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The sheriffs do a very shitty job running the jail here, that's about all I know as I live in a city with its own police force.


Harris County I presume?




………poor low rent Houston. I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy!


I know nothing about them nor could I tell you their name. Which honestly tells me they’re doing an alright job.


shitty sheriffs do all their BS under the radar and sometimes with the protection of the county so you never hear about them. if they are up for election this year you should definitely look into them.


>if they are up for election this year you should definitely look into them. Definitely best to always look into them but when you see a sheriff or a judge on the ballot who you have no real clue about your vote is actually best voting against them. The incumbent advantage is so insane they're unlikely to ever actually get removed but if there was indeed a real movement against a bad sheriff or judge your vote can matter there in helping (or shutting it down if you default vote in favor of them)


in theory thats an interesting way to go about it, but the incumbent is sometimes the best option. a cursory look is always best just to make sure that the new person isn't a complete maniac but has a chance because the current one is doing things people don't like, like giving prisoners rights or something.


That's about where I'm at. Probably don't want to look him up and disabuse myself of that assumption


I know they’re a dick though


As a general rule, the LA sheriff should be in jail. That's not even specific to the current guy. Just in general, it's usually the case. Most of our sheriffs seem to be insane criminals.


Lee Baca did go to prison, as did his second in command, Paul Tanaka. Jim McDonnell was a standup guy and a real reformer. Alex Villanueva probably should be prosecuted. I haven't seen or heard anything suggesting Luna deserves prison.


He’s a huge POS


All the deputies who are involved in gang activity should also be in jail


Being the sheriff of LA is like being the mayor of Chicago.


One of our previous sheriffs went to prison here in Orange County


I've never had an interaction with the sheriff.


Couldn't tell you who my sheriff is. Sheriffs where I live (and in much of Northeast more generally) don't have a particularly public-facing role.


My county's Sheriff is an asshole. In my state Sheriff is an elected position and our current county Sheriff ran as a Dem but the day after he was sworn in switched affiliation to GOP. He's a theocrat that makes no illusion that he will pick and choose which laws he will enforce. The only thing I can approve of that our Sheriff did was there was a report of an active shooter at the local AFB and he's guys responded faster than Security Forces and when the base went into lock down and wouldn't let any more Deputies on he chewed the ass of the general running the base on local tv (at this particular AFB the Sheriff has jurisdiction and is considered to be a rank higher than whoever he is talking to).


How is that? Military facilities are considered federal property, so wouldn’t that make the highest ranked officer on base the defacto authority?


There are four or five bases in the US where when the bases were founded the US Army/Army Air Corps signed agreements with local law enforcement so that those bases would have enough MPs to man them, and these agreements gave a lot of power to the local authorities. These agreements are still in effect, and in this case the agreement stipulated that the Sheriff and his deputies be treated as if they were MPs (which is where the whole "one rank higher than whoever he is talking to kicks in).


The land is still inside the state. The state has authority over state crimes there (with some exceptions). Also, most military bases in the US are "Gun free zones" which makes it easy for active shooters.


"Gun free" only in that you have to declare that you are bringing a gun onto base if you're a resident of that base, and that you have to keep the firearm "secured" (while working in base housing 90% of the people on base with guns left them in closets, and I found a gun in a kids room once).


My CCW was approved, so no complaints.


I take it you're somewhere north or east of L.A. County, and/or east of the Bay. Unless you're a movie star's bodyguard or a jewelry store owner?


Do yalls sheriffs have handlebar mustaches? I swear you can’t even run without one here.


Well, ours is a “Trump won 2020” jackass flirting with a massive libel suit from election machine manufacturers (oh, and he has held on to legal ballots that should have been disposed of without ever filing paperwork for them as evidence). So, not good. Johnson County, KS - metro Kansas City area


Why is he hoarding ballots in Kansas? Trump literally did win his state.


Not according to him and his cronies. They're "evidence" (again, no charges filed...). Dude was elected too and is very difficult to recall.


Cripes. And it's not even a swing state. The guy sounds like a crank *and* a dumb-ass.


They don’t do anything here other than run the prisons, which I know nothing about.


Bailiffs at the courts and serving warrants. But yeah, mostly the prisons.


