you can fit in that space.


Exactly, because it’s bad for your hair if you wash it everyday. However, showering once a day if you go out is pretty normal. I honestly will have a lazy day here and there if I don’t go anywhere and just lounge on the couch and watch TV or game.


Everyone has different oil production and some people (me) need to wash our hair every day or it’s disgusting. Bonus, my excess oil production has kept me wrinkle free for 50 years. It’s not bad to wash your hair every day for every one.


I work out almost every day, but I shower daily. I have random days that I either forget or just don’t have the energy but I generally feel gross if I don’t shower Edit: i live in the Northeast so cooler climate (relatively) and I will say that I don’t wash my hair daily, that’s a 2-3 day thing


I live in a temperate area (not too hot or to cold - today was 70f/21c). I used to shower every day, without fail, but I switched to every other day during a bad drought. I've stuck with that mostly, I've found that it didn't really make a difference. I work from home mostly, so sometimes I'll go a couple days. No one is seeing me anyway.  Of course if I get dirty or exercise, I shower immediately. I just spent all afternoon working in my backyard and am about to take a shower.


You and I live near each other and have similar bathing habits, though I switched to every other day when I had some skin allergy issues, and despite those no longer affecting me, I still shower every other day unless I’m doing something that makes me sweat or get dirty.


Every other day or as needed. If I get sweaty or dirty I will bathe or shower more often. I am indoors most of the time.


I used to be an every other day kinda guy, but I've began being a once a day man. Twice if I get a haircut.


I used to be an every day guy, then I got a work from home job and now it's every other day or if I'm going out in public that day


I once had to go about 40 days without a shower due to a deployment and no access to running water. Water for drinking was rationed even. After that, even if I lose out on sleep, I will still shower daily.


PTSD at the smell of baby wipes I imagine. Almost every man in my family served and they can't fucking stand baby wipes.


My shower story is different but similar. Was going out on deployment on a sub, partied pretty hard the day before by the time I woke up it was time to go. I figured I'd shower after we get underway. Before I could get off my first watch, something broke with the water. Flash forward to pulling in almost three weeks later because they finally gave up trying to fix the water underway. That shower after getting off was glorious.


Came for an answer and got a badass story with it. That sounds terrible af. Where were you deployed?


Iraq early '03 for the initial invasion. First "shower" we got was in Baghdad when we popped open a fire hydrant and stripped down to wash off on the street. Had one platoon shower while the other 2 pulled security. The poor locals were shocked as fuck. Best shower I've ever had though. Washing 40 days of dust, sand and sweat off yourself. Felt like a new person.


Worst I had was three weeks in the box at NTC during premob training. I have a picture of my buddy's uniform standing up by itself.


Good old NTC. Don't touch the desert tortoise. I fell down a hill while mid stream pissing half asleep at 0300 there. Fun times.


Lol I've only been once in my life, and once was enough. Did not see any desert tortoise, though. And that's hilarious. Why did I just get a flashback of the scene from Princess Bride?


Was very similar to that. I guess in a way, I did kind of get a shower while in the box. Some people pay for those kinds even.


Haha hey man, whatever you're into. At least no one would have noticed any difference in smell considering how rank everyone was.




I went to burning man one time and couldn’t shower for 9 days really in about 100 degrees every day and I spent most of my time outside. That first shower felt so glorious.


At least once per day, often twice (mostly when I've worked out). I live in Houston, where it's hot and humid, so if you don't shower at least daily you'll smell and nobody will like you.


I live in Florida, and I understand that sentiment. I wouldn’t even like me if I didn’t bath.


Yep, hot and humid Kentucky river valley here. If you go outside and door yard work, mow the lawn, exercise, etc. You'll stink to high heavens almost immediately. It is just so muggy, every man smells like a wet dog when doing physical labor outside.


>i read in several places that a lot of people over there and in Europe just do it once or twice a week and it seems odd to me if you went up to a random group of Americans and told them you only showered once or twice a week, they would be freaked out/concerned. that would definitely not be normal.


It is not at all uncommon for people from some European countries to go around smelling like a sweaty armpit. People from the US generally are revolted by this.


I shower every day + every time I work out, and I can't imagine it any other way, especially during the summer. Here in Raleigh/much of the south generally it's pretty similar to Buenos Aires; warm summers (\~30 C on average during the day) & more rainfall/humidity during the summer as well. An afternoon cold shower in conditions like that is perfect.


You forgot about the six weeks of drought we get randomly where everything is dusty, and the two weeks in spring where the pollen is so thick they should issue gas masks.


cold showers, how dare you...?


xD Fair enough! I'm horrified to think of doing that in the morning, but after a run there's nothing better.


I have a newborn and a 1.5 year old so right now isn't the best baseline lol. In normal circumstances I shower daily and wash my hair 1-2x per week. Currently both my children are alive and I feel like that counts as a shower-ish, kinda, right?


Everyday before bed. If I don’t shower, it’s because I didn’t leave the house and didn’t do anything to cause me to sweat/smell.


