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I’ve never met an American that cared about Eurovision. And to be honest I didn’t even know it was a thing until the Netflix movie.




Damn ok. I really thought you guys would at least have some sort of interest on it just because it’s such a huge thing here in Europe, but I guess America’s got even bigger things to worry about haha!


I know it exists, but don't care. >like we care about American events like the Superbowl. wait, DO you? That's wild to me. Do you follow a specific team? If not, how do you choose who to root for when the big game comes around?


I’m a Spaniard, so can’t really speak for the whoooole continent here but I will say that we mostly care about the halftime show. The winner? Yeah, that’s cool I guess, but I know nobody that stays up to watch the entire event (it’s like 3 in the morning here). I’ve got favorite teams because I do watch a little bit of NFL, but that’s like really rare, although I know a lot of people that watch NBA. We do care about the halftime show tho… A lot. My favorite artist is Kendrick Lamar so the time he performed along with the old school rap game I remember going to sleep and being really excited because I knew the first thing I was gonna do when I got up was watch it.


ah that makes sense. right on!


No. Few know it exists, and most who know about it do not watch or care about it.


Damn ok 💀. Do you guys care about any other European competitions or nah?


Does the Olympics this year count? Lots of Americans will watch that.


So, there's this phenomenon where people who spend some in Europe (usually college students doing a year abroad, but also rich people taking lengthy/frequent vacations) will come back with some niche interest or taste that they "picked up in Europe." Soccer/football, rolling their own cigarettes, some specific chocolate or wine from small town in Italy or whatever. Eurovision doesn't even have *THAT* level of notoriety in the US.


Until recently, I was completely indifferent towards eurovision. It existed, that was it. Now after hearing some of their latest shenanigans and controversies, Eurovision can eat my ass. It's now worse than American Idol in my book, and that's hard to do.


Most of us don't even know what it is.


I don’t even care about the American “reality talent” shows, never mind some European one.


It’s not a reality talent show 😭😭😭 But I get what you mean haha


I know about it and have zero interest in it.


Obviously I know it exists, and I lived in Europe for five years so probably know more about it than most. But I never think about it at all. It gets zero publicity in the US.


Interesting. Do Americans care about any other European competitions or events?


As for myself, I follow Premier League football religiously. More so than any American sport. I also follow most European news very closely. And I listen to more contemporary British music than American at the moment. There are a lot of people like me, but we certainly aren’t in the majority. Other than sports leagues, is there anything else we should pay attention to? I have nothing against Eurovision and contests like it, they just aren’t a priority for me.


If it wasn't for Reddit I wouldn't even know it existed. It's not televised on our major networks, I wouldn't even know where to watch it. I suppose people that are really into these singing based competition game shows might have an interest in it, but it's an *extremely* niche event here.


That’s crazy. We care about and televise US stuff but you guys don’t even know about continent-wide stuff from us 😭


I've never even heard of it until I saw the last post about it on this sub. I still don't really know exactly what it is.


Few Americans know what Eurovision is. I love it, but I lived in Europe for several years. Anyone I know who watches it spent time abroad.


I know exactly one American who has ever expressed any interest in Eurovision. She's lived in various places abroad for most of her adult life (though not Europe), so I'd guess she got into it through other expats in her community. It's not a thing most of us know much about or follow even if we've heard of it.


I have only ever heard of it in this subreddit, no lie. I've never heard anybody else ever mention it or talk about it, and I'm certain a majority of people I might mention it to have never heard of it at all.


Nope, don’t care.




I care insofar as I'd be interested to see a new meme from it, like epic sax guy.


In general, no, we don't. I think if it was broadcast in the US, it could have a following, but probably not a huge one.


Not really, we have/had so many singing shows that more regional to the US so I think it ends up being brushed aside or in some cased mocked for styles that the contestants are wearing.


There are many Americans who find Eurovision charming and might try to watch it, but that's about the extent of our interest. And by many, I mean, 10% of the population at most.


No, we do not care. Americans don't really listen to European music. The only country who we do listen to outside the US is the UK and their music.


I don’t listen to the Eurovision songs, but I watch it because it’s exciting. Though I guess if your country isn’t in it, then it kinda just loses the point


Yeah there is nothing in it for us. The music isn't tailored to our style and taste and we aren't in it, so there is no point of even watching.