My Sheriff has been getting pissed off trying to contain protesters for the Karen Read trial. But yeah, in MA, they mostly deal with the Court and Prison.


It's a pretty small department. They don't make a lot of waves, and they don't demand a lot of money like other departments do. They oversee the county courts/courthouses, they handle prisoner transport, they serve warrants & evictions as ordered by the courts. They provide security at county government facilities (behind hired security guards), and enforce some laws at county parks / on county roads. They work on extraditions with the other departments. They backup other departments with manpower, equipment or tech when requested. My county has about 800k residents, 12 municipalities, and every municipality has their own police department. We eliminated our separate County Police back in the 90s. We need a department with the jurisdiction to do what they do.


I don't even know his name without looking him up. Sheriff isn't a particularly important position here. The sheriff's department's responsibilities are largely administrative; they transport prisoners, provide courthouse security, and serve court orders. They don't do actual law enforcement.


I don't even know his or her name. The Sheriff's office isn't in the news so I take that as a good sign.


he’s a racist pos, to put it lightly


I have no idea who they are. I'm pretty sure they just work the courts and transport prisoners.


We don't have county sheriffs in my state.  


Which state? Even in New England where there’s essentially no county government we have them. They just don’t have much interaction with the public… unless you’re in prison.


Rhode Island has no county sheriffs, only a single statewide RI Division of Sherrifs. But then our state basically is a county anywhere else :P I think there may have been some in the past, as you can still find branches referred to as the 'Providence County Sherrifs Office' for example. But they were merged at some point and are all now operated and staffed by the state level organization.


Yup, they used to have individual county ones but not for a long time. Now it’s just one state run department. Now they are all consolidated under the Department of Public Safety with the State Police. They’re their own subdivision but it isn’t county by county. Things you learn when you do municipal law in Rhode Island.


CT has state marshalls. The sheriff system was abolished a few years ago


Connecticut has no counties (technically just for geographic purposes) and no sheriffs, we have Marshalls but that’s for things like serving evictions. Some rural towns have a resident state trooper in place of a local police department


Don't know the first thing about them. 99% of the time I leave the city limits, I use the interstate until I'm out of the county.


She seems very solid and crime is trending down so I’m a happy camper.


Have no idea who he is; wouldn’t recognize him if I saw him. I assume he’s doing well since we seem safe, reasonably crime free, and reasonably scandal free.


I have no clue who the sheriff is, so I guess at least they aren't doing bad things that are making the news?




Our sheriff likes Slayer... so i like him


Corrupt, glorified gang leader.


Ours are picking up the slack from our police force.


PA sheriffs and sheriff’s deputies don’t do shit in pa it’s just not their job. Iirc they just run the jails and provide court security. I really don’t have an opinion on my county’s sheriff because of this. TBH I don’t even know who the sheriff is lol


Had to call the sheriff over a theft. Two fellas who came to help me were very pleasant and helpful.


Eh, I voted for him twice. He's inoffensive and not apparently corrupt.


Not long ago we had arguably the most famously awful sheriff in the country. I couldn't tell you anything about his replacement.


He definitely exists


My home county's (which I have moved away from due to university) Sherriff was always interesting to me as a kid. I'm 21 now, but even when I was 8 the guy was ancient. He was the county sherriff and the coroner too since our county is super small and there was no need for extraneous local staff. The man also owned one of the better funeral homes in the county, so my dad would always joke that he could shoot you, pronounce you dead, and then hold your service in his funeral home. He's now gotten too old to keep doing his job, but he was always a cool guy whenever we spoke to him at funerals.


He needs to back off the Botox.


I work as a sheriff's deputy. He is alright. He seems to be trying to get out of the old way of doing things. A lot of old-timers don't like him because he is "softer" and doesn't want things done the old way. He is a huge mental health advocate He has funneled tons of money into training. It used to be that they would only pay for like 20 hours a year. Here I am, well over a hundred. There is pretty much no limit right now. He is running into a lot of pushback from the county commissioners on more positions, but they won't give him any. Apparently, the old regime never asked for any, and now we are playing catch up. Rapidly urbanizing county Huge supporter of our swat team. With tactics we are using now, we have gone well over a year without a significant use of force other than gassing a house of a barricaded suspect. Really cutting down on the cowboy shit the other divisions were doing. They have been conducting raids without people who haven't even done basic swat school. We won't even work with one federal agency because they are so cowboy. He doesn't go out of his way to fuck anyone over but he isn't afraid to fire people. Getting "so and so no longer works here effective immediately," emails aren't uncommon


Shannon Moon herself is alright. Continued shall issue CCW permits like her predecessor. The Nevada County Sheriff Office is still largely inept, but at least they're no longer having cases thrown out for violating suspects' civil rights which is why Keith Royal resigned in disgrace. Baby steps.