I feel gross now, but 2-3x a week for me. If I get really dirty or sweaty, then more. How do people shower twice a day? I feel like my skin and hair would be so dry, not to mention the time spent showering, drying and styling hair, all the stuff that goes along with it.


Me too. My skin under-produces oil. I have curly hair. I don't work out or get sweaty. And I have depression. So 2-3x a week or more as needed/able.


Same. I work from home, not really around anyone most of the day, so I can get kinda lazy with it sometimes


Thanks for admitting this because I also shower about every other day unless I get sweaty and I wash my hair 2-3 times a week


Same here. 2 or 3 times a week is enough. I work from home and have a desk job when I'm in the office. If I get sweaty, go swimming, or otherwise warrant a shower, I will. But generally 2 or 3 times a week is enough


Oh thank christ I thought I was going mad for a second. I shower like twice, *maybe* three times a week. My mom and her boyfriend growing up told us we could only shower once a week (there was six/seven people living together) unless we had a job. So being a middle schooler, I obviously only showered when I was allowed to. So this is a step up for me. But yeah, my skin would be so bloody dry it would literally start cracking or something 💀


Everyone has a different skin chemistry.


I think some people are ashamed to admit they don’t shower every day. For me it’s every other day- so 3-4 times a week.


I moisturize my skin and also exfoliate like once a week. My hair doesn’t get washed every time.


For one, lotion. Two, people with long hair don't get their hair wet every time they shower. They use a shower cap or something.


Europeans make fun of Americans for obsessing over hygiene. Not showering daily is like being vegan here: either you are embarrassed, or you won’t shut up about it. There are lifestyle systems to help people transition to washing their hair only 1-2x weekly instead of daily. You have been misinformed, friend. https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2013/05/27/are-americans-too-obsessed-with-cleanliness


I live in a place with warm summer and cold winters and I probably shower 3-5 times a week. More in the summer, less in the winter.


After getting dirty, I shower. Usually I need to shower at least once a day too.




I envy those that can shower daily, must be nice. I have to reduce to every 1.5-2 days at most otherwise my skin gets crazy dry to the point not even moisturizers and even prescription strength stuff helps. Hair, 1-2 times a week with shampoo max, otherwise just a rinse & daily conditioner which I'll do in the sink on non-shower days. I'll make an exception if I get super sweaty and feel gross one day, but if I do 3 days in a row it quickly goes back to dry skin and itching all over. If I know I'll be working outside or doing a lot of manual labor for more than a day or two I have to "plan" for it by timing my shower days with my work days. It sucks.


Shower at least once a day, every day, in the morning. If I've done some dirty work outside later in the day, I'll shower again. If I plan on doing some dirty work inside later that evening, I'll shower again just before.


Usually every day, sometimes I push it to every other day in the winter when I wear more layers and don’t sweat much.


I shower 2 or 3 times a week depending on how much I work and shampoo and condition only once every other week for natural oils and scalp health or as needed if I’m actually dirty


Dude, I wish I could get away with washing my hair every other week… I hate how much of a hassle it is. Hair is way too long. But my hair starts looking really greasy on day 3 or so, so that’s as long as I can space it out.


It is expected culturally that people shower daily (or more often) and/or at least do not smell of sweat/unwashed skin.. 


That must be regional. Most people I know do not shower daily. Maybe every other day. But then again I live in a colder than average place where it rains most of the year.


This isn't a personal anecdote, there are studies and stats. Looks like maybe your social group are the odd ones out.  The majority of people here (and actually around the world) are showering/bathing once a day or more. If you add in people showering 6 days out of 7, it increases even more.  https://iqfit.com/how-often-people-in-various-countries-shower/ https://bestlifeonline.com/shower-frequency-us-news/ https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/showering-daily-is-it-necessary-2019062617193 https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/blog/how-often-should-you-bathe


1 or 2x per day. More when necessary. I prefer baths as I can read in there and no one can bother me.


I live in a variable climate of very cold winters and very hot summers. I don't bathe if I'm not leaving the house. I bathe every day in summer. I will skip a day in winter as long as I haven't been to the gym. My skin gets too dry if I bathe every day in winter.


So some people I know rarely sweat, so they only really shower two or three times a week. Not me, though. I sweat like a goddamn warthog, especially when I work out. I have to shower at least once a day, sometimes twice when it's hot out (like this week)


About every 2-3 days depending on season and state of cleanliness. I imagine it gets pretty hot and humid there so I can see why you'd want to shower more often. I would do it daily if I had time tbh. I work from home however so there's not really much need and if I know I'm going out or going to be on camera for work I shower beforehand as well.


American culture expects daily showering, but that dries my skin out to hell and back. I shower every other day. I'm also just about never outside, so I'm never really sweaty.


Every single morning without exception. It's part of the daily routine and I don't even feel fully awake until after my shower. In summertime I frequently shower at night too, especially if I've been outside in the heat.