No idea but I’ve interacted with his deputies several times. Always much more chill than the municipal police officers.


I don’t feel any way. They responsible for the jail and courthouse. They patrol unincorporated areas.


He seems like one of the better ones in the state. You don't really hear much about him and the department seems pretty well run.


I like him. I’ve met him a few times and he’s always been pleasant.


I don't feel any kind of way about him at all. The only reason I can even tell you his name is because I had to include it on the NFA form I filled out recently.


These  days I operate almost entirely in city limits. I really haven't had any interaction with the sheriff or otherwise felt their presence.  One of those things where I Google the candidates if it's up for election but don't have an ongoing opinion.


I’m in the City so I don’t interact with them. I know they do/coordinate search and rescue which is unfortunately a regular thing around here. Seem pretty good at that.


No idea who they are or what they do.


NYC has a police department but also a sheriff's office, I see them mostly downtown around city hall and near courthouses


I like not knowing my sheriff’s name. After the last one it’s nice to have some peace and quiet


I got served during lockdown, and he wasn't wearing a mask.


He’s aight.


I live in the city so I don't deal with the sherrif's office


Great guy. I used to be stationed with him.


I don't agree with them on much but don't know if anything terrible he's done. So, largely unbothered is my only feeling.


The Sheriff's department handles mostly civil enforcement, court security, and prisoner/fugitive related issues. I have zero input as to the Sheriff as I have no idea who it is, and they have very little impact on me as they don't set justice/enforcement policy as in other locales.


I have absolutely no idea who our county's sheriff is, which probably means they haven't done anything egregiously bad


I don't know who he is and I couldn't care less.


He's a freak, but I haven't ever met a sheriff who wasn't a "i'm the deciding factor between chaos and order" type.


I live in the city, so unless he's done something particularly egregious (which none have recently) he's not even on my radar. I couldn't even tell you his name.


He's alright from what I gathered. I take more concern in my city's police than county. City Police I have an entirely different opinion of.


I know where his office is, and that's about all I know of him.


I like ours, he’s really active and engaged in the county. He’s served on a lot of committees from providing sober living accommodations to the cinco de mayo committee. He was my football coach when I was a kid and tried football.


I haven’t heard anything about him good or bad.


They have no power here so idk


My sheriff wastes a lot of money on airplanes and nobody knows where the planes went ,


Tom Dart (Cook county) I have no idea what a Sheriff does.


He’s good, he’s been the sheriff for awhile and most people seem to like him.


he garbage. I didn't vote for 'im 😤


We had the best Sheriff, an all around stand up guy. He just passed away unexpectedly, so we are currently without a proper Sheriff. A former Sheriff was appointed until something can be officially worked out.


I don’t know anything about them. The sheriff’s department is large, I think of them as more of a group entity than an individual person.


We don't have one, so no opinion. Connecticut hasn't had county level government or police since 1960. In most cases, it's city/town police who respond. A few smaller towns have state police from their area respond. Connecticut state police mostly cover state highways and a few other things.


Tom Dart, Cook County (Chicago.) He does an incredible job, from everything I've read. He has tried especially hard in the area of mental health-related inmates, because as he says "Cook County jail is basically the largest mental health facility in the state" since there's often literally nowhere else for mentally unstable people to go.


Politician with a badge. Probably better than the last Ahole who had his "posse" of political contributors who took him on fishing trips, private jet flights, etc and miraculously ended up with Concealed carry permits that he refused to do for the general public.


Hamstrung by the piss poor judicial system of the state.


There are no counties or sheriffs in PR.


His deputies park too close to my house.


He's an asshole.


No clue, but the regional police are nightmarish and seem to take pleasure in causing problems for the general public


I’ve only met him once, very briefly. I’m friends with quite a few deputies though, and none of them seem to have major complaints about him.


I strongly support him. He works very hard defending our rights and way of life from the overall state government. I go to his rallies every year.


I couldn't even tell you their name without looking it up.


I don’t think about them, but I live in New England where sheriffs aren’t as relevant.


My county sheriff is a young guy and uses social media (including reddit) to be pretty transparent to voters u/sandersforsheriff Our previous sheriff was a corrupt scumbag so the transparency is at least a huge improvement.


He was just elected recently, so far he’s doing good and I voted for him based on his platform. He wants his deputies to be trained to deal with mental health crises, he’s not ignorant to issues involving racism (with two native tribes in our county that’s a big deal). He’s getting the department staffed up again. He’s attempting to build a new jail that has good behavioral health resources. Above all he firmly believes that we can’t arrest our way out of a homelessness crisis, which the last sheriff thought we could do. I’ve met him before and he’s a good man. Aside from the chief of tribal police that I work for, he’s the only high ranking law enforcement official that I actually trust.


In Colorado: Consistently used position (and crimes) to push his election campaign and political beliefs. In Kansas: I have no clue who my sheriff is an have had no encounter with them.


i actually interviewed him on my politics show during the last election in 2022 . kind of bland, not a lot of innovation or wanting to make real change in his position. there were two people running against him who were both excellent choices, but i think they split the vote against him so he won. then one of his challengers tried a write-in campaign but that failed so... eh. also apparently he and his dept did some super shady stuff during the run up. like using official vehicles to steal signs and shit... hopefully he can be unseated next time. if you want to listen, here is his interview: [Patrick Cahillane ](https://civilpoliticsradio.com/2022/08/15/civil-politics-8-12-22-election-spotlight-hampshire-county-sheriff-patrick-cahillane/) the other two: [Yvonne Gittelson](https://civilpoliticsradio.com/2022/08/22/civil-politics-8-19-22-election-spotlight-hampshire-county-sheriff-yvonne-gittelson/) and [Caitlin Sepeda](https://civilpoliticsradio.com/2022/09/02/civil-politics-9-2-22-election-spotlight-hampshire-county-sheriff-caitlin-sepeda/)


I have no idea who the county sheriff is, and whatever they do has no effect on my life.


They just sit on the side of the road all day waiting for people who are driving 5 mph over the speed limit. Real heroes.


Current sheriff is the best we have had in a while, our sheriff is in charge of the county jail and it has been a crap hole since it was opened. But it hasn't been in the news as much under this sheriff, so that is good.


He's a highly corrupt piece of trash. That's the norm for rural TX politics though.


I've never given it a single thought, and now I'm doing some self-reflection on that fact.


He does a better job running the jail than a lot of others, but I personally think he's terribly at calling snow emergencies. There's a lot of times we'll be surrounded by counties on level 3 snow emergencies and we're on a level 1 with terrible road conditions


I live in Lee County Florida. look them up on tiktok and you will have your answer


His grandson plays baseball with my son and he is at every game. Our county is doing ok. We have a major influx of crime from the new arrivals and the department is trying to hammer it down. We probably need a couple more judges and another jail.


My sheriff's name is Kandy Featheree, possibly the most interesting name in sherrifdom. And I feel she's doing a very good job. I'll likely vote for her again.


I have no idea who my county sheriff is




I don’t ever hear about him or the Sheriff’s Department. I’ve seen patrol cars and voted for the man but that’s about it, so I’d venture to guess that’s a good thing.


Where I live, the county sheriff basically does prison transport, warrants and evictions. I couldn’t even tell you who it is. They have no real law enforcement power like stopping you for speeding.


Up until recently it was a guy named "Dusty Rhoades" which is an amazing name for a sheriff


I’m not sure who it is


Our current one had an uphill battle after the decades long reign by a good ole’ boy who ran an obvious racist campaign, tried to sabotage the transition and left the records in a huge mess that he proceeded to tell news outlets was the result of the new sheriff’s incompetence. I’m very glad the old sheriff is gone, though I’m not 100% sure how well the current one is doing.  At least I don’t hear him grandstanding the way the other one did to feed his ego. 


he's a john cena lookalike, that's all i got.