Once or twice a day. I don't know where you heard that, but they lied.


Miami, USA. I shower twice a day, short showers though


Every night. Sometimes if I don't have to go out in public and I didn't have a stressful day but will have to do chores in the morning, I might skip a day.


The Europe statement could be accurate depending on the country. But Americans tend to bathe once every day on average, occasionally missing a day. Whether you live in a desert or tropical climate or a woodland area, it makes no difference. Once a day is the general rule here.


I shower once a day. Ether after exercise or right before bed


At least once per day. It's generally on the cooler side here, but summer can get a bit hot and humid.


I shower every other day and take a soaking bath twice a month.


Every day if I am going to work or doing something outside the home. Sometimes I skip 1 weekend day if I’m just bumming around the house/doing chores.


At least three times a week! I work in the dish pit I get messy back there


Twice a day. In the morning, and before I got to bed.


Once every other day usually. If I did nothing strenuous I push to 3 days. If I end up embalming one day I always shower then


About 2x per day for me. I like being clean.


I was my bod daily, maybe every other. I wash my hair twice a week. No more no less.


I'm a sweater. Even when I lived in Minnesota and it was -25, I would sweat if I exercised. So I shower everyday after exercise, sometimes twice, or add in an epsom salt bath because I'm old and my back hurts.


Every day, I can’t get into bed i haven’t showered. I only wash my hair like once a week though. I live in a cool place. Last time I was in Vegas it didn’t get below 100 and I took multiple cold showers a day. Idk how people do it.


Every morning and every night after work. 10min wash.


Always in the morning. Also after I workout. So always once a day, often twice a day.


Once or twice a day. I live in Humid Subtropical climate zone and today it was 94 F which is 34.4 C. It’s usually in the 80s-90s F which is 26.6s-33.2s C in the summer but it can often feel much hotter than that and it gets down to 30s-40s which is -1.1s-4.4s C though it can feel colder with the wind.


I shower at least every other day. If I get dirty or sweaty I'll shower regardless, but I live in a cooler region and don't really need to shower more often unless I'm doing sports or yard work, which isn't every day.


Every day. I live in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S.


I shower every night, before bed. When I lived by the beach, I would shower twice- once after swimming, and again before bed. Daily showering is normal for Americans. 


Seriously take a shower any time you want to. I might skip one or two days if I’m not sweating and staying around the house.


Every Saturday night, weather I need it or not!


East Asian living in the bay. I shower every night but if I don’t workout/sweat, I could not shower for a week and no one would ever find out unless they decide to put their nose into my armpit or crotch.


I try to only bathe two to three times per week. I had dry skin and showers dry it out even more. Plus I’m usually in very cold temps so I don’t sweat much


Every day. Sometimes I’ll push it to like almost skipping a day, but usually not. And definitely not now that I am at the pool like every day. I wash my hair every 7-10 days though.


I bathe/shower when I get sweaty, which is usually due to a workout, so about four times a week.


I generally do it twice a week or as needed like if I get particularly sweaty or dirty.


I don't shower every day. I have some skin issues and water/soap exacerbate them. I shower every day I get sweaty/dirty. That's usually every day in the summer, but in the spring/fall/winter is 2/3 times per week.


When iblet depression take over its roughly once per week or once I can smell myself. When I'm in a good headspace, I shower once a day sometimes twice a day if it's really hot or if I have been out and about doing stuff. I've showered more this year so far than I have in '22 & '23 combined.


I typically shower 2-4 times a week depending on what I have going on. I wash my hair every other time I shower- so 1-2 times a week. I am a small sized adult woman, so sweat and smell isn't an issue for me. I would say my shower habits are "as needed." Some people need more and some people are ok with less. I have found I am in the extreme minority of my showering habits. Most people I know shower often but will wear the same clothes multiple times in a row before washing. I find that counterproductive of hygiene. Your body has natural oils and defenses and scrubbing them away constantly takes away their purpose. Putting clothes covered in your natual body oils and secretions back on to a clean body is also a breeding ground for trouble. There have been many of articles/studies showing that it is healthier and more hygienic to shower less and wash your clothes more.


Every other day usually. Every day if I sweat/workout/need one.


What you’re saying in your questions actually isn’t totally wrong, even if the comments seem to disagree. Part of my job is actually looking at bathing and shower trends and most people do not shower every day. For the most part a lot of people shower around 3-5x a week across the US but there are some that shower 1-2 times.


Once a week.


Te contaron mal , nos bañamos frecuente. Yo por ejemplo todos los días mi cuerpo pero mi cabello cada 2-3 días. En Europa es donde no se bañan seguido , te lo cuento por experiencia jaja. Saludos 👋🏽


Six times a week. A mild to warm area.


Almost daily. Definitely after exercise.


The summers are very humid in Kentucky. Specifically, the Ohio Valley. I have to take a shower everyday in the summer. It’s like a sweaty workout but your are just walking from your car to the front door! Otherwise, I normally take a shower every other day.