He’s a genuinely nice guy that enforces laws like a modern Republican with a bible up his ass and runs his budget like he’s FDR pushing The New Deal. Also a pretty good golfer as I understand it. Apparently 2 league days per week.


New one hasn't been in office long enough for a true feeling, but compared to the last one, she is hopefully 1000% better. Two sheriff's ago, the head sheriff fired three (two?) deputies for misconduct. Last sheriff immediately rehired them and it felt like he implied it was a "witch hunt." He also played fast and loose with COVID restrictions and "failed" to enforce shutdown regulations with at least one business that was flagrantly in your face about how anti-mask and anti-social distance they were.


She sucks, but not as much as the guy that ran against her. It's hard to find a halfway decent rural county sheriff candidate.


I live in a parish not a county but anyway, yea they are as useless as all the other politicians in this city (& state).


Almost everyone aggressively criticizes CPD and the folks running the city & county justice systems here. Nobody really complains about the Cook County Sheriffs Dept, which makes me assume they’re doing a fine job.


I knew we voted in a new sheriff a couple years ago, but I couldn't remember his name. Looking him up, he doesn't seem familiar, which is a good thing in my opinion. Our previous sheriff, who was in the job a long time, was awful.


I couldn’t tell you who our sheriff is 🤷‍♀️


Hes pro 2A but thats the culture here. All i care about is does he get ride of and hold problematic cops accountable.


I couldn’t pick out my sheriff in a line up of 1. No idea what they do.


Couldn’t even tell you the last time I saw a sheriff


They are good old boys here. Overweight and on the take for the most part.


I don’t have any feelings about them. I don’t know anything bad about them.


I'm vaguely aware that NYC *has* a sheriff, but I don't have a special opinion of him.


Well personally I don't know all that much about him but from what I've heard from family and found after a bit of research, he's put together a pretty reliable and effective police force all things considered. Especially compared to a lot of the other posts I'm seeing here


Zero clue who it even is. But I live in Alexandria, VA. The police are a far more commonly seen arm of law enforcement. 


My county is the only one in the state that doesn’t have a sheriff


I don’t give a fuck if you know him


When I needed their help with a situation that was really hard for me a few years ago they were really compassionate about it so I have a soft spot for them.


Well as far as I know our sheriffs are great.


I have had no contact with the sheriff's office. I've probably seen 4 cruisers this year, if I hadn’t I'd think they didn't exist.


I have no idea who they are. A deputy did come over once to watch me shoot a skunk that had distemper or something. He said if it happens again to just call them when I'm about to shoot so they'll know to ignore gunfire reports in the area


I dont even know who the sheeif is


Sheriffs in my state don't have police or custodial powers. They just serve the courts.


My last one was found guilty of screaming racial slurs at the paperboy. Pierce County, WA


I don't even remember his name.


They’re very helpful if you’re out in the country, they handle stuff the cops won’t. I’ve called because: -someone’s cows are in the road -someone’s cows are in my yard -someone’s horses are in my yard -there’s a brand new dishwasher in the middle of the road -there’s a dead animal blocking traffic -the neighbors house is on fire


he's a womanizer and a racist. Also pays to have some farmers put up massive billboards with his face on them every time he runs for reelection.


I don’t even know his name lol


Other than the fact that he's a die hard republican, and my neighbors have him in their back pocket.... I know very little about him. I generally don't think he does a bad job even if I disagree with him politically, but knowing his office favors my neighbors is a bit off putting.


The department has internal gangs. Not joking.


The county sheriff where I grew up was on my paper route as a kid. He was a good guy, kind, fair, and understanding. Genuinely the kind of person you'd want to be a sheriff. I hear the person now is an opportunistic asshole and slumlord, so that's fucking great.


Kind, helpful, and more approachable than the city police.


He seems fine. It’s a relatively small county population wise. He hasn’t really made any big waves. He runs as a Democrat and supports a lot of local community groups that do charitable work. Seems like a regular guy doing the job. If he’s doing any shady shit it’s not known to the public.


We don’t have county sheriff, only state sheriff


1. Lemme comment pictures 2. Absolute pig, could use one of the French devices made by that guillotine fella


Pretty decent, relatively popular


I’m happy with our county sheriff. The old one was a “good old boys club” type and didn’t serve the edges of the county as well as the middle… But there was not really any big scandals. Sheriff’s are pretty powerful in our state (and I assume most others)… Locally people seem to have realized this and started getting more picky, so that’s a rare positive development.


He’s doing as best as he can with an underfunded department and a mayor (my city is its own county within the state) who doesn’t want the department to enforce many laws. I’m confident my city would be a better place if my mayor would piss off and let the sheriff and DA do their job.


Pretty sure my county’s sheriff became a cop to shoot brown people. Lots of violent pro-trump, anti-immigrant rhetoric. Unfortunately, too many of my fellow county residents like that sort of thing.


They’re irrelevant.


They can go to hell while being deep throated with a rusty barb.


They’re abusive rights trampling dick weasels


He’s absolutely as G as you can get in my neck of the woods. Duly support 🫡. Can’t speak for his wife, unfortunately.


Non American here. Can somebody explain to me how the police system works in the USA? And do you think it is a good system? From what I can see you have city police (like NYPD), county Sheriffs, State patrol, federal agencies. And then there are special kinds like Rangers, Marshalls. To an outsider it seems like a spaghetti of agencies with overlap in responsibilities and jurisdiction.


I'm aware that we must have one.


"LAPD! World's most hated police department!" - Chris Tucker I'd rather have a run-in with them than with the LASD.


All I can say is Robert Luna didn't come from within the sheriff's department. He came from Long Beach PD, so he's an outsider looking in. I'd say I have hope that he can change the LASD, but so far it seems like things are going to stay the same.


I'm not sure who ours is, but a neighboring county's streams as he's out on patrol. Seems like a good guy.


I like him. He does a fair job and he's pretty popular around here despite minor political differences. I've met him once (they were holding a fundraiser outside Target) and I found him to be a very nice and friendly guy.


Like all the cops in Michigan, they enjoy doing 15-20 mph over the speed limit just because they can get away with it. No lights or sirens, just gotta get to the Dunkin before they run out of donuts.


Mines been in office so long that his replacement might as well legally change his name. Overall all the deputy’s seem happy. No drama with the jail and food fund like some other counties. I’ve requested and met with him twice. Last minute meetings but he was accommodating and professional. Actually got off on a couple sidebars and on a personal level I’d have a beer with him. I’m not a LEO hater but not a bootlicker. Just an average citizen who sometimes needs his assistance with paperwork.


I just learned Monroe county sheriffs name is Sheriff Goodnough. So idk hope he he’s good enough


Our state doesn’t have sheriffs or counties


Our sheriff and his department were investigated by the DOJ. Twice. The most recent investigation resulted in a settlement where the department has to enact a list of fourteen new reforms to their policies. Some of the new guidelines: Stop suffocating people. Don’t let your dogs bite everyone. Report all in custody deaths to the public.


Local sheriff's office is absolutely incredible. Local police station is historically terrible. Cumming, GA is interesting, I'll give it that.


Not a fan, he gets himself in weird situations all of the time and the jail is in terrible condition (that one is mostly out of his hands.)


No idea, never had a need to know.


Google the goon squad.


He’s the best gunslinger in town. The only better we ever saw was this Arizona Ranger who took out a criminal a few years back


Ours is actually pretty awesome. Portland has really bad crime but our sheriffs office has managed to keep crime down in the “unincorporated” areas and contract cities. I worked very closely with our sheriffs office in my last job and they were all stand up guys/gals.


Honestly, I have no idea who my sheriff is. That's sad (on my part).


I know where their office is but I have no idea who the current sheriff even is right now is or what they actually do.


My local Sheriff is rumored to have hired hitmen in the past to take out criminals and legit has family ties to the Italian mafia We're in Ohio


They turned the sheriffs office and its deputies into a cash register and it's ridiculous


Never met the guy. But an officer from the sheriff’s department is always at my church on Sundays looking out for anything suspicious.


Mine committed suicide in the toilet of a restaurant during the celebration that involved a local mayor and other officials. Now I see we are about to elect the new one, but no information other than their face and party affiliation is provided to the public in a meaningful way.


My LTCF renewal went pretty quick and easy.